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Author Topic: Nation's Unity (split from "New Sansha capture mechanic" thread)  (Read 14022 times)

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #15 on: 10 Jun 2010, 17:40 »

As an aside, I am also amused by player reactions to the sansha faction trying to add some life and dimension to their culture when they react unfavorably towards player Borg stereotype. One would think such an approach would be welcome the opportunity rather than trying to shout it down with, "u don't has proof its reel!". It feels like more of a knee jerk response to the player than the idea, to be brutally honest.

Why? Because if Borg behavior was the norm amongst the subset I can guarantee there'd be negative connotation with uncreative sanshatard roleplay. The instinct to be contrary seems to be prevalent in forum culture.
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2010, 20:38 by Kaleigh Doyle »

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #16 on: 10 Jun 2010, 17:47 »

I'll grant you that I am not in favor of humanizing them greatly (if at all) and that my interpretation of the PF doesn't suggest to me that it is necessary.

Why not, exactly?

I can tell you why I am for humanizing them considerably: "Hahaha I R BAD AND EVIL *twistystache*" does not make for an interesting antagonist. All antagonists of any value or memorable nature have redeeming qualities that humanize them. If you can not empathize with an antagonist in any form of storytelling venue, then they do not resonate. It's exactly the same reason that people dehumanize an enemy during wartime irl.


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #17 on: 10 Jun 2010, 18:44 »

It might be interesting if people would just flat out come out with whatever is in that novel. Give warnings for spoilers, but spill the beans and we can get on with the discussion more productively.

I'll do that later tonight. I didn't intend to suggest that anyone should HAVE to spend the money, just that I didn't want to ruin the experience for those that intend to read it. :)


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #18 on: 10 Jun 2010, 19:40 »

As an aside, I am also amused by player reactions to the sansha faction trying to add some life and dimension to their culture when they react unfavorably towards player Borg stereotype. One would think such an approach would be welcome the opportunity rather than trying to shout it down with, "u don't has proof its reel!". It feels like more of a knee jerk response to the player than the idea, to be brutally honest.

Why? Because if Borg behavior was the norm amongst the subset I can guarantee there'd be negative connotation with uncreative sanshatard roleplay. The instinct to contrary seems to be prevalent in forum culture.

I'm mostly reacting to the "We're not borgs, and when you behave as if we are, then urdoingitrong." which is something that I perceive on various OOC channels.

I don't care what the Sansha are really like. I only care what the average person in the Republic thinks they're like. And as far as I can tell, most people (that is, non-capsuleers) seem to think that the Sansha are ebil borg-like monsters, and I think the recent raids on populated planets to grab "volunteers" makes it more likely that the average person thinks the Sansha are ebil borg-like monsters.

This also applies to Angel aligned RP, or Serpentis or what-have-you. I don't care if in reality those factions sit around on a Friday night doing knitting and sipping tea, and are really sensitive new-age capsuleers. If the public perception of that faction is that they are generally not nice people, then please don't tell me I'm wrong if I start from the position that capsuleers who self-identify with those factions are not-nice people.

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #19 on: 10 Jun 2010, 19:50 »

In character we don't care what you think of us.

Out of character, we're just the same as any other corp - that includes recruitment, corp events, and whatever else corps do in eve.   We try to humanize Sansha a bit to give people an incentive to join our ranks so YOU guys have more 'evil villains' to shoot/RP at and WE have somewhat of a member-base to provide such 'evil' event shenanigans.

Watching movies with stereotypical white/black villains is so boring anyways.   I always liked the movies where you go "Oh the Mr.Badman does have a point there...."
« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2010, 19:52 by IzzyChan »


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #20 on: 10 Jun 2010, 21:42 »

In character we don't care what you think of us.

Out of character, we're just the same as any other corp - that includes recruitment, corp events, and whatever else corps do in eve.   We try to humanize Sansha a bit to give people an incentive to join our ranks so YOU guys have more 'evil villains' to shoot/RP at and WE have somewhat of a member-base to provide such 'evil' event shenanigans.

