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Author Topic: BATTLETECH. UNNNNNGH.  (Read 25248 times)


  • Prophet of New Eden
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« Reply #30 on: 25 Apr 2018, 15:24 »

And to maintain hype, have a Release Trailer.

Ten hours in, loving the game. It's kicking my ass a little less now, but having my Mercenary Commander Sidhe get punched straight into the hospital for 110 days with the last action of the last enemy, this game has no chill nor mercy. Perhaps exemplified in that moment when my assassination target was knocked to the ground and my entire lance crowded around it and stomped it to bits.

They went Office Space on that bitch.

With these ten hours behind me, I can safely say I've gotten what I backed. We'll see how much more I'm getting as I get further into it.


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« Reply #31 on: 25 Apr 2018, 18:08 »

Kicking my arse a little less I said. What more I'm getting as I get further into it, I said.

... two full lances, a heavy AND turret support?! With moving objectives?

I'm going to bed, have a hatewank and tomorrow I shall resume weeping in front of the keyboard.

God this game is good.

Utari Onzo

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« Reply #32 on: 28 Apr 2018, 00:51 »

I am Baron Erwan B’Stard of House B’Stard. Fear me peasants as I trample your homes and businesses in an effort to get 5% extra to hit on this Panther!

You know, I wonder if Trampled by Mech comes under exception clauses for building insurance just like Act of God clauses used to...


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« Reply #33 on: 28 Apr 2018, 02:04 »

As the bloodstain grew on his chest, he looked up into my eyes, recognition slowly appearing then fading with his life. The name Thule softly on his lips. The betrayal now repaid with the cold, deliberate and calm efficiency of callsign Sidhe.

Shore leave for the Shifting Snows, Sidhe's mercenary company, can be as violent and rewarding as the contracts where they flow through the battlefield as the stinging snows they're named for, or simply bury it in an avalanche of a full lance of Assault mechs.

Gotten to the point where if I continue the story, it's the point of no return. I'll be spending some time building up the stock of mechs and train up my mechwarriors some more first, though. I get the impression this is going to be a nasty one.

Jev North

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« Reply #34 on: 29 Apr 2018, 05:51 »

Stompy Bois Incorporated is taking the Inner Sphere by storm stomp.

-They definitely rushed this one a bit; loading times are on the edge of tolerable, and certain events or AI cul-de-sacs cause the occasional stutter and slowdown, and at one point I lost the move/LOS overlay entirely. Also, don't press F6 when you're in the Mechwarrior barracks.
-What is up with the dust motes in sunlight aesthetic all over the place in the cinematics. I thought nobles would keep a cleaner house, and MechWarriors a cleaner cockpit or dropship. Seriously, people, you don't want dust clogging up your heat sinks, life support, or causing shorts in your targeting computer.
-It's still good. Very good.
-Kill the meat. Save the metal.
Pinocchio forces another handful of flesh into his tiny wooden mouth. "You are what you eat," he sobs. "You are what you eat."

Silas Vitalia

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« Reply #35 on: 29 Apr 2018, 10:25 »

There's a good game in there underneath a ridiculously tedious interface and groan-inducing intrusive 3rd person camera and "X-com" between mission ship management.   

It just seems like a chore to get through sometimes when every single mission just drags......out........every........turn

Also miz that's like...3 too many masturbation references to read, yikes



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« Reply #36 on: 29 Apr 2018, 17:05 »

Sorry, it's been 42+ hours and the doctor tells me there's nothing he can do. This thing isn't going away.

As for the pace, you fix that in various ways. Some can be done in the options menu, other things can be turned off in the game files leading to a very fast-paced game. I found that all I needed to do was turn on "show ui in combat" and I got engrossed enough in damage details and such that the pace became perfect for me.

What can I say, I don't get tired of watching big stompy mechs do horrible horrible things to each other.

The interface itself is fine as far as I'm concerned. The only thing I'd wish they'd add is letting me rightclick backwards rather than escape-key out of attack deliberations. I'm honestly unsure how they could do a UI/interface simpler than this given the ridiculously information dense type of game this is.

Samira Kernher

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« Reply #37 on: 30 Apr 2018, 02:48 »

There's a good game in there underneath a ridiculously tedious interface and groan-inducing intrusive 3rd person camera and "X-com" between mission ship management.   

