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Author Topic: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0  (Read 55931 times)


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #30 on: 03 Nov 2013, 06:17 »

Name: The Waterbaron
Short Description:
  • Long-running “Waterbaron” still has a well-deserved reputation for the Kingdom’s best fusion food. The fare ranges from Ni-Kunni Spiced Mishi Cabbagge to Stir-fried Al-Dehr Beetles and a selection of Khanid seafood, imported daily from the Palas VII. It’s smart, sophisticated, very expensive and very ‘new Khanid’. Service can be a little exclusive if you’re not in a Royal Khanid Navy uniform. Book ahead.
Faction: Khanid
Channel Type: Physical Location - Restaurant
Connection Type: Physical presence, Interbus access
Owner: Odelya d’Hanguest
  • TBA.

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #31 on: 06 Jan 2014, 12:22 »

Name: Amarr.OOC
Short Description:
  • OOC channel to facilitate discussion of and participation in Amarr roleplay and the Amarr community.
Faction: Amarr Empire and related entities
Owner: Gaven Lok'ri
Operators/Mods: Aldrith Shutaq, Samira Kernher, Shalee Lianne, Zelarrs Elkoth

  • This channel is an OOC chat channel for anyone interested in or a part of Amarrian RP.

    (Note: "Interested in" in the above statement means that people who do *not* play Amarrian characters are welcome in this channel. IC prejudice should stay in IC channels.)

    Keep it civil.

Lyn Farel

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #32 on: 06 Jan 2014, 13:16 »

Quick question on Amarr OOC channels... There is like 2 or 3 of those, with more or less the same people in them... I'm a bit confused I have to admit ?

Morwen Lagann

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #33 on: 06 Jan 2014, 13:34 »

Quick question on Amarr OOC channels... There is like 2 or 3 of those, with more or less the same people in them... I'm a bit confused I have to admit ?

AFAIK there are only two. The one Samira posted is the open-access one. The other one, to be blunt while remaining within the rules of the forum, is invite-only and limited to those who are determined to actually be loyalists as defined by a small group of other players.

Personal opinion: I don't see the need for having both and am not really fond of the idea since I think the last thing the Amarr group needs is to further segment itself.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #34 on: 06 Jan 2014, 13:38 »

What Morwen said. Amarr.OOC was the first one and is intended as an open channel for anyone that wants to discuss or participate in Amarr roleplay, regardless of race, faction, or organization. We only remove people who cause major disruptions in the channel.
« Last Edit: 06 Jan 2014, 13:55 by Samira Kernher »

Saede Riordan

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #35 on: 06 Jan 2014, 13:54 »

Name: H+
IC/OOC: Out of Character
Short Description:
  • A discussion channel for transhumanists, futurists, and others inspired by science and technology.
Faction: None
Channel Type: Out of character
Connection Type: text
Owner: Saede Riordan
  • Streya Jormagdnir
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    Public Chat Channel for the Alexylva Paradox Corporation and transhumanist discussion space.
    A discussion channel for transhumanists, futurists, and others inspired by science and technology. Keep in mind that people from various backgrounds and cultures may have different views on transhumanism, so please keep the discussion civil. Topic is any. This space also acts as a public channel for the Alexylva Paradox corporation.
    Channel Moderators:
    Streya Jormadgnir Saede Riordan
Personal Blog//Character Blog
A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Saede Riordan

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #36 on: 06 Jan 2014, 13:58 »

Name: Human+
IC/OOC: In Character
Short Description:
  • A discussion channel for transhumanists, futurists, and others inspired by science and technology.
Faction: Alexylva Paradox
Channel Type: Discussion channel
Connection Type: audiovisual and text options available
Owner: Saede Riordan
  • Streya Jormagdnir
  • Saede Riordan
  • Anatole Madullier
  • ...Loading
    Public Chat Channel for the Alexylva Paradox Corporation and transhumanist discussion space.
    A discussion channel for transhumanists, futurists, and others inspired by science and technology. Keep in mind that people from various backgrounds and cultures may have different views on transhumanism, so please keep the discussion civil. Topic is any. Channel is in character. This space also acts as a public channel for the Alexylva Paradox corporation.
    Channel Moderators:
    Streya Jormadgnir Saede Riordan
Personal Blog//Character Blog
A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Lyn Farel

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #37 on: 07 Jan 2014, 10:59 »

What Morwen said. Amarr.OOC was the first one and is intended as an open channel for anyone that wants to discuss or participate in Amarr roleplay, regardless of race, faction, or organization. We only remove people who cause major disruptions in the channel.



