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Author Topic: The Good RP Logs Thread!  (Read 105621 times)

Nmaro Makari

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #75 on: 26 Oct 2013, 09:57 »

[spoiler=Not Entirely Legit][18:09:53] Tiberious Thessalonia > But no.
[18:10:04] Katrina Oniseki > Know what?
[18:10:13] Tiberious Thessalonia > What, Kat?
[18:10:22] Katrina Oniseki > You said, "but know"
[18:10:34] Tiberious Thessalonia > No, I said no.
[18:10:48] Katrina Oniseki > I know you said know.
[18:11:02] Tiberious Thessalonia > No, I said NO.
[18:11:11] Katrina Oniseki > I know!
[18:11:37] Tiberious Thessalonia > ...
[18:11:40] Katrina Oniseki > ...
[18:12:13] Tiberious Thessalonia > Kat, apparently I am getting pulled into some things that I have no idea why I am being pulled into them
[18:12:16] Tiberious Thessalonia > Hence my confusion.
[18:12:24] Katrina Oniseki > I see.
[18:12:32] Katrina Oniseki > An interesting Nation of affairs.
[18:12:46] Katrina Oniseki > Hah! Get it? Because you're not in the State?!
[18:12:54] Katrina Oniseki > Oh, that's rich. I crack me up.
[18:13:12] Tiberious Thessalonia stares at Kat.
[18:13:23] Katrina Oniseki grins back widely.[/spoiler]

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Nmaro Makari

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #76 on: 26 Oct 2013, 10:16 »

About time I posted here

I had a very good conversation with Summiteers a few days ago, I think it was some damn fine RP. My sagely storytelling needs work, but other than that, thoroughly enjoyed myself, thanks to all involved.

*Disclaimer - Edited to remove unrelated messages, if anyone feels their views have been misrepresented due to that, please contact me and I will edit

