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Author Topic: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous  (Read 6771 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #45 on: 29 May 2013, 16:21 »

Not more than half of the capsuleers on the IGS...  We have quite good specimens embodying all of these facets.

Are those examples more popular and well liked than him? I can think of several characters that share his personality traits including my own at certain points of time. None of those (including my own at those times) were very well liked at all.

Boobs don't make a difference.

I am not saying that boobs always make a difference, or that they could have made a difference in his case either.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #46 on: 29 May 2013, 16:43 »

Not more than half of the capsuleers on the IGS...  We have quite good specimens embodying all of these facets.

Are those examples more popular and well liked than him? I can think of several characters that share his personality traits including my own at certain points of time. None of those (including my own at those times) were very well liked at all.

Boobs don't make a difference.

I am not saying that boobs always make a difference, or that they could have made a difference in his case either.

Oh I know. sorry, The boobs comment wasn't directed at you. I just combined my replies to two different people into one post.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #47 on: 29 May 2013, 17:08 »

Quick comment on my lunch break,

I've tried very hard to make Scherezad believably mentally damaged. However, it's entirely traced back to actual biological damage, making it a different animal from the "crazy" we see in some Capsuleers.

I would give anyone hoping to role play a 'crazy' person to do their homework and read about the issue, and how those people cope with it. Emphasize the flaws, and make sure they're real flaws, not a gloss of dysfunction to garner sympathy. Being OCD isn't about making the silverware on the table just right, it's about being two hours late for work because you had to check every single light switch in your house, because one was up instead of down.

It deserves careful attention, and I frequently worry that scherezad is an insult to brain trauma victims.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #48 on: 29 May 2013, 20:22 »

How is he distateful ? o_O
Arrogant, self-centered, conceited, prone to whining, self-aggrandizing, and self-righteous.

Like many capsuleers then. I always saw the 'hatin on Seri' line of action as a popularely enforced and socially acceptable thing to do, as opposed to always a justified action. People and players among them can be assholes and reinforce each other's assholery, why should their toons be different? And then, there are the times it is deserved.

Lithium Flower

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #49 on: 29 May 2013, 22:14 »

Quick comment on my lunch break,

I've tried very hard to make Scherezad believably mentally damaged. However, it's entirely traced back to actual biological damage, making it a different animal from the "crazy" we see in some Capsuleers.

I would give anyone hoping to role play a 'crazy' person to do their homework and read about the issue, and how those people cope with it. Emphasize the flaws, and make sure they're real flaws, not a gloss of dysfunction to garner sympathy. Being OCD isn't about making the silverware on the table just right, it's about being two hours late for work because you had to check every single light switch in your house, because one was up instead of down.

It deserves careful attention, and I frequently worry that scherezad is an insult to brain trauma victims.
Somehow I think that Scherezad is way more normal than everyone else around.

Uhh... and a reason for concern: does it make me crazy?  :lol:

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #50 on: 30 May 2013, 01:35 »

Everyone who interacts with him considers Istvaan suave, charming, powerful, and dangerous.
Really? I must have caught him on an anomalous day then.
Actually, Andreus considers him to be a goofy drug-addict who's soft in the head because he sampled too much of his own product, both figuratively (in terms of the rock-star mercenary life-ruiner for hire image) and literally (in terms of the massive amounts of drugs he takes).


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #51 on: 30 May 2013, 02:14 »

Istvaan has the reputation of a suave and charming interstellar spymaster, yes, but on literally all occasions my characters have interacted with him in the flesh, he was high as a kite and doing his damned best to be the biggest class clown of all time. It was a bit of a let-down, for some.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #52 on: 30 May 2013, 04:12 »

Off of the top of my head, Halete is weirdly socially developed and her philosophy/ideology could be considered 'evil'. ... But that can be said for most characters given the vastly contradicting views in the universe. But besides that, she's only prone to violence under extreme stress and actually despises committing in most situations. She has an extremely poor ability to function under stress and finds harmful (most often self-harmful) coping methods.

Besides this she's eccentric (this mostly stems from identity dysphoria. She wants to be a kid again and be somewhere else far away from the Cluster), sure. Even then, I feel like a lot of her perceived weirdness comes from her bizarre ideologies and her strange speaking mannerisms rather than being an actual danger to people around her.

I believe that she has struck another character unprovoked roughly... zero times with the intention of hurting them (not counting play-fighting and etc). And even provoked, I think that number climbs to... roughly zero times, because she doesn't like  doing it. I think she may have slapped some characters for being perverted and that's it.

