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The Blood Raider elites do not generally mix with the rest of the Sani Sabik? (The Burning Life, p. 50)

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Author Topic: Hello and some questions, if I may  (Read 2724 times)


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Hello and some questions, if I may
« on: 19 Feb 2017, 05:33 »

(NB - TL:DR at bottom of post  ;) )

I have been introduced to EvE by a friend who also recommended I join this forum since I hope to do some RP in the game. I ran an Alpha clone for a while to get the hang of things, and have now gone Omega. I've started a new character for the long term (since my original choice didn't fit with what I have learned) but would like some experienced eyes to advise me if the character is ill-conceived - and how corporation history affects RP perceptions (i.e. balancing IC motivations with the need to actually learn and have fun in the game).

I wanted to have a little difference in my choice but not be too disruptive. One thing that both appeals and is very clear from my reading is that EvE is not about heroes, and certainly no-one is the ‘grand central story’ (unless perhaps, earning that status over years). I liked the Minmatar style but was also fascinated by the challenges of the Amarr - as it appears, are many people, since Caldari and Amarr seem to have the biggest RP groups (at least to my reading so far). For the game, I’m keen to focus on learning to be good at one or two things, rather than go wild with trying to fly say, battleships really badly. I like the fast pace of frigates, and very much enjoy tackle in PvP fleets. (I’m aware that as my experience grows, so might my preferences, so the character needs to have some development room).

So, my conception, as written in the character biography (hopefully, someone can correct any errors of lore):
Certifcate of Licet Libertas issued by Ministry of Internal Order, Bazadod IX
Certificate N0-83455/AF/INT/BAR-4-23-23XX/Bafa

Item Name: Batachikan

Condition: Slave in the Holding of the Abbey of the Purified Heart, Island of Iscan, Sadana V

Service: Approved for military duties by order of His Eminence the Abbot Palatine, and true faithfulness warranted thereby.
[MIO NB: Transneural passkey abort codes held jointly by His Eminence and the Inquisitor General, Aridia.]

Status: Gunnery Sergeant of 1st Sandman Squad, 17th Recon Battalion, Justice Marines; assigned to Imperial Frontier Guard Ship Catechism’s Choice. 
Recommended for capsuleer training after random Alpha testing, duly approved by His Eminence. 
Presently assigned to further Sandman missions with licence to retire runners wherever found. MIO requests and requires due co-operation to be forthcoming.

Imprimatur of the Holy Office, YC118
"By His Light, and His Will"

To explain further, I see him as a faithful slave originally tasked with the elimination of runaways that have committed crimes (or simply judged as not suitable for retiring to their masters). He is loyal to the Abbot and monastery that raised him within their breeding program. Beyond a simple, catechistic faith that is not theologically motivated, but deeply part of his upbringing (i.e. I don’t want him to indulge in theology but to exemplify his own personal faith which is duty and service to his Abbot - who is effectively his voice of God). His work as part of the so-called ‘Sandmen’ (Logan’s Run reference, of course) is considered beneath the honour of Amarr military personnel, so slaves are expected to do it. (I conceive that runaways have always been subject to either capture or execution in all slave owning societies. I’ve also noticed that the tendency seems to be for many to shy away from the real implications of a slave based empire, which is fine, but I would like to explore some of the real brutality needed to keep an entire people in chains, as well as being interested in the idea of religious service as redemption being the counterpoint). It was tempting to make him a Kameira (as that Chronicle was fascinating, and the janissary angle was really thought provoking) but it seemed too 'special snowflake'.

With the lore for Alpha clones, it seems to me that there is a case for saying massive testing of previously excluded groups has been undertaken in all empires (especially with the Drifter threat needing greater resources) and that certain slave groups might have been included. This is one area I have not been able to definitively nail down - whether a slave would be trained as a capsuleer. In this time of emergence, I have argued (to myself) that a slave whose loyalty and faith is both demonstrated by his service, and certified by his holder, might be so elevated. In addition, I would expect the codes to control the transneural transfer could be held, as above, by competent authorities, and thus his ability to clone be terminated at any time. This, I think, might make it possible to have a slave capsuleer.

As a capsuleer then, his duties would be extended to hunting runners (and other ordered missions) in all areas of space that would not cause diplomatic incidents.

Now, to the issues of corporation. It seems that there are very limited numbers of RP corporations, which is fine. I also want to learn the game, and enjoy myself. My Alpha spent some little time in Pandemic Horde, which is a very enjoyable place to learn the game for me, and I’d like to spend some time there. My IC rationale would be that he is sent ‘among the heathen’ to both develop his military skills (for the long term benefit of the Empire and the Abbey) and to hunt runners who have hidden in null-sec (note runaways are not going to be capsuleers, but baseliners, so no issues with killing other players). Would this be too much of a fudge? I didn’t really enjoy the faction warfare experience (though I have joined him into the Amarr FW corp temporarily, mainly to offset the unavoidable issue of his starting NPC corp being Minmatar) so I might try that when more experienced, but not now. Gaming wise, being out in null seems to provide opportunities to make decent isk for PvP, which will be important to enjoy the game. So, will I be compromising the RP too far by joining Horde?