I have a lot of sympathy for the idea that nobody thinks they themselves are evil. Or as Joss would say "Everyone thinks they're righteous".

The position I've detected in OOC channels is that some of the Sansha players feel hurt because non-sansha characters react as if Sansha are unalloyed evil - have I misinterpreted? Cos the IC reaction there seems completely reasonable to me, if only as a side effect of the government (whichever government) pointing at Sansha and saying "Look! Bogeymen!"  Or is it that Sansha players don't want OOC comments about how Sansha are ebil?

Now OOC, I can see why you would be trying to make the case that Sansha are not unalloyed evil so that you get recruits for your RP that aren't psychos, but it does rather feel to me like you're claiming that the dark reputation is unjustified.

Watching movies with stereotypical white/black villains is so boring anyways.   I always liked the movies where you go "Oh the Mr.Badman does have a point there...."

Yep, I agree. But I'm not sure what the Sansha redeeming features might be, nor do I think it likely that they will be revealed to me IC. Which rather makes them boring to me OOC.

I once had a productive IC discussion with Silver about it where he tried to make the case that Sansha using tech to control emotions was no worse than using chemicals (e.g. ritalin, prozac) to control emotions (which squicks me OOC, but that's a different discussion). He does seem to have carefully avoided some of the more extreme habits reported of the Sansha ("there were ... mistakes made"), and I'm not sure that Silver's bright shiney version of Sansha is compatible with the current events and PF. After reading the Burning Life, if anything it makes the Sansha look more creepy, not less.

And as a side comment, I don't have a shortage of people to shoot at, nor 'evil villans' to avoid RPing with. I actually have a shortage of people who aren't 'evil villains' to RP with :)

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #21 on: 10 Jun 2010, 22:49 »

Quote from: Ulphus link=topic=627.msg6766#msg6766 date=1276227775

The position I've detected in OOC channels is that some of the Sansha [b
players[/b] feel hurt because non-sansha characters react as if Sansha are unalloyed evil - have I misinterpreted?

I've seen instances where players of Sansha characters are told OOC that they're doingitwrong because their characters aren't unalloyed, Borg-evil. I suspect there's two slightly different conversations going on in this thread: one of Sansha players going 'Stop telling me my RP is wrong OOC because I'm not RPing a cylon' and one of non-Sansha players saying 'Stop telling me my RP is wrong OOC because my character believes your character is evil!'

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with a character thinking the Sansha are cyborg-zombies; there's nothing wrong with a character thinking that any appearance of not being a cyborg-zombie is a trick; there's a lot wrong with Sansha players being told they 'do Sansha' wrong by other players. 
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

GoGo Yubari

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #22 on: 11 Jun 2010, 06:52 »

I'll grant you that I am not in favor of humanizing them greatly (if at all) and that my interpretation of the PF doesn't suggest to me that it is necessary.

Why not, exactly?

I can tell you why I am for humanizing them considerably: "Hahaha I R BAD AND EVIL *twistystache*" does not make for an interesting antagonist. All antagonists of any value or memorable nature have redeeming qualities that humanize them. If you can not empathize with an antagonist in any form of storytelling venue, then they do not resonate. It's exactly the same reason that people dehumanize an enemy during wartime irl.

Just to be clear, I'm not here saying "ur doing it wrong" and I never have. For one thing, I think the True Sansha officer descriptions pretty strongly hint that these guys, while kinda borgy and out-there on one hand, are people with quirks, personalities and depth (well, as much as any of the very short officer descriptions can suggest depth).

That is to say, I find them playable, no toning down needed. Therefore, I'm just not 100% behind the humanizing efforts as necessary. I don't think the Sansha need to be like "regular folks" or "appear nicer", if that's even the point. That's because I think a rather strong "these guys have stepped over the edge" feeling is vital to preserving the Sansha flavor as I interpret it from the original Chronicle. That's not to say the Nation wouldn't have spies, infiltrators, sympathizers and all others sorts of folks who haven't really stepped over the line yet.

