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Author Topic: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2  (Read 26753 times)

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #195 on: 23 Mar 2013, 13:21 »

Quote from: EVE Mail
About the Live Event
From: Katrina Oniseki
Sent: 2013.03.23 19:18
To: CCP Falcon, 

Falconi Macaroni,

I just wanted to say that I still believe in you. Before you were CCP Falcon, you were my friend, and that counts for a lot. You stood up with me, with the rest of the Caldari RP scene, and said things needed to change, that certain books were bad for the storyline, that certain aspects of PF didn't make sense and cheapened it.

I also wanted to say that your event, while it may have ruffled the feathers of some players, was by all accounts a stunning success. The node didn't crash, thousands of players were involved, and I talked to many highsec noobs who had never even seen a capital ship before sit slack jawed at thirty something Moros duking it out right in front of their little condors and atrons.

I heard screams of excitement and laughter over voice comms when CONCORD got pwnt, screams that carried on for a full 5 minutes even while the FC was trying to shut us all up. I heard swears of combat frustration and excitement alike as ships were torn out from under all of us. Sure, some of us like me crashed to desktop and missed out on the big battle... but many players got to take part in a world shaping event that truly effected the factions as a whole.

Whether or not the haters hate, most of us still sit on the edge of our seat, waiting to see what happens next. Will Heth go insane? Will he have a stroke and die? Will the megas kick him out of power? Will the Federation offer CP back to the State peacefully? Will the Federation lock it down and try to oppress the Caldari on it again? Will Veroni ever get his Macaroni?

All in all, Falcon - Great job. We thank you for this, and I for one recognize that you're up there trying to help us. CCP has a bad rep, and it seems some players are arbitrarily applying that reputation to you already because you have those 3 letters before your name.... but I still believe in you.

Gurista of my heart. <3


I offer no apologies for what I wrote. You're all welcome to be harsh, but that guy is doing a lot of work up there for us. He can't please all of you, but by god he's trying to while also staying true to what CCP demands of him. This is his job after all, so he can't just do whatever you want him to do.

Imagine his frustration if CCP orders him to do something he thinks is another TonyG dumb idea, and he has no say in it. He has to do it, and hate it, and then he has to listen to you all assassinate his character because he did it. All the while, he has to stand beside his employers and defend the decision because to do otherwise would be sheer idiocy.

I'm not saying that's the case here, but it's entirely possible that a giant brawl for Caldari Prime wasn't his idea. Maybe some other posters were right, and it was marketing's idea for PAX East. Maybe Falcon had a better and more subtle intrigue idea for how to do it, but his boss said "Nope, we want a cap fight in highsec. Make it simple to understand so we can explain it to the crowd at PAX."

Falcon is one of us, people. He's not "Old CCP", and he's not TonyG. He's a regular guy who got the dream job of a lifetime, trying to make the best of it and fix what's gone wrong. He loves this game just as much as (if not more than some of) us.


Relax, wait, and see.
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2013, 13:46 by Katrina Oniseki »

Iwan Terpalen

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #196 on: 23 Mar 2013, 13:44 »

Whether or not the haters hate, most of us still sit on the edge of our seat, waiting to see what happens next.
This x 10.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #197 on: 23 Mar 2013, 13:56 »

Considering the amount of chances he has already had to do something far better than what was done, I disagree.

Svetlana Scarlet

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #198 on: 23 Mar 2013, 13:59 »

I think anyone who puts this all on Falcon's shoulders and thinks this is some sort of vendetta on his part is making a huge mistake; not only does it let people dismiss any good points you might actually make as being the ramblings of someone who can't let things go, but it also trivializes the issue. This isn't a problem with Falcon having it out for the Caldari, it's a problem with the way CCP constructs the storyline and live events, and that's not Falcon's problem -- it's a problem that CCP has had for a long time, and I suspect the blame for that can be spread around outside the storyline team as well. Right now, the storyline seems to be a tool of the marketing department, and you see these kinds of live events are done less for the players in the game now than for the players they hope to pull in by using it as advertising.

The problem for me is that the game's metaplot could be used as a way to draw players in and keep them interested in the world of the game, helping player retention, but that's harder to do when the events are a lot more interesting when you have no real idea what is going on. If they want payoff for players interested in the world of the game now, they need to work on increasing the depth of the setting and making it feel more alive, rather than setting it up as something that players can see but can't touch.

So, especially for Vikarion and Laerise, please stop banging the drum and calling for Falcon's head. It makes you look like petulant whiners and makes it almost impossible for anything constructive to come out of this.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #199 on: 23 Mar 2013, 14:31 »

Considering the amount of chances he has already had to do something far better than what was done, I disagree.

And I disagree with your disagreement, and in the long run both of these disagreeing disagreements are irrelevant. Only the Falcon know if it's bad or will jam effectively, either way I will be enjoying the rave party as it goes.

Less jokingly @ Kat: Why should I be harsh with you? I am not Verone's friend like you but I still agree with your basic premise and honestly, as bad as things have been they can not get much worse, so that only leave one way to go, even if I were pessimistic. And I'm not. Haters can hate all they like, I had loads of fun yesterday, the event was a smashing freaking win in all respects but one, and the PF and EVE storyline has moved forward. It remains to be seen what will happen with CP in the end and what happens with Heth or anything else, but it is still to early to cry about a future that is not here yet or assured.

