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That naturalist cafes on space stations go to great lengths to create the illusion that one is not in space? (The Burning Life, p. 62)

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Author Topic: In response to "second attempt thread" mod comment as requested  (Read 6579 times)

Lyn Farel

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Since you said it's better to post it there instead, so be it.

Sometimes this forum's rules protecting privacy of users in addition to the usual social standards are extremely frustrating. There is more going on than the case of someone making an unlikable character and then repeatedly complaining that nobody wants to RP with them to the point nobody wants to listen to it anymore, but only a handful of people can actually come out and spill the details without breaking the rules.

Then do it privately ? If I wanted to convince others of my point of view where sensible "shit" might break the rules, then I would do that instead.

The only thing you managed here was to post an inflammatory answer on the first thread in the middle of similar answers from others, and it did not even went into the detail you refer to...

What Morwen is referring to here is the rules that say we cannot discuss, for example, who reports what, who who gets reported for what by whom or when someone is warned or banned (much less why someone is warned or banned) or any of the (limited) personal details we have access to like email/ip/etc. The rules that protect user privacy, in other words, which we take very seriously. The only exceptions are when people bring those things up themselves (for example, saying 'Why was I wanred for x?' publicly, or 'I reported x why did you do anything?' when in fact they didn't.) That means we can't discuss it publicly, privately, or otherwise except among Backstage mods and Admins.

I am not sure to understand what you are trying to say... : |

Also, nice jab at me reporting people where I supposedly never sent reports. In the series of cases you are referring to, I may not have reported every time I complained, but I sure made a decent amount of reports on the mods in question over the time period. To see that you continue to deny their existence is rather disappointing. To see that nothing happened and that some mods continue to post abrasive and inflammatory answers (that get catacombed or not, seems pretty random), is also disappointing. I would like to point out that it's always the same individuals that fall into that pattern and that the rest, the majority of the mod team seem to do their job correctly.

Disclaimer : privately to involved people, like, you know, the people that do not understand or Seri's defenders, not randomly to newcomers that never asked for it...

And let's face it - it's not like Seriphyn's alone in this type of situation either. Most of us have seen others treated in a similar fashion through the years.

Yep. Had a few things like that when I was offline that got reported to me


Not the worst of these mind you. It's just an example, i'm not going to post the worst.

Most of the time if you start a debate or don't agree with the majority, you greatly increase the chances for people to start waging a popularity war against you, constructing a whole reputation around your OOC persona that most people that do not know you personally will eventually accept as a fact.

I believe the person you are quoting here was me (though I can't verify that 100% because my HDD died a couple months ago - but it rings a bell pretty strongly and looks like my sort of turn of phrase). As a long time veteran of Eve, I am not under the illusion that anything I say in a public channel is not, in fact, public - including those occasions when I comment on other people and/or their posting here on Backstage (although it does worry me a little bit when that sort of Eve-induced borderline paranoia is vindicated.) Happily, when I am not posting here, the only rules that I have to follow are the ones that live in the venue where I am posting*. That including expressing opinions about posts and even posters here, in reference to their posts (as I am not only an Admin and mod, but a fellow Backstage user!) A thorogh search of OOC/Corp/Soundstage/etc chatlogs would no doubt reveal instances of me saying mean things about many people. I am, when not posting on Backstage, sometimes rather unkind.

All of that being said, I don't have a problem with you posting that here, since the only person insulted is you and the person who posted it is me, and as I said, as many regrettable things as I may have said in public channels, I am (generally) aware that they are public channels and I assume that their content is forever available to all and sundry; however posting quotes (even anonymized) of that nature from other users will quickly get you modded, because it is basically just trolling and baiting the person quoted for a response (particularly when you post something like this without context - although IIRC the context here probably just involves me saying something mean about someone else as well). Also, you may want to clarify what you mean by 'ammo' 'just in case'. You can contact me privately or not at all, or edit your post to clarify, or not, but my first impression on reading that is that you are saying you would publish them to discredit or embarrass people if they did something you disagreed with (that is, blackmail). If that wasn't your intent you may want to make it clear.

