I think I'm going to stick with the "this is how it's done now" line as well, for the reasons above, but also something else I considered:
One of the things it is nigh-impossible to train a capsuleer for is the experience of being podded. Mind-body transfer is a horrifically traumatizing experience, and if the schools could prep capsuleers for it, they probably would. Furthermore, the initial implantation - which has the potential to cause brain damage if performed even in the slightest way incorrectly - wouldn't be half as bad if you could grow a clone around the implants and then transfer the subject into that body.
Here's the thing - one of the constants in EVE PF surround mind-body transfer is that it can and will screw you up if the most fractional slip in data, the most minute error, the tinyest delay is made in the process. Hence, the two desired abilities above - exposing the capsuleer to mind-body tranfer in a non-violent environment, and tranferring the capsuleer to a new body to avoid implantation damage - wouldn't be entirely safe, and in all likelyhood excessive reclonings/clone jumps would be avoided at all costs. In the intermediary years, however, the massive industry surrounding capsuleers will undoubtedly have come out with better, more accurate, and less accident-prone scanners, making controlled recloning in the schools feasible.