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Kiaor was a notable Minmatar historical figure attributed with saying, "Those whom you hate so fervently, you must have once loved so deeply."

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Author Topic: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp  (Read 10332 times)

Esna Pitoojee

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Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« on: 06 Jan 2013, 02:03 »

Okay, so I'm writing this at 2 AM as more of a "here's an idea stuck in my head I want to get out" than a coherent plan, so I'm essentially brainvomiting here and I'd appreciate any constructive thoughts on the matter.


Right now it seems to me that there are two major types of corps in the Amarr RP community.
One is the PvP-focused corporation - PIE and a couple other militia corps fall in here. Now, no offense to any of my good buddies in PIE (seriously I <3 you guys) but not everyone is ready - or wanting - to make that hard leap straight off from the Imperial Academy to the target-ridden depths of the warzone. Or maybe they're not interested in FW for other reasons. Or maybe they're intimidated by the hardcore rank structure thing PIE has going - point is, not everyone's up for such a heavy RPvP corp at this point.

The other type of corp is the individualized RP corp. These represent various RP-required homes for people who, for whatever reason, are choosing to put themselves in a corp related to their current RP state; the obvious issue here is that often these are incompatible with wide recruitment. A good example of these is Tyrathlion Interstellar (Morwen plz don't hate me). It's a corp which Morwen is in because of where her character is, and aside from a handful of people Morwen knows and cares about IC, there's not going to be much potential recruitment.

So. Here's what I'm proposing:

An Amarr-aligned PvE/light industry corp for those who do not fit into the two larger groups above. I would roll an alt to take the CEO position; however, much of the daily operations would be up to individual members to handle. I would have a hand in planning extended RP arcs or operations in the corp, but really more than anything I am trying to kick-start a corporation to fill a niche that I see lacking, and hoping that once I have assembled people under this house they will produce a community of their own.

Some thoughts:
- If people wanted to step up to handle specific roles in this (mining director, newbie teaching director, etc) I'd be practically jump for joy.
- I would not be comfortable with handing off CEOship for a while. Before I handed this to anyone, I would want to see them hold an 'officer' position for some time, so don't join expecting to take over in a couple of weeks (conversely, if anyone feels like taking this project and running with it from the start, be my guest! I'm not copy-writing the corp concept!)
- RPwise, this corp would be mostly aimed at defending the Empire against threats already within its borders - pirate raiders, corrupt Holders, etc.

However, every plan has its flaws, and here's my top 3 concerns:
1. The everyone's alts effect: Everyone contributes an alt, and then is on that alt 25% of the time, resulting in a huge memberlist but an empty corp chat. Frankly, I'd be just as guilty as anyone else, considering I'd not be moving Esna-prime in!
2. The absent leadership dilemma: Extrapolating from point 1, my concern would be that as this corp is at least in part aimed at picking up rookies not yet ready for low- or null-sec, those who would join would find themselves often without guidance or assistance and end up feeling as if they were in somewhere no different than the NPC start corp.
3.  Stealing people who'd already be going to existing Amarr RP corps: My experience suggests to me that the gap I described above exists, but it's possible I'm utterly missing a corp or something. If this already exists, I do -NOT- want end up in a cuthroat competition with you for new recruits.

So, with the above said, why am I even suggesting this? Well, firstly because I have been asked if something such as this by others. Secondly, with that said, I am really hoping that if I provide the framework people will build on it. I'm essentially tossing a pebble and hoping it starts an avalanche.

With this said: Thoughts/ideas/comments/criticisms of my 2-3 AM brainvomit?
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #1 on: 06 Jan 2013, 10:12 »

I think there is definite merit in creating a lower intensity corporation for new/casual players to join.   Providing it with a macro-story arc to follow will help as well.

It also acts as a "graduate school" once they leave the school corp, but it needs to provide something the school can't.  My thought would be to recruit a core cadre which runs the day-to-day or week-to-week operations.  The core Cadre needs things like access to L4 (or even L5 agents) and an expert in various areas of the game (including PvP!)

As the veteran Chairman of the Board, Esna sets up the structure and "campaign."

You need a high-level mission runner interested in FCing a squadron running a mission - think Tier 1 BC & a bunch of Cruisers running a mission!   This teaches the newbie ship roles etc.

Another item to consider is an extensive Amarr centric BPO library for the corp.  Total BPO Library value is probably less than 1B isk.

Just some additional ideas (the idea could be applied to any faction really).


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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #2 on: 06 Jan 2013, 14:41 »

I think there is a need for such an organization.  Your concerns regarding alts is well founded.  But a few rules regarding activity levels can limit that damage.  I personally have an "alt" on its own account, and would very much be interested in seeing you advance your idea.  Amarr RP is very very different than Fed RP, but in some ways its more fun. DO IT!

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #3 on: 06 Jan 2013, 15:09 »

It does seem that many of the Amarr characters who would be a fit for a corp like this are in their own smallish and limited recruitment corps.

We did try to get something like this started several months ago with Anoyia's Exhortation, but that suffered from absent CEO and also never reached that critical point where there are enough active members to sustain corp activities. Everyone ended up leaving for PIE because that's where the Amarr RP was at the time and they were doing similar activities.

I'd love to see something like this and would support it, unfortunately my last few experiences have left me a bit disappointed.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #4 on: 06 Jan 2013, 16:38 »

I tend to agree with Karmilla:

To be successful with something like that one would need an active CEO, willing to put a good part of foundational work into it and then one would need to cross the active member threshold quickly enough for people not to leave. The latter isn't quite easy as there is - in my experience at last - a lack of people who really want to do Amarr RP on the required level of activity: I have to say that I am not really willing to commit that much time, either. One would also need a good number of active Amarr RPer's to 'tutor' the newbies in the culture of Amarrian RP - as it is I think the Amarrian community is already too small to do that effectively, the veterans being spread thin and not very active and/or vocal.

