I think it may be a problem of enforcement. Due to the way we handle things like warnings and bans, and the asynchronous nature of forum communication, what can often end up happening is a post gets moderated, but the person who posted (often in a situation where a warning or ban should clearly be issued, like when someone starts their post with 'I know this is going to be moderated' and proceeds to post anyway) doesn't receive any other punitive action to dissuade them in the future because mod discussion of issuing a warning or ban ends up taking too long, or one of us drops off the internet for a while or what have you. We could do a better job with consistency in making sure bans and warnings are handed out, basically. Even if people aren't convinced to stop posting the 'really bad' sorts of post, they would eventually get banned anyway (which is how it is supposed to work).
If I get this right...the reason there might be a problem of enforcement is not a shortage of moderators? In fact, more moderators would only amplify the problem?
About the Catacombs: I was sort of in favour of removing them, even though I check out every moderated post dumped there. But after reading some of the arguments here, I'm fine with them staying as they are. And I also think it serves as somewhat of a shaming place for bad posters. And it allows me to get to know people a little better when I can also see their darker sides. And it makes discussing moderation a lot easier.
On criticism-averseness and overly thin skins...I'm guess I'm not sure what people are referring to here, in the sense that this is a moderation problem (I'm sure that the thin-skins frequent this forum too, sometimes I'm one of them). Are there any critical posts someone could link me (in a PM, if desired), where stuff was modded not because it broke the rules, but because someone's feelings were/might have been hurt?
Speaking for myself, I don't have a lot of trouble in properly formulating my critique in a way that does not break the rules. I don't think there's one post in the catacombs that's mine and was moderated for bad behaviour on my part. Don't get me wrong, the rules are a bit restrictive, and even I, a pretty polite guy, have to sometimes alter my post a bit before I click 'Post' to comply with the rules, even though I don't think people would really get offended by what I wrote, but I'm ok with that. But that's a matter of personal taste, and I can see why others find it (a tad) too restrictive.
On Silver's Go-back-2-Chatsubo comment: I can see why some people see it violating Wheaton's Law, but I can also see that the comment in question
might not have been maliciously intended, and Silver's "Use chatsubo ≠ stop using Backstage" rings true in my mind. Even if using chatsubo is not a valid suggestion, I doubt it was meant to mean "leave our community and wander the desert".
But then again, maybe I just don't know Silver as well as you people. vOv
In most cases, people have been good enough to provide assistance after the feeding frenzy. [..] RP in EVE seems to have gone from public gatherings to small insular groups that keep to themselves and either afraid to or have no interest in trying to interact with other groups...and I believe much of this is in thanks to CPP and the recent ingame events have reinforced these divides between groups.
It would be even better if they had the guts to stick their hand into the sharktank during the feeding frenzy, but I think people might be afraid of losing that hand in the process.
I believe that people might also keep to themselves because else they fear being accused of uncharacteristicly being friends with everyone.
These are just some nearly baseless theories. Feel free to ignore them. No skin will be hurt. Well, not mine, anyway.
I also found myself wondering where it started to be more about YDIW than just lack of respect/inflammatory stuff. Suddenly we started to see moderator comments either on warnings or catacombed posts with the dreaded YDIW stamp on them. The YDIW almost became a backstage meme all by itself.
Woops. I think I may have had a hand in that. Although I called it
The Community Meme. Or maybe it's not the same thing and I'm just pointlessly shoving my own old posts back into your faces.
It is natural for roleplayers in any kind of community of roleplayers I have been to be very averse of being seen as elitist assholes.
Hmm. But how to do this in a game where the default character IS an elitist asshole?
P.S. Vince, I never figured out what series that pic is from, the one above my meme post I linked to.
Also, just an observation, but there have not been a lot of new post in the Welcome section lately.