21:47 Character selection screen
"More information, slicker, better looking. New functionality - more on that soon"
Last on the list for Fozzie and Rise:
"Integrating Twitch TV into the Eve client. Makes it easier to stream, share what you're doing, no 3rd party software required at all. Push button, receive stream. Adds more usability for people in game and out. Please give feedback, we really want it."
The list is not final, things may be added or changed
Moving swiftly on, announcements:
Collectors edition ships late October, still available to pre-order
Eve Vegas, Guard, Fozzie, Rise, Loxy and Bro will all be there, speakers, prizes, workshops etc. First 500 pilots to show up get one of the remaining resin cast BS models, Valkyrie will be available to try in HD. Tickets can be brought in cash or plex.
Eve Down Under at end of November for the Aussies, Fozzie will be there, Chribba too.
21:54 Stream ends, after thanks and requests for feedback when the threads go up.