The Culture section and FAQ haven't changed since the inception of the board, so I'm not sure what you're referring to?
Enforcement has remained the same, and if anything become perhaps slightly more permissive over time. Noone demands that you have a positive view on everything, but if all you have is negative views, then you are welcome to keep them to yourself. On the other hand, alternative views are welcomed.
That is, you might just explain how you might do something differently rather than attacking how other people do things. Very often 'lower quality thinking' is a matter of opinion and perspective, and as such pointing it out (particularly couched in the terminology of fact, i.e.: 'This is lower quality thinking') is a recipe for exactly the sorts of things that this board was created to avoid.
I've yet to see any issues of contention in the discussion of Eve RP that weren't subject to at least two valid interpretations. Not everyone needs to believe all interpretations are valid, but we do sort of require that everyone respect that other people might disagree and still feel their position is valid.