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The language of the Amarr empire is spoken by more people than any other language? Read more in this Chronicle.

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Author Topic: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel  (Read 6737 times)

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jul 2011, 13:23 »

Mirrored from my posts on Twitter:

MorwenLagann: @CCP_MaidenSteel Cloning is a major issue. Do podders have the option of a 'soft' (long-burn) backup scan in case of 'oops' out of the pod?
MorwenLagann: @CCP_MaidenSteel To clarify, can capsuleers have a "backup" in case of an out-of-pod accident, at the expense of any memory since that scan?

More information on the mechanics of jump clones would be great too - how do they work? What happens to the bodies we're not actively using? Are they put into some form of stasis?
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #16 on: 20 Jul 2011, 13:54 »

I'd have to dig up the exact quotation, if it still exists, but new influx in the slave population consists as of the current time of criminals consigned to slavery and prisoners of war.

Yep.  And you mentioned 'prisoners of war'.  Couldn't an entire planetary population be considered 'prisoners of war'?

Arkady Sadik

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jul 2011, 15:32 »

Nice initiative, thank you for forwarding questions :-)

A few from the top of my head:

- How common are actual weapons on stations? I've seen people RP walking around with military-grade submachine guns as "normal" and people who make a drama out of a Khumaak because it "could be" a weapon.

- Generally, how common is violence in capsuleer areas on stations? I've seen RP centered around capsuleers being very careful (based a bit on the hints in TBL), as well as "bar brawls are normal".

- Exactly how much are the empires at war with each other? I've seen RP treating the wars as an irrelevant bureaucratic thingy and chatting with "the enemy" between non-capsuleers as perfectly normal as well as RP treating the wars as "as real as it gets" and even looking nicely to the enemy as near high treason, just to mention two extremes. (It's obviously different for most capsuleers, we're special kids.)

- Will TonyG get fired? I've seen RPers treat that as reality... oh wait, skip that.

- Do capsuleer pirates have any significant impact on non-capsuleer commerce? I've seen RP going both ways.

- What is the situation with slave trade in the Republic. Capsuleers obviously can buy and sell slaves in the Republic. How are we supposed to RP this?

- Planetary travel. There's a chronicle (stairway to heaven) that describes it as expensive and slow. Quite a few RPers play it so that it takes about a day to "go planetside". Others play it so you can do a 10 minute skip down to the surface to say "hi" to your mom. What is the "real" way? (And how did the Sansha manage to take thousands of people into dropships within minutes?)

... I'll post more when I can think of some :o)

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #18 on: 20 Jul 2011, 16:12 »


1 - Are we to simply consider there to be a "Gamplay and Storyline Segregation" moment in regards to the sheer numbers of crew lost, especially by various NPC factions? If not, where do those people come from?
In explenation: When I was in 0.0, I often blew up 120 angel BS rats in a day. Assuming there are roughly 1500 crew lost on each of those (basing that on a ~4000-6000 total crew number with a 25-50% survival rate), then I alone am killing 180,000 people a day. My alliance at the time probably offed a few million a day; all of nullsec, perhaps a few tens of millions. That's... a lot of people, just from nullsec BS rats alone.

- Are there capsuleers - both Empire-loyal and freelance - who operate beyond the confines of the playerbase (i.e., appear to us as NPCs)?
Explenation: It's quite common to for players to encounter enhanced NPC rats (Loyal Sansha, Arch Angel, Republic Tribal, etc) that act as analogies of player ships such as interceptors, assault frigates, and HACs; in some cases, they share ship models with their player ship analogies. However, old news articles indicate at least 2 classes of T2 ship (Assault Frigates and HACs) are designed for capsuleer command alone, and incapable of being flown without a capsuleer. Thus, the question follows: Are these NPCs capsuleers? If not, has there been some "downgrading" allowing T2-level tech into the noncapsuleer market?

- How common (and available to us players) are Cross-Capsule Variant ships? I believe the Evelopedia page used to make reference to them being quite rare; if so, could they be considered a "custom job" to a stock hull?

- How widespread is the knowledge of Vo'Shun, both among baseliners and capsuleers? It has always seemed a bit... odd to me that Vo'Shun is "nearly unknown" despite the Outcasts evidently being capable of surface-to-orbit travel, especially since the arrival of Tyrannis allowed us to effectively dump manned work installations all over the planet.

- What IS the deal with Tritanium being "unstable"?!

All I can think of for now; I'll probably be back sooner or later with more questions. Thanks a ton to Vieve and CCP MaidenSteel for this outreach!
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2011, 09:57 by Esna Pitoojee »
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Matariki Rain

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #19 on: 20 Jul 2011, 17:53 »

Part 1

A. Becoming a podder

What makes someone suitable for the pod? How do we test for that?

