Infiltrators? Spies? Sure. Totes.
My guess is that 'compromised' in this sense means that, y'know, FIO agents have gotten dirt on those who can be gotten dirt on, and turned those who can be turned, or at least acquired access to the classified materials of parties in question-- maybe not the management class as a whole, but enough agents in enough places that they had solid intelligence and the occasional ability to influence events. I could see the State's fractious nature helping that, as it seems to lack a centralized intelligence agency, and so best practice may not necessarily be uniform.
Further, I could easily see some self-interested megacorp exec (not the highest tier, but upper echelon) going, "This Executor **** is for the dogs. We need Heth gone. Hey, FIO? For the State means **** Heth. Down?"
Now, the thing that I find hilarious is that this was 'destabilizing the Heth regime prior to CP,' instead of 'destabilizing the Heth regime presence on CP before Highlander.' Obviously, Heth was growing unstable, but was his regime destabilized...?
Nah. Probably some cigar-smoking politicos patting themselves on the back unnecessarily.