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that the Solteur-class titans are not the same as the Erebus-class titans piloted by Capsuleers?

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Author Topic: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!  (Read 77075 times)


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Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« on: 05 Jan 2011, 18:58 »

Has your character been up to something that might have raised eyebrows and set tongues wagging?

In the real world, the thousands of people who surround capsuleers - crew, staff, agents, vendors, just plain passers-by - would pick up all sorts of juicy titbits of information, true or untrue. A snippet of conversation overheard between two crew-members in a dockside bar, a chance encounter in Rens Bazaar or on the Crystal Boulevard, all would be grist for the gossip mill.  However, in EVE, those channels of communication simply don't exist.

This thread is to provide the opportunity for players to pass on those kinds of gossip and rumors. They may be true, they may be false, they may be a combination of the two. They might be dockside rumors, tabloid headlines, or anything else you can think of.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jan 2011, 19:11 »

To get this rolling, some items that first appeared on the EM gossip wiki, in reverse chronological order :

112.10.24 - Gulfonodi - Love Knows No Bounds - ReAw pilot Captain Ciarente Roth's thickening waistline has tongues wagging - now we can report exclusively that the future bundle of joy inside the capsuleer's capsule is the happy outcome of a tragically forbidden love. Captain Roth has been unable to hide her affection for Amarr militia Commander Esna Pitojee, going so far as to flaunt the relationship at a recent decadent soiree in her private quarters. Now under disciplinary investigation by Electus Matari security for flagrantly 'fleeting with reds', so to speak, Captain Roth remains defiant. 'I'm keeping this baby,' she told our reporter exclusively, 'as a sign of hope that one day the Empire and the Republic can be as united as Esna and I.' <Inside The Pod>

112.10.01 - Ebodold - Hangar gossip - Rumors are spreading among the crew and dockworkers employed by Captain Silver Night that an incident of fraternisation has the Captain anticipating impending fatherhood. A number of books on preparing for parenting have been seen on the Captain's desk, and one ensign swears she saw him buying baby booties in Rens Bazaar. Senior crew are reported to be worried the rumor will reach the Captain's ears - or worse, the press - and he'll know his secret is out.

112.08.27 - Amamake- Prodigal Pilot At Pirate Hangout  - After some weeks' absence, notoriously troubled young ReAw pilot Ciarente Roth was spotted docking up in Amamake. Have her indulgences dulled her sense of danger? Or is her dalliance with the dark side of pilot life deeper than anyone knew? <Inside The Pod>

112.08.09 - Lustrevik - ROTH RUNS! - After a rumoured "confrontation", Pilot Ciarente Roth abandoned her ward (and perhaps more), Camille Roth, to the care of Captain Night and fled for parts unknown. Sources indicate that young Camille is being 'integrated' into the Captain's crew. Meanwhile, Captain Night's executive officer, Amieta Invelen, hasn't been seen since Roth's departure. No doubt the cyborg has once again been sent to retrieve the wayward pilot. Roth can run far, but can she outrun a machine? <Inside the Capsule>

112.07.14 - Gelfiven - RECKLESS ROTH RETURNS TO RUINOUS ROUTINES? - Is Ciarente Roth back to her old wild habits? Reports are that Captain Silver Night was forced to send his executive officer to retrieve the hard-partying pilot. The officer - half-human, half-machine Amieta Invelen - was seen entering a known below-decks booster-den. Roth, who is rumored to share more than just a connection to Sansha's Nation with Captain Night, managed to escape attention as she left the notorious den of iniquity. We have to ask, how far will Captain Night go to keep Roth under control? And what will Roth's fate be: Chemical indulgence of cybernetic calm. <Inside the Capsule>

112.06.8 - Lustrevik - RE-AW PILOT IN ILLICIT TRYST - "Notorious Ghost Festival member Jude Kopenhagen was seen very last night leaving the hangar of Re-Aw Pilot Ciarente Roth. Miss Roth's wild behaviour has been a cause for concern to her friends and employer in the past. Is the lusty Lustrevik lass dabbling with danger once again?" <Inside the Capsule>

112.05.20 - Rens - UNLUCKY IN LOVE - AGAIN. - ReAw Pilot Ciarente Roth's string of bad luck - or bad judgement - in romantic matters continues. Just a month after Inside the Capsule  broke the news of the new mystery man in her life, sources say Captain Roth was seen sporting bruises inflicted by her insanely jealous new lover. <Inside the Capsule>

112.01.08 - Lustrevik - SANSHA BABY IN SPARE PARTS HORROR  - A source close to Electus Matari pilot Silver Night has revealed that the notorious Sansha has a child: darling of the spaceways, Camille Roth.

Our source exclusively revealed that this adorable little "girl" was in fact grown in a testtube with the specific intention of being used to replace organic parts of the pilot's brain as they are consumed by the hungry machines within his body and now he has removed the parts of interest, he plans to sell her into slavery in the distant district of Kador.

