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Author Topic: Your Character's Alignment  (Read 15198 times)

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #60 on: 07 Nov 2011, 22:42 »

I think it becomes a whole lot easier if you have two alignments for each character or organisation - Intentions and Methods. For example:

Amarr Empire
The Amarr Empire generally believes that it's helping the world by spreading its religion, but the methodology by which it approaches this task causes immense suffering. However, it approaches the torture and enslavement of millions with the same organisation and rigorous bureaucracy it would approach civil management. Whatever else you call them, the Amarrians are far from disorganised.
Intentions: Lawful Good
Methods: Lawful Evil

Minmatar Republic
The Minmatar Republic, at heart, just want to free their people from slavery and be left in peace. They are, however, willing to go to any length and perform acts of extraordinary violence to get their way, but they've never quite let their intentions sink to all-out retributory genocide - yet.
Intentions: Chaotic Good
Methods: Chaotic Neutral

Gallente Federation
At heart, the Gallente Federation's core ideals are pretty much the very definition of Neutral Good - have a set of laws that's just strict enough to protect people from each other, but maximise personal freedom. The methods they use to defend their freedom, however, generally follow a strong consequentialist ideology - the end can justify the means. Most Gallente believe that while this philosophy is largely true, it has its limits - but some more fanatical defenders of the Eagle do not.
Intentions: Neutral Good
Methods: Generally Neutral, extremist factions tend to be Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral

Caldari State
The Caldari State might just be the "purest" of the four main factions, because while the ideologies of its intentions and its methods might not really match, most of the ethical and moral standards behind them do. At heart, the Caldari believe that a man's successes define him, and that success is success, no matter what shape it takes. That said, there are a few lines one shouldn't cross, and a few things that just aren't done. To the Caldari, good and evil are useful theoretical concepts, but trust and honour are very real and tangible things.
Intentions: Lawful Neutral
Methods: Lawful Neutral

Blood Raider Covenant
The Blood Raider Covenant's ideologies aren't that objectionable in and of themselves. Most people who aren't Amarrian religious hardliners object to the Covenant not because of what they believe (after all, there are far weirder religious cults in the world of EVE), but because of the really rather nasty things that they do.
Intentions: Chaotic Neutral
Methods: Chaotic Evil

Sansha's Nation
Sansha's Nation, to the pragmatic, has never really looked like anything other than a vanity project. It's one man's dream to rule a world of cybernetically lobotomised humans slaved to his will. The thing is, his dream was of a society so ordered that free will would become obselete, whereas his recent methodology has been ludicrously insane and seemingly designed to cause as much panic and chaos as possible.
Intentions: Lawful Evil
Methods: Chaotic Evil

Intaki Syndicate
I strongly believe if there was such a concept as "Aggressively Neutral", the Intaki Syndicate would epitomise it.
Intentions: Neutral
Methods: Neutral

Equilibrium of Man
They quite literally want to destroy all sentient life, and every action we've seen them take has been in service of this goal. What more need be said?
Intentions: Chaotic Evil
Methods: Chaotic Evil

Andreus Ixiris
Andreus strongly believes the only morally acceptable society is one that gives its citizens as much personal freedom as possible, and that the Federation is by far the closest to achieving this goal. There's very little he wouldn't do to defend it, no matter how morally questionable it was - but he wouldn't perform them for simple personal satisfaction. He'd have to know there'd be some tangible benefit to the Federation.
Intentions: Chaotic Good
Methods: Neutral


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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #61 on: 08 Nov 2011, 16:07 »

Andreas, that was one of the most coherent and reasoned pieces of writing I've seen from you.

It almost makes me want to roll up a Gallente character too.

Thank you.
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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #62 on: 08 Nov 2011, 17:44 »

Strongly disagree with people who portray the Minmatar as "Chaotic".  The Minmatar are strongly communal and organized as such.  Tribal based societies arent "wild and uncivilized".  If anything, tribal societies have a vast number of taboos, practices and traditions that influence daily behavior, as much if not more so than a "civilized" nation. 

The fact that they arent recognizable to the Western eye as "laws" doesnt mean theyre not strongly structured and organized.

I would say the State is quite often Lawful Evil as well, given the state of much of their population and their willingness to go to extremes to make a profit or further their goals.  (adding slaver runs, TCMC chips, etc)
« Last Edit: 08 Nov 2011, 17:48 by Gottii »
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Rin Kaelestria

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #63 on: 09 Nov 2011, 14:38 »

Been lurking about the forums and keeping an eye on this thread long before I signed up for Backstage. Being I use to play D&D back in the day, it's only natural that this would catch my attention, of all things.  :P

One thing I wanted to point out that I think the Wizards' quiz seems to fail to portray at is the Lawful part of the alignment process. Discussions from my D&D days with other RPers, I'm reminded that, while "lawful" generally tends to mean obeying the "laws of the land" in most people's minds, it's not the only thing that can declare someone as lawful. An example would be moral codes. If someone has a strict moral code and abides by it, that can classify them as lawful. A person who follows the laws of their faith can also be placed as lawful, even if they have to break the "laws of the land" to follow such a faith. This is just some food for thought.