[spoiler=Conversation about Matari][2013.10.23 03:56:52 ] Saya Ishikari > "Conflict sharpens the knife..,.  Which then gets used on outside threats."
 [ 2013.10.23 03:57:20 ] Saya Ishikari > "Unhinged...  Rather a polite way to put it."
 [ 2013.10.23 03:57:35 ] N'maro Makari > Hah, excellent. Young Matari relish a good brawl but seldom know how to make peace afterwards.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:57:40 ] Pieter Tuulinen > Very apt, though.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:57:50 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote nods in agreement.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:57:53 ] Malcolm Khross > Was I? You certainly turned out better than I.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:06 ] Gherrit White > Sometimes the bolts have just gone missing, sometimes they were never there in the first place.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:09 ] Pieter Tuulinen > Learn from people's successes and mistakes.  Then make your own.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:19 ] N'maro Makari > It's a harsh existence, unfortunately creates harshness in turn.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:40 ] Malcolm Khross > /emote nods to Pieteer.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:50 ] Malcolm Khross > (( Gah, typing with baby in hand is hard. ))
 [ 2013.10.23 03:58:57 ] Saya Ishikari > "Even a harsh existence can be left behind, if one is willing."
 [ 2013.10.23 03:59:32 ] N'maro Makari > I'm not so sure.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:59:49 ] Malcolm Khross > Give my greetings to your wife, Tuulinen-haan. I've got to sign off for now, good seeing each of you again.
 [ 2013.10.23 03:59:58 ] Saya Ishikari > "I am."  she answwers, "A product of an environment need not remain as such."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:00:04 ] Pieter Tuulinen > I will pass them on, sir.,
 [ 2013.10.23 04:00:33 ] N'maro Makari > I like you, you have determination.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:01:55 ] Saya Ishikari > "Adaptability and an unwillingness to mire myself, perhaps."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:02:12 ] N'maro Makari > /emote smiles and pauses before speaking > An old tale, passed down to me from a shaman, and her predecessor and so-on, it talks of the lone warriors of old, of our tribe. They walked the deserts of Matar, tested by both the desert
 [ 2013.10.23 04:03:48 ] N'maro Makari > and the people who inhabited it. None could match them in their element. But when they came back, from travel, from war, they seldom stayed long. They always went back, and none died peacefully in their beds. Now, you're wondering why I'd tell you some abridged version of an old folk tale.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:04:04 ] Silas Vitalia > I'm not.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:04:05 ] Gherrit White > Not really, no.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:04:08 ] Saya Ishikari > "Actually, I assume you have a point to make.  Continue."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:04:18 ] N'maro Makari > It's told as a cautionary tale.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:04:53 ] N'maro Makari > A simmilar phrase is that those fighting monsters become monsters. Once you taste hardship, and live, giving it up is difficult.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:06:12 ] Saya Ishikari > "Perhaps.  To which I pose the question...  Is it truly borne of choice?  Or is it an institutionalized mindset?"
 [ 2013.10.23 04:06:15 ] Gherrit White > "As you gaze into the abyss, so too does the abyss gaze into you".
 [ 2013.10.23 04:06:29 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote smiles, "I absolutely adore that saying..."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:06:46 ] Gherrit White > I find it rather apt.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:06:52 ] N'maro Makari > Indeed
 [ 2013.10.23 04:07:11 ] N'maro Makari > Theres a romance in the lifestyle that many Matari are born into.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:07:34 ] Saya Ishikari > "Romance and reality are often at odds, in my experience."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:08:07 ] Gherrit White > Romances tend to be ideals, even in their tragedies.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:08:10 ] N'maro Makari > It makes people determined as hell though. It's both tragic and inspiring at the same time.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:08:11 ] Pieter Tuulinen > It is possible to make romance your reality.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:08:30 ] Saya Ishikari > "To an extent, yes, I agree.  On both points."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:10:37 ] Saya Ishikari > " 'At what price glory?' I think is relevant...  How much should be given up for a chance to perpetuate what may never be?  How much CAN be given up?  The Republic looks to be on the edge of anarchy yet again, lately."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:12:08 ] N'maro Makari > Matari are born to a world of fight.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:12:32 ] N'maro Makari > At home they fight poverty, outside they fight to retain their identity.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:12:43 ] Gherrit White > Many of us are, even non-Matari. It's just a matter of what they fight.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:13:45 ] Saya Ishikari > "As are we born into conflict, as well...  Let me rephrase...  How much can they really afford to lose looking for a chance to 'right' the wrongs comitted against them?  At what point does it move beyond patriotism and into folley?"
 [ 2013.10.23 04:14:01 ] Saya Ishikari > folly^
 [ 2013.10.23 04:14:11 ] Gherrit White > That's a rather subjective question.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:14:27 ] N'maro Makari > It's a varying spectrum.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:14:41 ] Saya Ishikari > "It's both subjective and dangerously varied, yes."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:14:52 ] N'maro Makari > Some say it's worth their lives and health, most of them follow through on that.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:15:04 ] Gherrit White > For some, like Ms. Kim, their cause is holy, their quest supreme. To them, the only folly would be to succumb and quit.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:15:09 ] Anslo > text> ...the hell is everyone on about?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:15:21 ] N'maro Makari > But at the risk of generalising
 [ 2013.10.23 04:16:21 ] N'maro Makari > The sentiment among the Matari of the Republic is running hot, compounded by the fact that diplomacy is seen to have brought us little, while bold action true to objective has produced results.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:16:36 ] Pieter Tuulinen > Is that how you see it?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:16:47 ] Pieter Tuulinen > You exchanged a fleet and trained crews for some drug addled slaves.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:16:59 ] Saya Ishikari > "I wouldn't count many of the Republics forrays as suiccessful lately..,  No offense to you personally..."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:17:45 ] Saya Ishikari > "But, thats my opinion, and a materialistic one, admittedly."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:13 ] Gherrit White > That's what I've been hearing.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:14 ] N'maro Makari > It's true to a certain extent. Everything that the Matari have has had to be fought for, we've rarely if ever had great success just by asking nicely.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:25 ] Pieter Tuulinen > Try trading.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:30 ] Pieter Tuulinen > It works for us.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:42 ] Gherrit White > Maybe we'll get bored and turn the war for the Matari next after we curbstomp Black Rise into submission.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:44 ] Saya Ishikari > "A commonality I've appreciated, but Pieter has a point."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:18:59 ] N'maro Makari > In context of the wider Matari populace, while our actions have been costly, they have produced result, however small.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:19:10 ] N'maro Makari > Peaceful approach, regrettably, has not.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:19:24 ] N'maro Makari > At least, not since before I was in the pod.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:20:39 ] Saya Ishikari > "Force has it's place.  Nobody in the federation was willing to talk about home until the invasion...  Even though it was ultimately driven back, we gained what we desired in the end."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:21:02 ] N'maro Makari > Picture yourself if you will, in the top of a burning house, if you jump, you might die, if you don't you will die for sure. You would jump, even if you broke every bone in your body.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:22:03 ] Saya Ishikari > "I understand the analogy quite well.  Taking a risk may cost you, but not taking one WILL cost you.  What I would add to that is; make sure that risk is worth the potential price."
  [ 2013.10.23 04:22:56 ] N'maro Makari > Now that's where opinion gets more diverse.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:23:02 ] Saya Ishikari > "Exactly."
