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Author Topic: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0  (Read 55930 times)

Morwen Lagann

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In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« on: 24 Jan 2013, 18:43 »

[mod=Update]This thread is out of date. Updated thread here.[/mod]


Rather than try going through and cleaning up the old thread by checking each and every single one of the channels in the list, I figured this format might make it a bit easier to keep track of what channels are actually in use and which are not.

If you or your corp have an IC (or OOC) channel that you want to make available to the RP community, please have the channel owner or one of its operators fill out the following information and post in this thread (one post per channel, so feel free to post a couple times in a row). Things marked with a * are optional but encouraged:

Name: Channel name
IC/OOC: Is the channel IC or OOC?
Short Description: A summary of what the channel is. Brief preferably, but if you have a longer thing somewhere, feel free to put a link here instead.
Faction: Angel Cartel, Caldari State, Guristas Pirates, etc. - used for sorting channels in the list. "Neutral" or "Unaffiliated" is fine if there isn't one. Be as specific as you like. (Yes, a particular tribe is just fine if it applies.)
Channel Type*: Comms/discussion (ex: "The Summit"), physical location (ex: "The Last Gate", "Skadi's Hall"), etc. If this is a corporation's public channel, include that too.
Connection Type*: For comms/discussion channels: Is it text-only? Audio/video conferencing? User's choice (as in "The Summit")? For physical locations: Is there holopresence available?
Owner*: Creator or primary moderator of the channel. Also the primary contact for questions about the channel. This would be Graelyn for "The Summit" and "OOC".
Operators/Mods*: Other moderation/operator staff for the channel. Other points of contact.
MOTD*: The channel's current MOTD. If part of your MOTD updates regularly (like the newsfeeds in "The Summit") you don't have to include them here if you don't want to. If you use a website for your MOTD information, put the link here.
Additional Info*: Rules or policies not mentioned in the MOTD, reference images (please link to the images rather than posting the images inline), dress code, companion channels if any, website, etc.

List Last Updated: 2014/12/14

IC Channels:
General / Neutral / No Affiliation
- Badlands VR Arcade
- The Black Comet
- The Broken Piano
- The Bunny Lounge
- Down Below
- The Elysion
- The Golden Masque
- The Summit
- SynePublic
- L'Amour in Ballo
- Yulai III Ground Facility
Amarr Empire
- AVCL Connection
- The Good Word
- The Holy Grape
- Imperial Congregation
- PIE Public
- The Waterbaron (Khanid)
Caldari State
- Falcon's Rook (Patriot) (Currently invite-only; contact Veikitamo Gesakaarin)
- I-RED Public Lounge (Liberal)
Gallente Federation
- Asymmetrics
- Deuvoaut Ave-Crystal Blvd
- Gallente Lounge
Minmatar Republic
- Nomad's Campsite
- The River Valley
- The Singing Sands
- The Standing Place
- Vertigo Theory (Sebiestor Tribe)
Pirate / Outlaw
- Blood Radio XL (Blood Raiders)
- Ivory Tower Public (Angel Cartel)
- The Last Gate (Guristas Pirates)
- White Morning (Sansha's Nation)
Other Factions
- Heiian and the Art of Spaceship Maintenance
- Human+ (ALXVP Public - IC)
OOC Channels:
- Amarr.OOC
- Foundry OOC (PFAEL Corp Channel)
- H+ (ALXVP Public - OOC)
- Red's District
- Bunny OOC

Please note that you are responsible for keeping the information for your own channel(s) up to date. I will not update the channel information for you unless the person who posted the information no longer plays or is no longer affiliated with the channel and someone else has taken over. (In that case, I will delete the original post and ask you to repost with the current information.) If the channel is going inactive or being closed, please edit your post to say so so it can be removed from the list.

I've posted a few below as examples which you can use the quote function to grab the source for easy formatting. Alternatively, you can just grab it from this code block. (In the case of TLG and Red's, I'm posting these because I don't know of any operator staff that are active and have accounts on Backstage.)

