Well, this makes me delighted. Thank you for the compliments, Kat, and this was exactly the sort of conversation I hoped my post would inspire.
CCP Falcon has stated that the days of supporting one's faction without flying and fighting for it are over. I referenced this in the "CCP is biased" thread here, and I have to admit, I have some sympathy for the view, especially in the case of the Caldari. Considering the tight-knit nature of the Caldari, and the deep loyalty the faction is said to inspire, how much sense does it make that Caldari capsuleers would sit back and go "huh, Black Rise is burning. Well, I don't like Heth, so that's too bad." I don't personally think that makes a lot of sense. To put it another way, suppose that, in world war two, America's most wealthy citizens decided to take a leave of absence for, say, Switzerland, because they didn't like FDR (some at the time viewed him as a near-dictator). Would we still consider them to have been patriotic? I'm doubtful.
It's also pretty annoying to have RPers running around talking about how much they support the State or the Caldari people, but actually doing nothing about it. To me, RP has meant more than just saying "I support faction x". Even those who hate PvP can do something - and I remember some who hated PvP getting out there and flipping back Minnie systems when the Caldari militia used the standings tactic to grind out system flips. If you truly support a faction, it should matter to your character whether they are winning or not.
And, yes, the faction wars can't be won unless CCP decides the feature is kaput. But they do have storyline consequences, and the fact that they can't be won really has nothing to do with our RP. Sansha can't ever be stopped. Agents will never run out of missions. You can kill those belt rats all you want, they'll always come back. You can't take space permanently. And you're never going to be the sole player in the market. So what?
None of the mechanics can ever be eliminated, because that would eliminate the sandbox. That gives us precisely no reason to do anything, RP-wise, if our criterion is that it cannot be won. So I do not think that that is a reasonable objection. And I do think that disliking faction warfare is sort of, well, a personal problem.

It may well be that if you dislike joining FW, and can't be bothered to do industry for it, then you can't play an Empire loyalist. That's too bad, but at some point, there are walls around what you can do. You can't (I would hope) be an Amarr loyalist running missions against the Empire in Republic space, either.
The best RPers, in my opinion, have always been those who backed up words with actions. That's what I'd like to see, especially given that CCP has indicated that other approaches are essentially dead in the water from here on out. And so my character is going to start calling people on it, as he is.