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That not all slaves are subjected to the Vitoc treatment?  Read more about the Vitoc method here.

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Author Topic: Re: Starting Over OOCly  (Read 10996 times)


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #45 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:26 »

I agree that as soon as 'slavery' is used in any context but as sexual kink, people go: Evil. The problem is, many people don't think even a second about what slavery is and how they would notice it, if not labeled as such. And even if people covertly arguing for certain forms of slavery are called out on it, they just respond with: "No, I'm not arguing for slavery, that would be evil to enslave people! No, I'm arguing for 'leasing prisoner work'. Hey, do you think criminals should not do something productive for society, but that society should pay up for them?"

It's not slavery per se that people are opposing, but the use of the label is unfashinable and not to be used. As if the thing we referr to by the word vanishes with the use of the word...

We are largely agreeing at this point. I would just add the note that the instant response to the word due to the 'traditional/stereotypical' notion of slavery. Which is what the Amarr openly partake in.

At the end of the day (don't you just love that phrase? ^.^), whether it is considered universally objectionable only because of the term, the traditional concept of it, or some other reason - the fact is that it is considered universally objectionable in the terms and context that the Amarr empire performs it. So players will always consider that aspect of Amarr society de facto evil, and many take it further to implicate the entirety of the empire because, well, it is easy to do so.


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #46 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:32 »

I have actually gone through the arguments time and time again, particularly after Eve. It's just not an argument I'm willing to start going over in this thread, yet again. The simple fact of the matter is that there are shades of grey in everything when it comes to Eve factions. None are white, some are darker than others and out of all the "bad" characteristics of each nation in Eve, the acceptance and even promotion of slavery in a supposedly developed culture is the worst of them. Add the theocracy (unique to the Empire), the thought police (shared to a lesser extent with others), imperialism etc etc and I'd say you can most certainly say the Empire are the worst of the four.

Particularly as slavery is the one characteristic used to "darken" a faction in Eve, that is wholly and entirely recognized as such in real life. The other "bad" characteristics would be subject to debate in many cases.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #47 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:33 »

At the end of the day (don't you just love that phrase? ^.^),
oh yes, I do! <3

whether it is considered universally objectionable only because of the term, the traditional concept of it, or some other reason - the fact is that it is considered universally objectionable in the terms and context that the Amarr empire performs it. So players will always consider that aspect of Amarr society de facto evil, and many take it further to implicate the entirety of the empire because, well, it is easy to do so.
I#d agree that it is how I expect people to react. Still, there is the hope that some people - and that even includes EVE-players would rather take the less easy road and see it as the critique of contemporary culture as which dystopian fiction can always be read and rather start to think about what slavery actually means and the implications for our 'modern' societies.

But maybe that is too much to expect. ;)

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #48 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:41 »

The simple fact of the matter is that there are shades of grey in everything when it comes to Eve factions. None are white, some are darker than others and out of all the "bad" characteristics of each nation in Eve, the acceptance and even promotion of slavery in a supposedly developed culture is the worst of them. Add the theocracy (unique to the Empire), the thought police (shared to a lesser extent with others), imperialism etc etc and I'd say you can most certainly say the Empire are the worst of the four.

You say it's a 'simple fact'. The fact that not everyone is automatically agreeing with you is showing quite strongly, that it might be a fact, but not a simple fact. There are some people that are able to suspend the knee-jerk reaction we have been indoctrinated with and reflect on whether slavery really is 'simply the worst'. That might be morally not so great, but ethically - that is from the standpoint that reflects on whether our knee-jerk moral reactions are actually justified - it is most commendable. In the end there will be people who (hopefully) understand much better why slavery is to be opposed, why it is not a simple matter and the product of much hard work (which you disrepect and denigrate with your position that it is so simple a matter) that we hold this position nowadays, and how to identify and oppose slavery, even when not labeled as such. In the end that makes also for morally better prople. Not because they follow the moral imperatives to the letter, but because they strive to make thier morals better.


