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Author Topic: Feedback: EVE: Source  (Read 16098 times)


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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #75 on: 29 Mar 2014, 18:39 »

about 2-3 years ago I put forward the idea that the Caldari might be a homophobic society or at the very least disagree with homosexuality on these forums given some hints from mission texts and other PF. At the time a lot of people tried to argue, there's no way the Caldari could be homophobic, for no other reason that I could detect than a desire to defend their public space lesbianism and that it might portray the Caldari as, "Bad" by modern standards.

Well it turns out the Caldari do in fact disagree with homosexuality, and I was correct, because I prefer to use the PF to reach a conclusion instead of reaching a conclusion first and trying to make the PF fit it.

Reread the short thread assuming it is the one you are talking about and consider if it matches how you are remembering it.

Publius Valerius

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #76 on: 30 Mar 2014, 04:03 »

Did they give a less dumb explanation for how stargates and warp drives work?

Ehm I just write it down (I hope you dont mind typos)... as I will make it fast.O7

"It is undoubted that a race capable of interstellar travel roamed New Eden thousands of years ago. A number of ancient star gates and acceleration gates have been discovered in various systems across the cluster, all of which have a peculiar factor in common carbon dating*** shows that these gates were all constructed within a time frame of approximately 150 years. It is believed that these individuals were those who initially ventured forth through the EVE Gate to colonize the cluster.

The system of New Eden remains an enigma; as does that which lies on the opposite side of the EVE Gate. Scientists across the cluster speculate on the origins of mankind and wonder where our knowledge of star gate construction and faster-than-light travel originated. A star gate is an immensely complex mesh of astrophysics, science, and mathematics that to most people seems an impenetrable wall of equations and jargon.

In layman´s terms, a star gate generates an artificial wormhole, through which a vessel passes to its destination. These gates are constructed to exploit areas of natural gravitational resonance, or harmony, either on the edges of solar system or in the areas where a sufficiently large or dense celestial body creates a relative equilibrium between itself and the star it orbits.****

While this resonance is not required to be absolute (such as, for example, when two celestrial bodies cancel each other´s gravitational effect completely-the ideal conditions for a star gate), gravitational distortion most remain below an acceptable threshold for star gate´s subsystems to be able to function normally. Once that condition is satisfied, a stable link can be created between the source and the destination nodes. These nodes are the gates themselves. They operate in pairs, their interstellar positioning arrays and mainframes linked directly via the fluid router system for instantaneous point-to-point communication.

When a vessel requests jump clearance, the source node transmits a basic carrier signal that includes data on the class of the vessel, its mass, its current status, and its CISC (CONCORD Identification Serial Code) to the destination nodes, which the confirms receipt of the data. This entire process is automated, consisting of direct communication between the mainframes of the paired star gate.

The gates then confirm alignment to each other before activating magnetic fields. Once this process is confirmed by both the source and the destination nodes, they simultaneously fire a focused beam of gravitons towards each other, folding space-time consistent with Weyl tensor dynamics, which creates a temporal singularity-or more simply, a tear in space-time-at both the source and the destination nodes. The two nodes monitor these singularities at intervals of one picosecond, ensuring they are stable before the source gate begins to stream negatively charged gravitons toward the destination, which in turn acts as a receiver, positively charged."

This is the first third. I write the rest  when I have more time... :(

***carbon dating doesnt work that way.... We would need to know the 14C is/was constant as it is on earth atmosphere the case.. to make rückschlüsse/conclusion back. Even more that the organic stuff on, or in the gates would be most likely taken form other/various lactation (planets with differnent 14C numbers)... meaning he would just measure a knowing disintegrations from/towards a earth level. As we cant see how much/on what level the organic thing has absorbed as it lived (aka is former place. Like which planet). I know what I wrote sounds weird... I can make an example if needed....

This causes the nodes to effectively "reach" for each other, their retaining magnetic fields preventing external gravitational distortion and focusing it on the two rifts as the wormhole begins to form, causing a tentacle-like structure reaching from source to destination, the beginning of which is often seen to the naked eye as a building ball of white light at the center of the star gate´s superstructure. Within a nanosecond, the link is established and a positively charged sphere of mass boson particles begins to form around the vessel, enveloping it and coating its surface as it is pulled into the rift. As the vessel passes into the wormhole, the mass boson particles can usually be momentarily viewed as a sphere of distorted light around the vessel before it vanishes into the rift.

