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Author Topic: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List  (Read 51926 times)


  • Shady Thukker & Ninja Admin
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    • Serious Thukking Business - Blog
In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« on: 17 Apr 2010, 23:03 »

Gotta keep this thing up-to-date. There is a version of this on the EVElopedia wiki but it's good to maintain one here as well. I'm going to start with just listing the channel names, if anyone wishes to contribute other info about the channels, including MOTD or rules then please reply with the information to be added.

General / Non-aligned IC Channels

The Summit
  • Description: The Summit is arguably the most popular and frequented roleplay channel. It regularly hosts a wide variety of personalities, drawn from across many of the organizations in New Eden. Conversation varies from day to day, and as it is basically something of a mirror of the Forum-based roleplay channel the Intergalactic Summit, there is often various topics being discussed.
  • MOTD: Welcome to the Summit. This comm channel is intended for discussions on the dealings of empires and corporations. Diplomacy and debate are the suggested topics, psychotic ramblings and practices that do not belong in public should remain in other channels.
          Thank you and enjoy.

          (In-Character interaction only, if you want to talk out of character, go to the 'OOC' channel. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED! No more ooc comments ((like this)) in-channel, please.)
          -Aliahnora Dushan & Julia Cameron, CEOs, CRC Auxiliary
        * Activity level: Many lurkers, reliable number of speakers.
        * Faction or group affiliation: None/capsuleers
        * IC information & history: The Summit is a frequency long used by whoever, for whatever reason. It was established by a corporation known as the CRC Auxiliary, ostensibly a vestigal company somehow attached to the ISD CRC. (OOC info: Gaven Lok'ri made an alt corp to run it and filled it with the alts of trustworthy folks, or something.) However, several years into its existance, the ISD CRC's function was reduced, and around the same time, the Auxiliary was bought up by the New Eden Free Press, who sought to maintain the function of the Summit as a neutral ground where one might advance any topic so long as one was not a disruptive force.
        * Access: In most cases, video feeds connect to some sort of interlink. In the case of events, meetings, or significant pan-cluster gatherings, one may access a provided assembly hall (that looks kinda like the UN's meetin' room, etc).

The Three Sisters
Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

FreeIntaki [Not entirely sure this belongs in the general category]
  • Description: Channel freeintaki is the ILF RP thread.  Most of the ILF pilots who you'll meet there will stay in character, but when the corp is in the news the level of traffic increases and the number of non-RP people wandering through follows suit.
  • MOTD: All are welcome here to discuss the security and politics of the Intaki System. Views expressed by pilots here do not necessarily represent the corporate views of the ILF.

New Eden Assembly
  • Description: A union of capsuleers from all empires and organizations, discussing and debating resolutions to universal issues. Differs from the Summit in that a democratic Council, consisting of a variety of capsuleers, maintains the Assembly by following a charter. Emphasis is on civil conduct and events that capsuleers can create for discussion.
  • MOTD (changes few times each week due to news):

    New Eden Assembly
    Charter of the Assembly Council
    Council Roster
    Upcoming Events

    Contact the President or the Council Adjunct to arrange a formal event.

    Latest News:
    Colony Directors Defend Suicide Pill Maker
    Paramilitary Organization Pledges To Protect Starkmanir Sages

Fit to Fly
  • Description: A gym and training center for capsuleers.
  • MOTD: Past the reception desk staffed by several perky and extremely fit attendants, the gym divides into two areas. To the right, a diverse range of weight machines and racks of free weights provide for every kind of strength training. To the left, a large area of padded mats are surrounded by racks of different kinds of weapons (blunted for practice) as well as target dummies.

    Ranged behind these areas is an array of cardio equipment varied enough to suit any fitness program.

    In the rear of the gym a corridor leads to changerooms equipped with lockers and showers, men's to the right, women's on the left.

    Guards equipped with scanners at the door prevent anyone entering with weapons. A number of trainers work at the gym and are available to assist capsuleers or others with their fitness programs. Although there are usually a few people working out, the gym is large enough and well equipped enough to allow everyone to use whatever equipment they want.

    Highly qualified instructors regularly teach classes in a range of martial arts.

    Stairs just past the changerooms lead downstairs to a fifty meter salt-water pool, deep enough to dive at one end, patrolled by highly competent life-guards.,

    ((This is an IC Channel, Lurkers welcome, as it's plausible you're in the changerooms or downstairs at the pool, but please abide by the rules, play nice, and don't be an ass. Thank you))

HTFU Bar'n'Grill
  • Description: To be added
  • MOTD: A large, square room heaving with (mostly) Civire patrons in various stages of intoxication, the 'HTFU Bar'nGrill' is a cacophany of sound from the holoscreens arrayed around the walls showing various sporting matches, the karaoke going on in a far corner, and the boisterous conversations and raucous laughter of the patrons. Sawdust and cleaner droids barely keep up with the spilled drinks and occasional shed blood when a disagreement turns into a brawl or a customer feels the need to express an opinion on the karaoke more than verbally.

    Behind the long bar, the mountainous shape of the owner and proprietor looms, surveying her customers as bar droids dispense drinks.

Reestillion Biodome
  • Description: To be added
  • MOTD: The resort is a huge, specialised station, the centre comprising numerous habitat 'zones' - temperate, tropical, island lagoons, and so on. The suites are located around the outside of the dome, luxury aparments with balconies overlooking the interior, that slowly rotate throughout the day. Guests can explore the zones, participating in a variety of activities, or simply enjoy the changing view.

Campus Quad
  • Description - an attempt to create a role playing channel for EVE in general that will also provide an educational environment for prospective role players; it is associated with Eve University, but is not restricted to any corp or faction.  It is a virtual environment rather than a physical place; anyone may visit as physically apparent beings through merely occupying their capsule.
  • MOTD - Welcome to Campus Quad, a role-play channel for Eve University. This channel is intended to be In Character Only - out-of-character comments should be minimized ((and put in double brackets, like this.))

