Meanwhile, people are still arguing, using the existence of 10+ year old missions as evidence.
"but what about the amarr navy slave raids"
"but what about the minmatar bioweapon attacks"
"but what about the gallente illegal settlements"
"but what about the caldari building military installations on the monuments to the 1st caldari-gallente war"
and so on.
Used as evidence against anyone and everyone who doesn't fit a particular mould.
"SFRIM are good people"
"but what about the navy slave raids ?"
"electus matari are honorable people"
"But what about the minmatar virus bombings ?"
and so on.
As a new face what you just described is what made me mighty motivated into joining the RP side of things. Personally in a way its also how I could ever find interest in a narrative that is commercial driven(stereotyping of bad commercial narratives to attract masses exist for a reason after all). EvE demonstrates a truth about politics; the biggest enemy doesn't lie in the person who opposes you at face value..but at the person who is driven for own purposes and narratives and resides over the same camp with you.
Going to the point raised of all those respectable capsuleer organisations doesn't absolve them from the indeed true narrative of the failings of whom they side with. Loyalist political narrative will do that. It should do that; and in addition it also adds to the mix and inspirations of it.
Maybe its just me being new to all this, but there are plenty of mediums and possibilities of moving the story forward be it through the chat box or be it through actual combat. I like the fact for example that the FW is strict in a way, because it would be mighty interesting had I went down that path to see how Sepphiros would treat those who are zealots but at his same side, philosophical ponderings of how much the enemy is the beast or are we? Would Sepphiros turn into a zealot or not? Add a bit of twists and spices each faction has and that is wonderful in a way. Add a bit of how each uniquely views and adds t the wonderful thing called video gaming and things are looking up already for much better.
Nauplius or no Nauplius, pendulum swings either in FW or null, glorified chatboxes or not, the way I think EvE is beautiful is because it doesnt matter what the others are doing per RP goes. What matters per RP goes is what you make of all that towards your character and of course how much you want to become part of a narrative. If some find it cool not to interact with Nauplius and not help then that should be a medium for new thinking to come at play, alternatively the same as well and how each thing adds to
your character.
It shouldnt be too much about
my opinion is better/superior/inferior/patronizing than yours; but I feel it should be about how a character acts through all these first personally, then to its immediate circle and then publicly. For example Nauplius for Sepphiros(and this is OOC knowledge to be considered) is viewed as an example of weak Amarr capsuleer politics at display. One capsuleer wreaking havoc to the Amarr scene where the latter looks like it lacks an initiative against him. I am
aware that one cant actualy make a character(not the player I mention here, I actually find the dude/girl behind Nauplius pretty cool, hope we have OOC drinks one day) completely shut off. I am
also aware that Nauplius is used as internal RP for the SFRIM and maybe PIE narrative. Whatever the case may be though,
publicly there have been instances where the morale has been broken for someone. Think of past characters whose old posts are still readable in the forums and old corporations who were broken. So in fact publicly, per IC concerned the likes of Nauplius( i hate personally to pinpoint the said name so please insert anything you may want, I just draw inspiration from the flow of discussion)
can be broken, its just that if it could be but isnt then there is a reason.
Which leads me to another important element; content creation.
The premise of a sandbox to work is based on the energy levels of reactionary forces of one butterfly to another and other elements within the sandbox. EvE being always a game, I feel commercialy is a rather niche one. Which also should be viewed as an important element not only in RP but also at the game level as well. Its partially why I have a negative feel about nullsec and the philosophy behind it; at least the public one thats been portrayed at me as a new face. A premise of a well filled sandbox for being succesfull means that numbers will carry out probability of actions, thus generate content which will exponentially generate content.
In current EvE status I believe that the sandbox dwellers should add a modus operati of having preservation of the sandbox in their game mechanic as well. Think of it as becoming and acting ecologically active towards our sandbox.
A super powerful 10 year character/corporation pummeling a weaker side at face value, within a normal sandbox environment would be ok. Because equal numbers and a fair game operation equal also same number of competition in a way.
Here is where it gets even more interesting though; RP is a sandboxception; i.e a sandbox within a sandbox. Which begs questions like 'Should the RPers care more for their RP sandbox than the whole of the rest sandbox? For me it shouldnt but there has to be a balance of in the end acknowledging that its a survival thing as well. Just as non RPers who just like to collect tears are teaming up together to do so, just so we need as RPers protect one other as well however we can and I think its best to begin with one another.
Does that mean that we should all treat each other as special snowflakes and refrain from content creating and conflict that EvE lore is so much based upon? Personally no, I dont think so either. What it means though is that perhaps the RP sandbox should come up with ways of strengthening the content and thus gameplay, but most importantly do so intentionaly. Corporation/person of year X with enough weight to cause a broken nose or two to sandbox dwellers of equal weight, should in my honest opinion
demonstrate but not act that it could break a number of smaller entities. Give them something to despise and something to live up. Most importantly, motivate by competition of other said corporation/person of equal or near equal weight to act as a detterent. In short, do things for the ride and the journey which will make everyone ideally meet halfway there providing a medium where fun interacting stories generated by all means(chat box, podkilling, scheming, economy whatever, all of it) and for the good of everyone staying in and relogging.
One of the greatest commercial narratives in the world (Star Wars I have in mind) acts in such a way. The rule of two is a self preservading system to always antagonize good, not merely destroy it as it could have by first antagonising itself, understanding the benefits of renewal power( also the good side has a version of it and there is more to the rule of two but I woudlnt like to turn this into a star wars thread...).
By the latest statement who is good and who is bad at EvE universe is frankly something that one shouldnt ponder; because it doesnt exist and it looks to me it wasnt built that way so why keep going to that argument? Good is the side we are at EvE at any given time. But there is a common enemy, and its not the one across; it should be the one who threatens to break the sandbox. And if you come to think about a way...Lore has also demonstrated that(not only) with the Jove versus the Empire when the latter threatened to break New Eden.
----out of thread final comment----
I am a new face, what I have said are my opinions as to what I see as the author mentioned new faces as well. My style at this so far is about meeting as many of you fellow gamers as I can, and mostly I hear what is called bittervets. But the power of how great video games are, especialy powerful ones as EvE, stand with us, as Mizhara has partially touched upon it as well. Be it through chat box, or fighting or economy game or whatever and however everyone feels like enjoying one's self I believe in a way the responsibility of how good this will go is on the community itself. So what can be done is something that each should question in one's self.
I would be glad to keep meeting more of you along the following days both OOC and IC, whichever way you prefer . I am, as those who have already met me always open at OOC interactions keeping far away from IC conflicts and all that aside; I hope if there is any way to help the community and I can do it, I ll try my best and act upon it. Sorry for too long thread