*Though when I say that, I mean the rules for Backstage users (because when I bitch about backstage users, it is mostly either in a very general way (someone is in the catacombs fifty times - I feel comfortable calling them in a pain in the ass in a non-Backstage venue without breaching confidentiality) or it is in my capacity as a user ([redacted]) The rules regarding, for example, discussing reports/warnings/user information/etc. stand wherever I am.

If you believe mods and admins should be compelled adhere to some certain code of behavior when interacting other places (beyond the one set of rules I've mentioned) then that is a topic for Mod discussion. Also, you will noticed I have not commented on your characterization of the quote as part of 'waging a popularity war against you'. That is because I am making this post as a matter of moderation, not to defend or discuss my personal views, expressed outside this forum. However, the temptation to do so is strong, which is why (as I've said) if you decide to post that type of quote from other users, you will very likely get moderated, just like for posting any other type of flamebait (and when I say 'you' I don't just mean Lyn, I mean anyone). I will appreciate it if you also refrain from responding to this post inside the thread - again, feel free to use mod discussion if you have questions or comments.

You don't need to feel targeted. It was not you that I quoted. It is also not trolling and baiting but just serves as an example for people that just don't want to believe what is happening in a pretty regular basis. And when they do, the only answer we get is "So what ? It's human nature ! Even mods are human !".

I see what makes you believe it was done with that intent in mind though, and I can remove it if you wish.

It was not done to blackmail either. I hold these logs proving that people can't behave not if I disagree with them. I don't see why I would release logs publicly, that were made public in the first place btw (<- the irony), just because I disagree with someone on a subject that has nothing to do with them. That sounds completely silly, but I understand that a lot of people would do it. Though it can be considered a warning for the individual in question to stop that kind of disrespectful behaviour on OOC, thinking i'm not online to read it. So yes, that's completely part of the crux of the matter discussed here !

I hold these logs as proofs to back up the reports I do on the behaviour of certain individuals when people just seem unable to believe me otherwise. I hold these logs for the exact situation that has arised here with this post where people seem unable to believe that it does not only happen with people that looked for it. That's what you can get when you get into a disagreement over a debate with someone. Just like that, ad-hominem, gratuitous public slander just because "you can". It then influences people that will inevitably read it. It will probably colour their perception of the real content of the debate and make them care for the ad-hominem instead (kindof poisoning the well with a heavy hand).

And for some other logs I have from another individual, that I haven't posted because they are a lot worse than these - and would sure be catacomb worthy - I also hold these as free ammo that was stupidly given to me to make sure that I can defend myself if such a verbal aggression shows up again in public. And before anyone tell me that I brought that upon me, the only reason I got that flak was that my RP somehow displeased the guy in question. And since then I have continuously been on the receiving hand of petty, childish OOC insults, that I took the time to keep somewhere.

So yes, that's what we are reduced to do at times, it's unfortunate, it does not make me sleep worse at night, it's certainly not something that will make me feel bad, and it's not something as bad as it is for Seri since I never really did what apparently he did to piss off people and bring that upon himself, but it still exists. Believe me, if it really got into me, I would already have done what Seri did here because it would be slowly killing me.

My apologies again if that was taken as flamebait, but you are not making it easy either.
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2013, 10:55 by Lyn Farel »

Silver Night

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Since you said it's better to post it there instead, so be it.

Sometimes this forum's rules protecting privacy of users in addition to the usual social standards are extremely frustrating. There is more going on than the case of someone making an unlikable character and then repeatedly complaining that nobody wants to RP with them to the point nobody wants to listen to it anymore, but only a handful of people can actually come out and spill the details without breaking the rules.

Then do it privately ? If I wanted to convince others of my point of view where sensible "shit" might break the rules, then I would do that instead.

The only thing you managed here was to post an inflammatory answer on the first thread in the middle of similar answers from others, and it did not even went into the detail you refer to...

What Morwen is referring to here is the rules that say we cannot discuss, for example, who reports what, who who gets reported for what by whom or when someone is warned or banned (much less why someone is warned or banned) or any of the (limited) personal details we have access to like email/ip/etc. The rules that protect user privacy, in other words, which we take very seriously. The only exceptions are when people bring those things up themselves (for example, saying 'Why was I wanred for x?' publicly, or 'I reported x why did you do anything?' when in fact they didn't.) That means we can't discuss it publicly, privately, or otherwise except among Backstage mods and Admins.

