Federal Navy Academy, Duripant The alarm blared over the speakers, resounding through the hallways and echoing across the mess hall. The flood of chatter and the general commotion of silverware and trays ground to a halt as the alarm slowly died down and the purpose for its sounding was made clear over the comm system.
"Cadets and staff, attention!" The powerful and clear voice of Academy Commander Arlissa Monroe rang out. "Today is a pivotal day in Federation history! Five years ago, the warmongering and destructive Caldari mercilessly and suddenly attacked the civilian planet of Luminaire Seven! Five years ago, the
CNS Shiigeru was set in orbit over the planet, a symbol of tyranny and injustice that would hold Federal citizens hostage under the oppressive thumb of a dictator bent on destroying our way of life!"
The mess hall began to fill with murmurs and whispers as the events of that horrific day were recalled in the minds of those present. A brief pause in the message over the comms would usher in images over Luminaire VII on the vid screens surrounding the room. The murmurs and whispers vanished into silence as the images of a massive titan exploding and sinking into the atmosphere of the planet could be seen along with several other ships breaking apart and meeting their end above the planet.
The silence melted away as Monroe continued, "Today! Today that symbol has been shattered! The iron fist of the tyrant Heth is broken and scattered, its support fleet crushed and trampled beneath the might of the Federation Navy! No longer will this testament to the evils of the Caldari darken the skies of our populace! Today, you are all part of the force that defeated villainy!"
Images of the massive battle over Luminaire VII continued to play out over the vid screens, the mess hall was paralyzed with silence as every eye watched the scene unfold.
"Today Freedom and Liberty stand beside justice! Stand proud, citizens and soldiers of the Federation! Today is your day!"
The vid screens continued displaying the massive debris breaking apart and disappearing into the atmosphere of the planet. Ships exploded as death and destruction acted out their spotlight. No cheers rang out from those present, no celebrations nor shouts of victory.
Only silence. Only the sound of liberty.