Code: [Select]
[b]Name:[/b] Channel name here.
[b]IC/OOC:[/b] Is the channel in or out of character?
[b]Short Description:[/b] [list][li]Quick summary of what the channel is.[/li][/list]
[b]Faction:[/b] Does it have a faction affiliation?
[b]Channel Type:[/b] What kind of channel is it?
[b]Connection Type:[/b] Audio/video, text-only, etc.
[b]Owner:[/b] Channel owner here.
[b]Operators/Mods:[/b] List of moderators here.
[b]MOTD[/b]: [list][li]Put the MOTD here.[/li][/list]
[b]Additional Info:[/b] [list][li]Info like TS servers...[/li]
[li]...Or related IRC channels[/li][/list]
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2018, 10:03 by Samira Kernher »
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jan 2013, 19:23 »

Name: OOC
Short Description:
  • The companion channel for The Summit IC channel but also used by various people just for general banter. You may want to idle here even if not in The Summit, as many people do. Usually just as busy, if not busier, than The Summit.
Faction: N/A
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Graelyn
Operators/Mods: Tiberious Thessalonia, Morwen Lagann, Esna Pitoojee, Ava Starfire, Inara Subaka, Silas Vitalia, Jekaterine, Katrina Oniseki
  • // OOC Channel //
    Today's OOC Channel Weather Forecast

    The place for deep-core soundholing.
    Companion channel to
    - DON'T BE A DICK - Respect others! This includes not making racial, ethnic or homophobic slurs. Make them, and you will not remain here very long.
    - Take heated discussions to private channels.
    - If you have questions, ask!
    - If you're looking for roleplay or for a corp to call home, the channel memberlist and evemail are a good start.
    - The RP corp/alliance thread on Backstage has been restarted! If your corp is recruiting, have someone post here.
    - The Big honkin' thread of roleplay channels has been restarted! If you are the owner or a moderator for a channel, submit it here.
    - When linking images from FUKUNG or similar sites, DIRECT-LINK TO THE IMAGE (right-click, open image in new tab, copy-paste link). And warn people if it's NSFW!
    If all else fails...
    ISD Info: News leads can be submitted to ISD through here, or by mailing | ISD recruitment info is available here.
    - The Big honkin' thread of roleplay channels has been restarted! If you are the owner or a moderator for a channel, submit it here!
Additional Info:
  • Teamspeak 3 Server:
  • Teamspeak 3 Admins: Drake Arson, Ghost Hunter, Degen Sankriga, Zanzibar Heroshima + OOC and Summit Moderators as mods
  • IRC: #eve-ooc on
« Last Edit: 29 Dec 2013, 08:56 by Morwen Lagann »
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jan 2013, 19:27 »

Name: The Summit
Short Description:
  • The Summit is arguably the one of the most active and frequented roleplay channels. It regularly hosts a wide variety of personalities, drawn from across many of the organizations in New Eden. Levels of conversation vary from day to day, and as it is basically something of a mirror of the Intergalactic Summit forum, there is often a wide variety of topics being discussed.
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type: Comms/Discussion
Connection Type: Video conferencing by default, with audio-only and text-only options for users
Owner: Graelyn
Operators/Mods: Tiberious Thessalonia, Morwen Lagann, Esna Pitoojee, Ava Starfire, Inara Subaka, Silas Vitalia, Jekaterine, Katrina Oniseki
MOTD: Additional Info:
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2013, 21:59 by Morwen Lagann »
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jan 2013, 21:09 »

Name: The Last Gate
Short Description:
  • A bar run by the pirate organization Veto. Also doubles as the corporation's IC point of contact.
Faction: Guristas
Channel Type: Physical Location - Bar
Connection Type: Holopresence available
Owner: Demetri Slavic
Operators/Mods: Nausea, Punx Evangeline
  • Welcome To The Last Gate...
    > The Last Gate Has Relocated To 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support.
    > Rule Changes On Narcotics And Boosters Are Now In Effect - Read The Links For More Info.

    OOC Points:
    > There will be NO OOC contact in this channel.
    > For OOC Chat use the channel "OOC" or "Veto" to speak with members of Veto Corp specifically.
    > The Last Gate offers full holographic interfacing for those who deem it too risky to appear in person.
    > Breaches of the few basic rules we have will be met with lethal force. Bodies are disposed of in our thruster testing bay.
Additional Info:
« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2013, 01:08 by Morwen Lagann »
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jan 2013, 21:38 »

Name: Red's District
Short Description:
  • "New, Improved, and Flame Retardant!"  Used to be the companion channel to La Maison De Tous Les Plaisirs, but has since been renamed and re-purposed. Nice little community, anyone is welcome to stop by and check it out.
Faction: N/A
Channel Type: Discussion
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Misan Pal'taek
Operators/Mods: ?
  • RIP LM OOC & La Maison (Should have taken bets on this...)

