Another major issue with this whole thing..
If the player doing the "real" theft forewarned the victim OOC.. acting against is "metagaming".
People may notice I don't say much or show much OOC about my character IC that isn't obvious or easily knowable. This is because this is how I learned to RP in MMOs - I shoot from the hip and etc. There are records, yes, but they are all wholly in my hands and under my control and not sitting anywhere someone can find them. If people want to dig into my char's life they need to do so with me 'GM'ing it in a sense. If I am going to stab someone in the back or kiss them on the mouth they will not see it coming based on any info put up as 'you cant know this IC but I'm putting it up to show it', because it forces people to make decisions literally based on 'meta" information about me -- things they know OOC that could effect IC actions.
Best example LARPErs will get. Your LARP char cant see ghosts but they can hurt you. You see a ghost on the path (white headbanded or whatever system you use.) ... what are you going to do...? suiddenyl remember you have to pee... or walk right into a trap you can see with your OOC eyes?
Some of that info, people NEED to act on in EVE. A corp theft would def. be one of those things. There are plenty of pure RP ones as well. I'm sure not everyone here will handwave anything bad happening to them because :grimdark: for one, and for two if you just keep ignoring RP 'bad conseqequences' you don't like that aren't godmodding you're a bad RPer and should feel bad.
(ex. Arista said something to my char that sparked this horrible memory or made other people hate me.. you know what im going to pretend she didnt say that and make everyone else who witnessed it handwave it as well cause its 'nonconsensual'. Doesn't work. Ok I know using Arista as an example is bad as shes a frickin mushy carebear but still you get the point I hope. )
It boils down, honestly, to what weighs more. The RP /me aspect , or the ISK value, or if both are equal (which for most people,. this is likely the deal).. likely the reason a lot of us are shuffling our feet, at least a little, on the IC/OOC divide. Because in all respects, there IS a divide.
Trick me into 'consensually' drinking something IC thats poisoned or drugged and I'm drugged and that could lead to IC consequences that could effect my character for months. (this is like forum RP.. where phrasing and etc can make something that would seem 'nonconsensual" consensual because you just weren't paying enough attention, or couldn't think of a counter, or didn't have one in place, etc.) Blow up my ship and I lose isk that could also effect me for months. It's just a matter of how I value the effect of one versus the other. If I play primarily for RP, then the RP effect will "hurt me oocly" more. If I play primarily for game mechanics, then game mechanics will "hurt me more oocly". etc.
At the end of the day .. RP can screw you in EVE, players can screw you in EVE, cause EVE has that 'screw you' element. Whether it was "all OOC" or a mix is irrelevant. Someone got screwed. But that's EVE ... :/