Is this a playable game yet? Or will i have more fun playing space barbie and ship spinning in Eve? Genuinely, I'm ignorant as to the state of SC. Exploring its site leads to many pictures of ships, cabins/interiors, fictional background writing, and even lets people subscribe monthly for access to...more information/updates about game development? Is it still just a tech-demo?
Oh. hmm.
Right now you can fly the dogfighters in the pvp test arena (Arena commander) , and you can run around the alpha of one of the first planetside city locations. I'll post some YouTube links later.
In about 3 weeks they will release the first person shooter pvp, and more importantly the first large free fly solar system, a few million km wide solar system with space stations, points of interest, and lots of pve and pvp, and most importantly the first 'multicrew' ships sort of like the millennium falcon that you can fly and fight in with your friends.
If you get in now you can dogfight and run around planetside, or wait a few weeks to sandbox with people in a huge solar system
Edit: I must apologize for frequent grammar and misspellings as I'm often writing on this site on my phone...