I guess that’s a big wall of text, so I’ll put a TL:DR:
Proposed character as a combination of Silas from The Da Vinci Code and Francis from Logan’s Run. Can a slave be a capsuleer? Is joining Pandemic Horde a non-starter for an RP history?

Thank you in advance for insights, guidance or even being told this is a dumb idea with too may plot holes.


Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #1 on: 19 Feb 2017, 11:57 »

I think Pandemic Legion is fine but remember everything is regarded as IC by a large contigent. Find a rp hook that works.

There is a general sense that capsuleers can't be involuntary slaves in the lore sense and i recall some dev actor making that clear re: Amarr slavery some where.  (voluntary for whatever reason is a different story I guess, e.g. ties of loyalty, duty, etc.). A slave might become a capsuleer for various reasons but the enslaved part sort of.. drops I guess? it's next to impossible to restrain or control a capsuleer.

I like the character and I think with some tweaks you can basically do the story you want!
« Last Edit: 19 Feb 2017, 11:59 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #2 on: 19 Feb 2017, 12:20 »

Welcome backstage.
Having read only the TL;DR, and not knowing the characters you refer to, I can only echo Luna, although I add that I do think there are ways to control a capsuleer to a certain degree.

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #3 on: 20 Feb 2017, 15:02 »

 how corporation history affects RP perceptions (i.e. balancing IC motivations with the need to actually learn and have fun in the game).

1st off, welcome to Eve and the Backstage.

I am just going to focus on this part - Some corporations will give a certain perception, but if you write up a good back story for why you were in a particular corporation (even if it's not a RP corp), you can still usually make it work with your RP character.

And a good backstory for your character will only build on ability to RP them the way you want to. Don't worry about getting it flushed out right away, I always look at it as a work in progress that builds over time.

2nd part about learning and having fun, well you don't need to RP all the time, even if you're in a RP corp. This is after all a game, and games are meant to be fun.

~ Kazuma
"White as the falling snow. Black as our Citadels burned against the sky."

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Utari Onzo

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #4 on: 23 Feb 2017, 13:00 »

Rather then opine and twist myself backwards over a lot of more 'questionable' corporations in my background, I used those times for delicious reference points in RP!

I've been in CO2, wormhole corps and the like. Hell, even missioned for Angels, all before I really got into Eve RP. All of these are matters of public knowledge and all of these have been great sources for RP involving internal conflict issues within my character, as well as being part of the causes of his addiction problems.

Don't sweat employment history, instead capitalise on it and own it. Even if you pick up a few enemies along the way, so long as you're not doing anything silly like flying in a blood raider loyal corp while trying to play a traditional Empire loyalist, it's all content.


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #5 on: 02 Mar 2017, 19:34 »

In addition, I would expect the codes to control the transneural transfer could be held, as above, by competent authorities, and thus his ability to clone be terminated at any time. This, I think, might make it possible to have a slave capsuleer.

Thank you in advance for insights, guidance or even being told this is a dumb idea with too may plot holes.

While open to other people chiming in (to point out i might be off base), i'd like to think capsuleers, ... each and every individual one, are indelibly and wholly sovereign entities. People who answer to no one but the CONCORD Assembly. Or in very general terms, Concord. Capsuleers due to this relationship they share with the cluster can choose to operate or fly as pilots for any one, at any time. At most they can develop strong ties to the various factions within the New Eden cluster. They can too, join factional militias. Yet note these are not capsuleers drafted or otherwise forcibly enlisted in their direct, genuine factional navies. They are militia pilots who -choose- to fly for a faction. Not because they have to, or are forced to by any bodily means.

A capsuleer, due to pre-capsuleer social indoctrination within a society may choose to be loyal to their civilization of origin, and may choose to go so far as terminate all of their clones as well as the last one they personally own. Yet, it is the capsuleers' choice to do so. The notion of a capsuleer (once minted) being utterly beholden and genuinely enslaved strikes me as impossible. The scale of raw power, connections, and potential capacity to bring about gross, serious consequence upon anyone who is not a capsuleer makes them akin to little gods of a sort. Not immortal, nor heroes of fantasy and traditional lore revolving around fantasy creatures... - but innately powerful essentially human people, with multiple clones, the resources of 1st world nations and a small handful of strict guidelines (or strongly worded suggestions with consequences) within known space under the jurisdiction of Concord.

A capsuleer, ultimately is not the sort of person any sane nation or well intentioned faith would choose to enslave. Instead, they use them, and feed the capsuleers with wealth, praise, trinkets, the illusion of owning their own turf out in null. Yet at the end of the day, capsuleers are never 'enslaved' once they have a license. Even if the enslavee was happy to be so, - the risk of other capsuleers becoming aware of this? ... of Concord becoming aware? ... Unspeakable consequence for all involved or remotely related.

