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Ladette Russeot is a Gallentean woman who in YC106, at age 17, hacked the code used by deadspace warp beacons that had been proclaimed unhackable just days before.

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Author Topic: [Character] Korsavius  (Read 15839 times)


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[Character] Korsavius
« on: 12 Jan 2013, 01:28 »

Commissioned art by LuckyFK

CONCORD DED Capsuleer Datasheet

Name: Korbin Sa'kur Lavius
DED Callsign: Korsavius
Blood Type: O+
Age: 47
Height: 1.8034 m. (5'11'')
Weight: 79.3787 kg. (175 lbs.)
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Hazel
Political Alignment: Caldari State (Liberal Bloc)
Date of Birth: 13th August, 70 YC
Place of Birth: New Icousa (unverified), Abagawa IV, Okomon, The Forge
Employment History: Surkousa Industries, Peace and Order Unit, Ishukone Corporation, Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
Status: Clear

DED Charges:
> Collaboration with felons [CLEARED]
Federal Charges:
> Hacking into military networks [UNDER INVESTIGATION]
> Interrogation of military personnel [CONFIRMED: WANTED]
> Destruction of military assets [CONFIRMED: WANTED]
> Theft of Federation property assets [UNDER INVESTIGATION]
> Collaboration with felons [CLEARED]
Republic Charges:
> Murder (1 count) [CLEARED]
> Collaboration with felons [CLEARED]
Imperial Charges:
> Smuggling registered slaves out of Empire territory [CLEARED]
> Destruction of licensed slave transport vessels [CLEARED]
> Collaboration with felons [CLEARED]
State Charges:
> Promotion of civil unrest [CLEARED]
> Civil disobedience [CLEARED]
> Corporate Espionage [UNDER INVESTIGATION]
> Collaboration with felons [CLEARED]

DED Threat Assessment: Low
Notes: Pilot has no notable record of criminal activity or unlawful engagements. Pilot generally only poses a significant threat to pirates, criminals, and other law-breakers.

Personality Assessment: Pilot demonstrates an overall healthy mental state. Mental tests indicate calm and collected thinking patterns. However, pilot does have signs of an obsession with Guristas pirates; pilot demonstrates extreme disregard for life of Guristas and Guristas affiliates, as well as typical behaviors associated with a revenge complex.

Physical Assessment: Slightly below average height for Brutor; toned build. Currently in good physical and mental health. No notable cybernetic augmentations.

Last Updated: YC 113


Shamelessly "borrowing" Aria's format for additional documents pertaining to Korsavius. A "/" simply denotes "and/or" with regards to what prereqs are required for viewing certain information ICly. Of course, other prereqs, namely, being at a physical location such as a megacorp information terminal or maybe even Kor's personal estate are assumed.

Surkousa Industries GalNet executive mail logs (ItemID: A909B4F6)
[Sukuuvestaa 5.0/Caldari State 9.0/Hacking 3]
Comments on Mr. Lavius
To: Valerian Surkousa
From: Higeras Onida

Greetings Mr. Surkousa,

I hope your capsuleer training is proceeding well. I, as well as everyone else, anticipate your return upon completion of your training eagerly.

I wanted to provide you with a few comments on one of our employees, Korbin Lavius. This is a rather remarkable one, I'd say. Not only was he and his family among the few illegal workers who chose to remain under employment of Surkousa Industries, but he also has quite the persona and intelligence. Allow me to explain further.

I've been paying special attention to his interactions with other employees. He seems to be a favorite amongst them. As a test, I allowed him to create and organize several labor rallies as well as social gatherings and other miscellaneous programs. Corporate analysts note that productivity rates have steadily increased since the start of all these events. An impressive 42% increase in just under a month.

Furthermore, during a casual talk I had with him, he shared with me a number of administrative suggestions. I kept these suggestions in mind, and carried out at least one of them. Our financial analyst just got back to me noting a quarterly economic increase of 7.1% ever since the implementation of Mr. Lavius' idea.

I am highly considering promoting Mr. Lavius to a leadership position. Feel free to add your own comments.

Higeras Onida
Surkousa Industries, Chief Operating Officer

Surkousa Industries internal letter database (ItemID: P387G1K9)
[Sukuuvestaa 5.0/Caldari State 9.0/Hacking 4]
Korbin Sa'kur Lavius
Taishera Urban District, Apartment Complex F, Room 213
New Icousa, Icousa Sector  31189

February 23, YC 94

Valerian Ti'kihli Surkousa
Chief Executive Officer
Surkousa Industries
Taowei Business District, Building 38, Surkousa Tower
New Icousa, Icousa Sector  31189

Dear friend,

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you in advance of my intent to resign from my position of Co-Chief Operating Officer at Surkousa Industries. It has been a great run, no doubt. I've learned a plethora of valuable skills, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me in a position where my skills can flourish.