Given how rare pod-compatibility is meant to be, a disproportionate number of roleplayed podders have relatives who are also podders (it's one way to tie in alts or characters-played by real-life friends). Purely genetic factors seem unlikely, except perhaps to help lay down initial paths of consciousness and perception, since most capsuleers spend much of their working lives in "clones" that aren't genetic clones (and the new tutorial information states that the pilot's original body is destroyed as part of the training regime). Yet if it's some other aspect of aptitude or even personality, might there now be training regimes? Current best guess is that it's some blend of genetic predisposition shaping personality and aptitude, as well as something extra; that we haven't been screening for it for long and we're not entirely sure yet; and that our screening is still far from perfect. It'd be nice to know more than we're shown in the Jovian Wetgrave.

How long does it take to prepare and train a capsule pilot?

We've had suggestions ranging from two weeks to ten years in the discussion here on capsuleer training: check that thread for the rationales. We'll still wrap cultural and social training around that, most likely, but what's the baseline?

Consequential questions and observations which don't need direct responses but which give a sense of why this matters:

-- What was it like to be tested? I have a story in draft about this, and I'm eliding parts of the description because I'm reluctant to invent too much about things that should be known facts, like what the tests were like and what sorts of things seemed to be looked for.

-- Pre-teen or early-teen podders: how likely?

-- My character's daughter has two podder parents: are her chances of being pod-compatible any higher than those of a child born to baseline parents?

-- Some anarchists pin a good part of their vision for the future on the idea that some day all people will have the freedom of the pod, or at least of consciousness transfer. It'd be good to have a better knowledge of current barriers to pod-compatibility and the likely trajectory of pod technology to help us make our own assessments of how plausible this seems.

B. Cloning and consciousness transfer

More of the basics about "clones"

The article from Cromeaux Inc. makes it clear that they don't produce true clones, but instead meat-puppets formed from biomass and osteoplastic materials which can then be doped with the client's own DNA which will eventually take over (but presumably only the bits that were biological in the first instance, so osteoplastic bones will never generate blood cells?). Is that the normal way things are done? How long does it take for the pilot's DNA to replace the original biomass lattice? What effects do we notice from living in chimera bodies? One of the concepts that's turned up both in prime fiction and in old fan fiction is that capsuleers live largely in sterile environments, possibly because their immune systems are compromised. Can you have a true clone grown? How long would it take, and would that be legally restricted in some places (using that body would involve what some of our cultures would see as murder)?

Consciousness transfer

For consciousness transfer I'll just refer you to Elsebeth Rhiannon's compilation of prime fiction on clones and mind scans, and CCP Dropbear's response to it. This is particularly topical now because some of the theorising about things like "memetic infection" relies on one particular interpretation of how consciousness is transferred: if that's wrong, so's the theory.

Consequential stuff for background and flavour:

-- Backups: If I die away from a burner, am I dead? Could I be reconstituted based on my last jump or podding? Could I be reconstituted based on a non-destructive scan? These have huge implications for how people treat things like security: there have been podders who wouldn't leave their pods because they might die and others who've played out the backup clone line with missing time since their out-of-pod death.

-- Fertility: The fertility of podders is surprisingly important to a number of our storylines, especially for female pilots whose players have an inkling about oocytogenesis. At one end of the scale, only your own body has your own oocytes and being pod-killed while in that body means there will be no dynastic inheritors of your line. At the other, there seem to be pilots who get pregnant accidentally while wearing "cloned" meat-puppets, suggesting they're assuming all their bodies are fertile. In between are the ideas of banking eggs before or during your training for use later, or running off to a specialist genetech for a body where Future Science allows you to have a functional and ready-loaded set of ovaries commissioned in your next "clone".

-- Forever "real": I know a number of pilots who have their "real"/original bodies kept safely somewhere because they hope to have kids of their own, and one who's never jump-cloned or been podded and thinks all the rest of us who have are dead.

-- Culturally "dead" pilots: Amarrian culture -- and, as I play it, Minmatar culture -- attaches particular importance to being the original you. Clone flesh is soulless sacrilege or a type of ghost without true markings. Playing with and around this is interesting, but it does tend to distance some characters from what's going on with baseline populations: "There's the rich and varied culture out there and you're not part of it".

