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Author Topic: The Alignment System Game!  (Read 31020 times)


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #120 on: 22 Jun 2013, 09:13 »

We started off with DnD alignments and have now moved to color pie.

I feel happy in my nerd bits.

I'd probably call Makkal a White/Green hybrid on that model.  Reppy's an easy Red/Black.

Interesting idea, Andy.
Going to agree with both of these statements.

Green as a colour tends to favour natural, organically developing solutions to problems. In-game, it's very anti-technology/anti-artifice, having a large number of cards that wreck or interfere with artifacts. Its enemies are blue (due to its obsession with artificial solutions and valuing of reason over instinct) and black (on account of its all-for-one mentality, which clashes with green's one-for-all outlook).

I'm interested to hear how that lines up with your characters' philosophies.

Green is also the color of spirituality (as opposed to religion,) interdependence, community, and instinct. 

I don't think being 'anti-technological' is supported in EVE but having a healthy respect and reverence for nature is.
« Last Edit: 22 Jun 2013, 09:28 by Makkal »
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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #121 on: 22 Jun 2013, 09:23 »

Uhh, really, almost none of our characters are "good", by any stretch of the imagination.

Like, in my mind, if a character has ever spent any time in a pirate or NBSI organization, theyre evil.  How could they not be?  Mass murder for money, fame, or boredom is pretty much hardcore evil.
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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #122 on: 22 Jun 2013, 09:54 »

Uhh, really, almost none of our characters are "good", by any stretch of the imagination.

Like, in my mind, if a character has ever spent any time in a pirate or NBSI organization, theyre evil.  How could they not be?  Mass murder for money, fame, or boredom is pretty much hardcore evil.

All depends on perspective. IRL most of us don't feel evil for killing thousands of insects, either for money, boredom or convenience.

Also, pirate NPCs are EVE's equivalent of D&D Orcs (and other evil aligned creatures): legitimate targets of unbridled aggression.


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #123 on: 22 Jun 2013, 10:08 »

My assumption for this has been 'If someone explained DnD alignment to Makkal and asked her to label those she knows, what would she pick for each of them?'

Besides, there are a number of characters who haven't been mass murderers for money, fame, or boredom. Even if they have, some have changed over time and now no longer do so.
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Samira Kernher

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #124 on: 22 Jun 2013, 10:48 »

On the color wheel, Samira would probably be Black-White-Blue, I think. She's got traits of all three.

All depends on perspective. IRL most of us don't feel evil for killing thousands of insects, either for money, boredom or convenience.

Human beings aren't insects, and if someone is at the stage where they think they are, then that's sociopathic and evil.


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #125 on: 22 Jun 2013, 10:53 »

Human beings aren't insects, and if someone is at the stage where they think they are, then that's sociopathic and evil.

Yup, agreed. You are gaining points for the dark side Merd! :PPPP

As for the color schematics, Seph would be white and blue.


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #126 on: 22 Jun 2013, 10:57 »

Huh. Maybe the green tendencies are why Makkal struggles to fit into the Amarr 'bloc.' Though the Caldari are just as likely to be white-blue as the Amarr, and she seems to fit well there.

On the color wheel, Samira would probably be Black-White-Blue, I think. She's got traits of all three.

People have suggested that Samira has darker leanings than what I/Makkal have seen. Could you elaborate on how she's black?
« Last Edit: 22 Jun 2013, 11:09 by Makkal »
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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #127 on: 22 Jun 2013, 11:08 »

The colour wheel is funny. I'd honestly say, on that, Saede is probably Blue/Green not just blue. Its just not a side of her that is extremely public, but those who know her well would probably attest to this.
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Samira Kernher

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #128 on: 22 Jun 2013, 14:09 »

On the color wheel, Samira would probably be Black-White-Blue, I think. She's got traits of all three.

People have suggested that Samira has darker leanings than what I/Makkal have seen. Could you elaborate on how she's black?

Parasitic self-interest.

1) She latches onto other people for security and comfort. The conformity and submission are forms of manipulation. Manipulation she's not even really consciously aware of, but manipulation nonetheless. It endears her to people, lowers their hostility towards her by making them view her as non-threatening, and encourages them to take care of her. As she's said before: The slaves who stubbornly rebel and resist are the ones that get treated poorly. The ones who submit and conform get treated well. She'd rather be treated well. She has no personal pride, she's quite happy debasing herself and being someone else's tool if it keeps her safe and cared for.

2) She lacks real compassion for people. Oh sure, she says she does. Argues it rather vehemently, and possibly even consciously believes it herself. But like many things she says, what comes out of her mouth is the result of indoctrination, not honesty. Subconsciously, she's concerned about her own survival, not others. She can watch people be hurt and killed and it doesn't really phase her; she learned to deal with witnessing/experiencing pain during slavery. She's one of those capsuleers that doesn't care about her crew... she even has a full crew in her frigates. Hell, even when Pieter went missing? Her closest friend? She got over it very quickly (of course, she cried when he returned... but the weeks previous? Nope. Out of sight, out of mind.). She's developed very efficient coping mechanisms as a result of her upbringing.