  [ 2013.10.23 04:24:16 ] N'maro Makari > Most Republic Matari still view the Elder fleet as a good action when considered standalone, but, when it comes to allocation of funds to poverty programs, or to war production.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:24:30 ] N'maro Makari > Ah, now that is where the opinion diversifies.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:24:32 ] Pieter Tuulinen > It was a disaster, Militarily.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:24:43 ] Saya Ishikari > "It was an abysmal move, in terms of making a lasting stand for the Republic...  Or even the Matari people as a whole."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:25:35 ] N'maro Makari > /emote exclaims >  Hah! that's what I love about Caldari, straight to the numbers. We could use some of that.
[ 2013.10.23 04:26:05 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote smiles softly, "I'm worse than most Caldari...  I was made to crunch numbers that nobody wants crunched.  But, thats me."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:26:20 ] N'maro Makari > If one considered it only in numbers, yes failure.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:26:24 ] Gherrit White > Eh, everyone's got their specialties.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:26:30 ] Gherrit White > Numbers make my head hurt.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:27:04 ] N'maro Makari > But the actions takes that day brought the lost 3 tribes back to the fold, we were not whole, but we were closer than we had ever come before.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:27:20 ] Steffanie Saissore > At the cost of what though?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:27:38 ] N'maro Makari > Caldari are fortunate enough to have inherited a strong culture, the bedrock on which their society is built.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:27:45 ] Gherrit White > I, uh, don't even know what you're talking about Makari.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:28:08 ] Saya Ishikari > "Very true.  In that same grain, I would call our actions to reacquire Home a success, in the end."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:28:13 ] Steffanie Saissore > All I am hearing is phyrric victories of the Matari. Instead of helping the people that were free with infrastructure, war fleets are built and how many countless died in that action?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:28:33 ] Saya Ishikari > "The question now is, what is being pursued by those who fight?  What is the goal?"
 [ 2013.10.23 04:28:35 ] N'maro Makari > We had to start from scratch. and you can see how important reunifiying our people would be.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:16 ] N'maro Makari > And Mr White, what do you not understand?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:24 ] Saya Ishikari > "A point agreed upon, and, numbers aside, laregly successful.  But what now?"
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:32 ] Steffanie Saissore > Your government took funds and materiel given them to start a new life and instead, a war fleet was built and eventually used against the very people who tried to help
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:36 ] N'maro Makari > Ms Saissore, if you fear I am boasting, have no such fear.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:49 ] Gherrit White > I haven't kept up on Republic history for shit, so I'm missing the events you're referencing.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:55 ] Saya Ishikari > "To be fair, Saissore, it was not their government."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:29:58 ] N'maro Makari > I am laying out an academic assessment. Not a policy proposal.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:03 ] Gherrit White > I've had my hands busy with null politics.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:06 ] Saya Ishikari > "According to what I've read, anyways."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:20 ] Saya Ishikari > "Stop me if I'm wrong?"
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:34 ] Erica Dusette > /emote connects, rubbing her temples > Evening Summiteers. More arguing? Ugg, my head. Find a empty patch of space, for Bob's sake, grab a ship and go fight it out.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:47 ] N'maro Makari > No, you're correct by an large, there are nuances, naturally but the general assessment is correct.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:51 ] N'maro Makari > Not arguing.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:52 ] Gherrit White > Nah, we're not arguing at the moment.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:56 ] N'maro Makari > Good conversation.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:30:59 ] Saya Ishikari > "Discussing, for once."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:31:05 ] Gherrit White > It's a good discussion, no brick walls being applied to foreheads.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:31:19 ] N'maro Makari > Ms Saissore, indulge me.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:31:20 ] Erica Dusette > Other than mine. It's bumpin'
 [ 2013.10.23 04:31:33 ] N'maro Makari > What do Gallente think of the word "family"?
 [ 2013.10.23 04:31:42 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote watches and waits.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:32:20 ] Steffanie Saissore > Sir, I will have to direct your question to a Gallente that knows what a family life is like as I did not.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:32:56 ] N'maro Makari > SUrely you must have someone? Not blood, blood is fickle. SOmeone close enough to warrant the label.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:35:39 ] Steffanie Saissore > Hmm, perhaps I have a romanticized ideal of what a family is, somewhat influence from some of the Sebeistor I have hung around...but to me family is blood and those that are brought into it by vow or oath.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:37:18 ] Saya Ishikari > "Not so much romanticized, as defined, I think." Saya offers, "It's a realistic perspective."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:37:18 ] N'maro Makari > /emote nods > Most of you probably have a vague idea of how Matari society is organised, clans within tribes with the Matari. To us, these are the different levels of family. And family is something we take very seriously. To us, to call someone fami...
 [ 2013.10.23 04:38:16 ] N'maro Makari > family to say that you would give yourself, break your body and soul if necessary, and unconditionally to keep them safe from harm, and to never forgive those who wrong them.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:38:38 ] N'maro Makari > THat is the core sentiment.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:38:58 ] N'maro Makari > Family, above any cost.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:39:10 ] Erica Dusette > I'll drink to that sentiment.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:39:28 ] Erica Dusette > /emote reaches out of view for her synthetic coffee
 [ 2013.10.23 04:39:36 ] Gherrit White > Families are good. Blood or not.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:39:43 ] Gherrit White > I've made my own in my time.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:40:42 ] N'maro Makari > Indeed. Family to a Matari goes beyond just those you meet in person, a single Matari is a family member of a clan, a clan is a family member of a tribe, and a tribe is a family member of the Matari
 [ 2013.10.23 04:41:26 ] Gherrit White > As silly as it sounds, TEST has well and become my family.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:41:50 ] N'maro Makari > It is not so silly, people in SYNE I would describe the same.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:42:21 ] Gherrit White > I've grown so attached to these spergy retards that I just turned down a recruitment offer from PL for them.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:44:39 ] N'maro Makari > Goodness me, the day has actually come where I've talked the summit to death.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:44:46 ] Gherrit White > Eh.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:44:55 ] Saya Ishikari > "In some ways, there are parallels in the State...  The details, obviously, are where the differences lie."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:44:57 ] Gherrit White > This is about the time it gets kinda quiet.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:46:13 ] N'maro Makari > I like to think the Caldari Megacorps are families forged of purpose, that's the best metaphor for me.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:46:30 ] Saya Ishikari > "Very apt."
 [ 2013.10.23 04:47:38 ] N'maro Makari > Well on that note, I have to leave, a few things to do before rack time.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:47:48 ] N'maro Makari > I hope I didn't bore you all too much.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:48:22 ] Pieter Tuulinen > Not in the slightest. As a tubekin I didn't have much to add, though.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:49:19 ] N'maro Makari > /emote smiles > Like I said, blood is fickle, look to who stands by you to find family. Goodnight summit.
 [ 2013.10.23 04:49:28 ] Saya Ishikari > "Family is what we make of it, in the end, I think.  And no, you didn't.  It's been a pleasant discussion.  Moitte."[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2013, 10:25 by Nmaro Makari »
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #77 on: 14 Nov 2013, 12:24 »