What further horrors do Electus Matari conceal within their ranks?

111.12.23 - Amo - THE LOVE TRIANGLE TEARING REAWAKENED TECHNOLOGIES APART - Only weeks after we revealed Electus Matari Executor KJ Desher and young ReAw pilot Ciarente Roth were starting a family, Executor Desher has been seen in intimate conversation with ReAw CEO Dr Evanda Char. Ms Roth was clearly distressed at the sight. Is her recent weight loss and radical make-over a desperate attempt to keep her man?

111.08.07 - Pator - Forbidden love? - Behind New Eden's sources speculate there may be more to EM Pilot Silver Night's self-exile from the Caldari State last year. Mr Night was seen enjoying a quiet drink with a friend at the Shackled Amarr tonight. Perhaps rumours of a romantic relationship between Mr Amatahara and Silver Night's XO have missed the target ... is there someone else on the Utopian Ideal who has caught Mr Amatahara's admittedly roving eye? <Behind New Eden>
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Tiberius Wenchel

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jan 2011, 22:50 »

112.11.16 - Gallareue - CONCORD officials leveled official charges today against former Redshift Media CEO Tiberius Wenchel for alleged violations of Directive Omega One Five. These charges are the apparent result of a joint investigation between CONCORD and the Federation regarding Wenchel's research on Redshift Media's Smartcam drones. One investigator stated, "There's more going on with this research than meets the eye, and we're going to get to the bottom of it." <Federation Now>

113.01.03 - Yulai - Federation and CONCORD charges leveled against capsuleer Tiberius Wenchel were dropped today. Mr. Wenchel declined to comment, and the authorities have yet to release any official statement on the matter. <Federation Now>


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #3 on: 06 Jan 2011, 00:45 »

I bow down to you Ciarente, and your gossipy-ness.  I have some old and new ones of my own.

110.06.05--New Life Facilities Raided--In an announcement today, Acting Director A’kua of the New Life Program stated that all of the planet side New Life facilities were raided by unknown assailants.  “Whoever took these people were professionals.  These places could fend off the occasional pirate attack, but these raids were way beyond that.  But we are going to track these cowards down and get our people back.”  When asked about the location of director Saikoyu Eblis-Kad, A’kua responded with, “None of your damned business,” and left the room.  <Tribal News>

112.10.21--Ad placed in most major planet and space-side news sources--New Life is seeking experienced security and military personal for protection of New Life facilities.  Also personal are needed for the investigation of suspected slavery rings within the Republic borders.  Specialist military training is preferred, but on the job training will be provided.  Personal with MTAC, power armor, MTAC and power armor repair, and commando training will be paid bonuses.  All equipment will be provided.  Payment will be in proportion to skill level and dependents. 

Please note that due to the fragile psychological condition of many New Life initiates, contact between security personal and initiates will be limited and monitored to ensure no ill effects come of it. 

112.11.13--Amarr--Heretic submits!--Traitorous pilot Saikoy Eblis-Kad has been seen entering the planet side base of the Amarr Militia corporation Knighthood of the Merciful Crown.  Reliable sources inside state that the Heretical pilot has seen the error of her ways and is placing herself in the care of Militia pilot Esna Pitojee to repent.  Amarr Victor! <Amarr Today>

113.01.02--Rens--Capsuleer has prison romance--Amarrian capsuleer Saikoyu Eblis-Kad was seen leaving a top security prison on Rens today in tears.  Inside sources state that the pod pilot has made a number of such visits to various prisons n the Republic, looking for a mate to match her slaver soul.  "I don't know about you, but I ain't that kinky," said one prisoner when asked about his chances with the Amarrian. <Tribal Tongues>



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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #4 on: 21 Jan 2011, 20:39 »

113.01.20 - Pilot Pays Price of Partying - ReAwakened Technologies Director Ciarente Roth has cancelled all public engagements and vanished from view. Sources close to the pretty pilot revealed that her lifestyle of reckless over-indulgence has put her pregnancy at risk. Inside: Exclusive pictures of Director Roth in happier day; 'Pods and Pregnancy', our medical expert's report on the dangers of combining the two; and our artist's impression of what Director Roth's baby will look like - if it can survive her wild ways. <Inside the Pod>
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #5 on: 02 Feb 2011, 02:11 »

113.2.2 - Gulfonodi - ReAw hangars are abuzz after Captain Silver Night unexpected undocked his cynabal-class cruiser with barely enough warning for dock crew to get clear, taking off at high speed for parts unknown. Rumour has it his XO Amieta Invelen and Director Ciarente Roth were aboard. Suspicions that the three former Sansha-aligned pilots have thrown in their lot with the invading forces of Nation have ReAw staff unsettled. It's said that none of the three have responded to mail.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #6 on: 14 Mar 2011, 22:58 »