    This channel functions as one of the normal communication channels of New Eden, with a VR Feature. This means that anyone may use it simply to communicate as normal, but if you use a full neural interface to access the channel, you will find yourself in a simulated environment, in a body more or less resembling your own, populated by other pod-pilots using a similar interface.

    Fighting is not an actionable offence, but it is not encouraged. Since this is a VR environment any combat can be ignored by any or all occupants. Offensive language, however, is not allowed.

    The environment resembles a kind of park - similar to the quadrangle of many colleges - with benches, green verge allowed to grow slightly wild, trees and boulders.

    There is a wading pool on one end, and a refreshment kiosk on the other. The kiosk supplies any food or drink requested, and the wading pool is fed by a perpetual rainstorm on one side.

    The area is surrounded by buildings in a featureless, monolithic style with the Eve University seal decorating the most prominent. When a capsuleer jacks into the environment, he first finds himself walking out of one of these buildings. Walking back into one will break the connection.

    The weather is pleasantly warm, with enough breeze to be refreshing. The sky is blue with no sun visible, only a few stars in no particular constellation, one large moon and a visible ring.

The Razor's Edge Dance Club
  • Description:
    The Edge is the newest spot for those that want to enjoy the company of others, good food, excellent refreshments and an open dance floor. The lights are low the music pounds, the perfect place to see and be seen (...or not). Couples dance together in the dim light, conversations are held at floor tables or concealed in the shadows of the semi-private and private booths, an air of mystery and passion fills every corner of the club.

    To enhance the ambiance of the club there are laser-lights, fog makers and the walls are a arrangment of multiple large digital projection sceens. The club also offers other entertainments as well, "The Edge Girls" (...and guys) strut thier stuff from raised platforms spaced around the club for your viewing pleasure. "Mind Clash" and other sporting event broadcasts are offered at individual tables as well, via holo-projectors and VR uplinks.

    The rules of the Raafa-Kan are to be observed in this establishment at all times. (leave your weapons, grudges and hostile intent at the door - everyone is welcome but violators will be escorted from the premises)

    Recruitment efforts by ANYONE will not be tolerated.

Faction-aligned Channels

Amarr Faction

Amarr Legio Basilica
  • Description: To be added
  • MOTD: Basilica Exterior
          Set upon a grass-covered plateau on the planet Oris sits the Amarr Legio Basilica.

          The sight that greets each pilot when they first enter the Basilica grounds is a large granite archway fifty feet tall, between which is draped a massive golden spun-silk banner bearing the Amarrian double-bow. Before the entrance is a guarded security checkpoint, where all weapons must be turned in before entering. Just behind this lies a rack of inactive holo drones, which facilitate capsuleers who are unable to be present in person.

          Passing through the archway leads the pilot into a high vaulted passage, with various banners bearing the sigils of Amarrian heros hung between alcoves along the way. Below these stand statues honoring every ruler in the Emipre's long history, the last statue being dedicate to the current Empress, Jamyl I.

          After about fifty yards the passageway opens into the Amarr Legio Basilica itself. Gilded pillars reach from the marble floor to the ceiling, supporting a huge domed roof covered in frescos of Scriptural stories. Around the entire work of art is a wreath of Holy Scripture in gold filigree, the lines selected to correspond with the stories depicted.

          The gaps between the pillars are connected with smaller archways creating quiet, more private alcoves. These archways are topped by magnificent stained glass windows depicting ancient saints and warriors of the faith. Colored light streams upon the center of the main arena from them.The nave is a circular, open public space, with several ornate tables (complete with comfortable seating) and a large fountain. Wherever a person stands their eye is drawn to the apse at the very far end of the Basilica. Behind a few rows of pews and a carved cherry wood railing is a large stone altar, simple in adornment except for two large golden braziers with gentle incense smoke rising from them. Behind the altar is a decorated stone pedistal atop of which stands a sixty-foot tall statue of a praying angel, gazing down upon the open space.

          Two large open doors stand on either side of the Basilica, the left leading to a cloister with a garden where a small non-alcogolic refreshment bar stands. A large pool of water flanked by tall trees lies in the center of the gardens and stretches a hundred meters long. The right door in the nave leads to the dormitory wing, which contains room, board and offices for residents, staff and guests, as well as a small adjoining chapel.

  • Description: Paradise Found is a gentlemans club primarily for Amarrian loyalists who want to relax in a civilised and proper atmosphere. However, everyone who can behave in a proper manner is more than welcome.
  • MOTD:The Paradise Found club.

          The soft chant of a slaves choir resounds between the high, arching collums of the club. Warm, bright light shines through the windows and illuminates a long table surrounded by comfortable chairs.

          An old Ni-Kunni slave takes your coat and anounces you to the regulars and a young minmatar boy offers you refreshments.

          "Any and all weapons are banned"

          Image link

Bina Mujtama
  • Description: To be added.
  • MOTD: "Welcome to Bina Mujtama, an arts and social club for loyalist capsuleers. It is our prayer that the historic activities and fellowship found here will cleanse and revive you, that you may better serve God and Empire"

    Each capsuleer entering Bina Mujtama is assigned two servants whose duties include: fetching any refreshments or meals from Bina Mujtama's own five star kitchen; retrieving any materials or tools from the buildings vast storerooms that may not be immediately available in the main hall; and to assist in whatever endeavor the pilot has undertaken. Lessor races loyal to the Empire are welcome, so long as they display the proper respect and mind their manners.

    The vast hall is divided into several activity areas, all surrounding a large garden that dominates the center of the hall, and whose glass ceiling provides abundant natural light to all corners of Bina Mujtama. In the center of the garden is a small chapel suitable for quiet prayer and contemplation.

