Gallente Independent Progressive Alternative is going to celebrate its foundation with a gala evening.
It is supposed to be a get-together for all of those who have a hand in Federal politics, one way or the other. Some program and refreshments might also be available.
The preliminary date is Saturday 16th of April, 7 PM/19:00 EVE time, which is in the afternoon in North and South America and around the midnight in Europe and Africa.
if this date doesn't seem to work for anyone, the Sunday 17th or next weekend 23rd-24th are also conceivable. The in-character announcement will appear in the Intergalactic Summit, once the date has been fixed, probably no later than the during the next weekend 9th-10th of April.
I would like to hear
-which corporations might be interested in sending representatives
-if there's interference with other events at the same time
-if anyone could help with the program (difficulty L1, reward massive)
-if the planned location in Villore (sec status 0.5) causes you trouble
Thank you for your interest! See you there!