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #49 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:48 »

Ahahaah, oh god did you really just start making judgments on real life moral superiority? Now that's a line even I wouldn't cross in here, unless the debate had gone to some really dark and scary places not suitable for Backstage.


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #50 on: 04 Oct 2014, 15:53 »

Still, there is the hope that some people - and that even includes EVE-players would rather take the less easy road and see it as the critique of contemporary culture as which dystopian fiction can always be read and rather start to think about what slavery actually means and the implications for our 'modern' societies.

But maybe that is too much to expect. ;)

Yes, perhaps it is. Though it is a long, thriving tradition of dystopian fiction. Gibson wasn't so much writing about the Sprawl as he was North America from 1975 to 1988.

That being said, CCP is not Gibson. But that doesn't mean the players can't pick up the opportunities we happen to have even if CCP wasn't intending to give them to us.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #51 on: 04 Oct 2014, 16:11 »

Ahahaah, oh god did you really just start making judgments on real life moral superiority? Now that's a line even I wouldn't cross in here, unless the debate had gone to some really dark and scary places not suitable for Backstage.
No I didn't start: That started already with the claims that "Every nation that actively engage in slavery goes beyond the pale." and "...there is really no need to formulate some formal argument against slavery at this point. It's that universally recognized as utterly bad."

Yes, perhaps it is. Though it is a long, thriving tradition of dystopian fiction. Gibson wasn't so much writing about the Sprawl as he was North America from 1975 to 1988.

That being said, CCP is not Gibson. But that doesn't mean the players can't pick up the opportunities we happen to have even if CCP wasn't intending to give them to us.

Right! I will pick up on those opportunities, whether CCP intended them to be there or not, because they are intellectually so much more satisfying!


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #52 on: 04 Oct 2014, 16:14 »

Right! I will pick up on those opportunities, whether CCP intended them to be there or not, because they are intellectually so much more satisfying!

It also allows for more interesting arcs and so forth within roleplaying - or at the very least one's own character fiction.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #53 on: 04 Oct 2014, 17:11 »

I most certainly apply it to real life nations that employed it, but there is a mitigating factor there in that they didn't have quite a few thousand years more of development and time to get to grips with such questions of ethics and morality. Every nation that actively engage in slavery goes beyond the pale. This includes human trafficking and in certain respects I'd even include the way certain penal systems are designed practically as for-profit slave labor. They are inexcusable failures of ethics and morality, no matter what society we're talking about and does overshadow any "good" sides. The Empire in Eve makes every real life example look positively saintly by comparison.

It definitely is an opinion I hold strongly and I'd seriously question the ethical and moral capacities of those who do not.

Of those who do not what ? Those that do not share the opinion that the nations that employed it didn't have quite a few thousands years of development and time to question its ethics ? Those that do not share the view that some penal systems are designed around it ? Those who do not share the opinion that it overshadows any good sides ? Those that do not share the view that the Amarr in Eve makes every real life example look positively saintly by comparison ?

1) Some of the RL nations that employed it lasted maybe as long as the Amarr Empire itself. Starting with Ancient Egypt. Even the Romans and Greece lasted centuries. And they didn't have time ? They actually had a few philosophers that questioned it.

Also, there still are plenty nations and cultures that are perfectly fine with the concept. Remove western commonly accepted belief that slavery is pure evil, and enforced by the West and the superpowers, and see what happens. Hell, it already happens with Daesh, and i'm pretty sure now that you mention Dubai and the likes, that would probably openly practice it if there was not again the West watching them in the first place. Same for China. And others.

2) Some penal systems ? Probably.

3) Trying to rank bad and good sides respectively and putting them on a scale from 1 to 10 or 100 is completely silly. One's good action doesn't negate a bad one, and vice versa. So a bad side overshadowing a good side ? It sounds completely silly. They are two separate things.

Here I could even be doing like you and question your own morals and ethics if you really think that. But it would be rather... arrogant. And definitely implying a moral superiority. And seriously flirting with ad hominem.