I am not sure to understand what you are trying to say... : |

Also, nice jab at me reporting people where I supposedly never sent reports. In the series of cases you are referring to, I may not have reported every time I complained, but I sure made a decent amount of reports on the mods in question over the time period. To see that you continue to deny their existence is rather disappointing. To see that nothing happened and that some mods continue to post abrasive and inflammatory answers (that get catacombed or not, seems pretty random), is also disappointing. I would like to point out that it's always the same individuals that fall into that pattern and that the rest, the majority of the mod team seem to do their job correctly.

2 things:

1) I'm not sure how to explain more clearly that we consider moderation related information, and information that is available to us because we have access to non-public information, private any more clearly. It can be frustrating at times (which Morwen is referring to) because it would make it much easier to prove a certain point or to clarify something - but unfortunately we can't share that information, even privately, with people who are not mods/admins.

2) Unless, of course, the person in question brings it up. As you did here (again). I'm not sure why you think we would really lie about that, but every single report is recorded in a subforum, and I can assure you that you did not report any mods except for the single catacombed one over the 'time period'. I looked. As can be seen below it is easy to mis-remember things. Even when it is embarrassing (as with my post below - heh) the best thing you can do is admit it, not call everyone else a liar. Frankly, the only reason I can see for you continuing to insist otherwise is to create drama, and you will be modded for it.

Disclaimer : privately to involved people, like, you know, the people that do not understand or Seri's defenders, not randomly to newcomers that never asked for it...

And let's face it - it's not like Seriphyn's alone in this type of situation either. Most of us have seen others treated in a similar fashion through the years.

Yep. Had a few things like that when I was offline that got reported to me

[a regular in OOC] > vov neither does spewing pseudointellectual bullshit, but we've seen how well that works w/ Lyn

Not the worst of these mind you. It's just an example, i'm not going to post the worst.

Most of the time if you start a debate or don't agree with the majority, you greatly increase the chances for people to start waging a popularity war against you, constructing a whole reputation around your OOC persona that most people that do not know you personally will eventually accept as a fact.

I believe the person you are quoting here was me (though I can't verify that 100% because my HDD died a couple months ago - but it rings a bell pretty strongly and looks like my sort of turn of phrase). As a long time veteran of Eve, I am not under the illusion that anything I say in a public channel is not, in fact, public - including those occasions when I comment on other people and/or their posting here on Backstage (although it does worry me a little bit when that sort of Eve-induced borderline paranoia is vindicated.) Happily, when I am not posting here, the only rules that I have to follow are the ones that live in the venue where I am posting*. That including expressing opinions about posts and even posters here, in reference to their posts (as I am not only an Admin and mod, but a fellow Backstage user!) A thorogh search of OOC/Corp/Soundstage/etc chatlogs would no doubt reveal instances of me saying mean things about many people. I am, when not posting on Backstage, sometimes rather unkind.

All of that being said, I don't have a problem with you posting that here, since the only person insulted is you and the person who posted it is me, and as I said, as many regrettable things as I may have said in public channels, I am (generally) aware that they are public channels and I assume that their content is forever available to all and sundry; however posting quotes (even anonymized) of that nature from other users will quickly get you modded, because it is basically just trolling and baiting the person quoted for a response (particularly when you post something like this without context - although IIRC the context here probably just involves me saying something mean about someone else as well). Also, you may want to clarify what you mean by 'ammo' 'just in case'. You can contact me privately or not at all, or edit your post to clarify, or not, but my first impression on reading that is that you are saying you would publish them to discredit or embarrass people if they did something you disagreed with (that is, blackmail). If that wasn't your intent you may want to make it clear.

*Though when I say that, I mean the rules for Backstage users (because when I bitch about backstage users, it is mostly either in a very general way (someone is in the catacombs fifty times - I feel comfortable calling them in a pain in the ass in a non-Backstage venue without breaching confidentiality) or it is in my capacity as a user ('Morwen is fucking terrible' or 'vov neither does spewing pseudointellectual bullshit, but we've seen how well that works w/ Lyn.')) The rules regarding, for example, discussing reports/warnings/user information/etc. stand wherever I am.