Now, as for my own character, most of the time I would classify her as Neutral Good, but she could at times be classified as Lawful Good as well. As a friend put it, while she tends to be strict with her training, repays debts she thinks she owes, tries her best to keep her word and things of that nature, Rin has an independent streak to her that certainly places her more within the Neutral Good boundaries. Maybe I should just say she's an alignment hopper.  ;)


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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #64 on: 10 Nov 2011, 00:16 »

Rin's lap is Chaotic Good.
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Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #65 on: 29 Nov 2011, 08:46 »

Took the WotC test for Reppy - got Neutral Good.  Thought I'd mention it, though I disagree.

Honestly she doesn't fit well into the alignment system.  I can make arguments for just about every possible selection - Chaotic Neutral is probably the best I can come up with.  She's outwardly she probably comes across as Chaotic Good; she's a Holder, but she bucks the traditions and embraces a more modern view of slavery.  Inwardly she's got enough schizophrenia and traumas from past experiences to push her definitely into neutral, and occasionally even evil.

Mortis is an easy Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil.  He's a cold bastard who runs a tight operation to his own ends with little care for others - but he does have his own codes of conduct that he rigidly sticks to.

Elysa is probably a solid Lawful Neutral.  She's done good, done evil, and has an intensely pragmatic take on the world that means she'll do whatever feels necessary.  A Caldari's Caldari in many ways.

And Ashley... I honestly don't know.  That girl twists my mind in knots sometimes, trying to work out why she does stuff.

Hong WeiLoh

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #66 on: 24 Dec 2011, 19:50 »

Wei Loh, like me RL, is more or (quite a bit) less True Neutral, though if you see that as a spectrum instead of just "black, white, gray", it'd be more of "leaning toward chaotic, with a barely discernable lean to good. Sometimes."

Garion Avarr

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #67 on: 29 Dec 2011, 15:44 »

The test says Garion is Lawful Good.

This is accurate, to an extent.  Certainly that is how he acts in public and is his 'ideal.'

In defense of the things he believes in and the people he cares about, though, he is willing to do almost anything to protect them, so there is some possibility for dissonance there.  Most of the time he's pretty much white-knight, upstanding citizen.

Zuzanna Alondra

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #68 on: 06 Jan 2012, 13:31 »

Zuzu came out Chaotic Neutral.  This isn't really a suprise since I took the test as if she was taking it.

The problem as Andreus put so well is intention.  Zuzu believes wholeheartedly that she is doing a good thing and most her friends would say she is a good person.  However, I see what Zuzu does and she is the embodiment of evil and brainwashing.  I don't even think she's sane!

Daniel LSiata

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #69 on: 26 Mar 2012, 05:57 »

Chaotic Neutral.

Daniel's pretty twisted and prone to doing just about whatever he likes in pursuit of his passions. He does have very strong views about protecting baseliners from capsuleers, but he's equally rather nonchalant about murdering thousands every other day while they are in the employ of a capsuleer. As such, defenitely chaotic, but impossible to really cast as good or evil.

Nmaro Makari

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #70 on: 11 Feb 2014, 21:57 »


Having a guess, N'maro is probably Neutral Good with a sneaking admiration for the Chaotic Good.

SYNE I think is mostly on a True Neutral kind of line, with a Neutral Good streak now and again.

Hell, who knows, I could be making a dogs dinner of the whole system.
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Gaven Lok ri

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #71 on: 11 Feb 2014, 22:14 »

The WotC test thinks Gaven is Lawful Neutral.

Saede Riordan

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #72 on: 12 Feb 2014, 07:04 »

I preferred the other alignment thread. I did a big character analysis using a modified system in that thread.

I think I'll go necro it.
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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #73 on: 10 Mar 2014, 00:54 »

Mighty necro powers activate. Using the test and my own best guesses, the Wotc test finds Ninavask Chaotic Neutral, which seems fairly accurate. As those who have know him care he pretty obviously is likely doing nasty nasty research things in super secret places, but on the other side can be a bit humanitarian, and heck as the Sansharz know he at least think's he is white knighting.

Bayushi Tamago

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Re: Your Character's Alignment
« Reply #74 on: 10 Mar 2014, 01:54 »

I just did the WotC test, got neutral evil, which is well suited for what Bay does. *grins*
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