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Grown on a terrestrial world in the Harroule system, the Dryweed plant has fragile, yellowish leaves that burn very slowly, giving off a pleasant vapor that is known to have a soothing effect when inhaled.

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Author Topic: Dear CCP (revisited)  (Read 19465 times)

Anyanka Funk

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #75 on: 05 May 2015, 11:23 »

« Last Edit: 05 May 2015, 11:27 by Halfrek Foley »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #76 on: 05 May 2015, 11:23 »

Then perhaps you should reconsider how you word things before you post them.

How do you put it? "Not empty quoting."

Your post is moving from talking about the game to talking about people. That's not going to go anywhere.

If you feel the topic isn't to your liking there's no mandate to jump in to let everyone know.

So if I talk about how someone's interpretation of a game can impact a discussion about a game, I'm in the wrong. But if someone talks about my interpretation and attitude of new content in a game as, for lack of better terms, just accepting whatever when I shouldn't, that's ok?

Not going for it; start a new thread if you want, k?


Liuni Kalthis

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #77 on: 05 May 2015, 11:42 »

Hey what's going on in this threa----- Oh lawd.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #78 on: 05 May 2015, 12:23 »

"NOPE!" - Activates jetpack. Flies away.

Rin Kaelestria

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #79 on: 05 May 2015, 13:53 »

"NOPE!" - Activates jetpack. Flies away.

I believe you're looking for this.  :lol:


Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #80 on: 05 May 2015, 14:39 »



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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #81 on: 05 May 2015, 15:58 »

I feel that an appropriate comparison, is to some of the point and click adventure games.

"that's a clue?", says a player, because the nature of the clue was not apparent.

Or a puzzle, wherein there is an electrical generator with a missing spark plug, a broken down truck with spark plugs in it, but a missing distributor cap, and the solution is to take the ignition wire and the spark plugs from the truck, and make them into a bola, to bring down a passing bird, which will vomit up a glow-worm, which you can put into a jar to make a lantern, with which to see into the darkened cave that is dark because the electrical generator that powers the lights isn't running, then you find the distributor cap in the cave.

And people look at you funny when you say you thought the solution was to take the spark plug from the truck and put it into the generator.

The storyline people have X number of brains. The EVE playerbase has nX number of brains. A multiple of the number of storyline people. So things are either worked out in very short order, faster than they can be published, or are so arcanely obtuse, that nobody works them out.
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #82 on: 05 May 2015, 16:05 »

Glow worm was genetically engineered by the Jove.


Aria Jenneth

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #83 on: 05 May 2015, 18:51 »

Eh ... it's not like I'm going to try to string Anslo up by his tonsils or something.

I find the idea that we should be quiet rather than make suggestions puzzling rather than offensive.

I do feel a little misinterpreted, but ... whatever. That's probably my own cavalier tone getting in the way. A writer whose intent is misunderstood by the target audience is usually (definitionally?) not writing very well.


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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #84 on: 05 May 2015, 19:56 »

I like Anslo. I like what he and others did with the Drifter report, I'm happy he got into the Canon, I liked the video, except that it wasn't long enough, and so forth.

I also like what CCP is doing with the Drifters, I like what they did with Burner missions, although I suck at them, and I like the communication they have with players.

I also like Silas, and his/her (not sure) criticisms of the game and suggestions. I wish they still played, because crazy Khanid blooder was awesome. Also enjoyed participating in the tournament they had.

I like Pieter, Pyre, and the members in it that I've interacted with. I think Pyre is just freaking awesome, I love their complete lack of giving fucks, I love the "we'll take anyone competent with a pulse and point them at our enemies" strategy, and I love the absolute snark they come up with. Pyre is like, to me, the living image of a badass State PMC - not the guys you hire for security, but the guys you hire when you absolutely need something done, right, and without a lot of careful handling. They. Are. Awesome.

I like Aria, or the player, anyway, because his character(s) are always very well thought out in execution (and possibly planning), and he is incredibly good at creating an immersive experience for anyone RPing with him. It's a lot of fun.

That does not entail, however, that I have to agree with any of the above because I like them. Nor is it true that my disagreement with all of the above, at some times, and at some points, meant I had ill will towards them or disliked them. I can think that what you are saying, at some moment, is totally wrong, and still think that you create interesting things, are an interesting person, and that I can get along with you.

Most of the time, I think that if you're creating content, you're creating good content. I enjoy it. Keep it up.

This is what I decided to say, rather than just eject from the thread.
« Last Edit: 05 May 2015, 20:44 by Vikarion »

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #85 on: 06 May 2015, 11:00 »




So ... looking over things a bit, it seems like you're seeing this thread largely in the context of a series of other, overtly critical and sometimes deeply bitter threads. I guess I can see where you'd conclude that this was more of the same, or at least runs the risk of demotivating our good storyline-oriented devs.

If that's where the net effect went, then yeah, I guess I agree. Though I'd sort of want their thoughts (not that we're going to get them) before I concluded that my input was equally damaging.

To be entirely clear: I'm a vet, sure, but I ain't bitter. ... just opinionated when it comes to things that, from my point of view, unreasonably and unnecessarily inhibit my habitual role as an in-character theorycrafter.

In this case, that specifically means spoilers.

To my eye, that's the opposite of discouraging: I'm saying I appreciate their work enough that I'd like to be able to develop my own theories about it without foreknowledge that I'm necessarily wrong (or, worse, right).

"Please keep making neat stuff. Just please don't tell me what you're doing."


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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #86 on: 06 May 2015, 11:18 »


It's still a matter of tone but that line of thought will go nowhere. So I'm out.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #87 on: 06 May 2015, 12:06 »


It's still a matter of tone but that line of thought will go nowhere. So I'm out.
Not necessarily.

I'll happily concede that I wrote my OP, and at least one response, in a grumpy frame of mind. Ergo, the tone was grumpy.

I'm willing to own the grumpiness and even concede that it can be hard to distinguish grumpy from bitter.

Then again, I'm not sure I'd have bothered to post had I not been feeling grumpy. So I'm not quite ready to actually apologize for being a grump. It was a motivating factor in speaking up, and I do feel that what I said was worth saying.

I was, however, maybe impolitic in how much grumpiness I actually let seep into my remarks.

That, I'm sorry about.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2015, 12:08 by Aria Jenneth »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #88 on: 06 May 2015, 12:50 »

OP was fine, most of thread has been fine. Reread the first page or two.

EDIT to add:

It's a tough thing to figure out sometimes, how to introduce new gameplay items, ways of doing things, that will be introduced, without discussing how they are introduced.

IE here's the new sov mechanics and entosis links which uh, you'll find out about uh..

Difficult position.

Kador Ouryon

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Re: Dear CCP (revisited)
« Reply #89 on: 06 May 2015, 15:19 »

Or instead of being DD'ed...

They'll simply have the Drifters release the info (or players will find the info) from the observatories that confirms that Jamyl is a clone and has the Other and so on. Triggering the long-expected civil war.

... Yonis for Emperor.

We can't have that Samira.

Catiz for Empress!

Still I have to admit while I attempted to stay away from being a Sarum loyalist I really liked her character and am pretty disappointed that her role was, in my opinion, squandered in this manner.
"We ripped up the ending and the rules...and cast aside destiny...leaving nothing for us but an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? I have faith that it wasn't.....but how am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story.Let me tell you everything."
- [name redacted] Truest Adamance
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