Edit -

I had a feeling we'd had this conversation before, heh, and I was right. Here's a link to that other forum, where I probably first aired my thoughts regarding this. It still pretty much covers all the important points.
« Last Edit: 11 Jun 2010, 07:07 by GoGo Yubari »

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #23 on: 11 Jun 2010, 07:27 »

The position I've detected in OOC channels is that some of the Sansha players feel hurt because non-sansha characters react as if Sansha are unalloyed evil - have I misinterpreted?

You're completely misinterpretting.

Ciarente nailed it in one:

I've seen instances where players of Sansha characters are told OOC that they're doingitwrong because their characters aren't unalloyed, Borg-evil. I suspect there's two slightly different conversations going on in this thread: one of Sansha players going 'Stop telling me my RP is wrong OOC because I'm not RPing a cylon' and one of non-Sansha players saying 'Stop telling me my RP is wrong OOC because my character believes your character is evil!'


We're not telling you how to RP, we just want you to stop telling us how to RP. I think we've said thousands of times that you should hate us IC. We're the fucking bad guys. Not only are we the bad guys, we're the worst of the worst no matter how we try to doctor it up IC.

Just stop acting like we're bad guys OOC because we're bad guys IC, and stop telling us our RP is wrong because we're not playing robotic Borg-y people. That's all we're asking for.

Is it too much to ask?

Edit: These paragraphs above all yous are generic. I felt that should be clarified.

@ GoGo

Just to be clear, I'm not here saying "ur doing it wrong" and I never have.

I know, you're not really the type to do that.

I don't think the Sansha need to be like "regular folks" or "appear nicer", if that's even the point. That's because I think a rather strong "these guys have stepped over the edge" feeling is vital to preserving the Sansha flavor as I interpret it from the original Chronicle.

That's not really the point -- appearing nicer I mean. They've obviously stepped over the edge, but that doesn't mean that their regular citizenry aren't regular people. To make a real world corrolary (and I'm not attempting to invoke Godwin here), the Nazis were regular people, too, and they did some really fucking bad shit.

That's kinda the vein we're trying to go with. Humanize them, because they're not monsters. They're people that do monstrous things, and that in my opinion is what makes it really strike home and expands them into a better realm both of RP for the Sansha side and RP for the non-Sansha side.

IMO, them just being monsters doesn't really make for a scary villain. Them being regular everyday people that not only willingly, but happily do monstrous things. . . It's an entirely different level.

Don't you think?

The Cosmopolite

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #24 on: 11 Jun 2010, 13:08 »

I am also not telling anyone they are 'doing it wrong'. I have to say I'm hard pressed to find anyone on this thread telling anyone that.

So, actually, unless it is a very generalized sentiment it is actually a bit much to look like you're asking people who aren't doing something to stop doing that thing. Sensitivity goes both ways.

Now, the thing is, I'm very sympathetic to pro-Sansha RPers.

After all, my Sansha-related RP of yesteryear wasn't even full-on pro-Sansha's Nation, rather it was a sympathetic take on what my character perceived as some of the original noble intentions of Sansha Kuvakei and an appreciation of the transhumanist element of his thinking. And even that got me some rum old 'feedback' and remarks about how any sympathy for Sansha at all, in any way, meant I was for enslaving everyone into mindless zombie automata. Over 5 years ago.

So, I get the sensitivity here. (Though I think much of it needs to be simply shrugged off and not taken too personally.)

Kaleigh says that you shouldn't have to buy a book to get a general idea of a faction.

Damn right.

In my opinion you only need one thing to get the general idea of Sansha's Nation faction: the Sansha's Nation chronicle.

Let's take a moment to note that it is, actually, one of the more impressive background-setting chronicles. Everything you need to know to understand the basics is there.

I understood from my first reading of that chronicle that Sansha's Nation was not before the fall and likely was not after the fall entirely made up the 'stereotype' mindless automata True Slaves.

