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Author Topic: Why do Baseliners work for you?  (Read 4390 times)

Silas Vitalia

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Why do Baseliners work for you?
« on: 02 Feb 2013, 15:09 »

Some of my back and forth with Mekhana in her Patriotism thread got me wondering for the rest of you:

Why do your crews, corporation and alliance staff, and assorted baseliners work for you as a capsuleer?

Do you promise and deliver lavish rewards? Do you operate out of factional loyalty as a motivator for recruitment? I'm just curious if some of you have thought about these interactions and then what sorts of people end up flocking to your various banners.


Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #1 on: 02 Feb 2013, 15:24 »

Great benefits, and excellent survivability for most of her crew positions. Full health, dental, life/death, and family coverage available. Excellent meal service on larger vessels, decent meals on smaller ones. Plus, she's not opposed to meeting her crew in person sometimes.

Simply put, working for Katrina is a good job.

Notable exception: "Doctrine" ships used in I-RED fleets use crews hired by I-RED/RDC, not by Katrina's people. Benefits are controlled by I-RED. Survivability is much lower. They rarely meet Katrina in person. Food is decent but standardized.

Oniseki Holdings employment is a whole different story, and varies from subsidiary to subsidiary.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #2 on: 02 Feb 2013, 15:28 »

The Foundations' supplies nearly all the crew and staffing for its Capsuleer division. An exception is made for the Capsuleers who wish to have their own independent crews and not Foundations' provided ones. This is the only exception, though, as every other area is under Foundations' control. As for why Foundations crew works for the Capsuleers ... well, the demands of the Overwatch to meet the needs of the Nation. The rest is just bonus details.

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Morwen Lagann

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #3 on: 02 Feb 2013, 15:41 »

Kat more or less listed the reasons for the ones in Morwen's employ, word for word. Can't speak to the people working directly for other members of TYRIN, but Morwen probably enforces a company-wide policy or two (or three, or four) along these lines.

Not like we can't afford it... :P

Lagging Behind

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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #4 on: 02 Feb 2013, 15:46 »

I know from my histories, Kane usually played with mercs. One with good reputations. Probably Legion, to be honest. Small, professional teams to handle ship work and dockside security. It was rarely exciting work, mission runs notwithstanding, but the paycheck was steady and Kane was always willing to negotiate "Death in the Line of Duty" clauses. Matoko is much the same. Mercs with good credentials for security, skilled labor drawn to the idea of working for ORE-aligned Capsuleers...

I guess the basic premise is that I treat it like a job. It's employment, plain and simple. So long as the terms are fair, the paychecks arrive on time, and potential employees agree to basic background checks, there hasn't yet been need for anything more stringent.

So yeah, pretty much echoing Katrina and Morwen here.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #5 on: 02 Feb 2013, 16:40 »

Any number of reasons, for Streya. As she mostly does PvE activities for now, survival is essentially assured. And the pay is good in comparison to serving on a baseliner-ccommanded ship. Of course, Streya might give some ideological reasoning for people to join, but ALXVP is probably still quite tiny (if existent at all) on baseliner news feeds and the like. Perhaps once we get larger (and thus probably more famous in the baseliner world) word may get out that a transhumanist group is starting a colonization initiative. This could probably draw in people who want a fresh, new start on a colony. I could also see transhumanist ideology appealing to some, and maybe if we get big enough the corporation could offer people cloning services. I'll let Saede decide on that, though CCP's input as to how common it is for a baseliner to get cloning services would also be appreciated.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #6 on: 02 Feb 2013, 17:46 »

Notable exception: "Doctrine" ships used in I-RED fleets use crews hired by I-RED/RDC, not by Katrina's people. Benefits are controlled by I-RED. Survivability is much lower. They rarely meet Katrina in person. Food is decent but standardized.

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Gwen Ikiryo

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #7 on: 02 Feb 2013, 17:57 »

I like to imagine that Gwen pays her crew in horrendously excessively compared to most out of a mix of sheer lack of true conception of just how much ISK is actually worth, and a fair bit Capsuleer-guilt from making so much to begin with. So spots likely fill up pretty fast. Shouldn't suggest that she's a wonderful and generous person, though - It's all about appeasing her own need for normality. The more her crew makes, the less of a big deal it makes her in comparison, etc.

She's likely a terrible "Captain", too. I can't imagine she interacts with her crews whatsoever, lest it remind her too directly of her status.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #8 on: 02 Feb 2013, 18:44 »

Seriphyn's crew is mostly FedNav or otherwise military-affliated. His ship is run as a military vessel according to whatever naval traditions/protocols the Gallente have. Sort of provides some quirks for RP in that regard.

Though currently, the Destiny Foundation marauder of his is staffed by civilian employees with a large contingent of 18-25 year old volunteer aid workers.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #9 on: 02 Feb 2013, 19:20 »

Katla has a lot of crew who have been with her for a very long time, partly due to her not flying much and consequently losing few ships. Some signed up for ideological reasons (most of those have been with her for years, since before she went openly Sansha). Some work for her because they have professional skills she is willing to pay well for. Some are victims of legal traps, and can't leave without serious legal repercussions.