113.03.13 - Gulfonodi - Sansha Sympathizers Sweep In? - The halls of the Re-Awakened Technologies HQ station are abuzz after the surprise replacement of longtime ReAw CEO and founder Evanda Char. New CEO, and former Sansha pilot, Ciarente Roth has only hinted that Dr Char is going to be busy with unnamed research. That quote coming from new corporate mouth-piece Silver Night - also a former Sansha pilot. Coincidence? This reporter think that's a question that needs asking. What about rumors that Captain Night is producing Transcrannial Microcontrollers at a hidden location? Did Dr Char find out too much and end up a lab subject herself? <Inside the Capsule>


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #7 on: 16 Mar 2011, 06:01 »

113.03.16 - recorded security fragment, officer's mess, HDHS "Unbreakable".
"Saw Captain and his wife last night. Damn shame."
"You ever see them walking arm in arm? She's head-over, you know? pulls herself in real tight, puts her head on his shoulder."
"Lucky prick."
"Yeah, but you watch him when they do. Got his hand behind his back, playing with his wedding ring, every damn time."
"I'm telling you man, that's a marriage he wants out of."
"Fedo shit. Maybe it's just a thing he does."
"Go tense every time his wife's around? spend days at a time docked at stations anywhere but where she's based? I'd bet ten that relationship's on the rocks, least on his side."
"You're on."
"Right. Arvati, you're witness okay? Ten ISK between me and Leechy here that the Captain's marriage breaks up inside... two months, Leechy?"
"Stop calling me Leechy. and yeah, two months."
"You heard the man. Shake on it Leechy."
"Stop fucking calling me Leechy!"

*recording ends*


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #8 on: 24 Apr 2011, 08:38 »

113.03.24 - Gulfonodi - Red Plus Blue And Babies, Too - In a shock exclusive our inside sources can reveal that the father of Re-Aw CEO Ciarente Roth's bouncing baby twins is none other than notorious pirate king Ethan Verone! 'CEOrente' and Verone were seen in close consultation at the pirate king's notorious nightclub, 'The Last Gate', over the twins' custody and upbringing. Love Across The Lines: Can It Work? Turn to page 4 for an expert psychologist's assessment, 'Why Bad Boys Like Good Girls Who Like Bad Boys' and page 5 for famous psychic Serena Seer's channelling of Kyoko Sakoda's reaction. <Inside the Capsule>
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #9 on: 24 Apr 2011, 10:04 »

113.03.24 - Gulfonodi - Red Plus Blue And Babies, Too - In a shock exclusive our inside sources can reveal that the father of Re-Aw CEO Ciarente Roth's bouncing baby twins is none other than notorious pirate king Ethan Verone! 'CEOrente' and Verone were seen in close consultation at the pirate king's notorious nightclub, 'The Last Gate', over the twins' custody and upbringing. Love Across The Lines: Can It Work? Turn to page 4 for an expert psychologist's assessment, 'Why Bad Boys Like Good Girls Who Like Bad Boys' and page 5 for famous psychic Serena Seer's channelling of Kyoko Sakoda's reaction. <Inside the Capsule>

Oh man, that's priceless...  :lol:


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #10 on: 25 Apr 2011, 15:03 »

I think the psychic bit really brought it home myself. 


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #11 on: 16 May 2011, 17:41 »

113.05.16--Hek  Hi-Sec Blooder Uncovered  Inside: Exculsive report on Amarrian capsuleer Saikoyu Eblis-Kad and her secret Blood Raider affiliations.  See our spy camera pictures of her towering alter to the lives she has personally drained into her cup, how many dead does each candle stand for?  View records proving Ms. Eblis-Kad had blood removed from her stomach.  Our full report will SHOCK you, HORRIFY you, and YOU WILL READ IT AGAIN.<Tribal Tongues>


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #12 on: 17 May 2011, 17:39 »

113.2.2 - Gulfonodi - ReAw hangars are abuzz after Captain Silver Night unexpected undocked his cynabal-class cruiser with barely enough warning for dock crew to get clear, taking off at high speed for parts unknown. Rumour has it his XO Amieta Invelen and Director Ciarente Roth were aboard. Suspicions that the three former Sansha-aligned pilots have thrown in their lot with the invading forces of Nation have ReAw staff unsettled. It's said that none of the three have responded to mail.

This kind of tabloid reporting is just ridiculous.  Really, how gullible do they think we are?  Silver...undocking?  I mean, at least try to make their stories make some semblance of believability.
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #13 on: 17 May 2011, 19:21 »

113.05.17 - excerpt of transcript, 23:00 feed, SELA OBSERVER

Janna Veisto:  This week, as part of our observation of the third anniversary of the Malkalen terrorist strike, we have been profiling those capsuleers who were involved in rescue and remediation operations in the wake of the tragedy.  Our next profile is of Viev--

[Veisto-haani clears her throat.]