The above criticism aside, i enjoyed reading your background, approach to eve and hope to see you around in space in the RP sphere under one guise or another.


Utari Onzo

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #6 on: 03 Mar 2017, 09:05 »

Only thing I will add to the above very good post is that Capsuleers can still retain title and citizenship of their both nation.

Lucas for example was threatened with having his peerage and holdings revoked by the Empire if he didn't comply with DED's requests.


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #7 on: 03 Mar 2017, 15:44 »

Only thing I will add to the above very good post is that Capsuleers can still retain title and citizenship of their both nation.

Lucas for example was threatened with having his peerage and holdings revoked by the Empire if he didn't comply with DED's requests.

With, of course, the Directive Enforcement Division being a corporate entity, ... a "Division" of The Concord Assembly. Not the Imperial throne/Empire. The DED were just being desperate and relying on a capsuleers' desired ties/standing to the Empire.


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #8 on: 03 Mar 2017, 21:13 »

This is all incredibly helpful advice, thank you. I'll look at adjusting the slave status to something approaching a kind of personal blood oath to the abbot who raised him and his family (similar to Silas' unflinching devotion to his bishop). I'm guessing that over time, the issues of capsuleer freedom might come to provoke Batachikan's internal conflicts, whereas right now he thinks he has certainty.

Thank you again for all your thoughtful replies.

Edit: oh, by the way, I meant to ask: which are the in-game chat channels I should consider starting RP with? I'm a bit confused about the difference between The Summit or the Intergalactic Summit, as it seems one is disapproved of?

Further edit: Reading the IGS I noticed that there is a well known player whose character is Kameira. Is the prevailing opinion that choosing such a heritage as a new player might be too 'special snowflake' or do you think it might be better for Batachikan to identify as a Kameira for consistency (instead of me kind of inventing the Marine Border Guard as a way of being very low key?) There is at least some lore for me to work in with the former solution, but I'm nervous of claiming too grand a background.
« Last Edit: 03 Mar 2017, 21:30 by Batachikan »

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #9 on: 04 Mar 2017, 05:25 »

There are currently two pilot's who claim Kameria status to my knowledge.

Given that Kameria are, literally, bred for endurance and rigorously indoctrinated it doesn't seem out of the question that a higher than average percentage might make the cut as pilots. And that the Empire might think them worth the risk of letting them become pilots.

Shame you can't select one of the Imperial schools as your training academy though.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #10 on: 04 Mar 2017, 09:32 »

There's been a few characters over the years who have used the kameira approach.  In terms of their extreme conditioning and manner of upbringing it can explain their continued loyalty and dedication even once obtaining capsuleer status. (of course, there have been some who rp'ed 'fallen' or otherwise variations).


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #11 on: 04 Mar 2017, 10:34 »

Is the prevailing opinion that choosing such a heritage as a new player might be too 'special snowflake' or do you think it might be better for Batachikan to identify as a Kameira for consistency (instead of me kind of inventing the Marine Border Guard as a way of being very low key?) There is at least some lore for me to work in with the former solution, but I'm nervous of claiming too grand a background.

As you seem to be, in this thread, rather rational and level headed my thoughts here would be... Go gentle with the background specifics. At least at first, as people get to know you, if possible. Perhaps publicly 'Boarder Guard', privately Kameira. Let first impression IC views of you be non-special snow flakey. Proove you're worthy of the actual character history. Drop hints as people start to trust your character or engage with him/her.

For instance, perhaps your character wasn't actually, just a boring logistics filing clerk for the boarder guard as is listed in its official service history.  :D

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #12 on: 04 Mar 2017, 13:27 »

Also. Bear in mind that most real-life ex special forces types don't tend to brag about being ex special forces.

In fact most of the people that do so are most likely lying about it. So calling yourself some other sort of non-glamorous military type, even if you where a Kameira, would be entirely reasonable.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #13 on: 04 Mar 2017, 15:03 »

Also. Bear in mind that most real-life ex special forces types don't tend to brag about being ex special forces.

In fact most of the people that do so are most likely lying about it. So calling yourself some other sort of non-glamorous military type, even if you where a Kameira, would be entirely reasonable.

There's this too. And IC, from an RP perspective to brag about it IC, is to unavoidably lose the opportunity for the RP moment where someone, who generally respects your character already, ... goes out of their way to review/research/get clearance to review your characters' actual history.

That moment of "oh" ... / shock / surprise. Etc.


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Re: Hello and some questions, if I may
« Reply #14 on: 06 Mar 2017, 15:06 »

Again, very helpful advice, thank you.

I wasn't planning to speak out openly about background as you rightly advise, but wanted to write the backstory for myself, so that I could RP with that knowledge. Even for just myself, avoiding having to retconn history feels a bit stupid  :s whilst allowing the character to grow through experience.

Thanks again.
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