    A group of comfortable tables and chairs is the first section patrons will see upon entering from the south. Decks of cards and cases of dice are available for some friendly gaming(no gambling of course).

    To the west is a low, full sized stage. Instruments line the back of the stage in addition to numerous microphones. Several stagehands stand at the ready to configure the stage for a soloist, or group project, as needed.

    North of the stage and directly west of the gardens, the smells of the tannery and leather working stations are unmistakable.

    Continuing north the sounds of clanging metal resonate in the air. Bina Mujtama's forge and smithy section is a picture out of antiquity.

    To the east, and sharing the fires of the forge, is an area dedicated to the lost art of glass blowing.

    Mounds and mounds of clay lie to the northeast of the garden in the pottery and sculpting section.

    South of the spinning pots and east of the gardens, spools of cloth, balls of yarn, and human powered sewing machines allow Bina Mujtama's patrons to create quilts, garments, or whatever other creations that could be imagined.

    The last station to the southeast of the gardens is dedicated to easel and canvas.

The Shattered Arc
  • Description: Nuetral Lounge-Bar owned by the Khanid Mashtori and serves as a public venue for the Trinity's Vanguard Capsuleer Corporation.
  • MOTD:
    The Shattered Arc Full Description [Est. 112YC]


    The Shattered Arc General Information [113YC Ed.]

    Please Read The Links.
    Updated 09/05/113YC

    The Shattered Arc Is now open for business!
    All Patrons are welcome to enjoy the assorted entertainments of the venue!


    No goddmodding.
    Please no OOC Chat in this channel, remain IC While active in channel.

Trinity's Domain

Temple of the Four Corners
  • Description: A temple of the Amarrian religion with a decidedly international bend for capsuleers. It's meant to be a place for silent contemplation, celebrating liturgy, spiritual get-togethers as well as learning about the Amarrian faith. It also co-functions as a meeting spot for the Ordo Novus Mul-Zatah.
     Respectful behavior is expected at all times.

  • The Temple of the Four Corners lies in a lovely valley of Tekaima III, not far from the coast. A landing platform for shuttles is part of the complex surrounding it, together with a number of simple quarters for visitors as well as the permanent staff, a refectory and a library with study rooms.

    The Temple itself thrones over the complex with it's central dome of reflecting gold catching the eyes. On the four surrounding towers can the flags of the four nations of New Eden be seen. It's open at all times and drones are ready for holographic projection if capsule pilots prefer that or otherwise can't make it in person.

    To the right sides of the Atria are found the banner of the respective nations, on the left the banner of the Temple. The interior is somewhat spartanic, the banners of the four nations and their respective three main subdivisions among capsuleer aside. The interior is mainly illuminated by candles of various sizes, but also by a hovering orb of light over the central altar, that hints at the fact that modern holographic projectors have been installed, which must be well hidden.

Caldari Faction

Heiian College
  • Description: IC channel associated with the Heiian Society.
  • MOTD: Heiian College - Welcome to the Heiian Society's public channel. The purpose of this channel is many fold. Heiian Society members will try their best to answer questions you have concerning Caldari culture, politics, pod pilot corporations, and any Heiian sponsored events. General discussion concerning the Caldari is also encouraged. More information can be found Here

          College Forum

          ((RP Channel))

Tea House
  • Description: A Caldari/Japanese-themed teahouse founded by April Knox of Cold Wing. Cosmopolitan enough, but devoted to Caldari-style tea drinking just now. Virtual environment.
  • MOTD: The Tea House
          A massive wooden floor austerely decorated in Caldari fashion, with some heavy concrete vases here and there holding kresh branches. There are some tatamis lying on the floor for the guests to sit on. The feeling of austerity is reinforced by the sound of deep solemn drums played by a hidden sound system. A hanging scroll displays an exquisite calligraphic work that reads: "True tea is made with water drawn from the depths of mind".

Gallente Faction

Crystal Boulevard Mall
  • Description: To be added
  • MOTD: A multistoried mall, located on the Crystal Boulevard in Caille.

          A central atrium soards to the roof, letting natural light fall through into a garden of tall trees and hanging plants cascading from the railings of the walkway that winds its way from floor to ceiling. On one side, a carefully contained waterfall tumbles from the roof to the floor, the low murmur of the falling water dulling voices and giving shoppers privacy for their conversations.

          The lowest level contains a variety of restaraunts, where weary shoppers can rest and look out at the greenery, or take their food to sit amongst the trees. As the walkway winds upwards, it leads past clothing stores, jewellers, places selling kitchenware, furniture, and everything else you can imagine.

          At the higher level are the stores where shoppers might prefer discretion: their window displays are blank, but through the doors glimpses of lace, feathers and leather can be glimpsed. If it's for sale, you can probably buy it here.

          ((This is an IC channel. Lurkers welcome, as it's plausible you're browsing inside a shop, but please play nice, and don't be an ass))

Lei Weici Teahouse
  • Description: Activity level is low, and mostly reserved for contextual RP and small stuff. Lurking is not permitted, except for those who regularly visit.
  • MOTD: "The Lei Weici Teahouse is a chain of Jin-Mei cháguăns located across Federation space, mostly in Intaki and Jin-Mei enclaves. Holodrones can offer remote access. They all follow uniform designs as outlined below"

Crux Agora
  • Description: Crux Agora is a regulated GalNet virtual environment that draws thematic and organizational inspiration from the ancient civic meeting places of the Garoun civilization, particularly those of the region encompassing modern day Caille. In such places, all citizens could come before their peers to freely voice concerns and raise questions that had bearing on their lives and interests as well as those of the body politic. Believing similarly unfettered discourse as vital to the success of our society in this interstellar age as it was when men sailed in ships of wood and iron, partners of the Aidonis Foundation established this forum and its counterpart NeoCom channel in YC113 to encourage the growth of a new dialogue in the Federation and peaceful discourse across the wider cluster.