Janna Veisto:  We'll be back after a short break.


« Last Edit: 17 May 2011, 19:26 by Vieve »

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2011, 18:11 »

Private Message Sent on the AI-DEV Message Boards

Sent: YC113.05.09 01:16
To: Daave.Roial.enChast@Duvolle (USER ID: AIRogue_X_X_X)
Subject: Your future in the Artificial Intelligence industry
Attached File: Egonics Inc cross reference and analysis of [Nayette en Chast]:[Avagher Dumes]

Namas Daave,

Sakuma Ogunuchi, Capsuleer and Chief of Operations of Federal Robotics would like to offer you a job on his personal staff.   

Not looking for a new job?  You should be. 

Federal Robotics has been watching you for weeks and our extremely advanced data mining AI prototype CyberHerald 9000(TM), assisted by a series of trawling worms, Spyder Scripts and a corporate level subscription to the Egonics database has allowed us to gather a considerable amount of knowledge about you, your soon to be ex-wife Nayette en Chast and soon to be ex-boss Avagher Dumes. 

You are an underpaid, undersexed, 32-year-old Electronic, Mechanical, and Nanite Engineering graduate from the Center For Advanced Studies.  You've been married to Nayette for six years, employed at  the Duvuolle Laboratories subsidiary Archon Robotics for nine years and  you are currently seven months overdue for a pay review. 

Your program skills in the Intrepid Plus high-level programming language, your expertise in Multifactor Cryptomorphic lattice structures and TMR6 architecture have generated an impressive reputation on underground GalNet forums like C0d3bre4k3rs, Scripters-INc and DeathToOmegaOneFive - but does Avagher care? 

I don't think so Daave. I don't think he does at all. He does not adequately appreciate you and there is a reason for this.

Federal Robotics’ CyberHerald projecet doesn't simply trawl through a boring old database looking for candidates who meet simple pre-defined variables. The sophisticated CyberHerald entity monitors all verbal communications and both network and terminal access within FEDRO facilities to determine the companies employment needs.  Once it's complied an appropriate manning matrix, it then programs  and sends out onto the Galactic Network a continuous series of fresh DataBots, CyberCrawlers and self-replicating, self-teaching viruses in search of possible recruits, suppliers, and even industry rivals such as Archon Robotics.   

Once we've found a potential conscript, CyberHerald determines how to motivate them using an analytical model based on the targets genealogy, socio-economic background, GalNet search background and an extensive list of other factors that a less powerful AI simply could not handle.  Once CyberHerald has determined how to motivate a desired asset, it decides on an appropriate time and method for it to make contact.   

CyberHerald has determined the best way to motivate you Daave is like this:

Daave, You must be wondering why your boss Avagher Dumes always seems assign you the late shift, and surely you've noticed how your wife Nayette enChast as been so distant and cold to you lately.   

What you don't know - because you don't have access to Federal Robotics CyberHerald HRmetrics(TM) reports - is that your lying shit of a boss is sleeping with your wife. 

After the completion of the current project, on which you have done most of the work during your long and lonely late night shifts - Avagher will fire you. Nayette is going to leave you for him shortly after.  Attached to this message is analysis of the shopping habits of your wife and your boss recorded in the Egonics database.   The data clearly shows that the two love birds have been dining at the same restaurant twice a week for the last three months and that Avagher has taken to purchasing expensive lingerie in Nayette's size.   Also, Daave, note that while Archon Robotics encryption protocols are the best in the industry, Avagher's OpSec practices are not.   You can verify our claims by checking his private Neocom messages for yourself using the password: 


You might as well face it, Nayette is going to leave you and with the scathing eval Avagher as written in your personal record, it is unlikely that you will find an equivalent job in this industry.

But there is an alternative.

You, my friend, are the exact person Ogunuchi-haan wants on his team. (And if you aren't Federal Robotics will pay you 100,000isk to spend a week with us determining where CyberHerald's analysis went wrong)

Your obsession with decision loops, quantum information theory - which Avagher doesn't understand - is exactly the kind of trait Ogunuchi-haan is looking for in an employee. CbyerHerald's HRMetrics(TM) algorithm predicts a 73% probability that you will synergize effectively with operations division of Ogunuchi-haan's private staff, raising to 89% if you are allowed to indulge your preference of working from home and using an avatar for personal interactions. 

Federal Robotics is willing to offer a 30% pay raise to take a position on Ogunuchi-haan's staff and a bonus of 1,000,000isk if you can provide any details to the insights Archon gleaned from their research into Sleeper Drone AI Nexuses.

To claim your job, and stick it to Avagher, simply reply to this message.
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