Ava Starfire > Well hell.
Ava Starfire > Im stuck in mid jump
Synthetic Cultist > do not attempt to exit the spacecraft.
Ava Starfire > Thanks, Synthia.
Ava Starfire > I'll keep that in mind.
Synthetic Cultist > you are Welcome.

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #78 on: 14 Nov 2013, 18:43 »

Was that not awesome?

I spilled a drink or something.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #79 on: 05 Dec 2013, 02:31 »

Some more intimate interaction between Ava and Kor, back several months ago when I hosted the Tea and Tradition event.

[spoiler]Channel MOTD: This is a small, gated off forest dedicated to those who follow the Caldari Way. A sign is posted at the gate entrance, and asks visitors to keep their voices lowered.
 Located at the center of the forest is a Caldari shrine, which is surrounded with traditional Ark-Taki decorum, ranging from dishes set out for the spirits to simple unscented candles. The shrine itself is a statue that displays five faceless human-like figures of undeterminable gender, with three being on a slightly elevated platform behind the other two. One figure wears a soldier’s uniform; another figure wears the attire of a monk; one of the figures at the bottom row wears clothes associated with nobility, while the figure next to it wears clothes akin to that of the common farmer; the final figure’s attire combines elements of all four of the other figures.
Meanwhile, songbirds from across all four regions of the State sing their songs harmoniously under the Twin Flame skies.
*Korsavius patiently guides Ava into the orchard forest*
Korsavius > Watch your head!
*Ava Starfire blinks and looks around, ducking*
*Korsavius ducks to avoid one of the low-hanging paper lanterns which hang from the trees*
*Korsavius continues strolling along casually, under the moonlit sky*
Korsavius > I figured you wouldn't like being in such a big crowd.
*Ava Starfire smiles, seemingly more at ease by the woods and stars*
Korsavius > So I hope this is a suitable substitute.
Ava Starfire > I um, I don’t... it is! It’s very pretty... um, thank you.
Korsavius smiles at the comment, and continues walking toward a shrine that can be seen off a short distance "Anytime."
*Ava Starfire follows along, now taking a dose of her medication as she walks*
*Korsavius stops walking, now in front of the shrine, and pauses for a few moments to take it all in*
*Ava Starfire stops a few steps away, unsure what conduct is expected of her*
*Korsavius glances curiously over at Ava, noticing she takes medicine, before but returns his gaze back to the shrine*
Korsavius  says in a soft tone "No special decorum is required. Come."
*Ava Starfire puts her inhaler away and walks up to stand by Korsavius*
Korsavius > I figured you might like this. Think of it as any monument or place of rememberance the Minmatar have.
*Cool winds gently blow on some hanging bells to produce a mellifluous melody alongside the chirping songbirds*
Korsavius points to the candles and dishes around the shrine "These are gifts to the dead. So they too can join us in this celebration, in spirit."
Ava Starfire smiles brightly
Ava Starfire > It is very beautiful. And appropriate, I think.
Ava Starfire looks at the candles for a long moment “I thank you, for inviting me.”
Korsavius smiles at the comment and points to the center statue "See those figures? They are faceless, devoid of any skin color, and any gender because being Caldari does not rely any of those things."
Korsavius > They are holding hands because, in the end, we are all one people.
*Ava Starfire quietly regards the statues*
Korsavius > We all have our differences, but at the end of the day, we are all just one greater being.
Korsavius looks over to Ava, then back at the statue "I thought you might like that sentiment, especially given recent troubling times."
Ava Starfire > I do.
Ava Starfire > Very much.
Korsavius chuckles a little bit "I also hoped it would allow you to be more comfortable sifting among the crowd of people when we return inside."
Ava Starfire > It is a similar - very similar - idea to ours; all individual paths making a single whole.
*Ava Starfire takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, then lets it out with a sigh*
Ava Starfire > It has become increasingly difficult for me to find company who does not wish to kill me, Korsavius.
Korsavius nods "I think just about every capsuleer can understand how you feel."
Korsavius > Personally, I try not to pay much attention to it.
Ava Starfire > Maybe I shouldnt.
Korsavius > Ultimately, it will be up to you how you manage it. Should you ever require a place of meditation, my home, and this place, will always be open for you.
Ava Starfire smiles, quite genuinely “Thank you.”
Korsavius > I should get back now, there are still some guests I've yet to greet! Feel free to join me, or not. If you'd like to stay here in solace I will understand.
*Ava Starfire nods*
Ava Starfire > I'll come in in a bit... I need some time, you know?
Korsavius > Of course, Ava.
Ava Starfire > Thank you.
Korsavius bows deeply to the shrine "I'll cya soon. Try not to be too late, Morwen is performing in about twenty minutes."
Ava Starfire > Ok.
*Ava Starfire smiles a bit, this one perhaps just a bit forced*
*Korsavius walks off the trail back to the main house*[/spoiler]
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #80 on: 19 Dec 2013, 09:06 »