    ((The Crux Agora discussion boards and in-game chat channel are completely in-character (IC) unless otherwise specified. Out-of-character (OOC) posts will be moderated if they are made in IC areas.))
  • MOTD: The gates of the Agora open onto a broad courtyard, perfectly square and thirty meters on a side, flanked on both the left and right by the regal white marble columns of twin stoae. A blue sky stretches above the open space of the courtyard, illuminated by a yellow-white star. The atmosphere and gravity give a near perfect impression of being on the surface of Gallente Prime somewhere in the mid-tropical zones, not unlike the environs of Caille. From some distance your ears catch the cry of sea birds and the soft noise of waves crashing gently on sandy shores.

    Within the courtyard many dozens of avatars mingle in small groups, conversing in low voices or listening with rapt attention as some opinionated speaker gesticulates his point on a matter that has come before the assembly. Opposite the gate, a broad archway leads to the antechamber of the circular Isegoriterion, the main meeting area where several thousand avatars may gather for large debates and presentations. Adjoining the courtyard via the covered stoae are many smaller chambers, such as the Kartografion, a lounge whose centerpiece is a giant holographic star chart and wherein visitors are encouraged to unwind and relate to one another in a less political environment.

    A visually pleasing holo-overlay folds into view and informs you of the following: The management kindly requests that all visitors refrain from uncivil behavior while on the grounds of the Agora. Thank you and have a nice day.

Minmatar Faction

The Broken Piano
  • Description: Needs a new one?
  • MOTD: Beyond Our Sins Interstellar Grill (In-Character channel, keep all OOC comments to "PVBOS Public Channel" and/or "Red's District" please, and leave the OOC hate AT THE DOOR. You don't have to be in M-M3DB to be in the bar! Grin)

          Located in the Thukker Mix Factory in M-M3DB, the Beyond Our Sins grill is run by Amanda and William. We serve drinks and cuisine from all corners of the universe. The hosting staff is composed of young, attractive, well dressed men and women.

          The layout:The main floor is a dance surface, with the dining tables surrounding it. A DJ station is in the back left and the bar straight ahead. The kitchen areas are to the right. This is a neutral ground, all are welcome here regardless of race, creed, or political leanings, for dinner, debate, or chance meetings. The restaurant does offer holo access to its patrons. It uses the latest in projection technologies that provide a simulation of actual touch, taste, and other senses. There is what appears to be a children's play area, but with adult-sized slides and a ball pen, in the back left corner behind the tables. All of the tables can be interfaced with capsuleer implants or their NeoCOMs and can act as both a 2D and 3D display. In the corner of the dance floor is an extravagant piano of exotic, carved woods, entirely acoustic. There are no electronics and the keys are beautiful carved ivory. Private booths are in the back that provide a variety of more private accomodations for various reasons, if patrons so desire it. WE DO NOT HAVE PROSTITUTES BACK THERE SO DO NOT ASK! Bring your own!

          Please, no fighting. Fighting will result in the removal of both participants for an hour. Second offense will be permanent. Debates are welcome, though! There is a room out back for fighting (channel "PVBOS Boxing Ring"). There are also nearby gardens outside (channel "M-M Garden").

          ALL CHANNEL USERS PLEASE READ (works in-game): PVBOS and the IC/OOC Divide

Sjalfradr Hideaway
  • Description: Public contact point for Loke's Shadow and relatively open spot to come and relax. Thukker aligned, of course.
  • MOTD: Located on the Prowler class Transport 'Feldr Reykr' - currently stationed on TXW-EI VIII - Moon 8 - Aliastra Retail Center. The ship offers limited holo support, though visiting in person is prefered.

    Like other capsuleer establishments all guests are scanned for weapons prior to entry. All armaments are stored safely outside and can be retrieved upon departure. Advanced security routines are also in place to detect and nullify any recording devices brought onto the premises. Leave them outside with any weapons, we take no responsibility for any damaged or destroyed equipment.

    A heavy sliding door with "Sjalfradr Hideaway" etched into the bulkhead above it leads opens into the southern end of the hideaway. The center of the establishment, from the entrance nearly to the northern wall, is left bare. Brightly lit, small scuff marks and scratches are visible on the reddish metal, suggesting recent use.

    Many dark leather couches can be seen lining the southern wall, Some couches face each other, with squat oaken tables resting in between them. Towards the eastern end tables are strewn about their dull metallic surfaces illuminated by overhead lights. The communal kitchen is located north of the tables, along the eastern wall. It is well stocked and open to use by both members and patrons. The bathrooms are nearby, at the edge of the northern wall.

    The western portion of the establishment is dominated by several large holo projectors located along the center of the wall. Typically they are tuned to news broadcasts and economic reports. Facing the projectors is a sprawling midnight blue sofa, whos edges bend towards the projectors, creating a slight boomerang shape. The sofa is flanked by two tan heavily cushioned seats with dark, angry, patterns covering their surfaces.

    On the western edge of the north wall there is a door labelled "Corporate Meeting Room." To the right of the door a huge painting of a large feline in mid leap hangs on the wall. There are several other doors along the wall further to the east lead to smaller private rooms. Small screens which display an searchable list of available goods and their prices are located near each private entrance. A marquee above the list reads "Prices are negotiable, if you have something to offer. Deliveries are available to most locations. Additional fees may be associated with particularly long or dangerous journeys." This list can also be viewed by capsuleers via Neocom link while visiting the Hideaway.

    (( Roleplaying Channel, unknown lurkers may be kicked. Direct OOC comments to 'Red's District' ))

Rens Bazaar
  • Description: The place to go if you're looking to shop in Heimatar.
  • MOTD: "But... everything worth finding can be found in Rens." He pauses. "Or, at least that's what some salesmen have tried to tell me..." he adds with a grin.

