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Author Topic: Thoughts on the IGS, Amarr Empire, and the creation of claims  (Read 21496 times)

Gwen Ikiryo

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Or it could be a matter of perspective. Some capsuleers cling to their old lives, and their old sense of self before they were in the pod. Some capsuleers might find their minds turned inwards in the isolation of their lives, and in the darkness of their own minds become monsters made of men who utter to themselves: "Well, you know what this is all rather silly and absurd I'm going to go and drink a vodka red bull".

What's the point in playing a broken character, if you never made up anything whole to be broken in the first place? An individual is still shaped by their background, even if they reject it completely out of force or circumstance.

And here you're presenting it as a choice, but a few posts back, you were sort of condemning roleplaying anything outside of the mechanics as "silly". So it sorta feels like you only really consider one anwser "correct", if you'll pardon the presumption.

Veik, I don't mean to be rude, but your current outlook to this is frankly a bit puzzling to me. MMO roleplay as a general rule almost always has a an on again-off again relationship with the mechanics - In fact, Eve is probably the game in which the two are most integrated. In pretty much every other MMO, the status quo is to keep the two almost totally divorced when it comes to anything remotely serious. IC conflicts are most often resolved by standing around writing at eachother. Even /duels are considered a faux-pas in terms of conflict resolution, since the sentiment held by most is that something like player skill shouldn't get in the way of the story people are trying to tell a story together.

Eve is a lot rougher then that, but it's still a leaf cut from the same branch. It's a good bet that a fair chunk here hold developing their characters and their associated stories as being just as or even more important (which is interchangeable with "fun" here) then the game itself.

Why does that seem to irk you so much? People wanting to make up their own pointless fluff is what makes them roleplayers to begin with. They have a desire to integrate an enthusiasm for creative writing in with their gaming hobby. Just passively playing a character that is essentially only a sockpuppet for ones OOC ingame actions isn't going to scratch that itch in the least. And besides, what one wants to write isn't always the same as what one wants to play.

But if you find that silly, I'm not really certain what to say. I mean... If I might be a little frank, are you sure you actually like MMO roleplaying, such as it is? Do you enjoy the community? Are you having fun, here?

Lyn Farel

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Gwen for president

Ember Vykos

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Do I RP now by going, "You imagine a starbase around the moon, roll a d20 to see if you succeed in lighting the cyno"?

No no no. You're doing it wrong.

You roll 1d6 to determine if you get to light it or not. The 1d20 is for how much of the ten-minute cycle you last before getting blapped.

Then you roll an additional 2d20 to see how many ships come through the cyno. If you get two ones, your titan jumps instead of bridging.




I have nothing serious to add to this discussion since I havent really read much of it, but had to give Morlag props for that.  :D

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon


  • Wetgraver
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  • 'zis is going to be ze awezome.

Oddly this is the most mind-blowing/disruptive piece of PF for me ever. I don't hate it... it just really changes my view of the EVEverse.

What do you think it means if CCP says that barely any capsuleers ever choose to interact with baseliners, and I would say 80% of RP'ers RP as at least intermittently doing so? Are the members of the Summit unusually sociable? Particularly sane?

Vic Van Meter

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The reason I'm not sure whether Veik has a problem with me is just that. 

I don't have a problem with you as a player and neither does Veik as a character -- she's had sufficient catalyst to go off and have a chat with Zarathustra, so that's all that needs to be said as far as I'm concerned.

Nope, that's that for me.

Morwen Lagann

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Oddly this is the most mind-blowing/disruptive piece of PF for me ever. I don't hate it... it just really changes my view of the EVEverse.

What do you think it means if CCP says that barely any capsuleers ever choose to interact with baseliners, and I would say 80% of RP'ers RP as at least intermittently doing so? Are the members of the Summit unusually sociable? Particularly sane?

It has been a long-running pseudo-joke that this is the case, yes. Your average (non-RPing) player is typically portrayed or referred to in a similar fashion to the 'villain' capsuleer from the Burning Life - being a capsuleer is little more than a game to them.

Effectively, roleplayers (in the sense that we consider ourselves roleplayers and the average EVE player not a roleplayer) are as much a minority in the playerbase as the characters we usually portray are among the population of 'unbound' capsuleers (ie, player characters).
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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OK I'm trying to get the overall point of this thread, so maybe someone can correct me if I'm reading this all wrong; we're discussing why people stomp/dismiss people's IG claims that are essentially RP fluff unless they can back it up via mechanics, and whether or not this is good?