However, my personal interest in the day-to-day tasks of corporate leadership grows thinner every day. As you know, crime rates on Abagawa IV and in the system in general have been slowly climbing. Guristas pirates and other lowly criminals are making the streets of our beloved home unsafe. I cannot sit idly at my desk while I watch this crime unfold before me. I feel as though corruption within P&O is rampant, as little is being done to address the needs of our community. I am planning on seeking employment with the Peace and Order Unit, in hopes of one day becoming a detective.

Mark my words, I will purge this planet of corruptness, and the growing crime infestation. I know you will understand and respect my decision. After all you always used to tell me we should have the well-being of the State as our number one priority. Well, for me, it is.

For the State.

Yours truly,
Korbin Lavius
Co-Chief Operating Officer

Peace and Order Unit evidence files for the murder of Gairo Mushegi (ItemID: J7378N8999)
[Peace and Order Unit 2.5/Sukuuvestaa 3.0/Caldari State 6.0/Hacking 1]
Abagawa IV: New Icousa: Svostlanka District: Intersection AF-21 Surveillance Footage
>> [03:46:02] Suspected Guristas recruiter enters camera view
>> [03:46:20] Suspect continues walking nonchalantly down the sidewalk
>> [03:46:47] Suspect stops in front of an alleyway
>> [03:46:56] Something off camera view gets attention of suspect
>> [03:47:00] Suspect enters alleyway cautiously
>> [03:47:51] Two bright flashes can be seen coming from the alleyway
>> [03:48:41] An unidentified person wearing a cloak exits the alleyway
>> [03:49:02] The cloaked person hops on to an unregistered vehicle and drives off
>> [03:56:06] A Peace and Order patrol unit arrives at the scene; discovery of a corpse belonging to the suspected Guristas recruiter is found in a trash dumpster of the alleyway

Maikal Vera personal data log (ItemID: 7400198)
[Guristas 5.0/Hacking 3]
System: Abagawa
Date and Time: [REDACTED]
User: Maikal Vera
Subject: New Recruit

I just met one of the new recruits for the Okomon taskforce. Says he's been with us for a couple years now...just got transferred here I guess. Although it is sort of odd...I tried looking up Guristas personnel profiles and didn't really find anything on him. Then again, our secretaries can get fucking lazy sometimes. Oh well.

He's seems like a pretty easygoing fellow. Goes by the name of Korsaito Bavius. Some of the other boys are getting quite used to him. He's a rather interesting fellow. The other night I challenged him to a drinking contest, but he refused...something about not drinking alcohol. Poor sap doesn't know what he's missing!! He actually owns this pretty sick hoverbike. The thing is a classic, but don't be fooled by its age. I saw him race in it against Jeko and his tricked out hoverbike. Korsaito beat Jeko by a landslide. He must have put in a hell of amount of upgrades to that thing.

Overall, I've got good feelings about this new guy. I know he has the potential to go far up the chain of command. Time will tell, I guess.

Arvo Daily news article, censored in Sukuuvestaa sectors of Abagawa IV until YC 99
[Access to GalNet]
"Serial Murderer Roaming Abagawa IV? Or Vigilante?"
by Varsha Sanguuten • June 24, YC 97

Murder happens everywhere you go. Abagawa IV is no exception. However, a recent publication by Peace and Order Unit police suggests that a string of over fifty murders within the past few years are all connected. The publication notes how biometric analysis from video and holoreel footage indicates a "strong probability" that the suspect behind many of the murders is the same person.

"Whoever is behind these murders is an extremely dangerous and well-prepared individual," New Icousa Police Chief, Karvo Nikanto, said in a brief public announcement. "This individual has intimate knowledge of city-wide surveillance recorders, and appears to time the killings with the utmost in precision." The police chief went on to encourage citizens to report any suspicious activity to the local authorities immediately. A reward is being offered for those with more information on the suspect, who remains unidentified, aside from an approximate height and weight profile.

Arvo Daily journalists have conducted their own investigation on the matter, and uncovered something rather startling. As of the time of this publication, twenty-seven of the victims have been identified to be Guristas members or affiliated with the Guristas. We can only assume at this point that the remaining victims are also Guristas members/affiliates. This would lead to the conclusion that this serial killer is specifically targeting Guristas pirates. The motive remains unknown.