The only thing I see is that you personally find the Amarr ones despicable OOCly, which is perfectly understandable but doesn't make a general fact.
Are you trolling, Lyn?  Because it really, really seems like you're implying these aspects of the Amarr Empire aren't objectively and decidedly bad.  I mean, if the Amarr Empire were a real place, with the laws and policies they have, you would want to live in an expansionist imperial state complete with inquisitors and state- and religiously-sanctioned slavery?

The entire modern world finds these things despicable.  You don't?

I'm only pointing at the fact that Miz seems to be obsessed by the Amarr negative sides while dismissing all the other equally negative ones of the other factions, and stating that as an obvious fact, which it isn't.

It is also quite obvious that Miz feelings on the matter are completely coloured by his own feelings, and it's not the first time on the matter. It doesn't bode well for any cool headed discussion.

The only thing I will say again, is that compared to our western humanitarian views, it's despicable and hardly imaginable at the scale the Amarr Empire practices it.

The same way that gallente pleasure hubs, brothels filled with pedophilia, children sweatshops, underground circuses, and other nasty things probably much, much horrible than the regulated slavery of the Amarr Empire, is atrocious. Ah, and let's not forget the Omega cities and all those pieces of humanity that are just categorically REMOVED or FORGOTTEN in every federal record because those no man's lands are so depraved and poor that they do as if they do not even exist.

The same way that Caldari base workers living in conditions barely better than any labor slave of the Amarr Empire, and i'm not even speaking about the disassociated and all the ones that got out of the system, that even hobos probably have better living conditions because hobos RL are at least not hunted down since they are still considered as HUMAN. Not even speaking about their thought police condoning CEOs and white collars that can sell your whole family if that's what they want, because it's the fucking mega that makes, writes, and applies the law, which means, your fucking employer. And that's supposed to be somehow better than Amarr slavery ?

Or the same way that Minmatar mutilate you for the only reason to get bad luck with your Voluval mark, are ready to kill millions of people just to achieve their goals and are overall depicted as an even more wicked version of South Africa.

(For example, Source's bit on Caldari absolutely brings it back to its neofascist underpinnings - even with the imagery. Which I personally appreciate, because perhaps it can help kill once and for all the Knights In Space version of Caldari that was so dominant for a while.)
I'm nt quite sure if it is bringing it back to 'neofascist underpinnings'. The PF I read back then allowed for many perspectives and resulting interpretations. And I think that was a good thing: it allowed for a realisic diversity in RP.

People will have different interpretations. I was always very frustrated with a lot of the past interpretations of Caldari and the State that ran amok. In my opinion, it is the least interpretable and variable of all of the factions but somehow got hijacked by RPers in a very nonsensical direction. Caldari have always had a strong neofascist (note the neo part - people somehow miss it a lot) feel to me. But others have disagreed with me. It is part of why I am spending very little time with Caldari RP recently.

The Caldari are not samurais, knights, or conservative small business owners. Being surrounded by Caldari RPers that have jumped on those bandwagons drives me crazy, so I have largely done the peaceable thing and moved on to other factions for myself instead of trying to ruin their fun.

+ 1.

It was quite different before TEA though. Caldari RP changed radically between the old generation and the new one. :/

The voluval has the mitigating factor that it's supposedly an actual representation of a type of person. An exile mark is a mark of a person that would be a threat or a significant detriment to society, after the voluval ritual read the person (through genetics, neurology, whatever. Who really knows?) and tagged him/her as such. Whether or not that'd actually work, who knows? If we could accurately identify and screen out murderers, sociopaths etc, we quite probably would. It's not a lottery, it's a screening. It's also hardly "forcing" anyone but the exiles, as everyone else are still entirely free to make their own choices.

I'm sorry but it really doesn't even come anywhere near slavery. Even worse, generational slavery.

Nobody proved that the Voluval is a real thing that works. It's purely a tradition.

