As a note: Any words left from the "old world" would likely be mutated unrecognizable. As such, using "real world" languages as a background for any new invented languages should only consider the "look and feel" of a language, most importantly phonology, flow and possibly basic grammar (with hopefully the end result being internally consistent and compatible with the world it is set into). The following list of words that somewhat closely match to the real-world equivalents is provided just in case someone is interested.
The word meanings are as per memory, not from a dictionary.
From the list of sample roots:
anik- (panic): self-explaining
huv- (enjoy): huvi "fun, merriment"
iltak- (return): close to ilta "evening", though the connection is a bit loose (iltakutsu would be "last call" (mil.)
jaom- (divide, separate): jako "divide", jakaa "to divide"
kafuru- (barren): karu "harsh, barren"
kakkush- (luxury, delight): kakku "cake"
kayrt- (cycle, repeat): kierto "cycle", kiertää "to circle, to go around"
kektim- (study, research): keksiä "to invent" (originally from keksi, a long stick used in for example log driving and timber rafting - trying to catch something would be "keksiä")
kienj- (forbidden, taboo): kielto "ban, restriction", kieltää "to forbid"
kula- (come): tulla "to come"
kunniot- (respect, deference): kunnioittaa "to respect" (from kunnia "honour")
muut- (change): muuttua "to change (itself)", muuttaa "to change (something), to move residence"
myd- (sell): myydä "to sell", myynti "sales"
nahu- (see, observe): nähdä "to see"
nug- (play): See the explanation for Nugoeihuvi corporation name
onek- (luck, serendipity): onni "luck", onnekas "lucky"
osk- (buy): ostaa "to buy"
pik- (length, long): pitkä "long"
rakennut- (build, construct): rakentaa "to build" via rakennuttaa "to have built"
rask- (heavy, bulky): raskas "heavy"
saal- (permit, allow): sallia "to permit" - related sallimus "divine providence"
siir- (depart, go away): siirtää "to move something"
stama- (anchor, moor): satama "harbour, haven"
suf- (deep, dive): sukeltaa "to dive"
susk- (belief, faith): usko "faith", uskomus "belief", uskonto "religion"
tamas- (dance): um, just dance? (tanssi)
tanset- (fight): tanssia (to dance)
teknik- (advance, develop): tekniikka "technology" (as a note, you can "make science" in Finnish, but you can't "make technology" - the concept might be related, though)
tietosh- (know): tietää "to know", tieto "knowledge, information, data", tiede "science"
ud- (new, fresh): uusi "new", uudistaa "renew", uudis- "new-" (uudisraivaaja "frontiersman", uudisrakennus "new building/construction")
use- (many, much): usea "many, multiple"
valk- (bright, ligth): valkeus (archaic) "brightness", valkea/valkoinen "white"
vekiin- (oblige, require): possibly connected to velka "debt"
Edit: to be continued