As the vessel travels from source to destination, this positive charge is dissipated, as the elasticity of the particles assists in maintaining the vessel´s structural integrity and prevents it from being torn apart by intense gravitational force. On arrival at the destination, both nodes cease their release of gravitons, sealing the two rifts and closing the wormhole, causing the vessel to become trapped in the destination node´s retaining magnetic field, which then scans the vessel, ensuring that its mass and status remain the same and its CISC matches that of the source node. Once the jump is confirmed as complete, the gate´s retaining magnetic field shuts down, releasing the vessel.

For approximately one minute after the vessel´s arrival, the remnants of the mass boson sphere and the coating of particles produce a localized gravity well, bending light around the hull and effectively rendering the vessel invisible to the naked eye and most conventional sensor systems unless it moves.

With this relatively simple principle, used universally across all star gates, pilots can traverse the entirety of the cluster in a matter of hours. While various methods of generating a retaining magnetic field and a beam of gravitons exist, depending o which race designed the star gate and the manufacturer of the star gate´s subsystems, the basic physical principle behind the artificial generation of wormholes for the purpose of travel remains the same. The only thing that changes is the scale of he structures, a factor that depends on the length of jump to be undertaken-across systems, constellations, or entire regions.

Star gate technology is the backbone of humankind´s ventures into space. Never before has a safer or more valuable system of travel been invented. The only disadvantage of the of the star gate is the requirement to fly under conventional power to the site of the destination node before it can be constructed. This is a journey that can often take upwards of a century, and many an expedition has gone radio silent twenty or forty or seventy years in-fallen prey to madness, technical malfunction, hunger, or whatever unknown dangers may lurk on the fringes of explored space.

This has been the case with almost all the expeditions launched in the last half century or so. Much of this has to do with the fact that for the time being, humankind appears to have reached the functional boundaries of New Eden. No suitable destination node signatures have been found in dozens of years, so the few expeditions still active have been sent toward points that, though carefully triangulated by top astrometry experts, still amount to little more than educated guesses. Therefore, until some form of new breakthrough is achieved, the far reaches of the dark will remain a mystery to the inhabitants of New Eden."

This is the second and third part. I hope I could help. As for to copyright-question. Ehm... Is it okay that I wrote it down? Will it be catacombed? Should I delete it so, that the forum doesnt gets a hit form CCP? Or just my account, so that you can say.. we took actions?

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #77 on: 30 Mar 2014, 04:10 »

So, what about Angel Cartel? Is it still lead by magical space witch hermit on a mystery asteroid?

I tried asking this from the two main authors in a public venue, but neither chose to answer me.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #78 on: 30 Mar 2014, 04:24 »

So, they eventually removed those binary stars thing for stargates to work ?

I mean the same thing I can see with the Amarr. Whenever I see people trying to twist the PF to ameliorate the consequences of slavery and conquest inherent in the Amarr faith I see it as nothing more than people trying to make it palatable to a modern audience in some kind of attempt at meta-PR. Because once slavery, conquest, and the racial intolerence/prejudice is removed from the Amarr you might as well be roleplaying a character that prescribes to a Christian ethic that just so happens to fly spaceships.

Ah, I thought people twisting the Amarr religion into space christianism were actually RL atheist crusaders as a mean to use shitloads of strawmen :ugh:
« Last Edit: 30 Mar 2014, 04:26 by Lyn Farel »


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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #79 on: 30 Mar 2014, 07:03 »

So, what about Angel Cartel? Is it still lead by magical space witch hermit on a mystery asteroid?

I tried asking this from the two main authors in a public venue, but neither chose to answer me.

The Angel section still says that the true leadership is still unknown, etc. They didn't change that.

Ember Vykos

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #80 on: 31 Mar 2014, 22:11 »

So, what about Angel Cartel? Is it still lead by magical space witch hermit on a mystery asteroid?

I tried asking this from the two main authors in a public venue, but neither chose to answer me.

The Angel section still says that the true leadership is still unknown, etc. They didn't change that.

Yes, but it also hints about the "hidden masters" being a ploy and the truth being in plain sight. They point to that being Vukenda, but I think it might be Vukenda, Kreiss, Stormare, Cybon, and Kruzhor together. v0v

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Nmaro Makari

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #81 on: 07 Apr 2014, 17:48 »

I have to agree with the opinion that there seems to be a significant bleeding effect, with IC and OOC lines blurring and people confusing what they want their faction to be with what it actually is, and was.
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #82 on: 07 Apr 2014, 18:20 »

I have to agree with the opinion that there seems to be a significant bleeding effect, with IC and OOC lines blurring and people confusing what they want their faction to be with what it actually is, and was.


Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #83 on: 10 Apr 2014, 09:46 »

I mean the same thing I can see with the Amarr. Whenever I see people trying to twist the PF to ameliorate the consequences of slavery and conquest inherent in the Amarr faith I see it as nothing more than people trying to make it palatable to a modern audience in some kind of attempt at meta-PR. Because once slavery, conquest, and the racial intolerence/prejudice is removed from the Amarr you might as well be roleplaying a character that prescribes to a Christian ethic that just so happens to fly spaceships.

First, if one thinks that after removing slavery, conquest and racial intolerance/prejudice from the Amarr one is left with space Christianism, then one does have quite a lack of knowledge of the Christian religion as well as Amarr PF. This argument is not only a slippery slope, but a straw man as well.

Second, there is a huge difference between arguing that Amarr has a plurality of stances culturally availabe and trying to remove slavery, conquest and racial intolerance/prejudice from the faction alltogether: I don't feel in the least affected by that argument, in fact it simply flies by me as it doesn't at all match what I argue. My point rather is that Amarr sees slavery and conquest as valid options that can be (ethically) justified, given certain circumstances - but aren't the only options available. They have been in the past been portrayed as being more sophisticated than only relying on one option. Similarly, I don't aim at all to remove racial intolerance/prejudice from Amarr entirely, I rather argue that it's has been in past PF not at all the only option available for Amarr and though maybe for some reasons or the other the most widespread (probably because simplistic worldviews are also attractive to future humans) option, certainly not the most convincing option available in and to Amarr by past PF.

Third, as to the issue of OOC 'bleedover', any fiction available will for the purposes of RP always be interpreted. Interpretation though will always go in the OOC -> IC direction, as any RP is based on OOC understandings of a fictional background. If people want to style that already as "bleedover", than such bleedover is inavoidable and all parties here are guilty of it. Furthermore, though, I don't see at all how an OOC discussion of whether any faction is is portrayed realistically or too simplisticas well as whether CCP  removed with EVE: Source too many grey areas for the sake of a simple black-white dichotomy qualifies as bleedover into IC. Also, I'd venture the claim that if people would actually confuse what they want their faction to be with what it actually is, and was, they'd be those that would have the least reason to  complain, because after all for them, their faction is just how they want it to be, no?

Lastly, I have to agree with Lyn: There are many people who tend to a interpretation of the Empire that makes it's worst  characteristics the only one that shine through, or at least makes those overproportionally prominent. Be it that they oppose religion IRL and are thus informed in their interpretation of the Empire (up to simply ascribing to Amarr what they perceive to be inconsistent in RL religions even against PF), be it that they are ardent democrats or simply are opposed to the Empire as their characters ended up to be in an opposing faction. So equally as it prolly happens all the time that how one wants the own faction to be informs how one interpretes the available PF, it is true that how one wants the opposing factions to be informs the interpretation of PF. And who wants, deep down, to fight an enemy that isn't evil? Truth be told, most of us find it much easier to oppose things that we percieve to be abhorrent and thus we automatically tend to give the opposing factions a less cheritable view.

The Amarr are also quite suited to be interpreted that simplisticly as they espouse two characteristics (and I think no one denies that they do, really) that we are either taught as being 'obviously' abhorrent (in the case of slavery) or many had traumatic experiences with (religion) and that we all understand as something that should be seperated from the political sphere at least (so theocracy again flies against our understanding of freedoms humans have innately). With the internet community being made up mostly of individuals that highly value freedom and quite a high percentage of people generally loathe (organized) religion the Amarr Empire seems to be the natural enemy stereotype of EVE's general demographic.

If anything, therefore, portaying the Amarr Empire as having accomodating or maybe even positive traits aside and - God forbid! - even within those abhorrent practices of theocracy and slavery (and racial intolerance/prejudice of course) is something that is unpalatable to most EVE players. In my opinion that is though what makes the Amarr Empire interesting: That it shows that it's not self-evident that theocracy and slavery are abhorrent practices, but that it is a cultural accomplishment of our civilization that we came (over centuries, really) tho this conclusion - something that we are prone to forget. And furthermore that it also shows that those activities can be comitted by people that are not inherently evil, but have in fact good intentions. Because that reminds us - painfully - that our good intentions are no sufficient defense against us committing horrible actions.

