Off of the top of my head, Halete is weirdly socially developed and her philosophy/ideology could be considered 'evil'. ... But that can be said for most characters given the vastly contradicting views in the universe. But besides that, she's only prone to violence under extreme stress and actually despises committing in most situations. She has an extremely poor ability to function under stress and finds harmful (most often self-harmful) coping methods.
Besides this she's eccentric (this mostly stems from identity dysphoria. She wants to be a kid again and be somewhere else far away from the Cluster), sure. Even then, I feel like a lot of her perceived weirdness comes from her bizarre ideologies and her strange speaking mannerisms rather than being an actual danger to people around her.
I believe that she has struck another character unprovoked roughly... zero times with the intention of hurting them (not counting play-fighting and etc). And even provoked, I think that number climbs to... roughly zero times, because she doesn't like doing it. I think she may have slapped some characters for being perverted and that's it.
Haven't vivisected any tourists yet or etc.
She will be supporting the Reclaiming but that's an ideology stemming from compassion; she truly believes that she will be doing a service that will help her people.
I have serious anxiety problems and I know that Halete doesn't have the greatest 'visibility' so I worry that people get the wrong idea that I act out for the sake of being edgy or whatever when they only see her every so often.