It just seems like a chore to get through sometimes when every single mission just drags......out........every........turn

Also miz that's like...3 too many masturbation references to read, yikes

The ship management stuff is great. That's kind, of, you know, part of the original Battletech tabletop game and one of the best additions.

As for 'intrusive third person camera', do you mean the cinematics that happen while mechs are acting out orders? You can adjust how much of those you see in the options.

Now, Jev is right about the loading times. Those are definitely a bit long, and was a major flaw in XCOM2, too. The amazing soundtrack is what's making me less annoyed at them in BTech than I otherwise might be.

The only thing I'd wish they'd add is letting me rightclick backwards rather than escape-key out of attack deliberations.

Yes please. Also only being able to Sprint as a first move action, rather than being able to take a second move action after the first one (using all of your turn to move and thus, you know, Sprinting) is really skewing with my XCOM sensibilities.


  • Prophet of New Eden
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« Reply #38 on: 30 Apr 2018, 03:28 »

As an option instead of escape-keying out of an action, you can also hit the 1-5 shortcut keys for other actions directly, but that's only a 'shortcut' in some situations. Still want right-click reversal of things.

Jev North

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« Reply #39 on: 30 Apr 2018, 09:59 »

The ship management stuff is great. That's kind, of, you know, part of the original Battletech tabletop game and one of the best additions.
Absolutely yes. It makes the individual missions far more interesting, by adding a ton of long-term consequences and trade-off decisions.

Now, Jev is right about the loading times. Those are definitely a bit long, and was a major flaw in XCOM2, too. The amazing soundtrack is what's making me less annoyed at them in BTech than I otherwise might be.
The music is pretty good, although it's often drowned out by the Pacific Rim theme playing in my head.
Also: rumor is loading times are affected by the number of save games you have. Toss out a bunch and see if things improve.
Pinocchio forces another handful of flesh into his tiny wooden mouth. "You are what you eat," he sobs. "You are what you eat."


  • Prophet of New Eden
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« Reply #40 on: 30 Apr 2018, 14:23 »

We haven't really talked about the soundtrack, have we?

I always had this nagging itch in the back of my head as I was perpetually floored by the great music in this game, and now I know why. The same composer that did these brilliant pieces of music also did Shadowrun: Hong Kong which is a stand-out in terms of brilliant music in games. Combined with the absolutely stellar animation style of the cutscenes, and the surprisingly tense in-game story moments, it's what elevates this game quite a bit for me.

Samira Kernher

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« Reply #41 on: 01 May 2018, 01:39 »


Utari Onzo

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« Reply #42 on: 01 May 2018, 03:27 »

God damn Dekker always blowing up...

For what its worth I’m aiming to ditch the spiders and locusts for a jenner scout


  • Prophet of New Eden
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« Reply #43 on: 01 May 2018, 04:48 »

If you get the Firestarter as a salvage option, I can highly recommend it. Drop the lasers, max out MGs/Flamers (to taste, you want to disable mechs or do more damage?) add as many jumpjets you got room for and then max armor. It's a ridiculous little shit. Fast as hell, can jump halfway across the map and will unload EVERYTHING as a punchbot.

I keep one around for Convoy missions where I need something fast that'll wreck vehicles, or refit flamers for when I'm in hot areas, so it can shut down enemy mechs for free called shots.

Edit: Oh, and keep in mind if you Death From Above, it'll still fire off all the support weapons.
« Last Edit: 01 May 2018, 04:51 by Mizhara »

Samira Kernher

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« Reply #44 on: 01 May 2018, 08:32 »

God damn Dekker always blowing up...

I've actually not lost him (or any of my mechwarriors as of Panzyr), but him dying for everyone seems to be the favorite meme popping up, heh.

For what its worth I’m aiming to ditch the spiders and locusts for a jenner scout

I've done this. It's great. Slightly less mobility, but the option to provide striking power when sensor locks aren't needed or to hit a mission critical target that your bigger stuff can't get to in time is great.

Also got me a beautiful artillery centurion. 1 LRM20+, 2 LRM10s, and all the rest of the space (and a big chunk of armor) gone towards ammunition. Mmm mmm.
« Last Edit: 01 May 2018, 08:50 by Samira Kernher »
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