Considering I have the last post in that thread, I am also curious what comments are the moderator worthy ones.
I actually linked the specific post in the OP =)
I'm unclear on what you mean by "that".
You'll also note that there was no naming and shaming. Those interested in finding out could, those who were not interested did not get it in the post. The thread is about blatantly using the OOC channel as a source for IC intel with the latest example of this mentioned.
Linked in the OP : calling people nutbags and nutcases. Not having named them is a double fallacy in itself since :
- Everyone perfectly knows you are talking about the linked post on the IGS. Which is about Valerie Valate and CTCS. It is also not a secret to anyone that they are controversial, and have been a lot more in the recent months. Don't play dumb with me, you are smarter than that.
- Most similar posts on these boards have been modded for that precise reason : not naming people or groups but alluding to them by veiled snipes have always been modded.
The shaming is inherent to the insults in themselves. By calling people nutbags, it directly intend to ostracize them or consider them as such. Without even speaking about the personal attack in itself.
Applies to what? If you're referring to the OP, then I would have to say no it does not. It's an example of something we as roleplayers rather tend to frown upon and used as a reminder why that is. If anything was an attack, it was the rather severe breach of IC/OOC to begin with.
I was not totally at ease when reading the OP, but as much as it was targeting the practice of a few players that are not even there to defend themselves, I have absolutely nothing against YDIW issues, unlike the staff of the forum. I think as long as they are done in a civil way, they can prove to be extremely healthy for the community as a whole. Thus why I found the outcome of the OP rather interesting, as well as most answers.