And then there's another instance, there are apparently those that want the experience of abusing people as well as those that want the experience of being abused, for whatever reasons and be it only in RP - which is at least kind'a socially accepted in contrast to living out these fantasies IRL. Over my years in the Amarr community I had my fair share of those people, especially of the latter type. This went up to people going all crazy OOC onme for not clearly have my character abuse theirs. Especially after those people repeatedly had their character do actions that were clearly out to provoke punishment after I denied them leashings to half-death for no reason whatsoever and my char simply put them into psychological counseling - as those chars were clearly suffering from a disorder there.

Also there seem to be the people that simply can't think of slavery as being possible without an underlying racism to justify it. I'm not quite sure if that's because their view is informed by southern US slavery as I know little about that. But I know that there were native Americans that kept other native and black people as slaves and also free black people in the south that kept black slaves. Certinly those fre black people didn't think that they were justfied to keep black slaves because they were racially inferior. I'm not quite sure if there are incidences of white slaves in the US.

Anyhow there are historically many incidences of slavery that were not based on a racist ideology and in fact many economic studies point to the hypothesis that slavery is to be understood as an economical phenomenon. The latter would explain the former.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2014, 16:37 by Nicoletta Mithra »

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #84 on: 17 Apr 2014, 12:38 »

would Eve Source mean that things like the "secret stairway" mission chain are no longer PF ?

that's the one where there are the Amarr anti-slavery activists, who have a different interpretation of the relevant passages in the scriptures, and are at least as zealous about their beliefs as pro-slavery people are.

Publius Valerius

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #85 on: 17 Apr 2014, 14:30 »

I have made this page: it is a copy from the source book. You people can edit it, and reword or change anything you like. I sadly will be soon gone, as my account runs out. :( Nevertheless, you can add there more information, or deleted stuff what you think does not fit. Have fun and fly save. ;)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #86 on: 18 Apr 2014, 12:10 »

Those descended from the original inhabitants of Amarr Island (called True Amarr) are held aloft by the rest of Amarr society, viewed as sacred paragons of piety. Other bloodlines are forever tainted by the sins of their ancestors; no matter how pious, no matter how fervent and faithful, they shall never match the unstained purity of the True Amarr soul.


Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #87 on: 18 Apr 2014, 12:19 »

Those descended from the original inhabitants of Amarr Island (called True Amarr) are held aloft by the rest of Amarr society, viewed as sacred paragons of piety. Other bloodlines are forever tainted by the sins of their ancestors; no matter how pious, no matter how fervent and faithful, they shall never match the unstained purity of the True Amarr soul.


To be fair I've heard of stranger beliefs in real religions.

Good examples of this. The Roman Catholic idea that the Pontiff can speak for the creator under some circumstances. Or, from the other end of the spectrum, the Wiccan notion of the law of threefold return.

Both just as crazy in their own way.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #88 on: 24 Apr 2014, 11:41 »

Not sure why that gets a meh face, it has always been quite clear in the PF.

Amarr *are* racist. Its religiously inspired rather than pseudo-science inspired, but if you are True Amarr and faithful you are considered better than everyone else, period. The fact that some Amarrians find Tash-Murkon having *any* non-True Amarr ancestry problematic comes from this.

Flip side is that the True Amarr that go bad are probably *more* damned than say a Ni-Kunni that went bad.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Feedback: EVE: Source
« Reply #89 on: 24 Apr 2014, 12:51 »

No, the meh face is about a minor (but oh so much important) nuance now telling that no matter how pious, fervent and faithful, no matter what your deeds, if you are not true amarr, you are stained forever into oblivion. Making eventually the Reclaiming rather pointless or nonsensical since you can't basically redeem people. Some might even accuse it of being directly a big, huge, colossal lie / cosmic farce.

Some will argue that you might still be saved yeah, but less saved than the true amarr of course. You are enlightened, but less than a true Amarr, which is a valid view. But it certainly has never been the only view, and their blanket painting of it gets back to what Nico said above : they only exposed the hardliner version as the main canon of Amarr. The simple fact that the TM family is part of the privy council and can even produce emperors, which are the direct voice of God and the pure among the pure, and yet are not true amarr, proves that either that precise tenet is false or a lie, or just that the whole Amarr institution is corrupt and/or heretical.

Well, as long as they state stuff clearly in the canon once and for all, all the better. They just chose a facet of the Amarr to represent them as a whole, which has been extremely irritating and is probably the last straw that made me leave for good (maybe for the best though). vOv
« Last Edit: 24 Apr 2014, 12:54 by Lyn Farel »
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