The specific targeting of Guristas members may be linked to the increased sightings and activity of the Guristas pirates throughout the Abagawa solar system within the past few months. An official spokesman for Peace and Order Unit has stated the situation is "under control." In the meantime, an ever weary Corporate Police Force has amped up security on all Hyasyoda sectors of Abagawa IV.

When Arvo Daily reporters reached out to New Icousa Police Chief Nikanto, no comment on the matter was provided. We will monitor the situation as events unfold.

Maikal Vera last recorded personal data log (ItemID: 7400205)
[Guristas 5.0/Hacking 3]
System: Abagawa
Date and Time: January 13, YC 98  01:49 N.E.S.T.
User: Maikal Vera
Subject: Strange Happenings

A lot has been going on during the past several months. Someone has been targeting Guristas who are in leadership positions. Maker only knows why. It's almost as if someone is trying to send us a message. Well, ancestors have mercy on them when we finally get our hands on the bastard who is doing this.

Higher-ups have ordered small security details to accompany our officers when they are out conducting business. It's really strange though...that doesn't seem to stop this asshole from killing his targets. We're all kind of stumped now. Whoever is doing this knows when and where his target will be, and what they will be doing. There has to be a spy within our ranks! It must be one of those Angel Cartel pussies. They're mad they finally got some competition for the human trafficking market. I swear I will gut every one of those bastards I come across.

Fuck, man!! Just...fuck!!!

Last week, they found Jeko's body along the side of a dirt road out in the middle of nowhere......he was my best friend. We grew up together. I swear when I find the guy who did this...I swear...

Well, I need to get going now. Korsaito has been nagging me to meet him out somewhere in the valley. He says he's got some leads which can help us catch the crook who is doing all this. Let's go see what he has to say.

Korbin's private video logs (ItemID: 9901845)
[Hacking 5]
>> Establishing Video Link
>> .
>> ..
>> ...
>> Connection Established
>> Conversation start: May 21, YC 100   21:49 N.E.S.T.[/i]

"Hello, mother."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What do you mean?"

"Oh come on. I know that look when I see it. Something is troubling you."

Korbin sighs. He sinks his head into his hands.

"I've only been here for about a year now and I already desperately want to leave," he says with a mellow, worn-out tone.

His mother simply listens to him silently with a sincere expression on her face. Her wrinkles forming gentle shadows across her face.

"You know it's funny...they said I'd fit in better here in the Republic...that I would blend in easier and face less xenophobia and discrimination. They were wrong." The look on his face turns from weary and tired to angry.

His mother observes him quietly with a studious face.

"I just want to go back home. To the State, I mean."

"Korbin what you are doing there is a wonderful opportunity. Your father and I never had the chance to walk among fellow Minmatar. We never got to see our clans. We don't even know who our clans were." She smiles, "but you know what? That doesn't matter. We found our home here in the State."

Korbin nods.

"You may feel alone over there, but always remember Cold Wind never leaves you. Cultural identity goes much deeper than the blood. It penetrates the spirit. You are Caldari. We are Caldari. And we are a strong people. Petty insults never stopped us from building our great nation."

"Meditate and find your strength. Cold Wind will guide you. You being all the way in the Republic won't stop Him from providing you with wisdom and strength. I promise."

Korbin smiles. "Thank you mother. I really needed to hear that."

The woman smiles warmly, the creases on her face growing slightly more prevalent.

"Oh! I am going to be late for class if I don't leave now! Gotta go mom. Ancestors watch over you."

"Ancestors watch over you too, son."

>> Conversation end: May 21, YC 100  21:51 N.E.S.T.
>> Terminating Connection
>> ...
>> ..
>> .
>> Video Link Terminated

Korbin's personal data entry (ItemID: 6880413)
[Hacking 5]
Subject: The Void
Date: May 29, YC 103

Emptyness. Blackness.

That is all I feel. And that is all I see, now. She passed away three days ago now from the wounds she sustained during the attack. I feel so much anger. I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed here on Abagawa IV with her. I should have...

I have re-assumed my position in P&O as head detective for New Icousa. Kataro will remain in the position of police chief I used to occupy. I get more work done being able to venture out in the field, anyway.

I've gone ahead and launched my own personal investigation on the attack, against Kataro's wishes. I don't know what he was expecting me to do.

I've postponed my capsuleer training until justice is served. I won't stop until I've personally dealt with every single one of those Guristas who did this. There is a void within me. I can feel it growing with each passing day. I will show them this void. I will show them eternal darkness. I will show them the consequences of their mistakes.

Every single one of them.


Evelopedia Link (Coming Soon!™) Evelopedia is dead so...yeah.