Also, many people associate with Amarr RP mouth-frothing zealotry and racism, elements that imho play a role in Amarrian RP but don't lend themselves to make it very interesting. What brought at least me to the Amarrian side were those Amarr players that were (and are) able to convey that "Amarr citizens tend to be highly educated" and to keep up - all in all - decorum. I'm not quite sure if the Amarrian community is able to pass that on, still, especially given how prevailing anti-religious resentments are among the characters in EVE.


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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jan 2013, 23:14 »

Have you considered requesting command of a training division within PIE that operates away from the front lines for new recruits?

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #6 on: 07 Jan 2013, 00:39 »

PIE has it's own style of play and already draws a decent number of recruits. While they have a lot of things going on, it currently primarily seems to operate as FW/Lowsec RPPVP and draws that crowd. From my experience, there were a couple officers involved in PVE and anyone else realized they could be doing the same thing on their own and without a perma-wardec.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #7 on: 07 Jan 2013, 00:49 »

So, what I'm basically hearing here is "make sure you have a core pillar of members to stand on (or with) before you do anything." Fair enough.

Thinking about this again, it's increasingly apparent to me that, as Esna!prime will not be in this corp, I will be limited to "social" roles in anything I do to support this, such as outreach and RP guidance.

With that said - and perhaps this may sound a bit selfish - but who among those who reads this thread can I chalk up as interested enough in playing a support/leadership role in a project like this?
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #8 on: 07 Jan 2013, 11:22 »

It's a bit of a double catch-22 situation, to be fair. Without numbers, nobody wants to join; without people joining, there's no numbers. Without activity, nobody wants to put their main in; without mains, there's no (guaranteed) activity.

If the idea behind the corp is to provide an entity whose selling point is an inward focus on the stability and security  of the Empire, then it might be reasonable to see if people have spare mission-running alts that can be RPed with and "donated" to help get things going.

I don't have any such alts personally, but when I'm not busy with other stuff, I probably wouldn't mind coming and running a few missions with people as long as they aren't against the Big Four. Would be able to support the corp in that fashion at least.

Thanks for the shout-out though - it's more or less the way you described, but you might be surprised to know there have been one or two people I've looked at for recruitment. I might need to just put up a post in this area at some point to explain things. :P
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #9 on: 07 Jan 2013, 14:35 »

The best would be to see if you have enough similar factionally inclined (main) characters in the same situation to start something up. If not, then probably not worth the trouble.

Terra Matar for example took off pretty quick since the concept matched completely the need of a lot of Matari players, if I am not mistaken.


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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #10 on: 07 Jan 2013, 15:21 »

The best would be to see if you have enough similar factionally inclined (main) characters in the same situation to start something up. If not, then probably not worth the trouble.

Terra Matar for example took off pretty quick since the concept matched completely the need of a lot of Matari players, if I am not mistaken.

Heh, well, as TRA showed 'taking off fast' doesn't necessarily translate into a stable corporation. There were various reasons for it closing which I'm not going into here, but despite that Lyn isn't completely wrong. At one point we had enough members online to have some pretty awesome (and semi-regular) fleet ops. So making a corp that matches what people are looking for is an excellent way to quickly swell membership, you just have to be reasonably careful about who it actually is you're letting in. As with any corp.

This was possibly the least coherent post I've ever made :l

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #11 on: 08 Jan 2013, 03:07 »

Since a handful of corps exist. Is an alliance a possibility?

Rin Kaelestria

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #12 on: 08 Jan 2013, 13:00 »

Since a handful of corps exist. Is an alliance a possibility?

Is this based on what the other posters have said, or an observation? I'm kind of not getting where you're coming up with the "handful of corps" in this case.   :s

Anyhow, I've been keeping an eye on this thread, mainly because I'm one of the people who'd be interested in such a corporation. Been rather stuck in my own holding corp for too long, and I'd like to get into an Amarr aligned corporation that RPs. Problem is there's not a lot of those out there to begin with, with the exception of PIE. As much as I like most of the  members of PIE ( :cube: to Mitty and Aldy), it's not a fit for me nor my toon.

So, yes. If Esna started this up, I'd try to be one of the first people to try and jump into it.


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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #13 on: 08 Jan 2013, 14:36 »

Esna, unless you are willing to put the time into it, or you can find someone willing to put the time into it, well, being as gentle as I can, I don't think this will work.  I tried to do this with Rho Dynamics several times, and it never took off. 

Then again, you seem to have more of a direction than I did, and you're more social in game with Esna that I was with Sai, so maybe it would work for you.  I will say that I have never seen too many people who want to PvE, PvP seems to be the drawing factor for a lot of people. 

About the alliance idea though, before I left the game, I did make that work, getting a number of like minded corps together and haveing us all form an alliance based on mutual interest.  So, here it would be like Tyrathlion Interstellar and all the other small Amarrian corps forming an alliance based on we're Amarrian and we like the independance of our corps, but we want to be able to band together to tackle larger projects.  Actually, excpet for the Amarrian part, that is about the same pitch I used.  Not sure if that would work out to what you want here.

But good luck, sorry I can't do more. 

Louella Dougans

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Re: Potential project - Amarr non-FW / PvE corp
« Reply #14 on: 08 Jan 2013, 16:11 »

how would you envision dealing with war decs ?

Any such corp would be a legitimate target for opposing RP corporations. It may also be seen as a "soft target" for war decs.
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