So we have one basic shape, seen a number of times in different guises. That shape is a hollow polygon, with horns. Something interesting is that each shape is distinctive enough that other cultures stop seeing it within each other. People don't normally look at the Angel and Jovian symbols side by side. People don't normally make the connection between the amarrian symbol and the Ray of Matar. I think its obvious the Jovian symbol came first, and , however, my mind comes back to something that, yes, I know has been discussed before:
Little is known about the identities of the leaders of the Angel Cartel, though it is understood they come from all the races.
And this:
The majority of the Jovian population relocated in the Motherships. Those showing any sign of the Disease were left behind to die.
Being Left behind to die, does not me that they did.
But lets step back from that. I think...fuck, holy crap.
half the symbols in eve can be reduced to a horned hollow shape.
Jovian symbol, Cartel symbols, Amarrian symbols, Ray of Matar, Guristas Bunny, Blood Raider Skull, Ammatar Mandate, Thukker Tribe
But I don't think these are of...well, what we think of as origin. I think its something older then this. We're going deeper.
In the symbols we all see in eve, the horns or crescent all feature the polygon dot across or below the horns, which makes sense, looking at it in the context of the "Signs of Faith" chronicle. (incidentally this is something I think I unconsciously realized when designing the Risen Angels symbol, since its "risen" angels, the dot is above the horns)
where else is the dot above the horned shape?
The Oruze Construct.