3) Her own survival is what's important. Because of the above two points, it'd be very easy for her to backstab someone she's gotten close to, if it becomes necessary for her survival. Nico is right that Sami could very much be NE instead of LN/LE. Order is important, as it protects her, but the moment that order is no longer protecting her it is no longer valuable. What's important is survival. I only say she's still lawful because I rate according to actions, and she acts according to order as it's typically far safer than disorder. Betrayal is usually a very dangerous prospect, and thus should only be undertaken when the enemy is guaranteed to win. As the Empire is the strongest nation in the galaxy and not at threat of being wiped out, it's much safer for her to be with them than against them. Hence why she betrayed her family and the Republic to return to the Empire once she had the opportunity to do so--she expects the Empire to conquer the Republic in her lifetime, and she doesn't want to be on the losing side.

Really, she's an Ammatar at heart. The proper race traitor kind, not that silly, "oh we were doing it to protect the Starkmanir," shit. <.<

Pieter's summed it all up rather well before:
[spoiler] [ 2013.04.16 08:43:20 ] Pieter Tuulinen > (( [Samira is] far more devious than [Pieter] is. She's used to operating from the underdog position. ))
 [ 2013.04.16 08:44:28 ] Pieter Tuulinen > (( If life makes you 2.04 meters and tough, you learn to attack problems headlong. ))
 [ 2013.04.16 08:44:55 ] Pieter Tuulinen > (( If life raises you like it did Sami, you learn other strategies. ))
 [ 2013.04.16 08:56:06 ] Pieter Tuulinen > (( Her submissive personality is basically a false-flag to protect her from a certain kind of person. Her politeness, directed at people she doesn't respect, is a form of manipulation. ))
 [ 2013.04.16 08:56:45 ] Pieter Tuulinen > (( I'm also thinking Aldrith's explanation of her submissiveness to Pieter as being a kind of gift is REALLY offbase. Since she would be submissive right until she stuck the knife in and twisted! ))[/spoiler]

She's very messed up. Though not consciously aware of most of this. Consciously, she thinks she's the mask--a loyal and devout servant of God and Empire. She believes her own lies. So, consciously, she's LN. Subconsciously, she's NE.
« Last Edit: 22 Jun 2013, 14:30 by Samira Kernher »


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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #129 on: 22 Jun 2013, 14:34 »

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Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #130 on: 22 Jun 2013, 15:07 »

This all got too complicated. I'm out.

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #131 on: 22 Jun 2013, 17:33 »

Andreus was never close to his family growing up and hated the opulence and corruption of his hometown, so he never had the chance to develop White leanings. He loves being around nature but doesn't consider it an object of reverence, and he isn't big on philosophies of interdependence and interconnection, so he hasn't got strong Green tendencies either.

Black is a slightly trickier one. He certainly had a good deal of self-interest and selfishness, but for all the grudges he holds, he can't really bring himself to advance himself at the cost of other people unless he feels they truly deserve it, which, while not neccessarily a laudable outlook just doesn't fit with Black's credo of "fuck personal qualms, do what brings me advancement."

It's important to understand that no colour is inherently evil or good. Certainly Black's parasitic self-interest leaves a lot of room for evil acts, but it's also the colour of capitalism, self-motivation and improvisation with limited resources. Contrariwise, the Amarr Empire is a perfect example of a pure White society that's anything but inherently good.

Probably Andreus' biggest secret is that he's not inherently loyal to the Federation. He's loyal to the Federation because they best serve the advancement of humanity. The Amarr Empire is too autocratic, dogmatic and unequal to serve any but the chosen few, the Caldari State comes close but obsesses to much over profit and loss and whether advancement of humanity serves one or the other, the Minmatar Republic is too impoverished and fractious and the Nation is just a twisted personality cult. The Federation gives its citizens the most individual freedoms, the highest average quality of life and the mist opportunities for self-advancement. This fits perfectly with his Blue-Red outlook. But the moment the Federation genuinely stops being the best if a bad bunch, or something better and not obviously evil comes along, he may reconsider his loyalty.

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #132 on: 22 Jun 2013, 17:41 »

I get the feeling Andreus would have been interested in the 'original' Nation, back when its popular message lead people to view it as a better "Promised Land" than the Federation. Of course, once the truth came out, that would have been the end of that.

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #133 on: 22 Jun 2013, 18:05 »

Andreus is not particularly credulous. He knows that there's rot hiding underneath the polished vener of every nation, the Federation most definitely included. To him (and, for reference, myself) anyone promising a utopian alternative to contemporary society is by definition hiding something very, very foul. To him, the most important thing right now is to keep the Federation stable and safe long enough that it can get back on the road to producing positive change in humanity. Infomorph technology certainly presents one possible route, but he'd abandon it if a better option came along.

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Re: The Alignment System Game!
« Reply #134 on: 23 Jun 2013, 01:50 »

Going with color wheel I'd say Karm is Red-Black.

Coincidentally, I try to avoid that color scheme in character generation whenever possible.
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