Haven't vivisected any tourists yet or etc.

She will be supporting the Reclaiming but that's an ideology stemming from compassion; she truly believes that she will be doing a service that will help her people.

I have serious anxiety problems and I know that Halete doesn't have the greatest 'visibility' so I worry that people get the wrong idea that I act out for the sake of being edgy or whatever when they only see her every so often. :(

Saede Riordan

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #53 on: 30 May 2013, 04:28 »

Quote from: Quinzel
Haven't vivisected any tourists yet or etc.

You know, you're not the only one who has do deal with this:

Quote from: Quinzel
I have serious anxiety problems . . . I worry that people get the wrong idea that I act out for the sake of being edgy or whatever

No, I 'act out' because I'm terrible at roleplay and a lot of bad ideas don't occur as such to me until after the fact. Not because I actually want to be RPing a psychopath, and it irks me that half the community seems gleefully quick to slap around mental illness as a form of ad hominem, and as 'proof' that nothing my character says is actually valid. It took a while to sort of 'get the feel' for the way I wanted to characterize Saede and yeah I did some derpy ass shit with her initially, but it would be cool if that one thing didn't get pulled up ever 10 minutes as 'proof of my badness' while ignoring everything else I try to do in favour of poking holes in my RP.

If you guys just want me to leave that badly, just say so.
« Last Edit: 30 May 2013, 04:34 by Saede Riordan »
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Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #54 on: 30 May 2013, 04:40 »

I am not under the impression that anyone wants anyone else 'gone' at all.  To me this is an interesting (albeit sad that it is necessary at all) discussion about those few instances where mental illness is explicitly held up as a shield or target for ridicule, in the name of countless varieties of 'character building'.  The important part being the explicit nature of such. 

Implications or people coming to their own conclusions are unavoidable, but frequently say more about the perceiving party than the perceived. 


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #55 on: 30 May 2013, 04:50 »

Closest think Kala has to a mental illness is occasional fits of depression and a near total disregard for her own safety once in the pod.

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #56 on: 30 May 2013, 07:20 »

...a near total disregard for her own safety once in the pod.

Wait, that's a thing? I though that was par for the course, what with capsuleers being near impossible to kill off, ships being replaceable and crew being irrelevant, and all that.



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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #57 on: 30 May 2013, 07:23 »

Sorry Saede hun, I was only trying to be playful. That wasn't a snipe at your character; I actually enjoyed the idea of Saede as a psychopath and the early stuff with the tourists and her extreme pragmatism.

If anything what was more disappointing to me was that you took a complete U-Turn with that and try to fervently cover the early stuff up.

Let's be real here; playing an evil character isn't inherently bad. Playing an insane character isn't inherently bad. And Silas is right; the psychological issues a Capsuleer would face in this futuristic grimdark, cyberpunk setting would be a stretch from our own.

I think the more pressing issue is characters doing things that have no clear justification besides 'my character is insane' when the player obviously does not have a thorough understanding of the mental issues they're trying to scapegoat with.


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #58 on: 30 May 2013, 07:33 »

...a near total disregard for her own safety once in the pod.

Wait, that's a thing? I though that was par for the course, what with capsuleers being near impossible to kill off, ships being replaceable and crew being irrelevant, and all that.

You mean you hadn't noticed the incredible risk aversity that seems to have permeated capsuleer combat?  :P

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani


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Re: Evil is Crazy and Crazy is Dangerous
« Reply #59 on: 30 May 2013, 07:55 »

Istvaan has the reputation of a suave and charming interstellar spymaster, yes, but on literally all occasions my characters have interacted with him in the flesh, he was high as a kite and doing his damned best to be the biggest class clown of all time. It was a bit of a let-down, for some.
An intentional effect. Why would a man who can have anything choose to be a cracked out ruin? Because he realizes everything he could have is meaningless, a complete and utter joke. Istvaan is basically behaving like the one guy who knows the world's ending. He knows that all the goals pursued by the other capsuleers are futile. He knows all their nations and stations and everything they fought for will be erased. So yes, drugs, whores, and priceless 800-year old Amarr cognac washed down with fruity Gallente mixers. Because in a little while, none of it will remain.

He used to care about his image a great deal. Now he's realized how utterly pointless that is, and it really doesn't matter if someone sees him pantsless in the end ;)
« Last Edit: 30 May 2013, 07:58 by hellgremlin »
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