Cpt Hoax

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #38 on: 09 Jan 2014, 06:28 »

Name: Badlands VR Arcade
IC/OOC: In Charicter
Short Description:
  • A Virtual Reality arcade for multi-player games
Faction: None/Neutral
Channel Type: Digital Location / Games and chat
Connection Type: Virtual Reality/GalNet
Owner: Captain Hoax
Operators/Mods: N/A
  • [Welcome to Badlands VR Arcade]

    -The arcade is a virtual hub located in the net. It is accessible by most anyone with a net-connection, even baselines. The lobby is divided into several sub-sections, right now you are located in the capsuler section. For the most part it is a vast, empty room, save for one anomaly; a window that looks out into some of the other sub-sections. Due to the quirks of virtual reality the window always looks into these other lobbies from the same angle, even though you can walk right around the window to the otherside. Infact the window is a portal, and with the help of Mainframe can be walked through to access more of the arcade. Mainframe can also assist with access to a variety of games, sims, and scenarios.
    An AI control system, Mainframe, can be accessed through a variety of methods; the most common of which is verbal commands. Programing knowledge can help speed up access to a variety of things, but Mainframe is accustomed to helping people with only a rudimentary knowledge of virtual reality. You are free to chat here as long as you wish, accessories can be summoned to the lobby via Mainframe.-

    ::By default you have spawned in the lobby wearing whatever your avatar wears::
    ::Your appearance can be changed however you wish while in the lobby - some games or scenarios may alter your appearance!::

Laria Raven

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #39 on: 12 Jan 2014, 05:06 »

Name: Ivory Tower Public
Short Description: The home base of Stillwater Corporation. Essentially, a luxury hotel complex floating in space. Angel and Non-Angel capsuleers are welcome to visit.
Faction: Angel Cartel
Channel Type: Physical location. Public IC contact channel.
Connection Type: Holo-presence available, may be withdrawn without notice and is limited to certain locations within the channel.
Owner: Leopold Caine
Operators/Mods: Laria Raven
MOTD: Ivory Tower is a hotel complex situated in the orbit of the lava planet of Akila I. The Tower was built in YC112 and has since been a successfully working establishment with a myriad of entertainment venues.
A part of the Ivory Tower has been open for general capsuleer public, limited to a single detachable pavilion that can be freely moved around the Tower. The Pavilion is a radial construct consisting of three areas, an entrance Gazebo, the pavilion Nightclub and the VIP Tea-house. The serving staff includes numerous females tending the bar. There are more female staff tending the security checkpoint at the Gazebo.
Additional Info:
Ivory Tower Layout
Ivory Tower Specifications
Pavilion Ground Plan
Pavilion Ground Section
Dress code: Clothes preferred.
Rating: 15. Please avoid explicitness. Some channel content may touch on mature themes. OOC communication is encouraged if there is any confrontation. Companion channel is OOC channel "Stillwater".
« Last Edit: 12 Jan 2014, 06:26 by Laria Raven »

Saede Riordan > Yeah and Leopold is the human pond scum. Laria's alright...ish.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #40 on: 12 Jan 2014, 10:27 »

Name: The River Valley
Short Description: A Vherokior resteraunt.
Channel Type: Physical location
Connection Type: In person only. Holo is a bit pointless for dining.
Owner: Arnulf Ogunkoya
Operators/Mods: Arnulf Ogunkoya
This is a small Vherokior resteraunt on the mid level decks of Nakugard V - Moon 12 Krusual Tribe Bureau.

The lighting is set to provide soft pools of light around the tables, creating the illusion that each set of diners are alone in the room. The decor acts to mute the sound and keep echoes to a minimum.

Decorations depict a river valley in the midst of a desert. The food is mostly spicy, traditional Vherokior fare with some more modern varients on it.

Security is present, but understated.

Welcome. Sit, eat, talk and forget your cares if only for a while.

Additional info: I'd suggest spawning in the main chanel and creating a private chat for interaction with a dining companion or companions. The main channel could be though of as the reception/bar area.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Ché Biko

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #41 on: 14 Jan 2014, 14:35 »

Name: C3SRC
Short Description:
  • The Coordination Channel for Consolidated Space Rescue Cooperation.
Faction: None
Channel Type: Comms/info
Connection Type: User's choice
Owner: Che Biko
Operators/Mods: Gaufres, Manwe Todako, Ston Momaki, Tahrmal Nalthkh, Eran Mintor, Shingozu Ayogu, Vinh Trahn, Samira Kernher, Lunarisse Aspenstar
  • Coordination Channel for Consolidated Space Rescue Cooperation
    Welcome. This channel was created in order to increase coverage and efficiency of Search&Rescue patrols.
    Note: This channel is not secure. Keep that in mind when you share information.

