Nico: I think that goes back to the last post I wrote. I'd feel comfortable guessing that most of women (characters) who are strong and assertive outside of the realm of sexuality fall into the "don't call us space lesbians" group, whereas most of those for whom sexuality is the focus of the strong/assertive behavior fall into the "lol space lesbians" category that the other group doesn't want to be associated with.
I'd like to stop there for a moment and poke at something that has been bothering me. Why is a sexually assertive character considered "lol" and looked down on? I get that it can be done poorly, but I don't think its a good attitude to harbour that if sexuality is considered a character focus that "obviously that person is just trawling for ERP." Sexuality is a major part of people's lives and I see no reason why it could not be part of the focus of a character as long as, as with everything else, its done well and isn't the only aspect of the character. Saede at least is a sex positive, openly promiscuous person, she thinks sex is good and people should have more of it. That's obviously not the only aspect of the character, but it is an aspect, and I don't think its fair to get put into the category of 'lol'
This. I've previously played characters like this, and it's extremely annoying how much flak you can get for it. Even if you don't actually take it anywhere (keeping it in the background, so to speak), simply adding that attribute to the character gets you all manner of backtalk and rumor-milling.
Any vaguely-sexual female character is going to have a tough time of it, sadly. Whether lesbian, slave (EVE having widespread slavery in its lore makes it somewhat less prominent here, but in other MMO RP the word 'slave' is used in the same negative light as space lesbian), sexually-assertive, etc, there's so many people that misuse it to make it so that those who are trying to treat it seriously have to fight a constant uphill battle.
OK, I'll start by saying I don't play a space lesbian, but I can't help but resonate with Saede and Samira. The fact is that New Eden is a big place with a lot of different people. The idea that 'lol space lesbian' or 'lol space whore' is even a thing given everything else that happens in this stupid cluster is somewhat mind boggling.
For all we try to talk down urdoinitwrong accusations, there's still the same prevalent whispers and rumor mongering against not just the character, but the player as well. This is not limited to people who play more promiscuous characters, but to anyone who seemingly breaks the norm in general.
I'll plainly state that I made Anslo unique because the opportunity was there. Why would I make another 'normal' capsuleer when I could do something more interesting? I'll get the 'lol plot device' line now and then and I've been told to be more creative. I'm sorry, but who the hell are you to tell me what is and is not creative? We have enough head cases and such running around, why can't we have something a bit off the wall?
The same for more sexually oriented characters. Why should they be looked down on for playing the promiscuous woman in the high heels? Yes sure you can be a bit too blatant about it (we all know what they act like) to the point of near harassment, but that doesn't mean ANY flirtatious or sultry character should just be looked down upon.
Hell, no player should be looked down upon as 'unoriginal,' or looked at as a cop out for their RP. Sex oriented, psycho oriented, experiment oriented, villain oriented, why should ANY of them be looked down on? As long as you aren't god moding every single RP or RPing just to troll the players, you should never, EVER be looked down on for your character or those choices.
This goes not just for space lesbian, but for anyone RPing something new and interesting. No one should be afraid to RP what they like, ever.