Which will lead nicely into a later post I plan to make about whether capsuleers can affect what happens on planets and in non-capsuleer interstellar stuff. Can I send money home? Can I even visit? Do our wars and work make any difference to non-podders?
« Last Edit: 20 Jul 2011, 17:58 by Matariki Rain »


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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #20 on: 20 Jul 2011, 17:56 »

 *  Capsuleers and bearing children. How does this work, considering the obvious issues with female physiology and Eve's cloning tech?
 *  Matar: How is it, on the ground? There's mentions of how the world has pollution issues and so on, but how and who's to blame?
 *  The Softclone thing that's already mentioned. Gief details.
 *  Just how hard is the CONCORD grasp on capsuleers? Can a Capsuleer avoid CONCORD clone-contract termination by hitting nullsec? A personal Clonebay perhaps?
 *  How much of TonyG's shit actually stands as PF and how much can we ignore as derp?

Matariki Rain

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #21 on: 21 Jul 2011, 05:36 »

Part 2

C. Capsuleers in context

What aspects of baseline life affect us?
What aspects of baseline life can we affect?

There's a school of thought that podders are isolated from baseliners, not just because of celebrity and security, but because they live in an economic and social environment that's artificially separated from the "baseline" equivalents. I was being only slightly flippant when I made a list of reasons we might be isolated from planets and gave backing for some of those.

On the other hand there are these fascinating societies and cultures out there which shaped us and which we hear about in the news. It's not clear that we can't retain or develop ties to them -- although I note that some pilots are happy not to -- and there's a lot of roleplay to be made with this. You might be a demi-god in space, and death-bringer to millions, but when you go home to visit your clan you might be expected to take your turn in the communal cooking roster while they keep an eye on you to make sure you're still relatively sane. There are bonds to be maintained and prices to be paid for being part of a group, and for having a social and ritual identity as a member of your originating society. For those of us who choose to explore what it's like to be both a podder and a part of a baseline community, this is an important aspect of how we interact with EVE's "world".

Yet we get very mixed messages about our status. We're demi-gods, so unbound that not even death itself can claim us, earning more than the GDP of nations... but it's not clear whether we can buy sweatpants from our favourite baseline store or send money home to our kin.

Can I send value (ISK, converted currency, tradable commodities) "home"?

Do I still have a place in my original society?

This depends, of course, on what that society is: in some of them you might need to dance around the soulless abomination issue. Since the leaders of a number of the states appear to be podders, is it fair to assume that those of us who retain our connections could still exercise whatever rights we'd normally have as part of our citizen/tribesmember/employee/whatever status? That Gallente podders can vote and stand for election? That Matari ones can be involved in clan and subtribe machinations?

Do the things we do in space have any effect on what happens on planets?

This applies to Faction War, of course, but also to hunting podder-pirates and mission-running. If a player group has tight control of a system -- let's say a lowsec system -- does that affect the lives of the people living on the planets there? At the other extreme, is the influence of pod-pilots confined to space, while the people on planets mostly ignore us?

This has implications for motivations and raison d'etre.

Matari detour: There's a fairly regular debate which in its extreme form says that nothing we do as podders is worth doing. PC pirates prey only on other PC pilots (who are assumed to be tough enough to deal with that, although it's hard on their crews). Shooting NPCs might sometimes help actual people, but somehow the NPCs don't seem to diminish even if we work hard at it (Incursions might count as the exception here). Faction war looks like an enormous proxy war, more like a "capture the flag" sporting event than something with actual consequences (although we have tried to give depth to events like the liberation of Lantorn). The space and planetary markets are separate. Does what we do make any difference?

What's happening on planets?

I'm going to expand on this with an even more Matari example: tonight I had another round of the old argument about supporting the tribes but loathing the Republic. This argument is currently a broken thing, not amenable to progression, because we don't know what's happened with the storyline there. When last we tuned in, in 111/2009, the Thukker, Nefantar and Starkmanir were slowly selecting their representatives for a Tribal Council, the term "Tribal Republic" had been used, and it seemed that the Parliament was being used only to vote through the necessary budget appropriations. What happened next? Has the law that required the Gallente-style Parliament -- our failed experiment in democracy -- to pass the budget been changed? Did the Tribal Council take off? Fall over? Can the characters who hated the "Republic" idea feel better now? What about those who liked it? Has anything actually changed?
« Last Edit: 24 Jul 2011, 23:40 by Matariki Rain »

Arkady Sadik

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #22 on: 21 Jul 2011, 06:58 »

Come to think of it, what is the current "common knowledge" about the area of the Republic before the Rebellion?

PF implies various possible stories.

One extreme assumes the Minmatar had settled only three star systems when the Amarr arrived" (Minmatar timeline for -1823 says "during the next centuries, the Minmatar settle three star systems", and -881 "the Amarr arrive in the Pator system"), implying that the Minmatar Rebellion took all of Metropolis, Heimatar and Molden Heath from either the Empire, the Federation, or from "outlaw space".

