What "unmoderated venues" are there that would be a replacement for these boards? I'd be interested in checking them out.
That said, considering that inside the few hours since I posted my original piece on this, three different people have approached me to say thanks for posting, and what I talked about is why they don't post here anymore, I am not sure your interpretation of why it's quiet is correct.
(I meant it when I said I am not going to discuss with you about where I would draw the line. I have also moderated enough in my life that I know that if you really cannot imagine how to express your opinions without shit-talk such as you had in your post, nothing I say will change that, and any attempt to explain would just lead to further nitpicking by you in an attempt to show that if you cannot draw the line exactly you cannot draw it all.)
I don't particularly count them as replacements myself, but there's plenty of effectively unmoderated venues out there. The Slack channels, several in-game ones with no moderation, etc.
As for being approached by people thank you for posting, I can point at the same many times over, over the years on these boards. People not cool with the overzealous moderation, people afraid to voice their views publicly against the moderation team, etc. They were pretty irrelevant then too. Not being willing to speaking out pretty much invalidates the view, as far as I'm concerned. Especially in this instance where there's no moderators to fear when doing so. We do know for absolute certain a lot of the names left because of overzealous moderation. It's right here in this very forum section. You'll find many outright statements from the accounts in question stating that clearly. Others may be inactive because of different reasons.
I do repeat though, if the moderation team and admins feel harsh language stymies the board's activity, they are the ones with the power and tools to deal with it.
You can call it shit-talk all you want. Personally, it's not that I can't imagine how to post without it, it's just that anyone who gets offended by some harmless harsh language have absolutely no value to me in terms of opinion and views. I genuinely don't care if people get offended.
Being offended is inherently harmless. It's the least useful thing in the universe. It's a
whine without substance or
any harm coming before it. Whining about being offended does more harm to discussion than being offensive as far as I'm concerned.
I'm offended by countless things,
especially whines about harsh language being used as an excuse to ignore the actual discourse or debate. I am offended by the existence of Justin Bieber and places like Dubai. Trump spam in local is offensive as fuck to me. There's countless things on these boards, in-game and elsewhere that's offensive as hell and should be to any free thinking individuals and yet they should most certainly not be censored until they cross very particular lines. As far as I'm concerned anyway.
Now, if people had maybe come to me and asked nicely, or perhaps addressed the matter being discussed
alongside the whine, perhaps their views wouldn't be so much hot air but until that happens why exactly should I care one whit what they think? They've already made it abundantly clear they'll use it as an excuse to avoid discussing the topic at hand, so taking it seriously does not seem to be worthwhile.