I remember this one.

I loved it =)

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #81 on: 02 Feb 2014, 15:01 »

Oldie but goodie.

* Katrina Oniseki strolls into her bar looking sexy as fuck, can't even touch this bitch. She walks her sexy ass up to a table and sits right the fuck down. Orders a goddamn beer and chills in her seat like a baws. Better be some RP up in this bitch.

* Pieter Tuulinen throws a breadroll at her from behind the bar, crouched down and lobbing it like a mortar with accompanying sound effects.

* Katrina Oniseki pulls out a hamzooka from her pants, and starts firing high explosive spiral-sliced glazed hams at Pieter, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!"

* Pieter Tuulinen falls onto his knees, arms stretched to the skies as ham whistles past him and sticks to his shirt in slow motion. To the strains of 'Adagio for strings' he hangs there for awhile before slumping to the ground.

* Katrina Oniseki falls to her knees, screaming in victorious rage. Holding her fists up the air as the spent tube of her weapon falls to the ground. Brown sugar glaze is spattered across the floor. Suddenly, Jovians enter the bar wearing a fish hat and--

* Katrina Oniseki snorts lightly and wakes up suddednly. She fell asleep on the couch.

* Katrina Oniseki looks around, then fixes her hair. "Weird dream."

* Pieter Tuulinen is sat quietly in the corner doing paperwork.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #82 on: 02 Feb 2014, 18:54 »

Oh my gosh that is fucking awesome. I WANT A HAMZOOKA!
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #83 on: 03 Feb 2014, 13:51 »

"Is that a hamzooka in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

Nmaro Makari

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #84 on: 11 Feb 2014, 10:27 »

One bright and beautiful summit day:

[ 2014.02.10 00:10:09 ] Punx Evangeline > So what's new?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:10:31 ] N'maro Makari > Not much, just doing odd work.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:10:45 ] Punx Evangeline > How odd?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:12:47 ] N'maro Makari > Coming up with innovative ways to remove a starcake from a box of hyper-sensetive electronics without breaking anything.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:13:19 ] Punx Evangeline > Hammer?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:13:40 ] N'maro Makari > Expensive hyper-sensetive electronics.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:13:45 ] Lynrue > That would be my preference.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:13:50 ] Punx Evangeline > Ah, more of a duct tape job then.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:13:53 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote nodnods.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:14:03 ] N'maro Makari > Tried it.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:14:15 ] N'maro Makari > The starcake is stickier than the duct-tape
 [ 2014.02.10 00:14:20 ] N'maro Makari > Wont budge.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:14:23 ] Punx Evangeline > Hmm, I thought you could fix everything with a hammer and/or duct tape...
 [ 2014.02.10 00:14:41 ] N'maro Makari > If only.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:00 ] N'maro Makari > I asked the lead engineer for helped, she just said "Well you're fucked."
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:03 ] Punx Evangeline > Well, if it doesn't move and it's suppose to, use the hammer, if it moves and isn't suppose to, duct tape.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:24 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote laughs, "I guess you're proper fucked then!"
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:24 ] N'maro Makari > I really want that starcake. But I also don't want to break anything.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:43 ] N'maro Makari > I have been looking forward to it all day.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:15:59 ] Punx Evangeline > Why don't you use a straw and suck it out?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:16:26 ] N'maro Makari > The dough. The dough will remain, taunting me.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:16:43 ] Punx Evangeline > Pour a little milk on it and mix it up, make a starcake milkshake!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:16:47 ] N'maro Makari > Wait, is it dough or pastry? Fuck it, the sugar sponge.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:09 ] Punx Evangeline > Starshake!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:12 ] N'maro Makari > Starcake and microchips milkshake.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:19 ] N'maro Makari > Bit crunchy isnt it?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:27 ] Punx Evangeline > Well, nothing is perfect in this universe, is it?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:34 ] Punx Evangeline > Besides me, of course.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:43 ] Norrin Ellis > Eva, are you causing trouble again?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:46 ] N'maro Makari > Yeah but... the digestive system
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:48 ] Punx Evangeline > It's a good thing I'm humble or I might get in trouble.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:56 ] N'maro Makari > I'm already lactose intolerant.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:17:56 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote winks at Norrinz.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:18:04 ] Punx Evangeline > Boo!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:18:14 ] Punx Evangeline > What are you eating starcakes for then!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:18:43 ] N'maro Makari > Because some things are worth suffering for.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:18:58 ] N'maro Makari > Like the damn Starcake I've spent my day looking forward to eating.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:19:04 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote looks thoughtful, "Can't fault your logic there."
 [ 2014.02.10 00:19:21 ] N'maro Makari > I'm being tested
 [ 2014.02.10 00:19:29 ] N'maro Makari > Some power, some way is testing my resolve.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:19:42 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote nods in agreement.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:20:04 ] Norrin Ellis > Starcakes aren't a fair test of will.  Who could pass?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:20:34 ] Punx Evangeline > Norrin is the starcake expert, perhaps he can help you with a tactic to dislodge it!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:20:35 ] N'maro Makari > Nobody. Ever.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:20:40 ] N'maro Makari > I want that cake!
 [ 2014.02.10 00:20:50 ] Norrin Ellis > What's the problem?
 [ 2014.02.10 00:21:08 ] Lynrue > ?me Chuckles
 [ 2014.02.10 00:21:29 ] N'maro Makari > Basically, theres a kind of sensetive bit of electronics, kind of expensive. I dropped the starcake in it.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:21:44 ] Punx Evangeline > Norrin does that about once a month.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:21:51 ] N'maro Makari > It's right at the bottom, stuck. Time is running out, I can already see the sugar crystalizing
 [ 2014.02.10 00:22:04 ] Norrin Ellis > Not true.  I am careful with my starcakes.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:22:35 ] Aramier Ahashion > Slaves. Feed me Starcakes
 [ 2014.02.10 00:22:41 ] Norrin Ellis > Shut off power to whatever has captured your cake, then call an engineer or a mechanic to get it out.  Problem solved.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:22:58 ] Hal Greaves > "Or get a goddam new cake."
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:05 ] N'maro Makari > The mechanic said I was fucked.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:06 ] N'maro Makari > No.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:12 ] N'maro Makari > This is the cake.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:19 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote nods, "The best starcake is the one you want."
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:22 ] N'maro Makari > I will have this cake.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:27 ] Norrin Ellis > Leaving starcakes in your equipment can't be good for the cake or the equipment.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:56 ] Norrin Ellis > Anyhow, I have more pressing concerns.  Shopping to plan, then shopping to do.  You know how it goes.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:23:59 ] N'maro Makari > /emote rolls his eyes > I didnt leave it there, I dropped it because I was dancing with joy.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:24:05 ] N'maro Makari > Joy for having a starcake.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:25:15 ] N'maro Makari > Yep, that's it. Hammer time.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:25:21 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote claps happily.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:25:30 ] N'maro Makari > /emote goes inactive
 [ 2014.02.10 00:25:38 ] Norrin Ellis > For heaven's sake, man, go to the galley, get some long tongs from the chef, and fish it out.

Later, after much deep-space derring-do...

