Something mentioned in a few threads recently, relates to people expressing unhappiness that actions their character has taken in the past keep being brought up, in discussions on the IGS or the Summit.
Character A says in YC 113: "I am an agent of the Guardian Angels"
Character B says in YC 115: "Character A, are you still an Angel or is that passe?"
Player A says "Why can't B just let it go?" or similar, occasionally accuses B of holding a grudge OOC.
Player A is unhappy that their actions in YC113 are mentioned in YC115.
Occasionally, community pressure is put on Player B, to express disapproval, and suggest that B should "let it go".
My question is, why should B do such a thing ?
If character B dislikes character A, because of A's actions, and A has never apologised, or made amends, or publically recanted their previous position, why should character B not bring up A's past misdeeds ?
If B is forced by community pressure to "drop it", is that not against the principle of letting players play their character as they wish ? almost god-moding ?
If A has their misdeeds forgiven, does that not turn them into a Mary Sue ? Where they can do anything, and people will still love them?
For the record, several times on this forum, players of CTCS have been accused of holding OOC grudges, due to mentioning past events. To the best of my knowledge, no CTCS member holds any OOC grudges.