Well, this particular "fucked up hypocrite" finds that reading this thread has filled him with apathy.
Nooooo! Bah. This thread has been a disaster.
Look, Vikarion, you're not a fucked up hypocrite. I know what Lyn said is inflammatory, but I'm not calling you out in this thread. I'm looking for an opinion on it. I'll PM you and hopefully we can talk in-game or something. :/
I'm not upset. I'm just...not sure how to respond.
I'll just respond to what you've said, I think.
First, I do appreciate some of the things you've done. The Asakai support, although sadly ill-fated, was nonetheless awesome. But there are a few negatives on your plate that you have to deal with, and a few positives that you aren't taking advantage of.
On the negative side, you tend to self-sabotage. For example, in the kablooiee of a thread on the IGS that was a result of CCP's latest attempt at killing interest in live activities, you apparently decided that the best way to defend your participation was to question the loyalty of those who didn't show up. That's generally considered a dick move, not least because many people can't make it to live events. (Or, like me, you have sworn eternal unending vengeance against them.) It's also kind of a dumb PR move, because, frankly, the fastest way to get other loyalists to start dropping bombs is to intimate that they aren't as loyal as you, because they didn't do something. You may not have meant it that way, but it sure looked that way.
On the positive side, you need to learn how to use propaganda effectively. Because I-RED does not. I don't mean flashy posters. I mean the steady feeding of a certain version of the truth. You don't need to attack your attackers - it's fun, but as an organization, it is generally a pleasure to be abstained from. Don't write "unlike X, we actually showed up to the State's call". Write "...we felt that we were obligated to answer the call of the State, and while the results were unfortunate, we believe that the call to duty cannot be ignored". What's another loyalist to say to that? And yet, it contains all the criticism and self-justification of the first one.
Also, you need to get your story out there. Many wars are won not just by which side is capable of winning, but by which side tells its story the best - to itself and to others. And this usually means engaging with people on the IGS, for us RPers. Otherwise, your opposition's story is the only one which is heard. There are a few rules for this, too:
1. You are awesome - but not ridiculously so. Admit defeats, but qualify them. "We will continue to resist", etc. Act gracious in victory, preferably after claiming anything you reasonably can as a victory.
2. Never admit complete fault. Even if your product is causing men to become pregnant with vicious weasels, you "regret that a small percentage of users are suffering from side effects". It's not your fault that Caldari militia are mad at you, for "you regret that a small portion of the militia is attempting to create division in our joint struggle".
3. Learn how to counter-punch. When someone accuses you of shooting blues, establish the "Blue Orphans Donation Fund Grant Thing". If someone says that you are harvesting 101 dalmatians for their coats, have video ready of you nursing a sick scottish terrier. Then point out that your opponent is wearing polka dots and wonder aloud if they might be projecting. And better yet, do a few of these things before hand. That way, when someone accuses you of hamster squishing, you can go "how can you possibly accuse us of such a terrible crime? Doesn't anyone realize that we founded the Hamster Preservation Society last year?!?"
And, lastly, if you want loyalists to have your back, stop sniping at them so much, and at common enemies so little. My general rule is that I need about 5-7 anti-someone-else posts for every "you suck at being Caldari" post. Because, let's admit it: one of the best things about being Caldari is that we ARE better than everyone else.

So, you need to demonstrate that. Sure, Kat thinks that Vikarion is a total patriot douche, but she'd make sweet, sweet love to him and every other patriot and practical before she'd give a Gallente model a kiss. Why? Because fuck them, that's why. We're family. Sure, I hate you and you hate me, but only when there isn't someone else around to
really keep us busy.