If you believe mods and admins should be compelled adhere to some certain code of behavior when interacting other places (beyond the one set of rules I've mentioned) then that is a topic for Mod discussion. Also, you will noticed I have not commented on your characterization of the quote as part of 'waging a popularity war against you'. That is because I am making this post as a matter of moderation, not to defend or discuss my personal views, expressed outside this forum. However, the temptation to do so is strong, which is why (as I've said) if you decide to post that type of quote from other users, you will very likely get moderated, just like for posting any other type of flamebait (and when I say 'you' I don't just mean Lyn, I mean anyone). I will appreciate it if you also refrain from responding to this post inside the thread - again, feel free to use mod discussion if you have questions or comments.

You don't need to feel targeted. It was not you that I quoted. It is also not trolling and baiting but just serves as an example for people that just don't want to believe what is happening in a pretty regular basis. And when they do, the only answer we get is "So what ? It's human nature ! Even mods are human !".

I see what makes you believe it was done with that intent in mind though, and I can remove it if you wish.

It was not done to blackmail either. I hold these logs proving that people can't behave not if I disagree with them. I don't see why I would release logs publicly, that were made public in the first place btw (<- the irony), just because I disagree with someone on a subject that has nothing to do with them. That sounds completely silly, but I understand that a lot of people would do it. Though it can be considered a warning for the individual in question to stop that kind of disrespectful behaviour on OOC, thinking i'm not online to read it. So yes, that's completely part of the crux of the matter discussed here !

I hold these logs as proofs to back up the reports I do on the behaviour of certain individuals when people just seem unable to believe me otherwise. I hold these logs for the exact situation that has arised here with this post where people seem unable to believe that it does not only happen with people that looked for it. That's what you can get when you get into a disagreement over a debate with someone. Just like that, ad-hominem, gratuitous public slander just because "you can". It then influences people that will inevitably read it. It will probably colour their perception of the real content of the debate and make them care for the ad-hominem instead (kindof poisoning the well with a heavy hand).

And for some other logs I have from another individual, that I haven't posted because they are a lot worse than these - and would sure be catacomb worthy - I also hold these as free ammo that was stupidly given to me to make sure that I can defend myself if such a verbal aggression shows up again in public. And before anyone tell me that I brought that upon me, the only reason I got that flak was that my RP somehow displeased the guy in question. And since then I have continuously been on the receiving hand of petty, childish OOC insults, that I took the time to keep somewhere.

So yes, that's what we are reduced to do at times, it's unfortunate, it does not make me sleep worse at night, it's certainly not something that will make me feel bad, and it's not something as bad as it is for Seri since I never really did what apparently he did to piss off people and bring that upon himself, but it still exists. Believe me, if it really got into me, I would already have done what Seri did here because it would be slowly killing me.

My apologies again if that was taken as flamebait, but you are not making it easy either.

Not making what easy? This isn't the place to drag your IG vendettas, and given that the only reason it wasn't modded the first time is that I thought it was me, the only reason it isn't going to get modded now is that you will be given the opportunity to remove it. Placing an out-of-context quote and then making up context here to explain it is also not doing you any favors, since again - the person involved has no real opportunity to defend themselves. So saying 'sorry for posting this flame bait, but not really, and here is why this person that posted it is terrible' after I told you why that's on the wrong side of the rules is probably not a great idea. My point stands, even if I was mistaken about the author of the quote (I do believe I m almost certainly another participant in the same conversation, in my defense  :oops:). Long story short:

[mod]Remove the stuff that breaks the rules, or it will be removed for you. [/mod]

Lyn Farel

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1) I'm not sure how to explain more clearly that we consider moderation related information, and information that is available to us because we have access to non-public information, private any more clearly. It can be frustrating at times (which Morwen is referring to) because it would make it much easier to prove a certain point or to clarify something - but unfortunately we can't share that information, even privately, with people who are not mods/admins.

Ok, yes, I see. Thanks for the clarification.

2) Unless, of course, the person in question brings it up. As you did here (again). I'm not sure why you think we would really lie about that, but every single report is recorded in a subforum, and I can assure you that you did not report any mods except for the single catacombed one over the 'time period'. I looked. As can be seen below it is easy to mis-remember things. Even when it is embarrassing (as with my post below - heh) the best thing you can do is admit it, not call everyone else a liar. Frankly, the only reason I can see for you continuing to insist otherwise is to create drama, and you will be modded for it.

