My apologies if I seem to be "shoving this in", as it were...
My views on Nation's unity and the entire concept of Sansha's Nation takes something of an extremely optimistic point of view. That being said, I hope I can convey this best I can.
The impression given to me by the original Sansha's Nation chronicle was one of an honest man's attempts at a better future going horribly wrong. The chronicle itself remarks that Sansha began believing in his own hype and this is what turned it from "Another Amarr Empire" into "Sansha's Nation" for me. Sansha innovates and endeavors to a utopian future for mankind because he
honestly believes in it. If it was not for this, Sansha's Nation would be an off-shoot of the Amarr Empire - who in some capacity, already used some cybernetics on their slaves. (I may be incorrectly remembering that)
In this light as I perceive the Nation, Sansha's innovations and technological achievements make a twisted kind of sense. In the Pre-Fall Nation, Sansha could have very well intended the True Slaves to be what they're commonly perceived to be - soldiers and guards. However, the Fall and the mass desertion of many Nation citizens very likely slapped him around and forced him to think of a new means to the end.
Thus, in the post-Fall Nation (and arguably the Empyrean Age Nation) I perceive technology as being even more important than it was before. More so, I believe that Nation's utopian means to the end is solely comprised of the True Slaves and the True Citizens. Cybernetic augmentation and networking is Sansha's new means to the utopian end. Technological evolution, I would say.
With this understanding, Nation's unity is put into a clear perspective for myself. It is the ultimate product of intelligence networking - the result of countless numbers of people being connected through technology and information. There is the understandable argument that it is similar to the Borg Collective's Hive Mind. I am inclined to agree there are similarities, as much as I despise the comparison. The real difference, however, is in the fine print.
True Slaves and True Citizens do not have their personalities completely wiped. Indeed, there is a degree of alteration but the significant details of the individual are kept intact. The evidence for this is in the various Slave Commanders' behavior, old Nation ship logs and some flavor text that shows up in Deadspace. Maybe these few incidents are coloring my perspective, I've not seem much to the contrary yet.
Nation people, True Slaves and True Citizens, build community. They communicate, associate, intermingle with one another. Social barriers are broken down and destroyed by technology, allowing people to freely interact with one another with almost no social inhibition. New people are not shoved into the pre-existing unity, they are eased into it - introduced, welcomed, placed. In this way, there is a substantial difference to the violent and emotionless Borg Hive Mind and the welcoming presence of Nation's unity.
My personal belief (or argument, which ever you prefer) may understandably appear as if I'm painting Nation as the "good guy" in EVE. Rather, it is my attempt at turning Nation from the evil cybernetic twin of the Amarr Empire into something more appreciable as a story entity - the ambitions of a well intentioned extremist and the social incompatibility between people.
Nation is very isolationist and private - its behavior towards keeping quiet and out of the way except when it wants to make itself known is indicative of this. Combine that with Nation's "transhuman" evolutionary path of cybernetic augmentation and networking - you get a very socially awkward picture. True Slaves and True Citizens don't intermingle or communicate easily with the outside world. They are part of a group of people so fundamentally different from normal humans they appear as monsters. In this way, it is understandable why the vast majority of the universe perceives the Nation as a hulking, all consuming enslavement machine.
The other social fact to consider is of course, Nation is still at war.
A very funny and somewhat subtle point in EVE's history I've noticed is that the war started by the four empires a century ago never ended for Sansha's Nation. There was no official truce signed between all the parties declaring the war over. In reality, the war is still going on. It's very likely the Nation would end all hostilities against the Empires and solely keep to its old sovereign space if the official truce was signed. Who knows what this end to the war might mean? We might see more True Citizens and the civilian population of Nation being public instead of shielded by the True Slaves. Nation slave raids into their war opponents territory might stop. A lot of possibilities, I think.
tl;dr Sansha Kuvakei is a
Well Intentioned Extremist. Nation's unity is a massive networking between people that brings everyone closer without completely wiping out all individuality (The
Geth and
Therians say hello). People can't understand what Nation is and think of them as evil robo-slavers. Nation people keep to themselves in order to survive. War is still going on from a century ago because the Empires are indecisive buggers who couldn't sign a peace treaty worth a damn.