          The crowded central bazaar in the Brutor Tribe Treasury at Rens. The air is rich with the smells of spices, ozone and humanity, and loud with negotiations and the crackling hiss of custom welding jobs. Booths -- more permanent-looking in the older areas and more temporary at the fringes -- line alleyways bustling with people.

          The bazaar is one face of the Rens market for a culture where people like to breathe the same air as the people they do business with. Here you can buy anything from ship parts to medical supplies to ribbons for a child's hair. While you shop, try the spicy koftes (meatballs in sauce) from one of the stalls, or take a break for coffee and negotiations at Lenfa's place.

Patriot's Locker Room
  • Description: Minmatar Militia (TLF) affiliated club.
  • MOTD:
    At the edge of the docks at the TLF station orbiting Amo II, the wreckage of a Coercer still bearing the colours of the Amarr Militia has been set on its side and gutted.
    One of the gaping holes in the hull has been converted into a door. Inside, a door to the left marked 'TLF ONLY' leads to a long room with lockers and showers where returning members of the militia can clean up after battle.

    Straight ahead from the door, visitors will find three levels of music, dancing and drinking. Always crowded with pilots, crews and dockworkers from the TLF, all furniture and decor is made from welded fragments of the wrecked ship. The bars on each level are always busy. A narrow staircase made from hullscraps links each level. The first level resounds with music, heavy on the bass and drums, and is filled with people dancing. The second level has more stools and bar tables, and is quieter but the music is still audible. The music is barely audible on the upper level, which has comfortable chairs, couches and coffee tables, and where food as well as alcohol can be ordered at the bar.

    ((This is an IC channel. Please play nice and don't be an ass.))

Circle of Tribes
  • Description: A Summit style channel for Matari to discuss and debate all things Matari. In time, perhaps even form a capsuleer's Tribal Council in order to promote unity and shared goals/directions and cooperation across Corporation/Alliance/Single Capsuleer borders.
  • MOTD:
    "Most Ancient Matar, my hands remember you...
    They are strong, to embrace my brother and sister.
    They are gentle, to comfort the orphan and widow.
    And they are swift to avenge the fallen and enslaved."

    All who are truly Matari or have truly dedicated themselves to the Tribes are welcome here, to share understanding, concerns, grievances, fears, causes and determination. For too long the planetbound of the Tribes have remained silent and bound by their lack of power, freedom and wealth. We are not, capsuleers as we are. Together we can do what they can not... if we unite. Not to become one, but to become many with the same goals. To once more connect and become the Tribes.

    Leave behind hate and the petty grievances. Discuss our differences and both the goals we share and those we do not. With understanding... we may find ourselves more powerful and determined than ever before.

    Welcome, brother and sister... to the Circle of Tribes.

  • Description: To be added
  • MOTD:The blast doors serving as entry has had it's former designation sanded off and now a red and rough paintjob proclaims that you're entering Deck23.

    The place seems to have gone through some changes. Less dilapidated and dusty, it still has a rough edge to it, much due to the armor and hull plating torn off Amarrian wrecks that are hung on the walls, showcasing fairly gargantuan holes made by Matari projectiles. Smaller pieces of wreckage has been craftily turned into a statue serving as the centerpiece of the room, the Bloody Fist of Ushra'Khan, seen immediately upon entry.

    There's a few booths providing privacy for those who want it, but the main congregation area seems to be the long and utilitarian looking bar. Over the bar itself hangs a few signs detailing rules of behaviour, amongst them that discharging a live weapon or brandishing a melee weapon will get you shot. If you do not shoot or maim any slavers or Empire supporters that manage to sneak in here, you will also get shot... out of an airlock.

    The music is rhythmical, the beats of the drums, the bellows of the horns, the rapping of the sticks, it is almost musical, beautiful. It is the sound of Matari warriors, deafening drums, horns, chanting, it is the last sound any Amarrian wishes to hear.

    There's also a very small and discrete sign saying that upon entry your account was automatically charged for five drinks and cover charge. If asked, the barman just stares quietly at you until you pay for the drinks.

The Standing Place
  • Description:
    A neutral gathering place for those seeking guidance and insight into Matari religion and its customs.
  • MOTD:
    Entering the Virtual space, the user finds themself in a largish hexagonal room roughly 15 meters across with angled vaulted ceilings angling up to the centre of the roof. Broad exposed timbers engraved with vherokior scripts support the ceiling, and a hole in the centre lets smoke escape into the darkness. The floor is dark rich hardwoods, layed in as to spiral out from the centre of the space, where a large metal bowl is inset into the floor. In the bowl, A fire burns, sending long flickering shadows throughout the room and smoke curling up through the hole in the roof and out into the cold night air.

    The walls are rough, hewn stone, with large thick windows set into each face of the hexagon. outside the walls, snow falls softly on a moutainous landscape, with dark, partly cloudy, partly starry skies overhead.

    Thick soft rugs cover portions of the floor, along with blankets to curl up under and cushions tossed haphazardly around to sit on.

    In each window hangs a collection of dreamcatchers, windchimes, glass shards, spirit beads, hanging totems, and other matari religious materials, twinkling in the firelight. Incense, candles, carved stones and figures, and small totems line the bottm of the windowsills. A small low table in one corner provides a supply of hot drinks. This place feels deep, old and spiritual, it feels safe.

    OOC Note: This is a VR Space. However, users will be unable to manipulate the envirnment beyond their own appearence. Weapons will not function. Channel Moderators are Ava Starfire, and Nikita Alterana.

