Name: Avoul Deuterre
Title: Federal Capsuleer Profile Manager
Office: FIO- Field Analysis and Research Division
Clearance: [REDACTED]
This report is meant to highlight three major occurrences observed during reconnaissance of Mr. Tetua. For the purpose of efficient information dissemination, I have been authorized by [REDACTED] to declassify specific parts of this report. Names are redacted in this report and are available in the V2.0 Class L-6 Report.- (1) Confirmed and recorded spike in piezoelectricity levels in private establishment.
- (2) Potential politically dangerous actions noted.
- (3) New associates have been confirmed.
[REDACTED] has recorded and confirmed a statistically significant spike in Mr. Tetua's piezoelectricity levels during an event at the [REDACTED] Club, owned by one Ms. [REDACTED]. Cause of spike is scientifically unknown, but inference suggest direct manipulation by Mr. Tetua himself to cause spike for a potential combat situation.
Mr. Tetua appeared with one [REDACTED] of Caldari origins (Person of Interest 1 {PoI 1}), along with one [REDACTED] (PoI 2), a known icon and figure throughout known space. PoI 1 lead Mr. Tetua to engage in a brief conversation with Ms. [REDACTED] before the three confined themselves to a private office. PoI 2 was noted as observing and analyzing her surroundings before seemingly making her way to the restroom.
After approximately 30-minutes, a larger and potentially augmented individual made way to the private office with a DUST clone solider. Said DUST was positioned outside while the potentially augmented individual, now confirmed as [REDACTED] of Khanid decent (PoI 3), entered the room.
At this time, fire alarms began sounding as all parties within the room exited to an unknown section of the area. The party returned with PoI 2 in tow and one extra person, identified as [REDACTED] (PoI 4) of a known criminal organization. PoI 4 appeared injured. Three other individuals, assumed slaves by their dress, were also following. All individuals but PoI 3 and Ms. [REDACTED] exited the area.
The entire fiasco saw a tremendous spike in piezoelectrical activitiy within Mr. Tetua's [REDACTED]. Typical piezoelectric activity within Mr. Tetua stay around 0-3 kHz with no artificially educed micro-vibrations. During this event, Mr. Tetua's piezoelectric measurements jumped to 29.52 kHz with micro-vibrations approaching 150 μm. In at least two instances, micro-vibrations reached 200 μm, signifying potential [REDACTED]. Due to political issues, suppression forces would never have been able to stop Mr. Tetua in time before all present parties were euthanized. It is fortunate he did not engage in any euthanasia as the group left.
Outside of this even, a fifth Ni-Kuuni PoI has been identified, as well as a sixth Intaki PoI. It is unknown as to why Mr. Tetua is associating himself with the aforementioned PoIs, as team cohesion of his assembled group points to potentially low success rates during OPs.
All PoIs will be monitored and observed for further information.
Finally, and of important note, Mr. Tetua has allegedly made way to Amamake II into cordoned space over the district colloquially known as 'Pike's Landing.' Confirmation received of similar baseline crew during Malkalen incident with Mr. Tetua. Purpose unknown, however, it is inferred by [REDACTED] that Mr. Tetua has taken a high interest in Phase I DUST soldiers. Specifically, he appears interested in the [REDACTED] events. Activity will continue to be monitored, with interdiction operatives prepared should the need arise.
1) Continue to monitor mental disposition
2) Monitor threat level to Federation due to history as a [REDACTED] participant.
3) Monitor fluid router communications from Tetua for corruption as per the Vellaine incident and determine cause.
4) Observe status of wrapped appendages and piezoelectric levels. Also attempt to ascertain current ATP levels and metabolic rates.
4a) Once confirmed, report to [REDACTED] for next steps
5) Monitor all PoIs for communication and activities with Mr. Tetua.
6) Confirm continued communication with former participants in
[REDACTED] and determine threat level of former Subjects.
----END REPORT 3----