    ...and yes, this channel is OOC, 24/7 (Devs, you too).

    Companion OOC channel for Sjalfradr Hideaway, PVBOS Interstellar Grill, Horned Masquerade, and La Maison de Tous Les Peuples (new name TBD).

    Havohej > Red's District is probably the funnest OOC chat in eve
    Morwen Lagann > Mizhara's the channel mascot tbh
Additional Info:
  • (filling in later)
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jan 2013, 23:23 »

Name: White Morning
Short Description: TS-F's public in-character contact point. General Sansha hang out.
Faction: Sansha's Nation
Channel Type*: Fluid Router Communication Channel
Connection Type*: Text only. This is represented In-Character as 'raw data input'. No visual/audio data is transferred.
Owner*: Ghost Hunter
Operators/Mods*: Ghost Hunter / Tiberious Thessalonia / Degen Sankriga
This is the In Character public channel of True Slave Foundations.
Our Out of Character public channel is: TS-F Public
Anti-Nation sentiments and inappropriate behavior will result in unilateral removement.
This is a Fluid Router Communications channel, and no virtual or holographic functions are enabled.

Do you know what it is like, to wake up one morning and see a white blanket across the land?

A scene of peace and tranquility, disguising its ugly nature. Radioactive fallout and scorched debris, covering the land in a white blanket.

Do you know what it is like, to wake up to that awful White Morning?

« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2013, 01:45 by Ghost Hunter »
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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For Nation

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jan 2013, 00:13 »

Name: I-RED Public Lounge
Short Description:
  • The I-RED Lounge is the public bar and grill designed to bring capsuleers peaceful
Faction: Caldari State, Liberal
Channel Type: Physical Location
Connection Type: Physical presence, Interbus access, holopresence availability.
Owner: Katrina Oniseki
Operators/Mods: John Revenent, Valdezi

Ishuk-Raata Enforcer's Lounge


(( IC ONLY CHANNEL - OOC Brackets Please ))

All food and drink is free. Rank is enforced among corporations. Gambling cheaters will be punished severely. Take your fights outside. All Kresh drink variations are not available to non-ethnic Caldari. Civire and Deteis ONLY. No exceptions. Limit one with two refills maximum to Caldari.

Guests will pass through at least two security checkpoints before entering the bar. All weapons are scanned and handed over before anybody even gets to the bar. A dress code is loosely enforced, mostly just preventing people from showing up in revealing outfits. Standard fare for anyone entering a bar.

"In Memory of Those Who Served and Died For Home."
-YC115 Battle of Caldari Prime Memorial Plaque

Lounge Food & Drink Menu
Monthly Special: TBA

Additional Info:
[mod]Updated for Kat 11/15 ~morlag[/mod]
« Last Edit: 14 Nov 2014, 23:32 by Morwen Lagann »


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #7 on: 25 Jan 2013, 06:10 »

Because Dibble won't see this, I'll add TBP

Name: The Broken Piano
Short Description: A nice place to come and hang out. Good for first time RPers.
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type: In person bar, with holofeeds
Owner: Seraphim Risen
Operators/Mods: on an as need know basis
The Broken Piano (In-Character channel, keep all OOC comments to "Red's District" please, and leave the OOC hate AT THE DOOR. You don't have to be in M-MD3B to be in the bar! :D) Located in the Thukker Mix Factory in M-MD3B, "The Broken Piano" is run by Seraphim Risen. We serve drinks and cuisine from all corners of the universe. The hosting staff is composed of young, attractive, well-dressed men and women.
The layout: The main floor is a dance surface, with the dining tables surrounding it. Behind this, straight back from the entrance, is a bar area as well, in full view of the rest of the establishment. A DJ station is in the back left and the bar is straight ahead. The kitchen areas are to the right of the entrance. This is a neutral ground, all are welcome here regardless of race, creed, or political leanings, for dinner, debate, or chance meetings. The restaurant does offer holo access to its patrons. It uses the latest in projection technologies that provide accurate simulation of actual touch, taste, and other senses. There is what appears to be a performance stage on one side with a small pipe organ and a large, black piano with red trimming. There is also a microphone set up in the middle of the stage. All of the tables can be interfaced with capsuleer implants or their NeoCOMs and can act as both a 2D and 3D display. Private booths are in the back that provide a variety of more private accomodations for various reasons, if patrons so desire it. WE DO NOT HAVE PROSTITUTES BACK THERE SO DO NOT ASK! Bring your own! Please, no fighting. Fighting will result in the removal of both participants for an hour. Second offense will be permanent. Debates are welcome, though! There is a room out back for fighting (channel "TBP Boxing Ring"). There are also nearby gardens outside (channel "M-M Garden"[no lurking there]).The drones typically have paper hats on them.Note: There are new drones with higher-level e-security and twin coil guns. They WILL forcibly remove any patron who does not surrender their weapons. Pictures forthcoming.
Additional Info: Contrary to popular belief, the piano is not broken