Katrina Oniseki

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Pretty much, Anslo. This argument comes up from time to time. It's like a seasonal flu for us.


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Pretty much, Anslo. This argument comes up from time to time. It's like a seasonal flu for us.
What a coincidence! I have a meeting today about a new flu vaccine! Don't worry guise, Dr. Anslol is on the case!

Silas Vitalia

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Oddly this is the most mind-blowing/disruptive piece of PF for me ever. I don't hate it... it just really changes my view of the EVEverse.

What do you think it means if CCP says that barely any capsuleers ever choose to interact with baseliners, and I would say 80% of RP'ers RP as at least intermittently doing so? Are the members of the Summit unusually sociable? Particularly sane?

I think the article talks quite a bit on the restrictions and commonality of certain activities, not that they don't happen.  There's all sorts of baselining going on in all manner of different areas, in probably as many ways as you can imagine.  Things are tighter controlled on space stations, they get more iffy the further away you move from CONCORD controlled things.

What you don't have too often is capsuleers running around CONCORD signatory space stations outside of their special zones causing a ruckus.

If your capsuleer is in good standing with the Federation and buys an island on Luminaire somewhere and throws the best parties ever and pays for all of this year's QUAFFE calendar pinups to be there, this is not likely to cause any waves.

If your capsuleer runs through Jita 4-4 baseliner area throwing piles of money at people and shouting into a megaphone about the red god while trying to do shots of vodka off the back of a station security guard, there will be issues.



  • Wetgraver
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I get that, although -- I mean, presumably if a rich baseliner did that in Jita there would be issues too?

The surprising part I guess was the idea that the Empires (though to strongly varying degrees) almost want to keep capsuleers... a secret? Are we supposed to be a secret?

Victoria Stecker

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No, we're massive paperwork-causing incident nightmares waiting to happen. It's simpler to just shoot us than to deal with us or what we might do alive.

Arista Shahni

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We're dangerous.

And yes, one could consider the RP community not a sampling of the capsuleer population in regards to what we do, but exeptions to general rules.  Talking to my husband about crew and etc is a good example.  He knows all of the space lore, the cronicles, the lore, but if you ask him if he'd think about a crew on a ship or even people planetside the answer is a resounding 'no'.   

Silas Vitalia

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+1 for Victoria's comment.

It makes sense that rediculously wealthy, extremely powerful nigh-immortal rabble-rousers are likely to be kept on an extremely short leash whenever possible.

Think of how much of a pain in the ass it is for everyone involved whenever someone like Barak Obama wants to eat at a 'regular person' restaurant.  The security, the closing of nearby businesses, roads, the hospitals on call when he travels, the layers of security detail, etc, etc.

Now multiply his wealth and celebrity by a factor of 100.    Station security unlikely to be happy when capsuleer 'x' wants to go slumming with the proles in the local bar.  This is not to say that it doesn't happen, just that things can easily be 'complicated.'

Of course not all capsuleers are popular, well known, or famous.


Katrina Oniseki

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+1 for Victoria's comment.

It makes sense that rediculously wealthy, extremely powerful nigh-immortal rabble-rousers are likely to be kept on an extremely short leash whenever possible.

Think of how much of a pain in the ass it is for everyone involved whenever someone like Barak Obama wants to eat at a 'regular person' restaurant.  The security, the closing of nearby businesses, roads, the hospitals on call when he travels, the layers of security detail, etc, etc.

Now multiply his wealth and celebrity by a factor of 100.    Station security unlikely to be happy when capsuleer 'x' wants to go slumming with the proles in the local bar.  This is not to say that it doesn't happen, just that things can easily be 'complicated.'

Of course not all capsuleers are popular, well known, or famous.

This is why it is likely far more common, and even encouraged by the authorities that be, for capsuleers to build their own isolated communities or estates where they can 'play normal'. This is perhaps the biggest reason why an empire would allow a capsuleer to live on a vast estate somewhere on a planet.

The authorities charge exorbitant taxes and fees and property values from the capsuleer who can afford it easily, making tons of money for the regional authorities. Meanwhile, the capsuleer is kept safely in their prison without walls. It's a form of encouraged house arrest.

"You stay there in your fancy estate and don't come to the city, and we'll send you whatever you want. Deal?"
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