[ 2014.02.10 00:29:24 ] N'maro Makari > /emote waltzes into the bar [Lock, Stock and Barrel] carrying a starcake in one hand, humming happily to himself He picks up a bottle of rum at the bar and sits down, still humming, no doubt a song about starcakes.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:31:27 ] N'maro Makari > /emote sings off key, quietly "Starcake day, oh it's starcake daaayeee" but is momentarily distracted by his beeping datapad. He puts the starcake down and goes to look. When he looks back up, tradgedy, the cake is gone.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:32:56 ] N'maro Makari > /emote looks around frantically, and catches one of the ladies behind the bar tucking in happily. The look on his face can only be described as heartbreak. To stop himself having an outburst, he bites down on his fist and runs for the exit.
 [ 2014.02.10 00:35:50 ] Kohiko Sun > /emote slooooooowly leans past the edge of the doorway to the back 'office' and peers out with one eye showing. Oh well, somebody has starcake now, so she disappears from sight again.

« Last Edit: 11 Feb 2014, 10:35 by Nmaro Makari »
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #85 on: 18 Apr 2014, 12:32 »

Adventures in Jewellery, starring Synthia

Stitcher > I didn't realise that the Scriptures included party etiquette
Malcolm Khross pinches the bridges of his nose, letting out a sigh and shaking his head.
Zsaryna Adrelana > there's a verse here or there
Synthetic Cultist > For example, if a Hostess mentions her New Necklace will be worn at a Party, it would be Unrighteous to attend wearing Jewellery in All Sixteen Approved Areas.
Illoren Kainta > I think some of the guests would be rather appalled as well.
Zsaryna Adrelana > nothing too concrete however
Ilsenae Alexandros > 'Approved Areas'?
Ilsenae Alexandros > I think this lady is reading a different Scripture than I've heard of
Synthetic Cultist > the sixteen approved areas for jewellery mentioned in the Scriptures, are 8 fingers, 2 wrists, 1 neck, 2 nipples, 1 navel, 2 ears.
Synthetic Cultist > Other Places Are Unrighteous.
Ilsenae Alexandros > Nipples are included?
 Norrin Ellis > Am I the only one that's curious where the Scriptures discuss nipple jewelry?
Malcolm Khross chuckles lightly. > No, you're not.
Ilsenae Alexandros > And 8 fingers? You don't mean all at the same time, do you?
Synthetic Cultist > All At The Same Time would Risk Upstaging The Hostess.
Zsaryna Adrelana > you'd also be unable to punch someone
Norrin Ellis > All at the same time would be gaudy even by Gallente standards.
Synthetic Cultist > But Yes. If it is That Sort of Social Function, wearing Jewellery In All Places Is Permitted.
Ilsenae Alexandros > 'That sort'?
Zsaryna Adrelana > however if you slapped someone whilst wearing many rings, I have no doubt it would act like a duster
Ilsenae Alexandros > What sort?
Synthetic Cultist > The Sort Where People Wear All Their Jewellery.

Tiberious Thessalonia > Frankly, any capsuleer who gets upset over waiting for a few minutes hasn't quite grasped what they are yet.
Synthetic Cultist appears via holo, wearing a huge array of gold jewellery. "Hello Human People"
Ayallah > Do you mean immortal?
Ayallah > Hello
Synthetic Cultist > How are Things ?
Tiberious Thessalonia > Hello, Synthia.
Tiberious Thessalonia > And yes, immortal.
Ayallah > It is certainly going to be interseting.  In a thousand years, who will we be then?
Tiberious Thessalonia > Any form of projection is going to be massively unrealistic along that sort of time frame, for now.
OnetrueThanatos > Better people I would hope.
Synthetic Cultist raises a hand to make a point, but due to the immense amount of jewellery, falls over instead.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Synthia, what are you doing?
OnetrueThanatos > As nice as you look Synthia I think you may of over done it, did you raid a pirate base or something?
Synthetic Cultist says from the floor "Displays of Gold demonstrate Wealth. it was Discussed Earlier in the Week"
OnetrueThanatos > Ahhh status and all that.
Ayallah > Yes.  I don't think many of the original capsuleers are left, even after just ten years.  And Capsuleer dementia... But there are more capsuleers who are good now then ever before.
Synthetic Cultist reappears, having dispensed with the vast majority of the jewellery. "There are Many capsuleers of long Experience"
Synthetic Cultist > the Cardinal Graelyn is a Notable Example.