Saede Riordan

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #8 on: 25 Jan 2013, 07:42 »

Name: Vertigo Theory
IC/OOC: Vertigo Theory
Short Description:
Faction: Sebiestor Tribe
Channel Type: club
Connection Type: N/A
Owner: Saede Riordan
Operators/Mods: Ava Starfire
MOTD: IC Description
In the heart of this Matari station, far from capsuleer controlled areas, where Amarrians fear to tread, lurks Vertigo Theory. Nestled among poor apartment blocks and industrial work stacks, its a bit of a trek to get to.

Down a long alley lit by glowing neon, lies the club entrance. The words Vertigo Theory glow red in the on the rusted metal walls. Guarding the entrance is what may very well be the largest Sebiestor in the cluster. Though appearing of thin frame, he is nearly seven feet tall, with a width to match. The gun strapped to his hip looks like it could fire a small artillery round.

Entering the club, one is imediately assualted by pounding music, flashing lights, and the ever present sting of strong incense and clove cigarettes. Strobes, blacklights, and abstract holo-objects provide the light for most of the club, and with steel girders reaching up from the uneven metal floor, pipeworks and wiring covering the ceiling, and surprisingly comfortable furniture made of seemingly random station materials, its clear that this is above all, a Sebiestor club. The oddness of the space gives it a cramped in, claustrophobic feel, despite the fairly high ceiling.

In the centre of the club lies the bar. Lit by a constant stream of molten metal tumbling down through a tube of transparent crystal, the area casts a harsh orange light across the closer areas of the dance floor, before getting lost into the gloom deeper in the club. The bar itself is a circular affair postioned near to the glow of the waste shaft. A tower of drinks reaches from floor to ceiling, spectroid lights positioned around the bar making most of the drinks glow in eerie neon colours. Surrounding the waste shaft, in the warm light of the molten metal, are a decent number of tables and chairs, again, seemingly welded together from assorted detris and scrap metal, the edges sanded smooth and shiny.

Although tall sinsister looking bouncers do lurk through the shadows of the club, as long as the reputation of the bar is not harmed, most anything goes, and its fairly obvious tha a large amount of drugs are being passed around. Although open to anyone, the grafitti lurking next to the hinged scrapmetal saloon doors at the entrance, left there for years and possibly painted on by the owners shows their attitudes: 'Amarrians beware."

OOC Rules
*No Godmodding
*No Asshattery
*Both Hands on the keyboard
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #9 on: 26 Jan 2013, 17:39 »

Name: Imperial Congregation
Short Description:
A meeting-place for Imperial, Kingdom, and Mandate loyalists - or any others loyal to the Faith, intended both as a place they can meet and talk without being harangued by nonbelievers/enemies and where they can safely plan or prepare things away from any potentially hostile eyes.
Faction: Amarr Empire / Khanid Kingdom / Ammatar Mandate / Other faithful
Channel Type: Comms/discussion
Connection Type: Audo/video, holofeed.
Owner: Esna Pitoojee
Operators/Mods: Aldrith Shutaq, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Rin Kaelestria
"Surround yourself with the faithful. Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens."
-Book of Missions 71:21

This channel is meant for those among the faithful to converse free of interjection by those outside of the faith, allowing for deeper conversation and topics pertaining to theology and doctrine. This channel is closed to all except those loyal to the Amarr Empire, the Khanid Kingdom, the Ammatar Mandate and the Amarr faith.

((This is an IC channel, moderators reserve the right to remove anyone that is continually out-of-character, those in direct opposition to the Empire and the Amarr, and anyone incapable of remaining civil.))

Additional Info : Although it should not need mentioning, the point apparently needs to be made that you will be held to certain standards regarding loyalty to the included nations / the faith. Claiming you are faithful and repeatedly, continuously not acting the part will get you removed. This rule is, of course, flexible for those returning to / learning about the Faith.

