Actually, I think the one that stands out from my memory actually meant saying nothing. The Ordo was sent to assassinate a Minmatarr envoy who was going to meet with some amarrian counterparts, on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Order. It was an event, not PVE, even if it sounds like that. And so I told all members of the Ordo going to stay in radio silence in local, so no trace could be held about our actions.
So we just warped in, and the event actor greeted us with surprise, unexpecting to see a small combat fleet. No replies, we only targetted him. He started to freak out, but we still didn't reply. We just started shooting laser after laser. We destroyed the ship, podded the egg while he freaked*, and salvaged everything there was so not even a wreck was left. And departed, not a trace of a whole black op operation ever taking place.
And meanwhile, people in local were just asking "lol, who's that guy writing in colour" and things like that, oblivious to everything.
*Not sure if there actually was a pod, I think he wasn't a pod pilot. If there was, we took it down.