Pirate Factions

The Last Gate (Guristas)
  • Description: A bar run by the pirate organization Veto.
  • MOTD:  The Last Gate Extended Description (Updated for 111YC)
         The Last Gate General Information (Updated for 111YC)

          Both Links Updated on 16/11/2009 - Please Read Smiley

          Additional : A large and wide spiral staircase leading down through the floor has been constructed in the corner of the room, four armed security staff prevending guests from venturing down as the occasional construction worker heads up and down, carrying tools and random electrical equipment.

          There will be NO Out Of Character contact in this channel, and no double brackets.
          For OOC Chat use the channel "OOC" or "Veto" to speak with members of Veto Corp specifically.

The Skyhook (Angel Cartel)
  • Description: A bar formerly run by Omerta Syndicate, now run by Angel Cartel-affiliate Ghost Festival [PRETA] (Naraka alliance)
  • MOTD: The Skyhook
          Nightclub and point of Contact for Naraka employees.

          Extended description and menu

          New: A digital pool table has been installed left of the VIP stage. The surface ripples like water or reveals an image depending on how the players configure it. All clientele is welcome to play.

          Please stay in character. If you want to talk OOC, go to channel "OOC" or contact us directly at "Naraka OOC". Please keep the content appropriate. Overly raunchy behavior will be punished at the channel operator's discretion. Same goes for godmodding. We ask that people be sensible regarding what is communicated through this channel.

          There is no "virtual reality interface." If you are talking here, your character is actually in the Concord station in Goinard. We don't mind people idling and it is not necessary for your avatar to be in Goinard to participate (use the Interbus!)

          The Skyhook is neutral ground. Weapons will not be tolerated inside. Leave them at the security checkpoint at the door. Gun turrets will detect weapon presence within the bar. Failure to comply means you will no longer be allowed inside and will need a new clone.

Section_8 (Guristas)
  • Description: A Lounge run by The Guristas Associates alliance.
  • MOTD: Emblazoned over the double doors leading into the Guristas Pilots Lounge is the title that says it all. Section 8. One wall of this facility is a bar filled with bottles taken from a hundred worlds. Images, trinkets, salvage and souveners from untold fights, wrecks and conquests line one of the others. In the centre of the floor a large gem scultped rabbit eared skull proclaims Guristas territory. Hostages and honoured guests alike can often be found here in one of the many private booths watching the burlesque floor show on the mezannine level.

    The non-egger Guristas personnel wander the lounge along with the eggers, but wisely refrains from interfering with their business or entertainment. Still, they are a formidable force, even in here.

    The far wall, opposite the entrance looks down onto the cavernous hanger of The Black Rabbits and an ever present reminder of the power of the Guristas. Several Guristas soldiers stand guard on the door to prevent any weapons being taken into the lounge.

    People from all places, and all walks of life are welcome. But be aware... this is Guristas territory, and they have the final say in what goes on in here, and who enters or leaves... and in how many pieces.

AN Network Discussion
  • MOTD: Welcome to the OOC Public Channel for Arcadia News Networks, The Definitive News Service for Heaven and Curse.
    More Information and stories can be found on our Galnet Site.

Beansnakes (Serpentis Corporation)
  • Description: A coffeehouse offering a variety of specialty coffee drinks.
  • MOTD: Welcome to Beansnakes

    Beansnakes is a small coffee shop based on the Amod VII Station. One wall is dominated by a glass window overlooking a public hanger, various ships come and go as drinks are served to both capsuleer and crew alike.

    The whole room feels active, with off-duty crews chatting, waitresses clattering across the stone tiles with trays of coffee, and the general hustle and bustle associated with a busy kitchen in the background.

    A row of colour coded coffee grinders against the back wall appears to be the focal point of the counter area, with names like 'Shaman' and 'Frantic' printed clearly on the bodies.
    The week's specials are written up on a battered-looking chalk board above the grinders.

    Booster Blends Availlable are listed below:

    Blue Shade (Blue Pill)
    Banish (Exile)
    Flood (Mindflood)
    Instinctivo (X-Instinct)
    Cadere (Drop)
    Frantic (Frentix)
    Shaman (Sooth Sayer)
    Arresto (Crash)

Corp/Alliance Public Channels

Amarr Faction

PIE Public
  • Description: PIE Inc.’s public channel.

          For recruitment information please read ->Philosophy (out of game only)

          Note that pilots to whom PIE has negative standings will be barred from this channel.

          Comments that are disloyal to the Holy Amarrian Empire, or to our Divinely Appointed Empress will not be tolerated.

  • Description: Delictum 23216 public channel. A place for Ammatar to hang.
  • MOTD: Public Channel. In character as much as possible, See for more info

          The mini-bar has been replenished! The bar is tastefully and expensively decorated in the amarrian style with a scattering of wooden tables, comfortable chairs and artworks from both Mandate and Empire on the walls.

          A sign says 'Remember G-5. Remember the Rubicon'

          Note: Our Exotic Dancers have plentiful Cohibas for you. Pick one on your way in.


Mercy's Keep: Public Hall
  • Notes: Public channel for the corp  "Knighthood of the Merciful Crown". As far as I know, it's open to all faction representatives and races as long as they don't start trouble.
  • MOTD:

    System: Amarr
    Planet: Amarr Prime (Athra)
    Mercy's Keep is an ancient complex built into the side of one of the tallest mountain ranges on Athra, the closest hint of civilization in this part of the over-populated planet being a humble alpine town. In ages past it housed a small order of Amarrian warriors who followed the teachings of St. Endaneh. Now this snow-buried sanctuary houses the headquarters of the Knighthood of the Merciful Crown.