ADDENDUM: As a result of some recent events, I think two more things need to be made clear.
One: The Imperial Congregation is not a place for your character to try and enforce his/her version of the Amarr faith. You are welcome to have discussions about the nature and/or validity of aspects of the faith; however, insisting that another character leave the channel because their faith is not in line with your character's is not acceptable. The correct course of action here is to report the situation to a moderator if your character feels that a heretic is in the channel. Abuse of this rule will not be tolerated, but will be handled separately.
Two: Talking back to a moderator never helps. Never. Got a problem with one, IC or OOC? Report it to me.
« Last Edit: 22 Jul 2013, 11:03 by Esna Pitoojee »
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Techie Kanenald

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #10 on: 27 Jan 2013, 08:22 »

Apologies folks, didn't realize I still had this up.

PFAEL sadly didn't work out, neither did the channel.
« Last Edit: 31 Jan 2014, 09:30 by Techie Kanenald »


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #11 on: 30 Jan 2013, 02:15 »

Name: Falcon's Rook
Short Description: Corporate Lounge and Pilot's Bar for Pyre Falcon Defence Combine
Faction: Caldari State, Patriot, Kaalakiota
Channel Type: Social venue, Caldari Patriot aligned networking.
Connection Type: Physical location, with holographic links.
Owner: Veikitamo Gesakaarin
Operators/Mods: Desiderya, Pieter Tuulinen


Nonni III - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Orbital

Polite but serious operatives in bodyarmour with the Kaalakiota emblem on the shoulder collect all weapons from visitors before they enter the double doors.

Through the doors lies a spacious room styled in a traditional corporate theme as if it were an Executive establishment. Dark polished woods predominate and away from the open tables of the main area are many shadowy booths for those requiring more privacy.

Dominating one end of the room is a bar, well-stocked with both alcoholic and non-alcholic refreshements. Almost every popular State brand can be found, with a few foreign items for Jaiji guests. A small hatch connects the bar to a kitchen, which provides simple meals.

Above the bar an old, polished, Kresh tree branch supports a stylised steel sculpture of the legendary Pyre-Falcon.

((In-character channel))

Additional Info:

- Boots will be applied medium style to those that don't know how to be polite or understand what not to say around Kaalakiota Patriots. Warnings will be issued once prior to such boots.
« Last Edit: 30 Jan 2013, 02:25 by Gesakaarin »


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« Reply #12 on: 21 Feb 2013, 00:58 »

Name: LF-RP
Short Description: An out-of-character channel for corporations and individuals to advertise for roleplay opportunities. Suggestions for advertisements include:
 :arrow: RP events
 :arrow: RP Corporation Recruitment
 :arrow: RP Channels
 :arrow: Blogs
Owner: Mercy Kincaid
Operators/Mods: Mercy Kincaid is the sole operator for the channel. This channel is unmoderated. Liberal use of the block function is encouraged when trouble happens. 
Additional Info: Feel free to visit our mailing list with the same name: LF-RP. Feel free to send out an eve-mail for your events, blog info, corporation recruitment, and channel adverts!

Cynthia Gallente

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #13 on: 23 Feb 2013, 13:15 »

« Last Edit: 02 Apr 2013, 00:27 by Cynthia Gallente »


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #14 on: 23 Feb 2013, 17:03 »

The Gallente Lounge

The Channel is In-character. ((OOC the Lounge is "wnwn2"))

Short Description:
The Lounge is a Capsuleer only venue.

Gallente Federation. (Gentle people of all factions are welcome).

Channel/Connection Type:
"The Gallente Lounge" is accessible both physically and remotely and provides the virtual visitor with the latest field projection and mobile holo-drone technology.


((This is an open IC channel. Its goal is to provide a place for Federation role-players of all persuasions (or no persuasion!) to interact.))

  Be polite.
  Limit explatives.

The venue rests high atop the Aidonis Elabon Building, one of the few skyscrapers that grace the Caille skyline on Luminaire. The Lounge is not an eatery or taproom, and there is occasionally a Victualler on duty who can at your request provide a variety of refreshments and limited snacks.  Alternatively, you can, of course, help yourself.

Conceptualizations of the Lounge by Aedre Lafisques.
« Last Edit: 10 Jan 2019, 19:48 by Syagrius »
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