Alright people, in relation to PIE, let's just lay it all out on the table. Here are the reasons why PIE has said 'reputation' currently and is now stuggling to lay it aside.
1.) PIE, in ye olde days before the vast majority of the current players even started, used to be a powerhouse. They were the founding corp of CVA, led the legendary Golden Fleets that were so sexy even their enemies liked to see them, and were all-around a stong catalyst for conflict and fun. This is a huge reputation to live up to.
2.) PIE is a shadow of its former self, having gone through a time of heavy leadership inactivity and low pilot count. During this time people expecting PIE to be on field with 20+ Navy Apocs were instead met with one or two cruisers or frigs if they were on at the right time and at the right place. This opened up PIE's reputation to come under attack, and a lot of people joined in on the bandwagon because it was easy and/or they had a vested IC interest in knocking PIE down a notch.
3.) PIE is only just now beginning to recover, but the dark times still linger. Almost all of the old guard of PIE is gone or only semi-active and now we're just a regular old RP corp with okayish numbers. We have a good amount of active members now, but we still are short on experienced PvP'ers, especially on the US and AU TZ's. Hence in some ways the 'inactive' comment still applies. I'm struggling to find wingmates from within the corp or even the alliance, but at the same time the Euros are enjoying nice training ops and small-scale roams of 4-7 members. Again, things are just now starting to turn around in visible ways, so people still assume we're never in space. That's fine, we have to earn our reputation back, but these things take time. And more recruitment, tbh.
Chill out people, we'll get to killing you eventually.
Now, as for the overall topic, 'failing to undock' is usually a symptom of something else besides cowardice and/or not giving a fuck. Usually it just indicates a simple lack of numbers at the time. Nobody is going to undock for a crap fight, plain and simple.