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Author Topic: Local Comms: Smacktalk, Trolling, and the occasional well pointed barb  (Read 5667 times)


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Smack/vitriol/predatory bullshit is a big reason I took my hiatus from Eve and just stopped PVPing. A jab here and there is one thing, but a lot of people take it to new levels.

Sakura Nihil

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Smack/vitriol/predatory bullshit is a big reason I took my hiatus from Eve and just stopped PVPing. A jab here and there is one thing, but a lot of people take it to new levels.

Fuck those guys and girls.  Literally, ignore the pricks, or take pleasure in their tears.

It shows you're doing something right.

Saede Riordan

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I treat local outside the trade hubs as IC. (The Trade hubs are special because Amarr Local). I've got no problem with anything happening in local, or my corpies doing any particular thing, as long as they're IC and aren't violating corporate policy.
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Druur Monakh

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Smack/vitriol/predatory bullshit is a big reason I took my hiatus from Eve and just stopped PVPing. A jab here and there is one thing, but a lot of people take it to new levels.

Fuck those guys and girls.  Literally, ignore the pricks, or take pleasure in their tears.

But what if the effort of ignoring the pricks becomes more than the enjoyment in the game?

Back in the day, my corp stopped participating in alliance ops because of all verbal diarrhea (the alliance collapsed because of :Goons: before we could leave).

Silas Vitalia

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Smack/vitriol/predatory bullshit is a big reason I took my hiatus from Eve and just stopped PVPing. A jab here and there is one thing, but a lot of people take it to new levels.

Fuck those guys and girls.  Literally, ignore the pricks, or take pleasure in their tears.

But what if the effort of ignoring the pricks becomes more than the enjoyment in the game?

Back in the day, my corp stopped participating in alliance ops because of all verbal diarrhea (the alliance collapsed because of :Goons: before we could leave).

Block, block, block, and failing that minimize local :)

Druur Monakh

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I'm not sure if I have a coherent strategy here.

I don't go for tears for their own sake, and in fact I think that 'tears' as meme are so overused that the meme absolutely positively deserves to die. PsycOps in order to draw a target into tactical mistake is different.

I appreciate smacktalk if it is witty, has barb, and in general reflects an intelligent mind. Bonus points for RP smacktalk. I don't do it often myself, as smacktalking in a foreign language is not easy.

After a won fight, I do offer a 'gf', and even if most people might consider it an empty formality, I mean it. I wouldn't add things like the proposed image links, because I don't see the need to rub in that I won - and besides, I'm usually too busy with GTFO to type more. And if I lose a fight, I usually add acknowledgment in local as well, though it won't be "gf" :)

What I hate is the infantile crap - the well-known collection of ascii graphics, SUDDEN BUTTSEX!, and racist/sexual slurs. Not just because the are unnecessarily offensive, if not hate speech (as if that weren't enough) - they are also sooo boring and tedious. Verbal Garbage is not smack, period. Btw, Ob-Example for creative insults (SFW):

In general, I find it a pity that not more people talk in local, considering that this is an MMO. But I think, barring the implementation of the Internet Remote Clobber Protocol, this might not change anytime soon.

PS. @Silas: And the above is leads to my reply to your latest post: If I played an MMO in order to play with people I don't know yet, but then ended up blocking/hiding most, if not all of them - why play at all? There are other things to do in ones spare time.


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The last time I had a conversation in local with an opponent he was asking how much structure I had left when he exploded, was it 12%? I told him it was 10%, and he sighed. We were both very polite about it.

I usually don't talk in local, but it was a good fight, and if I'd known what that new-fangled ship was before I engaged, I wouldn't have engaged. As it was I solo popped something worth 10 times my ships value by mistake.
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Katrina Oniseki

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The last time I had a conversation in local with an opponent he was asking how much structure I had left when he exploded, was it 12%? I told him it was 10%, and he sighed. We were both very polite about it.

I usually don't talk in local, but it was a good fight, and if I'd known what that new-fangled ship was before I engaged, I wouldn't have engaged. As it was I solo popped something worth 10 times my ships value by mistake.

What was it?!

Lithium Flower

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I like to smack IC-ly a lot (: Calling peoples races and stuff.
My favorite smack line is "COWARDS!!!", "SCAREDY CATS!!!"  :lol: And it covers almost all situations.

As for gfs, I give them to accidental fights, and prefer to avoid them in general, just like Damar, when I fight my IC enemies. Because, well, if they are enemies, I should treat them like that. (things like: "i will track you down and kill your pet furrier" is totally acceptible for me)

I like to tease peoples before fight with something like "you all will die!"