So, if someday I decide that a certain colour of skin is indicative of the evilness or dangerousness or criminalness of a person, and that a whole tradition and customs emerge out of it, it's going to be a... "mitigating factor" ? Or that people with slanted eyes, harelip, and the likes are deviant and criminally potent people and that it just sleeps deep inside them ? Speaking about traditions that go way back to stone age by burning at the stake all the ones with pale eyes or whatever because they are obviously a manifestation of the devil... And then people cry that slavery is a sign of medieval societies ?

They are "free". Right. Free to get mutilated and sent to Vo'Shun, yeah, sure.

And ah, we are still comparing in a matter of scale, aren't we ? That the Amarr slavery is an institution covering billions of slaves, and not the Voluval few millions of unlucky losers ? But we haven't even spoken about the rest of them, right ? The rest of them that like the Amarr go through an institutional slavery willingly, perfectly knowing that their whole life will be decided by a huge farce of a lottery that nobody even knows how it works and what it really does ? If that's not slavery, I don't know what it is.

Ah, but the will and ideals behind the system are just and righteous, right ? They do that because they genuinely believe that their system works (even if they have no proof or clue as to if it works), and they are actually helping people and society as a whole ? And the Amarr do not ?

Ahahaah, oh god did you really just start making judgments on real life moral superiority? Now that's a line even I wouldn't cross in here, unless the debate had gone to some really dark and scary places not suitable for Backstage.

The moral superiority only comes to those who question and find the reasons why it is so rather than those who simply play sheep to their own upbringing and flailing their arms at how bad it is without even being able to explain it in the first place. You should have understood that if you read what Nico wrote.

Personally I know I did myself, and also know precisely why I despise slavery, either in its institutional form, or in all its veiled forms.

Also yes, you started it in the first place by questioning our moral and ethical capabilities, which also explains why we are responding that way now.

Ah now, my apologies for the caustic tone.
« Last Edit: 04 Oct 2014, 17:19 by Lyn Farel »

Anyanka Funk

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #54 on: 04 Oct 2014, 17:50 »

everyone that rp's amarr has damaged ethical and moral capacities. you read it here first.

Then Blood Raider rp'ers must have none. ;)

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #55 on: 04 Oct 2014, 17:55 »

Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #56 on: 04 Oct 2014, 18:35 »

I'll just leave this here.....

Quote from: Article 4
-No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. 

This of course is historically also one of the only declarations to ever pass through the United Nations with absolutely no objections and only 8 abstentions.

It is widely considered a landmark moment of success for the United Nations as it brought together a vast group of signatories from varying political climates to agreement.

Edit: In case you are wondering, the signatories at the time (which is much larger now) were:
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia Belgium Bolivia Brazil Burma Canada Chile Republic of China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Ethiopia France Greece Guatemala Haiti Iceland India Iran Iraq Lebanon Liberia Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Siam Sweden Syria Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela

« Last Edit: 04 Oct 2014, 18:43 by Vizage »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #57 on: 04 Oct 2014, 19:06 »

Shall I now list all the articles that are in direct opposition to the practice of volual? <,<
let us just take this one:
Quote from: Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
« Last Edit: 04 Oct 2014, 19:09 by Nicoletta Mithra »


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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #58 on: 04 Oct 2014, 21:01 »

You can list all the contradictions you want.

It doesn't change that fact that slavery is not reviled by "Western societies" alone. 

The spirit of the document stands regardless of the nations who then choose to ignore it for their own sake. I also think you be hard pressed to find an average citizen who doesn't agree with the notions of article 9. Outside of the small minority who still espouse The Patriot Act.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Re: Starting Over OOCly
« Reply #59 on: 05 Oct 2014, 05:45 »

You can list all the contradictions you want.

It doesn't change that fact that slavery is not reviled by "Western societies" alone. 

The spirit of the document stands regardless of the nations who then choose to ignore it for their own sake. I also think you be hard pressed to find an average citizen who doesn't agree with the notions of article 9. Outside of the small minority who still espouse The Patriot Act.

Of course you can add pretty much all the countries that suffered from the wrong end of western slavery too, which accounts for a good part of the world with colonies and all that.

And also the countries that agree on the principles just to avoid being pointed as morally dubious countries.
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