I definitely mis-remember things as it seems that the first time I complained about it (in the aftermath of the slavery on the summit debate, where that quote I wrote above happened btw), you told me that no reports were done and maybe that's the case.

However we may not refer to the same time period then, because I KNOW that I have reported several inflammatory posts from Morwen since then. I can learn from my mistakes, and you can bet that you will find a shitload of reports coming from me in your special forum over various things, including heavy moderation. However it's cleat that there is a lot less of them than usual members (fortunately...).

I hope your mods do not have the ability to remove these reports themselves, correct ?

Anyway, you chose again to elude the point that a lot of people have complained about over time, which is that a few moderators are always the source of the issue and continue to neglect the forum rules to no end. And nothing has been done about that in a few years of time.

Lyn Farel

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Remove the stuff that breaks the rules, or it will be removed for you.

Sure thing. You could have said it like that from the beginning, it's true it breaks the rules.

Edit : It's done. You might want to check your own posts and pyramidal quotes, I can't fix those for you.
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2013, 10:58 by Lyn Farel »

Silver Night

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Those I am leaving in place for purposes of transparency.

And I am entirely aware of the sorts of reports you have been making about Morwen posting.

Lyn Farel

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Those I am leaving in place for purposes of transparency.

Wait, so we censor the bits that I posted that break the rules, but only in my posts ? You mean that they stay in yours ? What's the point then ? Transparency that still breaks the rules ?

And I am entirely aware of the sorts of reports you have been making about Morwen posting.

Ah, so these exist finally.

Silver Night

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See: The Catacombs

And yes, you finally started using the report button, that is correct.

Lyn Farel

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Ok. But it makes your posts catacomb worthy for still containing my few bits that broke the rules.

Also, still no answer ?

Silver Night

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No answer to what?

Lyn Farel

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Anyway, you chose again to elude the point that a lot of people have complained about over time, which is that a few moderators are always the source of the issue and continue to neglect the forum rules to no end. And nothing has been done about that in a few years of time.


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At least one moderator has been de-modded as a result of issues.  In the most recent examples, who was the 'source' of anything is arguable at best and the key point remains here that we are all volunteers who also participate in the forum.  We try to stay within the rules that we as a community decided upon in March 2010 and which have been added to over the years and we refrain from moderating discussions we are actively engaged in.  That's about the best anyone could hope for.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Silver Night

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Anyway, you chose again to elude the point that a lot of people have complained about over time, which is that a few moderators are always the source of the issue and continue to neglect the forum rules to no end. And nothing has been done about that in a few years of time.

Which moderators, Lyn? Which 'few'? Havo had a post that broke the rules, which was modded. But he has been gone for the past few years.

Have I been breaking the rules? I don't remember seeing any times you reported me, but I can't check from my phone, and I'm at work.

Cia? Jek?

Or when you say 'A few' do you mean Morwen?

Also, I don't see a question anywhere in what you quoted, just a claim that 'a few' mods are breaking the rules regularly and for years with no consequences . Which claim, if you can't back it up, is pretty problematic.

Lyn Farel

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What is it to back up ? The inflammatory post count done by Morwen as a mod is pretty high. I'm not the only one that took issue with it over time.

Or you want me to go through the pain to find every thread where it was the case ?

Morwen Lagann

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What is it to back up ? The inflammatory post count done by Morwen as a mod is pretty high. I'm not the only one that took issue with it over time.

Or you want me to go through the pain to find every thread where it was the case ?

You are the only one who spends inordinate amounts of time poring over every single post I make trying to find some way to interpret it so that you can call it inflammatory or report-worthy. If these posts actually were what you're frothing about them being, Silver would've been the first person to do something about it.

Maybe you should stop wasting your time looking for excuses, and stop wasting our time as a result.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Lyn Farel

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Right. The first one heh ? Doesn't seem so to me.

I'm not surprised, just disappointed and pretty disgusted, but at least it makes it clear. You could have said it since the beginning instead of playing the ostriches, if you are complaining about the time it saves us.

I am the only one that actually held hopes to see something moving forward, which is quite different.

You can close that thread if you wish.

Edit : actually close that shit, catacomb it, turn it into origami, make it disappear... I'm done with that.
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2013, 18:08 by Lyn Farel »
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