And, should I win somehow (and not blast into big ball of fire as usual), I don't give "gf", but rather state significance of victory for my cause  :bear: This motivates them to try harder to kill me next time ;)

Well, of course, in fleets I tend to keep "radio silence" and give "gfs" when ordered  :P

As for OOC smack, I prefer to avoid and ignore (or turn it into IC  :P)


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I usually don't talk in local, but it was a good fight, and if I'd known what that new-fangled ship was before I engaged, I wouldn't have engaged. As it was I solo popped something worth 10 times my ships value by mistake.

What was it?!

An "Algol" I think, I thought it was a new frigate or something based on the pic in the moment before I didn't have a choice any more. The KM said his ship was worth 17M and my thrasher was worth 1.7
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

lallara zhuul

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I've taken the self-perception route to smack.

Why would I smack?

To make myself feel better.
To make them feel worse.
To engage them socially.
To roleplay.

Smacking actually does not make me feel better, it will make me think about losses or victories more starting a cycle in my head that in the long run is just not worth it.
I have no reason to make anyone feel bad while they are playing a game with me.
Most of the people I came across in EVE were completely meaningless to me so to engage them socially was pointless.
Ah, the roleplaying aspect.
That is fun, but the problem with it is that to really engage in a roleplaying way it would need more time than local, so I usually took my roleplay somewhere else, like Amarr channel.

So usually it was just regular Amarrian one-liners when engaging the enemy.

Otherwise just stone cold silence.

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I usually don't talk in local, but it was a good fight, and if I'd known what that new-fangled ship was before I engaged, I wouldn't have engaged. As it was I solo popped something worth 10 times my ships value by mistake.

What was it?!

An "Algol" I think, I thought it was a new frigate or something based on the pic in the moment before I didn't have a choice any more. The KM said his ship was worth 17M and my thrasher was worth 1.7

Algos :P

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Secret Shame: I've kept a watchlist for nearly all of the early people who killed me, going for like 7 years.  Someday they will be podded and have -no idea- why :)

Deleted mine after about 5 years, to many people on it that had either quit the game or were way to entrenched in null or whatever for me to actually reach, and I figured there would be no point spending all my time trying to get even. Ofc, I can easily re-create that list to some extent, finding all the ones on my loss-mails from years past, but it won't be all, many ships were lost and killed in the time before KB's became prominent, they were never recorded anywhere.

As for the general topic at hand, I try to keep to the 'no talking in local EVER' mantra myself, because I find it never produces anything good. The only exceptions have been in my real noob years when I occasionally broke this (more like "before I got it") and recently in a RP sense - a WT gang was in low-sec and we were skirmishing a bit in a plex, I, and by extension my toon ofc, went ahead with the kind of "Get out of my homeland you oppressive piece of ยค#&/(%" and other more refined stuff, all aimed at trying to get under the other guy's skin and have them make mistakes. I don't know if it worked or not but I soon decided against the tactic, I wasn't very good at it and IC smack, even if refined and with a hint of purpose, is still smack  :lol:

Finally, I don't even hold to the old "GF" offering, because IMHO it's nothing more than A) a hollow, usually false statement that is offered only due to habit and "tradition", if you will, or B) smack-talk of the worst and most simple sort, depending on who offers it and in what situation. Others don't agree ofc, but I'm sticking to my beliefs anyhow.

*EDIT* P.S Merdaneth - I love you. :cube:

That is all.
« Last Edit: 23 May 2013, 06:12 by BloodBird »

Shintoko Akahoshi

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I'll typically offer (or reply with) a "gf". It may be a meaningless pleasantry in most cases, but that's the case with so many of the things that make up good manners: They're little dribs and drabs of social lubricant that collectively help us all to get along in a civil manner. In the best circumstances, this opens the way to a good conversation about the fight. I've made friends in the game as a result, and in one case even considered learning Swedish to join a Swedish corp that I particularly enjoyed fighting (anyone from NSN, hi there!).

I do enjoy clever, IC smacktalk, and I'll give (and receive) happily. I despise OOC smacktalk, and either respond with a simple "*chortle*", or ignore it entirely. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between the two.

Though I did, early on, decide that Shin was bi partially because of all the people who typed "fag" in local after a fight. "Oh? They know?", she'd think to herself...


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I'll typically offer (or reply with) a "gf". It may be a meaningless pleasantry in most cases, but that's the case with so many of the things that make up good manners: They're little dribs and drabs of social lubricant that collectively help us all to get along in a civil manner. In the best circumstances, this opens the way to a good conversation about the fight.
This, tbh. It's just a simple courtesy, a basic indication that you respect your opponent slightly more than the dirt on your shoes. If I have a genuinely excellent fight, however, I tend to gush a little in local.

People who barely lose to me have been known to get a little :oops: over my complimenting of their l33t skillz
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