Thanks for encouraging the man, btw. I had half a mind to do it myself, but was not sure if I should.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #200 on: 23 Mar 2013, 14:45 »

+1 to Kat's letter. Hate me if you like.
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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #201 on: 23 Mar 2013, 14:45 »

I, for one, am patient.  Give it a year or two, and let us see how things have shaken out since Falcon took the reigns.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #202 on: 23 Mar 2013, 16:00 »

There's surely more legitimate reasons to not like the guy for than things happening that he doesn't actually have any control over.

Also not his fault, but now any forum-posting unrelated to the event has to wait a week or so before the IGS gets sufficiently despammed and everyone's done posting their individual threads. Gives time for revisions, at least.

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #203 on: 23 Mar 2013, 16:11 »

All Caldari were also Achuran, because, you know... best stats.
The Jove body part collection event was before the "new" bloodlines were introduced. Here is an nostalgic thread from that time were Silver Night gives us the population distribution a few posts down.
EVE Online Lorebook at


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #204 on: 23 Mar 2013, 16:17 »

What a nice letter, Kat.

Alain Colcer

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #205 on: 23 Mar 2013, 17:20 »

guys i don't care if you think your particular faction is being screwed, over simplified or just the plot is the kind of stuff you would buy in a supermarket.

For about 2 years there was absolutely no events whatsoever, and now we have news feeds, live events, actors posting on the official forums and people declaring their loyalty so CCP could reach you.

If someone would've told me we would enjoy such level of activity back then i would have called major shenanigans and a share  of whatever you were smoking.

I still believe, like many of you, that past actions have damaged somewhat the Lore, but the good thing is that the present is ever changing and we could potentially be the witnesses of a new era in storytelling within MMOs....

I don't have hopes on what they say they will do, i have hopes seeing what they have accomplished.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #206 on: 23 Mar 2013, 18:07 »

+1 on Kat's letter.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #207 on: 23 Mar 2013, 18:18 »

I think anyone who puts this all on Falcon's shoulders and thinks this is some sort of vendetta on his part is making a huge mistake; not only does it let people dismiss any good points you might actually make as being the ramblings of someone who can't let things go, but it also trivializes the issue.

With respect to your perceptions of what those not on the "Falcon will fix everything" side of the argument, that's not what anyone is saying. No one is blaming Falcon for "everything". He's being blamed for what he has done. I'm not claiming that Falcon is responsible for TonyG's stuff, I'm saying that the stuff that has come out since Falcon became the face of Eve  story is precisely the same kind of stuff we got from TonyG, and the statements coming from CCP Falcon ("things will get better", "we have tons of amazing stuff in store", "we have to fix some things before we can be fair", etc) are the same exact things we got from TonyG.

And yes, CCP Falcon is not TonyG. But whether he has control over the story or not, whether these are all his ideas or not, he IS the face of CCP when it comes to story, and he's certainly presented himself as having at least some major influence on the story. And keep in mind that if you want to defend Falcon by claiming that he's not in charge, then you also toss out any hope of him being able to effectively change things.

So the question is not "are things as bad as they could possibly be?", but rather, "could the events and story since CCP Falcon took charge have been written and directed better than they were, and more fairly?" And the answer to that is, in my opinion, yes. And I understand that Falcon has other responsibilities, but it doesn't appear that hard.

Also, I comprehend that I'm not that actual one doing it. But that only goes so far, because I could do the work, writing, and research necessary, and have done similar projects for other things. And it doesn't take too much too plan it out. To wit:

Step one: Consider the current state of the story, list the problems and potential resolutions, outline a rough storyline with potential alternate paths for decision points, construct basic scenarios, discuss with colleagues.

Step two: contact RPers of the various factions involved, discuss how they see their faction, ask what they would be willing to give up, and what they would like to gain. Make no promises or offers, but use information to balance actual and potential wins and losses across storyline.

Step three: Roughly plan out the actual news items and events for each story event and decision point. Create carry-over conditions from an event's win/loss for each faction. If possible, maintain a fairly even balance between sides in any event, but tilt slightly to the side that lost last time, to prevent discouragement. Plan scripted events for only the most vital plots.

Step four: Communicate to players (any good DM of a PnP game does this, BTW) the essential nature of the arc, the rough end goals ("both the State and the Federation are growing restive about Heth - who is going to do something about it, and how?"), and ask for any final feedback.

Step five: Execute. Plan each actual event a week and a half to two weeks out, providing initially just a warning, and then fleshing in with pre-written news articles and IGS posts. If manpower is a problem, offer certain actor positions to trustworthy community members during an event. Reward faithful execution of an event with a minor but special item. After the event is finished, analyze for any potential carry-over effects to the next event (hey, some of the enemy ships got away from the players - maybe they show up in the next event!) and start posting the news articles written for the success and failure of each side (these should be written before the event, with blanks for event-specific details). Begin preparation for next event.

It's probably incredibly arrogant to post this. I am, after all, not privy to all the details of CCP Falcon's job and responsibilities. But, that aside, is there anyone who thinks that the above would be worse? And, if so, why?

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #208 on: 23 Mar 2013, 18:20 »

Back on track a bit: Since it seems pretty well determined now that the DUST events are what is actually going to determine stuff, have we any updated information on them?
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: DEV BLOG: The Battle For Caldari Prime v2
« Reply #209 on: 23 Mar 2013, 18:24 »

Back on track a bit: Since it seems pretty well determined now that the DUST events are what is actually going to determine stuff, have we any updated information on them?

Quote from: CCP Frame
Update: 04:00 UTC

Front line correspondents are reporting that the State Protectorate are defending with 1967 victories and the Federal Defence Union have successfully attacked 2082 engagements.

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