One of the primary issues with just making up names is that my mind sort of defaults to pseudo-Celtic nonsense, and sifting through bits of random verbiage from other languages is about as reliable as selecting random Chinese characters to get tattooed on your hide.
Pre-existing names have the advantages that come with linguistic pedigree, and the baggage. They can be a boon to worldbuilding, or a blight, but I think one thing that might help is some explicit recognition of the link. It's not as though the Terrans were never around, after all. It would be neat to find out, for example, that some precursor text on ancient mythology strongly influenced early Gallentean culture, and is still housed in some museum on Gallente Prime, or that the Minmatar found an old copy of Wagner's Ring Cycle.
It would also be nice to have confirmed that a few Terran animals made the trip to New Eden alongside humanity-- wolves, ravens, possibly even some explanation for why the Caldari know what a moa was well enough to build a ship resembling one. Cloned or genetically-reengineered moas, maybe?