So on the general idea of the faction, I'm on the same page with the Sansha's Nation RP community. Come to that, so is GoGo and pretty much everyone else on this thread.

But let's be honest about this OOC discussion and speculation on the lore and what the gaps in it may be filled with (which is all it is), it's more than a 'general idea' of the faction that is being put forward in various interpretations by people. It's getting fairly specific about the structure of an entire faction.

See, that's why Lillith's examples up above about why people don't react the same or differ to or discuss with passion to the same extent issues like Intaki separatists (a really bad example btw because there is PF about them) or minor Gallente religions or whatever are not well drawn in relation to a discussion of the social structure of an entire faction.

The real comparison is with discussions of Caldari society or Khanid society or Thukker society or you get the idea... and I can point you to some very passionate, rather robust and sometimes acrimonious discussions on that sort of thing. This is not unique to the Sansha's Nation faction. That's a myth.

But Kaleigh's right again. A discussion of the social structure of an entire faction is fine and dandy, if you like that sort of thing, but it's not necessarily relevant or important to how people RP. Moreover, RPing as if your ideas on the social structure are correct is fine and dandy. You can be called on it IC and that's fine. It's utterly pointless for people to call you on it OOC unless what you are doing is swivel-eyed PF violation. Which it isn't.

As for the subject of humanizing the members of Sansha's Nation. Heh. I got no problem with it. I've taken the same broad view for a long time. I was there when Sansha's Nation actors were talking to one another in public in binary (why?) and groaning inside. But it's all good sport and can be shrugged off.

Further, if you want humanized Nation (KD is going to fume at this...) the novel delivers it in a crashing broadside.

I'll quote one short passage in the spoiler tags below and comment on it, it gives the flavour, it's short enough to be fair use but there is a lot more and I can't be quoting it wholesale (in my opinion, simply giving an interpretation or summation is not good enough) for obvious reasons. I have tried to be honest in the selection to give a balanced representation. In the end, though, it is not a substitute for the full passage.

[a Nation insider speaking of 'True Slaves']
"It's a spectrum is, what I mean. There are so many different types, with the military one being the last and only thing you outsiders ever see, but it's just one of many.
"The True Slaves stalk the world like giants, but there are those who are only half-slaves, with a much greater degree of autonomy, or who've only had a particular section of their mind taken over.
"It's not the most common setup, but sure, some of them can explore their creative talents as much as they like while their analytical mind belongs to Nation, so they can paint and draw but they can't solve even the simplest maths problem unless their implants allow it. Others have had certain emotions suppressed."

That gives the idea. There is more. The speaker is a little ambiguous on some points elsewhere and while using the terminology 'True Slaves' for ease appears not to think that it has much meaning in reality. It should be noted that the speaker is an entirely autonomous ex-Nation member who was autonomous when in Nation but appears to consider himself to have been a 'True Slave' from the way he speaks. Some, he also says, are barely implanted at all, some don't even have a tracking device.

The clear indication of this evidence is that it's a spectrum, a continuum, running from loyal to the ideology of Nation with zero implants to well... some pretty bizarre stuff, as seen elsewhere in the novel. If an entirely autonomous but loyal individual, with no implants, considers himself to be part of Nation, and in that sense what the outside world would think of as a 'True Slave', then to me it suggests the distinction between a 'True Slave' and a 'citizen' is... of limited utility at best.

As to the weight of this PF. As indicated earlier, the novel is more or less written in subjective, limited third-person narrative (to be technical about it). But that doesn't mean it can be set aside. It's still PF and it's still evidence of the nature of Nation society. What is certainly true is that people should accord it the weight it deserves given the format.

I would have to say that to my mind, while on the specifics and details it suggests a society that may not be exactly in accord with the present vision of the Sansha RP community, it does, in fact, answer the general desire of that RP community to have a more nuanced and human viewpoint on Sansha's Nation.