    The public hall is the first room after the guarded entrance antechamber, the frigid mountain air all but forgotten here. Welcomed heat washes over those who enter, the orange flicker from torches and a massive fireplace creating an atmosphere just as warm as the air. The hall is alive with conversation and laughter from diplomats, dignitaries and common people from the Empire and beyond, all visiting the Knighthood for their own reasons. At night the air is filled with lively traditional Amarrian music on top of this, played by a band of local musicians set on the opposite side of the fireplace. (19:00 - 3:00 EST)

    The space itself is large but the ceiling is somewhat low, betraying the fact the Keep was hewn from the solid stone of the mountain in a time without modern tools. It is long with a number of wide-spaced columns in two rows on either side, between which is a great wooden table where all of the patrons sit. Modestly-dressed serving girls hired from the nearby town flit back and forth from the table to the kitchen, bringing Amarrian wine, beer and hot dishes. To the right of it the room expands quite a bit, the area around the fireplace's hearth made into a comfortable sitting room, antique armchairs set facing the fireplace or around small conversation tables.

    Set in alcoves along the side walls are statues of proud, ancient warriors and saints, expertly and lovingly restored by a team from Hedion University's Arts department. Between them hang replicas of old heraldic tapestries, along with paintings of all sorts, the only giveaway that this is still the modern era being that some depict Amarrian cities, stations or spaceships.

    At then end of the main table is another smaller one, set perpendicular to the first. This table is reserved for members of KotMC and special guests, and has only around twenty seats. Behind it stands large oak double-doors which lead deeper into the Keep.

Caldari Faction

The Amatsu Lounge
Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

LDIS Public
Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

  • Description: CAIN’s Public In-Character Channel.
  • MOTD: Visit us at
          Serve the State, Serve Yourself, Join CAIN. Organizations against the State, or members of known pirate or terrorist organizations are not welcomed. This is an in character channel.
          CAIN is once again recruiting Caldari loyalist combat pilots; apply at our website.

Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

ASKO Front Desk
  • Description: Aseyakone's (Caldari corporation IC) public channel - Note: Roleplay-encouraged: IC preferred, OOC allowed (no interrupting others RPing).
  • MOTD: This is the virtual front desk of Aseyakone Corporation. The VR simulation depicts a large round room whose sides are covered with panels displaying news, economical data and corporate marketing. The open space is dominated by an evergreen bush growing in the middle.

    On one side, there's a pair of wide glass doors (marked "exit") showing a view to an unknown terrestial city. On the other side, there is a gunmetal grey front desk covering roughly one quarter of the total circumference. The desk is decorated by the corporate logo of Aseyakone. Behind the desk, there is a Raata-style painting of a javelin-thrower. The desk is flanked with two doors, teh left side one marked "elevator" and the right side one marked "conference room".

Gallente Faction

  • Description: Eleutherian Guard [EL-G]'s public channel.
  • MOTD: The Eleutheria is a holographic interface that can serve as both an FTL communications channel and a virtual reality environment, designed to consolidate unity between Federal-aligned capsuleers and their allies.

          The artificial location is designed to appear as a grand hall of the Garoun Empire, with enormous pillars towering on either side. In the centre, is a giant crystalline statue of an ancient Rouvenor legionnaire, complete with spear, shield and armour. Above the mane of the soldier's helmet, is the flag of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime, flanked on either side with the banners of the Intaki, Jin-Mei, Mannar, Jitai, Matari, and the other member nations.

          Pilots of all races are welcome here, so long as conduct is kept civil.

Minmatar Faction

Public - EM
Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

Pirate Factions

White Morning
  • MOTD: This is the In Character public channel of True Slave Foundations.
    Our Out of Character public channel is: TSF Publick

    Anti-Nation sentiments and inappropriate behavior will result in unilateral removement.
    This is a Fluid Router Communications channel, and no virtual or holographic functions are enabled.

    Do you know what it is like, to wake up one morning and see a white blanket across the land?

    A scene of peace and tranquility, disguising its ugly nature. Radioactive fall out and scorched debris, covering the land in a white blanket.

    Do you know what it is like, to wake up to that awful White Morning?

Ghost Festival
Description: To be added
MOTD: To be added

The Silo ('The Silo: Public Area')
  • MOTD:
    The Silo is a series of self contained rooms that Nikita had converted from an Ore silo. Its designed to be able to be shipped inside her vessels so that she can take it with her wherever she goes.

    The public Entrance on the bottom floor is admitted through an airlock and scanning chamber, that checks for explosive and biological agents before admitting acess. Once allowed inside, a long windowed gantry crosses the hanger space, and leads out into the Silo proper.

    The bottom floor is a large round open air space, with decently tall ceilings and windows lining all four walls. In the centre of the room is a large railed off dome window, looking down at the station below. Chairs, couches, and places to lounge the Risen Angels and the friends and guests of the corporation fill the space. The floor is soft and easy on the feet, and a self serve bar with every drink under the sun and a small offset kitchen to prepare food makes it an ideal location to throw parties, meet with various groups, and just provide a neutral ground. A shallow staircase spirals from a point on the outside wall up a floor to a wide balcony with seating areas provided all along it. The path then goes up yet another floor. On this floor is a small seating area looking down on everything else.
    A spiral staircase in the center of this floor leads up into the corporation's private areas.


The Star Map
  • Description: Is the In-Character channel for Advent Ltd. and acts as our public interaction with the rest of the roleplay community. Discussion is lightly based around the corporations purpose and exploration topics at almost all times, but is also a place for associates of the members to keep tabs on their friends. Occupants that are not apart of Advent Ltd. may find themselves conscripted to assist in activities if Advent Ltd. is a hand or two short or just for interaction purposes. The Star Map is in-character, out-of-character chat is preferred to be limited or kept to private convos.
  • MOTD: A virtual reality commonplace for members of Advent Ltd. and associates of the corporation, the Star Map creates a suspended feel to it by projecting a star map of the cluster around the occupants with the rest of the virtual reality remaining an endless black void. There is a corpreal floor and occupants can walk about, passing between systems and constellations that twinkle lightly.

