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That naturalist cafes on space stations go to great lengths to create the illusion that one is not in space? (The Burning Life, p. 62)

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Author Topic: your most epic moment in RP?  (Read 6475 times)

Avio Yaken

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your most epic moment in RP?
« on: 05 Jun 2013, 20:59 »

im talking about those uncommon events you taken part in that was a exciting, unique , fun moment in RP

not just the summit but in any other place!

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jun 2013, 22:13 »

Running a joint Amarr-Minmatar effort against some illegal slavers operating out of the edge of the Domain region. We pulled together Khanid, Liberal and Conservative Amarr, Hardline and Negotiating Republic supporters, and even a couple freelancers to RP out this huge operation that included a long hunt concluding in a simultaneous space and (RPed) land battle. Throughout all of it, the person mainly responsible for the arc - Ciarente - was using a rough dice-roll system to determine our success at some thing, which made it pretty fun.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jun 2013, 23:11 »

Well, mine was probably the Ordo/White Rose war.

At the time, I was the founder/leader of White Rose, which was a tiny semi-pro-sansha corp (OOCly, less actually involved with Nation than, say, Naqam), and I was friends with Deckhard Aura.

Deckhard Aura was an Amarrian loyalist at the time, but had taken a dislike to another Amarrian loyalist, Hitome Kei. He wanted her assassinated, and her corpse. I was amenable, as I already had an enemy in another Amarrian organization, CVA, whose space I considered a prime raiding spot for my solo or duo cruiser suicide roams.

So, under the cover of a Sansha/Amarr disagreement, I declared war on the Ordo. The losses on both sides were fairly balanced, which I consider pretty cool, considering that White Rose was outnumbered about 15 to 1. Even better, by refusing to deny that a certain Pezzle was instigator of the war, I was able to fool Hitome and the rest of the Ordo into believing that CVA, in the person of Pezzle, had paid me to war-dec The Ordo. I did this without telling a single untruth.

This was also the same war in which I auctioned off another corpse for forty million ISK, contributed to Ruby Amatucci's Tomorrowland Orphanage.  :twisted:

About a week or two in, I finally achieved my goal. After a day or two of camping and skirmishes, I undocked my faithful Abaddon in Ashab (IIRC), and warped to the Ordo's favorite station. There, I discovered Hitome undocking. Slowly, my Abaddon locked, and I blew her ship into Amarrian paradise. Then, once again, slowly locking the pod, and...pop. Corpse acquired, I quickly made off with my prize, which was contracted to Deckhard post-haste.

It's no tale on the level of Istvaan's exploits, but it was insanely fun nonetheless.

The other epic thing, although perhaps not RP, was when I, along with some others in Liandri, accidentally started the Asakai fight.
« Last Edit: 05 Jun 2013, 23:15 by Vikarion »


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #3 on: 05 Jun 2013, 23:17 »

I don't believe I've ever had an 'epic' RP moment.
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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #4 on: 05 Jun 2013, 23:46 »

Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't we?


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jun 2013, 00:07 »

Overseeing this operation that resulted in killing Revan and her cronies while they were in the middle of meeting with ISD in space having pictures taken and being interviewed.  They were putting on some sort of event.  We crashed the party.  I didn't make the mails, but was there to drink the tears and rage in the name of freecaptains everywhere.

Drake Arson

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #6 on: 06 Jun 2013, 00:50 »

mine is going to be the citizen arson event


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #7 on: 06 Jun 2013, 01:58 »

Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't we?
And on that day... Makkal swore.
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Lyn Farel

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #8 on: 06 Jun 2013, 06:24 »

When Aldrith brandished his AXE. Or when his wife neutered Vince.

Or a lot of other Mercy's Keep dramas, showcased in the series Days of our Keep.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #9 on: 06 Jun 2013, 06:52 »

This was also the same war in which I auctioned off another corpse for forty million ISK, contributed to Ruby Amatucci's Tomorrowland Orphanage.  :twisted:

Which was very sweet, and which she'll never forget.  :cube:  And of course, she's never going to stop trying to get him back in the fold, either.  :twisted:

My most fun RP scene in EVE still has to be the one where I tried to buy the as-of-yet unborn puppies off someone who insisted on roleplaying a pregnant furry, the logs of which event is still on these boards somewhere.

The Exalted-MXD war is still a general high point for me, though. Going out scouting as Ruby and finding and killing Andreus in a Hulk in lowsec still ranks as my favorite kill in EVE of all time, and the wardec manipulations that followed were awesome. The entire affair was great fun for me, though, even the parts of it that didn't go as well - such as when I almost lost Katla's Myrmidon to Andreus' Maelstrom after taunting him from outside of the station where he was docked, and ended up getting counter-camped in a different station.
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Ava Starfire > Outright evil.
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Morwen Lagann

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #10 on: 06 Jun 2013, 07:21 »

When Aldrith brandished his AXE. Or when his wife neutered Vince.

Or a lot of other Mercy's Keep dramas, showcased in the series Days of our Keep.

This. Mercy's Keep had a lot of stuff going on most of the time. The masquerade ball and holiday party were awesome fun in particular. Loved the mistletoe drones. Those were fucking hilarious.

My most fun RP scene in EVE still has to be the one where I tried to buy the as-of-yet unborn puppies off someone who insisted on roleplaying a pregnant furry, the logs of which event is still on these boards somewhere.

ermagerd lernk

Unfortunately some of the better scenes I've had in RP lately have been mostly private or small-scale stuff that I don't want to share without permission. :(
Lagging Behind

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #11 on: 06 Jun 2013, 07:22 »

Can't say I've had an epic moment in RP tbh...maybe the most 'epic' thing was when Anslo went from show host to doctor in front of everyone in like...5 minutes.

EDIT: Wait actually the Caldari Prime evac was epic. I just did it alone at first and didn't think people were around. Then, outta nowhere, everyone came.


I teared. :3
« Last Edit: 06 Jun 2013, 09:13 by Anslol »


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #12 on: 06 Jun 2013, 09:12 »

I miss Mercy's Keep. I remember Lasa almost getting stabbed there by Mathra in my early RP days *plays nostalgic music*

My most epic moment was not played out because of *wanker*. It was when Lasa stabbed Tiger to death with the knife that Carmilla made her. That was pretty dramatic and crazy.

Also, Lasa accidentally helping Caine break out of prison. That was fun :)


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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #13 on: 06 Jun 2013, 09:47 »

My most epic moment was probably when I fleeted with Pieter and gang to stop Niccolo Machiavilli. Good times :)

Vincent Pryce

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Re: your most epic moment in RP?
« Reply #14 on: 06 Jun 2013, 10:08 »

Many epic memories from Mercy's Keep and attachment channels such as the Mercy's Keep: Library. Majority of my encounters were forever memorable there. Impacting, great story telling and epic lols. One of the best of the memories is Mitara beating the shit out of Vince with a book from the library and discussions with Lyn. I really wish that venue was still around, but with the Knighthood gone, it's best left in the good memories along with the golden days of KotMC.
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