PS. On precise topic with the subject title: my first silent reaction to myself on the Aria Jenneth proposal was indeed 'Isn't this a way to demonstrate your IC position on Sansha's Nation without a countervailing way for the Sansha's RPers to demonstrate their IC position on Nation?' So, you know, I'm not blind to the frustrations. I think perhaps a constructive dialogue is always possible on these issues though.
« Last Edit: 11 Jun 2010, 13:14 by The Cosmopolite »

Kaleigh Doyle

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #25 on: 11 Jun 2010, 15:02 »

I agree, Cosmo, nation supporters are a bit at the mercy of sansha's grand plan, and perhaps are too unclear as to their in their own goals to the public. You take that risk anytime you become a loyalist, at the mercy of a faction and ccp's vision. Im certainly trying to give ngn its own goals while still being sympathetic to the nation's cause.


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #26 on: 11 Jun 2010, 15:53 »

I guess the fact that I don't really involve myself in debating this OOC doesn't really motivate me to post much. Other than, from an OOC perspective, Nation is as black as you can get. From the TBL, I think you'd have to be pretty twisted to think that you can leverage some redeeming factors out of it lol. But it appears people are perfectly fine with that. Why can't people RP the bad guys? IC, though, different story, people can be deluded and genuinely believe it is right whatever etc.etc. Same way with Nazi the time, its subjects thought it was good, but overall, was evil (eh, fucking Godwinned =/)

There needs to be more "True Citizen" PF similar to the Sansha dude in TBL though.

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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #27 on: 11 Jun 2010, 16:35 »

Why can't people RP the bad guys? can't seriously have just said that. *facepalm*

Seri. What has been drilled over and over, is when the 'bad guy' looks himself into the mirror, does he think he is truly evil? Every single culture, person, fictional race, and entity... they are going to think 'no'. If they do, they are one-dimensional. Devoid of all substance. Nothing more than an immature cartoon villain where the setting is black or white. EVE is not that setting. Everything, and I mean everything are in shades of grey. And subjective to perspective.

What we see from both IC and perhaps even OOC perspective may be a culture shock, or taboo to one person, but to another's is completely justified or desensitized. Wheter its a notion, idea, object, or otherwise. How do you feel about another person's religion? Abortion? Homosexuality? Gun use? (and please for the love of everything, let's not let it derail there). All these provoke strong reactions. Many people will up and denounce these thoughts without giving it a second thought, deeming these as 'evil'. However, the fact that there is a group that believes in or adheres to these thoughts (wheter by choice, or simply by who they are) has seen merit or 'good' from these. If it was truly 'black' and without any redeemable quality whatsoever, nobody would willing follow under those flags.

I think between Lillith's theories and Cosmo's except from the book, and I think this has been suggested before a few times: that the True Slaves are simply a tool. The ones fully without any emotion, and used as soldiers, the ones we all mostly see IC. Anything else, would likely fall under the catagory of 'citizen', but as Cosmo said, its on a slider as to how implanted an individual has and the level of autonomy they have in doing the things they enjoy. More 'direct' than a Caldari's method, but less harsh than Amarrian methods in obediance and keeping security and interests of their empire. Perfectly acceptible by how they see it, but a culture shock to the rest of the cluster.

Thank you Cosmo for that post, BTW. I would have responded to it when I initially read it, but was being pulled into different directions at the time. :P


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #28 on: 11 Jun 2010, 16:46 »

Even the "good guys" do pretty evil shit sometimes, but they still see themselves as good guys.

Like say....Templars burning down entire populated cities to kill one demon. :o


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Re: New Sansha capture mechanic
« Reply #29 on: 11 Jun 2010, 16:50 »

I'm not sure what you mean Arvo. I said that Nation is the closest thing to absolute bad guys in EVE, and so people should be able to RP that if they want to be absolute bad guys.

@Izzy, yes, I don't pretend the empire factions are white or "good", pretty grey. I much prefer RPing the Federalist as "protecting freedom by any means necessary" as opposed to "omg my sensibilities are offended IC/OOC because Fed is being portrayed as bad.
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