OOC Channels & Corp/Alliance OOC Channels

  • Description: The companion channel for The Summit IC channel but also used by various people just for general banter. You may want to idle here even if not in The Summit, as many people do. Usually just as busy, if not busier, than The Summit.
  • MOTD: // OOC Channel //
          the place for random conversation

          ISD Info:
          News leads can be submitted to ISD through: Here or by mailing
          ISD recruitment info is available Here

          OOC IRC Chat:
          Channel: #eve-ooc

Red's District
  • Description: OOC Channel  - "New, Improved, and Flame Retardant!"  Used to be the companion channel to La Maison De Tous Les Plaisirs, but has since been renamed and re-purposed. Nice little community, anyone is welcome to stop by and check it out.
  • MOTD: RIP LM OOC & La Maison (Should have taken bets on this...)

          ...and yes, this channel is OOC, 24/7 (Devs, you too).

          Companion OOC channel for Sjalfradr Hideaway, PVBOS Interstellar Grill, Horned Masquerade, and La Maison de Tous Les Peuples (new name TBD).

          Havohej > Red's District is probably the funnest OOC chat in eve
          Morwen Lagann > Mizhara's the channel mascot tbh

  • Description: Stimulus public channel
  • MOTD: S T I M U L U S OOC channel.

          Cassius Longinus is the new CEO of Stimulus.

          hemrod69 > u are hear by invited to a total masacker you are the gest of honer.
          Sanchicar > blob cappelle!
          rEvolutionTU > DOCK KAPELLE ♥ btw
          Kimiko Satto > docking is not a war strategy
           Kaiden Le'Monte > rote kapelles reputation will suffer when you get massicared by a 3 day old alliance

          - Recruitment open -

Risen Angels
  • Description: Risen Angels public OOC channel
  • MotD: To be added

Naraka OOC
  • Description: Naraka Alliance public OOC channel.
  • MotD: To be added

Loke's Shadow Public
  • Description: Loke's Shadow Corporation OOC public channel
  • MOTD:Loke's Shadow Public OOC Channel

    A Thukker outrider corporation focused on roaming null-sec space. General OOC questions about the corporation, RP, or the game are welcome here.
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2011, 21:31 by Silver Night »
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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #1 on: 18 Apr 2010, 10:51 »


Worth mentioning that "Eleutheria" is now considered to be EL-G's public channel, so might want to recaterogize that.

The Lei Weici Teahouse's MOTD is "The Lei Weici Teahouse is a chain of Jin-Mei cháguăns located across Federation space, mostly in Intaki and Jin-Mei enclaves. Holodrones can offer remote access. They all follow uniform designs as outlined below"

Activity level is low, and mostly reserved for contextual RP and small stuff. Lurking is not permitted, except for those who regularly visit. (atm with JiaLei OOG it has been quiet for a while)


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #2 on: 18 Apr 2010, 12:37 »

I updated a bunch of info.. then I ran out of :effort:. 

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #3 on: 18 Apr 2010, 13:10 »

Updated a couple more. May actually finish this later today, heh.
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Laerise [PIE]

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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #4 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:08 »

Don't forget paradise.found please.

It's a bit inactive there at the moment, but now that I've got some more spare time you can expect it to be cleaned and brought back up to date by the slaves by the end of the week.

Paradise Found is a gentlemans club primarily for amarrian loyalists who want to relax in a civilised and proper atmosphere, however, everyone who hasn't got a red tag on himself and can behave in a proper manner is more than welcome.

Oh, and need I mention that since it's ownership has changed hands to Chase some of the rules have been relaxed a bit and you won't be shot on the spot if you make a joke? :P


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #5 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:15 »

Added, let me know if the formatting and description look fine.
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Laerise [PIE]

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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #6 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:24 »

Yes it does. It'd be nice though if you cut cut out the stuff about "red tags" :P that was mostly me being overly lax with my wording.


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #7 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:28 »

Sure, removed that and tweaked the wording a bit to flow more.
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Laerise [PIE]

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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #8 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:34 »

Thanks a lot, this weekend was rather exhausting considering that most of it was spent with frat. parties, so my writing isn't exactly up to scratch.  :lol:

Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #9 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:40 »

As I have a fuckton of channels to add and am already an op or founder or know the history of a lot of these kinda venues, I think I should say that the format could use some fine tunan, mostly because if I crapflood that list with every venue I want to add it would absolutely explode and be a horrible pain to use. I'm going to mull over things and suggest something and then poast a lot of channels. Yus, I am.
« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2010, 15:42 by Ashar Kor-Azor »


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #10 on: 18 Apr 2010, 15:50 »

If necessary I can trim the MOTD bits to tl;dr stuff, as the MOTD isn't strictly necessary for an OOC information listing. A description may suffice for the purposes of finding channels in an OOC manner anyway.
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Ashar Kor-Azor

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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #11 on: 18 Apr 2010, 16:08 »

Nah, it's more...ordering and grouping and sections and links kinda shit. More later, when I have a brain.


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #12 on: 18 Apr 2010, 16:22 »

Nah, it's more...ordering and grouping and sections and links kinda shit. More later, when I have a brain.

You mean like how the Thukker PF Compilation thread has the OP set up as a 'table of contents' with the content being split up over several posts in the thread?  If you've got enough channels (or if the list just gets that long on its own over time) to warrant that sort of layout, we can make it happen.  It's just that with the state of the list right now some factions are very under-represented channel-wise so there'd be several empty posts.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #13 on: 18 Apr 2010, 16:25 »

Easy enough to do though, I'll just start another thread if needed with 3-4 empty posts and mods/admins can split it into the this thread. Or at least I think that's how it works anyway.
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Re: In-game Role Play & OOC Channel List
« Reply #14 on: 18 Apr 2010, 16:27 »

Nah, it'd stuff the empty posts at the end based on the time of their posting.  =/

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.
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