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Author Topic: Fate of Diana Kim  (Read 7357 times)

Lithium Flower

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Fate of Diana Kim
« on: 13 Jun 2013, 23:31 »

I have no particular plans about her and just let her follow the stream. However, it is quite obviously, that this stream leads character to the situation without bright future. Each day she puts more and more nails to her coffin. I have been asked several times, about what she will do. My answer is: I don't know. But I would like to know, what you would like her to do after the situation in the State is resolved not in her favor.

I have listed most possible outcomes of this situation. Of course, you can suggest something new, if you have any ideas, and I may find them... interesting and feasible. Just keep in mind, that she will remain loyal to the State until the end. Let me explain options that I have in mind in more details:

1. Kill her completely. I think it is the most probable and logical solution for her dilemma. Of course, we know, that death solves nothing, but she is Caldari and stuff. Well, on a bright note, if she will die completely, I can finally publish all fiction about her character, so we could cry about her together  :cry:

2. She can still commit suicide and let her 'children' (as next clones according to her philosophy) to continue her duty to the State. Thus, on one hand, she 'cleans' her honor, and on other, does not 'betray' the State by leaving her service in hard time. Well, there is a bit of complication, because her 'children' will be verrry suicidal, like very very.

3. A little handwavium on extension of option 1. I had it in my mind earlier to try to do this stuff with her: she dies somehow, but her initial clone is activated (without memories of all her capsuleer deeds). She will be same adrenaline freak with same personality, same PTSD and philosophy, but will be completely clueless about what happened with her earlier and will be trying to find out about her capsuleer life. It can be either same character, or she can be 'resurrected' as fresh clone with her original - birth name.

4. I have been suggested a failed suicide attempt with tea, either wrongly made or because her resistance because of genes and stuff. Either way, if she survives suicide attempt with tea, she will become believer and furious wayist adept, which might be interesting thing to play. (also it will mean, that her actions were 'approved' by the Maker, and it will come to some... well... dangerous and explosive situations)

5. There are possible solutions that wouldn't require her to commit suicide in one way or another. It will depends on how she will react, what she will and won't do, and what will happen around her. She might just continue her service, shrugging off everything (which I believe should be lest possible and feasible scenario). Spend a week or so in tears. Became completely broken, crazy (more crazy than now, if it is possible at all  :lol:), or even drunkard or drug addict?..

Steffanie Saissore

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jun 2013, 00:04 »

I selected option 1, solely based on what I know of the character from IGS and in game.  I congratulate you for managing to have Kim stick to her guns through all of this...I would have a hard time playing that kind of single-mindedness to a cause in face of evidence.

The position Kim is in is a difficult one and all four options are feasible.  I'm typically loathe to kill of a character permanently, but it would be a glorious death and fitting for her story.
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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jun 2013, 00:47 »

Normally I don't vote on these threads about characters, because I don't usually know what to say. In regards to DK, I sort of do.

I chose option 5. As much as option 1 might be more her style as a hardcore Caldari provist, and fitting for the character, it doesn't sit well with me. All that time spent coming up with her story, RPing her, and not to mention the training up of skills, will all just go down the drain if you start over fresh with a new character. Not to mention it's just the pits going from a character that can do a lot in game to one just barely starting again.

Yes, I know, having the character continue onward after the hard downfall that's going to happen soon isn't going to be an easy one. She will be sad, down, depressed... and I know none of that's fun to RP, especially on long periods of time. However, there's always a way through it. Perhaps she can meet some new people she wouldn't normally have spoken to and befriend them(for better or worse influence wise).  Or fall deep into something like drug abuse. Or like mentioned in option 4 (which is also a decent option), she could find something to believe in, be it wayist or even the Amarr faith.

Anyhow, that's my thought on this.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jun 2013, 00:49 »

Take the tea. Survive. Join us to put boots to Feddy faces.


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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jun 2013, 00:57 »

If actual Nazis can eat crow and carry on after the war, so can Kimmy. I believe in you, kirjuun.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #5 on: 14 Jun 2013, 03:56 »

I don't really know. Though options 1 (might not be fun for the player and time invested), option 3, and option 5 are nice to me. Especially option 3 but maybe cause i'm just in my cyberpunk period.

Mostly because I don't like option 2, which is less interesting in my opinion, and I don't like option 4 too, it sounds completely stretched and artificial OOCly to me.


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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #6 on: 14 Jun 2013, 04:17 »

Hm, tricky.

I really enjoy Diana, but I think I might have to go for option 1. Though, there is really no telling what will happen next with Heth (I am still suspecting some kind of Guristas stunt), but what ever happens to him, I think Diana perhaps should follow suit.

EDIT: After re-reading the options, I think number 3 is the best sci-fi. Because it touches some questions regarding existentialism, such as responsibility and blame. At least it will continue to make Diana an interesting and believable character, I wonder if she can be that under option 5.
« Last Edit: 14 Jun 2013, 05:57 by Myyona »
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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #7 on: 14 Jun 2013, 04:25 »

If actual Nazis can eat crow and carry on after the war, so can Kimmy. I believe in you, kirjuun.

This. Struggling to deal with the fallout and collapse of your worldview is interesting RP in itself, no need to just cut it short with suicide, Kim seems like a stronger character then that. She's just going to need to come to terms with the fact that the world isn't as simple a place as she was taught.
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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #8 on: 14 Jun 2013, 04:54 »

She could get faith, go to the dark side, and join Amarr. :P

Lyn Farel

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #9 on: 14 Jun 2013, 05:08 »

Diana Kim is going to fall into alcohol and drugs, and end up smoking weed in a thukker caravan  :eek:


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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #10 on: 14 Jun 2013, 06:51 »

Take the tea. Survive. Join us to put boots to Feddy faces.

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Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #11 on: 14 Jun 2013, 07:01 »

Take the tea. Survive. Join us to put boots to Feddy faces.

This man is wise.


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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #12 on: 14 Jun 2013, 07:03 »

Take the tea. Survive. Join us to put boots to Feddy faces.

This man is wise.

Not empty quoting. Tea option could make her less crazy and more balanced honerebu State Hero. She shouldn't just die. At all. Just no..


Morwen Lagann

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #13 on: 14 Jun 2013, 08:45 »

Personally I like 3 and 5 the most, with 4 coming in after that.

#3 would allow you to 'reboot' the character in a sense - people would know about her past and could tell her about it, but you'd also be free to try developing her in an entirely different direction, almost from scratch. Amnesia is an over-used trope, sure, but in EVE's setting it's a more reasonable one to borrow from because of the cloning technology.

#5 has tremendous opportunities for good character development and progression. Heth's downfall will of course have huge effects on her - but the struggle to climb back up out of the dark is in and of itself a good and worthwhile journey for RP. There are a number of people here who have had characters go through traumatic experiences, and then come out stronger - and changed - from the recovery. Ask them for help and suggestions if you go this route.

#4 would be... interesting. I dunno if the cluster can handle a Diana who's got divine justification for all her actions, but at least it would easily let you keep pew pewing in FW. :P

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Re: Fate of Diana Kim
« Reply #14 on: 14 Jun 2013, 09:04 »

I like option 5, personally. It gives you the opportunity to really develop some depth with her - lots of people RP characters with "terrible bad things" in their past, but you'd be actually RPing through some of the worst moments in Diana's life. That's an incredible opportunity.

Besides, Shin's just quit the Caldari side and gone back to the Federation. Diana wants to kill Shin, doesn't she?  :D
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