Instead, here are the results for a Meyers-Briggs-ish test I took on behalf of Kor:
ISTJ-A   --   Logistician


Further readings on Korsavius:
In-game News Article: Malkalen Incident
Dead Man Walking (Part 1 of 2)
Beautiful Cherry Blossoms (Part 2 of 2)
In the Name of a Better State
Whispers from the Grave
The Little Things
Abagawa Days
And The Pendulum Swings

Readings on some of my other characters:
Selenna 'Scarlet' Solange:
Roirdan Bouchate

Other fiction works by me:
C'est La Vie, Amore
As The Butterfly Soars
Nocturnal Bloom
The Colour Lavender
Sunday Morning
Mikramurka Nights
A Beautiful Exit
Cold-blooded Creatures
A Raata Dawn
Insights Into Biotechnology: Transthymic Microcontrollers
Simple Things: Quiescence
Simple Things: Catoptromancy

Non-fiction/stuff for funsies works by me:
A Eulogy To My Orthruses (Orthrii?)
Slaver Hound Training For Dummies
Flight Of The Ravens

A collection of projects I hosted or co-hosted:
Planet Profile - Abagawa IV
Worldbuilding - Tales From Abagawa
Storyline Series - Season 1: Pendulum
Worldbuilding - Syndicate Stability Initiative II©
Storyline Series - Season 3: Through The Looking Glass
Worldbuilding - I-RED Newsfeed (Alternate link)


11-24-13: Minor history additions/editing
1-29-14: added a "Further Readings" section which will continually be added to
2-02-14: added "In the Name of a Better State" and an in-game news article
8-20-14: cleaned up some info and added a few tidbits here and there
9-27-14: added "Whispers from the Grave" short story
12-3-14: added "Beautiful Cherry Blossoms" short story; added more info in bio history
6-15-15: completely reformatted profile; added new information; continuous addition of information is planned
7-7-15: added the final excerpts which peer into Kor's background; will now work on completing his evelopedia page (hope to finish it within the next two-three months)
12-20-16: added some pieces of fiction I've written
2-2-17: added more pieces to my growing repertoire of fiction works; did a Meyers-Briggs test for Kor!
« Last Edit: 27 Apr 2021, 03:41 by Korsavius »
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17

Ava Starfire

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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jan 2013, 06:46 »

One of my favorite characters, even if he confuses the nine hells out of Ava and makes her want to choke him  :P

Good writeup! Lots of stuff here I had no clue about - and, of course, which Ava has no clue about.


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jan 2013, 14:25 »

Creative and believable, an excellent profile.


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #3 on: 24 Nov 2013, 17:42 »

Some small updates. :-)
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #4 on: 27 Nov 2013, 02:26 »

Nice. Especially like the unique method you chose for the prospect of being a capsuleer being introduced to him.


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan 2014, 21:49 »

Updated! :-)
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17

John Revenent

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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jan 2014, 04:52 »

<3 Korbin


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #7 on: 02 Feb 2014, 18:52 »

Hooray more updates! \o/
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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #8 on: 20 Aug 2014, 19:00 »

Updated some minor stuff. Yay!
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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #9 on: 27 Sep 2014, 17:34 »

Updated yet again :-)

Hooray! \o/
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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #10 on: 03 Dec 2014, 13:48 »

Updated yet again. Yayz!!!
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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #11 on: 03 Dec 2014, 18:06 »

I can't believe I've never noticed this thread before...

I liked Korsavius before I read this information.

I like him even more now, very well written and a fun and engaging character.


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #12 on: 16 Feb 2015, 10:18 »

So I been thinking a lot lately...

More specifically, I've been considering the possibility of retconning Kor's real name. To be quite honest, the name seen and used currently was never meant to be was just something I came up with in a couple minutes to explain the conjugation "Korsavius". So, thus, I'm not really sure it would be a retcon to begin with, but then his name was featured in a CCP in-game article so maybe it is a retcon?  :psyccp:

Anyway, I was just trying to gather opinions and thoughts on the idea. And if I were to retcon the name, what might I use as an explanation to describe the change IC? :3 Halp pl0x
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Kyoko Sakoda

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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #13 on: 16 Feb 2015, 10:46 »

I'm of the "couldn't care less" opinion when it comes to retcons. Writers make mistakes.

That being said, it's not a bad name... so I don't know why you ask? :3


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Re: [Character] Korsavius
« Reply #14 on: 16 Feb 2015, 11:44 »

I dunno...I like the first half-ish of the name...the last half feels sorta meh to me. Also, I want to Caldarify it. :3
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17
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