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Author Topic: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.  (Read 7421 times)

Saede Riordan

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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #45 on: 02 Nov 2010, 08:43 »

Honestly, I can't be bothered to read what long-winded excuses you have for being a hypocrite/meta-gamer, player who shall not be named thus more.

Nikita, my question is this:

"Using OOC information IC: poor form, but in some cases, understandable. Should be kept to absolute minimum. "

What boundaries do you draw that allow you to use OOC information IC?

Well thats easy. The boundaries are personal. I personally will not use what I read in a blog IC unless it affects me OOC. That said, I'm not everyone, everyone draws the line somewhere, and no one draws it in the same place. Therefore, better safe then sorry will always be the safest attitude to take.
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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #46 on: 02 Nov 2010, 08:45 »

True 'nuff.  I suppose the next step in my counter would be to point out that people could always lie their tiny faces off in order to spike rp.
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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #47 on: 02 Nov 2010, 08:48 »

True 'nuff.  I suppose the next step in my counter would be to point out that people could always lie their tiny faces off in order to spike rp.

You won't have any argument from me there. Eve RP community is no different from any other LARP or society gaming setting for this kind of thing. People want to "win RP" just like they want to "win" any other aspect of the game and the limits of what they will do to achieve this vary widely.

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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #48 on: 02 Nov 2010, 09:00 »

Sigh. Alright, let me try to...

One second I need to take a deep breath...

It's been a late night - Giant's won the world series (fuck yeah) and I've been drinking all night.

I'm going to tell you how you are a (RP) hypocrite in the most polite way possible; I'd like to keep this thread open and civil.

Do not take what I say personal, but take a deep breath as I have and think about your RP. I think this discussion is heading in a good direction and I'd hate to see it turn into a flame-fest.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I have read (I don't read everything you say, sorry if that offends you but I simply don't have the time nor care to do so), you took offense to people taking an OOG, OOC site as IC information and, as I said, correct me if I'm wrong (and please, do so in as few words as possible), but when you say that taking OOC sites, or rather sites that you do not have access to IC, and turn that into RP, that bothered you? If it did, and you take OOC knowledge, and as my logs showed, ignore the fact that OOC knowledge should be divided from IC knowledge WHEN IT COMES TO RP (I'm not at all talking about warfare/PVP knowledge/etc.), that makes for bad RP. There really is no arguement to that; but if you have one, I'm open to see it.

The idea that people shouldn't make blogs with the hope that people don't steal their material is, as the British would say, bollocks. Basically you are reinforcing that the RP community should be a very small one who does not really RP but "plays to win", no matter the costs to their character.

To me, RP is a collaboration. You cannot walk into someone's bar and say "I stabbed you, you're dead, now destroy your character/acct and never come back." You are not doing that, but to me it seems like you are "God-Moding", which is very similar.

Trying to be a good PR person is completely seperate from RP. PR exists in RP, and in OOC aspects. Many non RP alliances focus on the PR aspect of their alliance to gain members and such, as you do so yourself. However, the divide is when you try to create some kind of PR that would not be available to your character IC.

Here's an abstract. Don't take this as a matter of fact, but an example:

Let's say I'm a Minmatar in a RP Minnie corp. I find out through OOC means (someone private convo's me to tell me in a completely OOC manner, "Hey I just bought some slaves off the market in Rens.").

Would it be right of me to say "I just found out there's a Minmatar slave trader, heres my OOC info that he told me (not in secret, but in OOC)."

That's the big issue I see. If you want to be an RPer, and someone tells you something that would make your character IC frown, it is your responsibility as a player and an RPer not to turn that OOC knowledge into IC knowledge "out of the blue". If you choose to make that OOC knowledge IC, it is my belief you need the other player to agree to your conditions (for example having access to an OOC blog/website) before you claim you suddenly know every dirty little detail.

It does not seem fair to say, "Well if you're posting a blog, people can choose if they know it IC or not" as that will make people turn their RP completely private, and to me, that seems against what the RP community is about lately (acceptance, expansion, tolerance).

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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #49 on: 02 Nov 2010, 09:08 »

[mod]Topic locked pending moderation.[/mod]

Silver Night

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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #50 on: 02 Nov 2010, 09:33 »

[mod]Variously: Flame bait, flames, responding to reported posts, 'You're doing it wrong', insulting other players, etc.This is a debate that may be worth having (in a general case), but please read the FAQ and Rules before getting into it. If you have questions, please PM a mod.Please note: Moving this thread here doesn't mean every post broke the rules. There were a lot that did, though.[/mod]

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Re: Blogs & Stories and when it is cheating.
« Reply #51 on: 02 Nov 2010, 09:46 »

[mod]I also want to remind people - not because it took place in this thread, but because this is the sort of topic that tends to bring it out - that the moderators here have the discretion to act on flames and insults even when they are not direct. It doesn't have to be 'Your RP is shit' or 'You're an oozing sore on the eyeball of the cluster. And I mean that OOC.' to get moderated.If you are clever enough to try and obfuscate the flame bait or insult in your posting, chances are other people are clever enough to spot it.Just a general reminder.[/mod]
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