    In the following list of systems, you can possibly find containers with marooned people at the border gates, Operators are encouraged to connect to this channel when patrolling and to update this list after their patrols.
Additional Info:
« Last Edit: 04 Jan 2015, 12:40 by Ché Biko »

Capt Lynch

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #42 on: 22 Jan 2014, 14:23 »

Name:  The Black Comet


Short Description:  Located at the Thukker Mix factory station in Leurtmar.  A shady bar for a capsuleer to let their hair down, get a meal, meet a friend or discuss business.

Faction:  Neutral.

Owners: Capt Lynch and Alinia Ostus (ooc: run by the same account so it makes no difference who you talk of us will be online)

Operators/mods: see above

MOTD: Located at the Thukker Mix factory station at Leurtmar III, the Black comet dive has quickly become notorious and a go-to for the miner, mercenary and pirate looking for a place to raise a glass, get a meal or simply rest without worrying about a visit from Empire, DED or CONCORD forces. ((OOC: No need to be actually at the station to RP here))

Co-owned by Capt M J Lynch and Alinia Ostus, the pub itself employs a crack squad of the so-called 'DUST Bunny' mercenaries to make sure that the 'no weapons' rule is respected.

Inside the bar, patrons, once disarmed have a choice of activities, be it betting on the outcome of the latest New Eden combat tournaments, getting a quiet drink at the bar, a bed for the night alone or with company or simply catching the latest holo-vid while they discuss business with their partners. 

There are only a few simple rules at the Black comet.  The first is the simplest...only Black Comet staff may be armed.  The second is that any prejudices of personal politics are left outside.  Anyone attempting to breach these rules will get a one way trip into the smelter that the bar is located over and then barred from re-entry once they have a new clone. 

((OOC:  In all seriousness, play nicely with other patrons...take any arguements into private chats.  Anyone trolling the channel or ruining the experience for the channel will be banned. If you feel you were unfairlu banned, you can appeal to  Alinia Ostus or  Capt Lynch ))

The bar, visible once patrons enter, is stocked with choice drinks, both legal and illegal from all over New Eden to cater to anyones pallet.  Food can also be ordered from the bar, simple wholesome food from the main homeworlds of the majority of the capsuleer Capt Lynch likes to say, 'a taste of home for those who rarely get a chance to see it'

In a section to the right of the bar is the sleeping quarters, as well as a lift leading back up to the capsueer quarters, should patrons wish extra privacy.

Behind the bar is the most secure area of the Black Comet, several secure meeting rooms for capsuleer patrons to discuss private business.  These rooms are blacked out from comms to allow extra privacy as well as covered by several heavy trooper 'DUST bunnies'.

Additional info:  Anyone is welcome as long as you do NOT interfere with the enjoyment of other players.  Trolls will receive 2 warnings and will be banned on the third.  New Order of Highsec will be banned immediately should they attempt to interfere with other players enjoyment.  The 'meeting room' usage can be carried out via private chat if you wish.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #43 on: 27 Apr 2014, 19:55 »

The Suidisir family of Clan Idisen has given Nisme Suidis sanction to open The Singing Sands for enterprising pilots wishing to perform transactions under Clan auspices.

From the MOTD:

"Vagrants, smugglers, lifters, and thugs. Once, suchsame Matari who wished to conduct illicit exchanges would often meet in remote reaches of the Greater Sobaki Desert. It was said that, should the meeting occur in the shelter of the droning dunes, the spirits would vouchsafe the profit of forthright dealings. Some clans within the Vherokior still dedicate a small portion of their resources to maintain a comms channel for Matar's ne'erdowells, so that they may trade intel, swap stories, or plan profitable meetings."

(( This is an In-Character, unmoderated channel for contacting Minmatar criminals. It is a comms-only channel with no physical location, and features block capabilities when moods or personalities do not mix. ))
« Last Edit: 27 Apr 2014, 19:59 by Nissui »


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« Reply #44 on: 10 Jul 2014, 12:12 »

Name: Asymmetrics


Short Description: Part war room, part discussion salon, a place for disaffected Federation saboteurs to plot strategy.

Faction: Federation (All ethnicities + Minmatar)

Channel Type: Comms (text available, voice or video preferred) + Discussion

Owner: Dessau

Operators/Mods: Phaeornis Asymmetrics


Additional Info: Decided to open this up to see if there was any interest in this aspect of Fed play. Not intended as meeting place for Fed enemies: those without the ideals of the Charter and Constitution at heart will be removed. Still love you, though.  ;)
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