Another extreme has it that the Minmatar were basically living in the current Republic for a long time already and simply "liberated their own systems" (excluding some border worlds, like Arzad or Uplingur).

I do not want to know any concrete details of the Minmatar before the Amarrian invasion, but I think we'd know whether the systems in the current Republic would be "mostly Minmatar inhabitated" and how the Amarr treated them.

This also ties in with the conflicting PF about whether the Amarr actually conquered "all of the Minmatar" or just "major parts", which PF rework recently had tried to clarify as "major parts", so some culture survived mostly intact - but there is preciously little about what exactly the "major parts" were and where they ended.


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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #23 on: 21 Jul 2011, 13:29 »

Twitter DM exchange with @CCP_MaidenSteel:

vieve_tisserand: Posting questions on Backstage is much like putting out a pikinik basket for Yogi Bear.
vieve_tisserand: The thread ( about questions there is already picking up a number of responses. Enjoy!
CCP_MaidenSteel: My thanks! It's good to see that people care enough. I'll be taking notes, I assure you ;)
CCP_MaidenSteel: I cannot promise that there will be any answers Soon(tm), but part of my goal is to see some of the gaping holes get plugged eventually.
CCP_MaidenSteel: Since you created the Backstage post, could you update that any Twitter replies can be tagged to #evecontentlist
CCP_MaidenSteel: Several responses have come through, but they're getting buried under tweetfleet. This will make it easier to parse through.

Done.   If y'all are sending comments to CCP_MaidenSteel via Twitter, please use the #evecontentlist tag.



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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #24 on: 22 Jul 2011, 07:51 »

The biggest clash is how static many of the storylines and empires have been for the past couple of years. I believe it's making the RP scene more stale.

Raze Valadeus

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #25 on: 22 Jul 2011, 07:58 »

The biggest clash is how static many of the storylines and empires have been for the past couple of years. I believe it's making the RP scene more stale.



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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #26 on: 22 Jul 2011, 14:20 »

I would really love a sort of "common knowledge" type of page with "things that everyone knows."  The best example I can think of would be paper RPGs that have a brief introduction to the universe, this is what has happened, this is who is who, this is why they do this, this is what this major city looks like, etc.  And if you want more fiction, maybe have each topic have some quotes from verious people on the topic.  Like, "Clones, they freak me out.  I keep thinking they'll get up and eat me."  -- Joe, Clone Tech.  So maybe five or six sections with sub sections.

  • Clones, soft, hard, do rich people have them?
  • Pods, what's in them, does it smell, touch and feel stuff

Each of the five empires would be like this, maybe not Jove, being mysterious and all.
  • Major Cultures
  • Major Planets with discriptions of populations, regions, plants and animals, a major city (currently we have little to none of this)
  • Begining local languages (how to say hi, bye, where's the bathroom)
  • Known and believed history (of course the Amarrian empire will say one thing and the Mainmatar would say another)

And maybe one more on the EvE universe as a whole.

In addition to the known history, there should be a way to find out more, maybe through exploration or something. 

I mean, CCP bought out White Wolf, or visa versa, get some of those guys to Iceland already. 

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #27 on: 22 Jul 2011, 17:53 »

Given the nature and role of corporate citizenship in the State, it would be nice to have some information regarding the Achur and how they integrate with the Caldari government.



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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #28 on: 24 Jul 2011, 21:25 »

This is a great thread.  8)

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Isobel Mitar

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Re: Request Forwarded to RP Community from CCP Maiden Steel
« Reply #29 on: 25 Jul 2011, 14:03 »

There are many really good and interesting questions in this thread, I hope they all get answered!

I am personally particularly interested in answers to the questions about
 1. How cloning works (are back-up copies possible?)
 2. How segregated or in contact capsuleers and ordinary people are
 3. How much what capsuleers do affects the world ordinary people live in (FW, piracy/anti-piracy, missions etc)

The answers to all of these questions have a lot of ripple effects, which also may need addressing.

For example if back-up brain scans are possible, in what circumstances can one legally make a new version of a person from backup? How are situations where several copies are active simultaneously resolved?

If backups are possible, how widely is the technology used? Owning a backup brain scan copy of a person - and therefore the possibility to create your own copies of said person represents quite a bit of power over that person - including power over every piece of information (and quite likely property and accesses) that person has. Remember, if copies are possible, somebody unscrupulous can keep making new copies from the backup until they get a version that is willing to co-operate!

If capsuleers are segregated from ordinary Eve humanity, what is the purpose behind it?  Limited personal contact for protection of either party? Economic segregation to limit capsuleer influence on planetary and station economy? (What kind of property are capsuleers allowed to own by themselves? By proxy or by holding companies?) What about legal matters? Kinship? Marriages? Children?
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