I think at some point, you have to realize that it's human nature to form cliques and be hypocritical of each other. Popularity contests are inescapable parts of life. It should be fairly obvious, even. If a popular person does something questionable, it's going to be overlooked by those they are popular with. If somebody with less influence does the very same, they might get noticed and criticized much more harshly, simply because they do not enjoy the protection that popularity provides.
I used to think when I was growing up, I'd some day join the wide world of adults where everybody is magically fair to each other and the rule of law and reason is equally applied to everybody. I used to think pretty people and wealthy people wouldn't be granted pardons for crimes, and popular people wouldn't get away with cheating, and social circles no longer defined your opportunities in life. I was wrong. I did grow up, and part of that meant realizing that life is inherently unfair. I learned that life is always going to be a popularity contest, and the only creatures that won't force me to play that game is my cat... and even then that's debatable.
I figure you're trying to point out the hypocritical injustice here in that Saede may not have been judged as fairly as Che was in the linked thread, but... you know, Saede's gotten her lumps from the community as well.
Yes, unfair social cliques exist in our community. Yes they contribute to hypocrisy, echo-chambers, and all other manner of ill things.
No, they likely won't ever go away.