The largest group, however - the majority, even - are juveniles, typically from broken homes or no homes at all, often with some kind of criminal record. She collects them through various agreements (none of them strictly illegal, but often creatively legal) with station authorities, typically using her old corporation, Astropolitan Front as...well, a front. Although she doesn't personally mingle much with them, the deal she offers isn't necessarily a bad one, given the often cutthroat realities in New Eden. She offers them food, a home, stability (rigorous discipline, in fact) and a free and solid education. In turn, her officers and she get to form the crew from an early age, both socially, educationally and ideologically. At the end of their education, they are well-trained and usually highly motivated. Though it can amount to brainwashing, no mind control technology is involved.

It takes time, of course, so in the event she acquires a vessel she expects to lose again quickly, or just one that's not very tough, she'll hire a disposable temp crew in the standard manner.
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2013, 19:22 by Natalcya Katla »
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Lyn Farel

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #10 on: 02 Feb 2013, 19:49 »

When it comes to "disposable ships" (like for pvp), Lyn hires standard crew. Actually, that's not her that takes care of that, of course, considering the amount of people involved, especially when you lose several ships per day. Now, she is mostly done with that (not much pvp anymore for me now vOv).

For the rest, nobody ever really understood what makes the people hiring her crew hiring some people and not other. For her crew she remains a plain mystery they never even see, and even less, speak to. Since she tries to avoid social contact at all costs, is agoraphobic, and a lone soul, and despite her apparent indifference actually fears what people may think of her or see of her, then being the social misfit she is, she actively tries to hide from every eye, especially the eyes of strangers that roam in the entrails of her own ships. Which even seems more paradoxical since if she avoids them at all costs, they get even more foreign than they already are. Hell, even the people hiring people for her do not see her.

But all of this combined means that she unconsiously has created a whole aura of mystery around her persona, and baseliners, and even a lot of capsuleers only know of her what they see on the IGS, and do not even have anything else than her holo ID. That may actually be one of the factors attracting people to work for her in the first place, as weird as it may sound. They seem to work better for the ideal they make of her than what she really is. Somehow, her behavior, originally almost denying what her demi-god status means, has actually completely made it more real  in the eyes of a lot of baseliners. She has become a demi god very hard to get a glimpse of, which is what most gods are often about anyway, some might say with a lot of irony.
« Last Edit: 03 Feb 2013, 05:49 by Lyn Farel »

Sakura Nihil

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #11 on: 02 Feb 2013, 21:26 »

For Sakura?  Simply put, glory.  The same reason why some people join the military, to go places, see things, and blow things them up.  After all, she does maintain a serious subcap fleet, numbering close to 100 hulls, almost all of which are either faction or T2.  Apart from in-space battles, her tourney work has also gotten her a bit of a following (I'd imagine), and thus some people wanting to be apart of that.

Beyond those perks?  She can be a bitch, but she's fair, and tries to look out for people under her watch wherever possible.  That, and she doesn't like to suicide ships, nor does she get them blown up often, so I imagine that's certainly a big benefit!

As for her younger sisters, the ones that are still doing a lot of work in the empires... they're still sort of figuring out what they want to do in life, what they want to stand for, etc.  As a result, I can see their crews being the sort of salaried people you'd see in office buildings around the world today, people who simply work for the money rather than any motivation.  Especially since they almost never, ever die, and the space they work out of it relatively safe.

However, for the younger sisters, that status quo won't last forever.  I thoroughly suspect that sometime down the road, one or more of them might find a cause worth really diving deep into, and that's when the people who are only around for the money are likely to GTFO and get replaced by motivated, belief-driven individuals.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #12 on: 03 Feb 2013, 05:12 »

Pieter recently he lost several Wiyrkomi employees that he'd grown used to flying with and having as ground crew / security because of the dreaded internal audit.

Now he gets Kaalakiota trained crew and anciliary support personnel as assigned by Kaalakiota. He is a typical Civire boss who can often be found working with them when not in the pod. He gets takeout for his ground crew. He is part of a group of them who box, sometimes competitively with other Kaalakiota personnel. He helps change out sensor clusters, armour plating and  other such tasks.

This tends to inspire a certain esprit de corps. He is interested in their needs and performances and, so far, his crew is small enough that he can maintain this.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #13 on: 03 Feb 2013, 05:30 »

CTCS recruits crew from persons convinced by our persuasive theology.

For Covenant ships, I suspect it is possible that crew can be rapidly replaced, through use of the various technologies found in the Takmahl ruins, which included a lot to do with bioengineering and such.

It is possible that Covenant crew contain a number of Takmahl-style Bio-Droids, rather than normal people.
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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #14 on: 03 Feb 2013, 06:22 »

I pay them >_>

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