Tiberious Thessalonia > Some guy on the IGS thinks I am a Gallente Loyalist or something.
Call Rollard > Why is that?
Tiberious Thessalonia > This amuses me.
Tiberious Thessalonia > I have no idea!
Tiberious Thessalonia > I may be the exact opposite of a Gallente Loyalist!
Synthetic Cultist appears via holo camera, "Hello Tiberious"
Adreena Madeveda > It's probably this tendency of yours to indulge in all manners of hedonism, Tiberious.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Clearly.
Naraish Adarn > dare i ask what form of drugs the person in question has ingested
Tiberious Thessalonia > I don't know!
OnetrueThanatos > Oh come on I do drugs all the time and I dont think that, dont blame the drugs if the person is a bloody idiot!
Naraish Adarn > well maybe the person has suffered some form of delusion or psychosis
Synthetic Cultist > the Gallente believe Many Odd Things, Tiberious.
 Lucas Raholan > Good Evening all
Synthetic Cultist > Hello.
Call Rollard > Hello Lucas
Lucas Raholan > How is all doing this day
Call Rollard > Good
Tiberious Thessalonia > Yes, Synthia.  Yes they do.
Synthetic Cultist raises hand to make a point, falls over again, due to weight of jewellery
Tiberious Thessalonia > Synthia, you know what?
Tiberious Thessalonia > There is such a thing as too much wealth display.
OnetrueThanatos > Ahhh I see your going for the whole wealth and status look again.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Being humble about wealth has its own charm
Synthetic Cultist > I have Decided that Gold was Too Ostentatious, Tiberious.
Synthetic Cultist > This is Silver.
Adreena Madeveda > Synthia, did the data I provided you allow you to came to a conclusion concerning cake ?
Lucas Raholan > I though Material wealth was irrelevant in Nation Tibby
Synthetic Cultist reappears, with less jewellery. "Yes Adreena, it was most Helpful"
Synthetic Cultist > Also, Tiberious, my Inability to Move while wearing 80kg of Jewellery, convinces me that Scripture is Righteous, when it is Described that there are 16 Righteous Items.
Tiberious Thessalonia > It is, Lucas.  Synthia is not a National.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Ah, well then.
Lucas Raholan > Why would one wear 80kg of Metal cut into pretty shapes
Synthetic Cultist > Because I am a Woman.

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #86 on: 25 Apr 2014, 08:06 »

[13:41:54] Ava Starfire > Burn Jita started?
[13:42:48] Arista Shahni > "Yes."
[13:44:09] Ava Starfire > Why?
[13:44:29] Templar Twelve > Only the heathens and the heretics will truly know the burning amber of being purified by the sacred flame.
[13:44:39] Ava Starfire > I think you mean ember.
[13:44:53] Naraish Adarn > /emote connects* Saisa
[13:45:00] Templar Twelve > Quiet terrorist.
[13:45:12] Ava Starfire > Come silence me, worm.
[13:45:35] Bryen Verrisai > I don't think he can reach you all the way up in space.
[13:45:41] Naraish Adarn > did i stumble on amarr-minmatar peace negotiation?
[13:45:51] Ava Starfire > Then he should mind his place.
[13:45:57] Ava Starfire > Because I can damn sure reach him on the ground.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #87 on: 04 May 2014, 14:32 »

 More from CTCS:

[ 2014.04.27 19:21:50 ] Ritual Sacrifice > I have been compelled to take action against the most heinous insults earlier
 [ 2014.04.27 19:22:33 ] Ritual Sacrifice > This behaviour will not stand
 [ 2014.04.27 19:23:15 ] Steffanie Saissore > I am almost afraid to ask for details
 [ 2014.04.27 19:37:17 ] Ritual Sacrifice > my faith in Graelyn to moderate the channel fairly is second only to my absolute faith in the Crimson Saviour.
 [ 2014.04.27 19:53:22 ] Graelyn > /emote connects
 [ 2014.04.27 19:53:27 ] Graelyn > What is this shit?
 [ 2014.04.27 19:54:00 ] Graelyn > Someone called you an Animal. You're a big girl. Fight back.
 [ 2014.04.27 19:54:21 ] Innocent Mind > The devotion of a young woman is wasted.
 [ 2014.04.27 19:54:37 ] Graelyn > Get back to me when things are dire and you need saving.
 [ 2014.04.27 19:54:49 ] Graelyn > /emote switches back to standby in a huff

 [ 2014.04.27 20:57:32 ] Ritual Sacrifice > did Graelyn just call me fat ?
 [ 2014.04.27 20:58:04 ] Graelyn > Yes!....No!
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Charles Cambridge Schmidt

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #88 on: 07 May 2014, 17:45 »

Short, but sweet:

Nauplius > Amarr Victor.
Charles Cambridge Schmidt > Gallente Fierce Competetor, But Close Runner-Up?
Stitcher > Caldari didn't compete, but made a lot of money running the betting.
Charles Cambridge Schmidt > I enjoy this.
Drones are pretty cool, I guess.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #89 on: 04 Jun 2014, 12:39 »

Synthia's Profound Statements Amaze All:

Synthetic Cultist > Congratulation on your 10th Anniversary, Cardinal Graelyn.
 Graelyn > Thank you!
 Synthetic Cultist > I observed that people were Rude and chose the Occasion to attack Assets belonging to You.
 Synthetic Cultist > Such Amateurish Plotting is Beneath a Righteous Person.
 Graelyn > It was a group of Holders.
 Synthetic Cultist > the Collective Noun is a Conspiracy of Holders.
 Graelyn > If it's not, it should be.
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